Name: pontarius-xmpp Version: Cabal-Version: >= 1.6 Build-Type: Simple License: OtherLicense License-File: LICENSE Copyright: Dmitry Astapov, Pierre Kovalev, Mahdi Abdinejadi, Jon Kristensen, IETF Trust, Philipp Balzarek Author: Jon Kristensen, Mahdi Abdinejadi, Philipp Balzarek Maintainer: Stability: alpha Homepage: Bug-Reports: Package-URL: Synopsis: An incomplete implementation of RFC 6120 (XMPP: Core) Description: Pontarius is a work in progress implementation of RFC 6120 (XMPP: Core). Category: Network Tested-With: GHC ==7.0.4, GHC ==7.4.1 -- Data-Files: -- Data-Dir: -- Extra-Source-Files: -- Extra-Tmp-Files: Library hs-source-dirs: source Exposed: True Build-Depends: base >4 && <5 , conduit >=0.5 , void >=0.5.5 , resourcet >=0.3.0 , containers >= , random >= , tls >=1.0.0 , tls-extra >=0.5.0 , pureMD5 >= , base64-bytestring >= , binary >=0.4.1 , attoparsec >= , crypto-api >=0.9 , cryptohash >=0.6.1 , text >= , bytestring >= , transformers >= , mtl >= , network >=2.3 , lifted-base >= , split >= , stm >= , xml-types >=0.3.1 , xml-conduit >=1.0 , xml-picklers >=0.2.2 , data-default >=0.2 , stringprep >=0.1.3 Exposed-modules: Network.Xmpp , Network.Xmpp.Bind , Network.Xmpp.Concurrent , Network.Xmpp.IM , Network.Xmpp.Marshal , Network.Xmpp.Monad , Network.Xmpp.Message , Network.Xmpp.Pickle , Network.Xmpp.Presence , Network.Xmpp.Sasl , Network.Xmpp.Sasl.Mechanisms.Plain , Network.Xmpp.Sasl.Mechanisms.DigestMd5 , Network.Xmpp.Sasl.Mechanisms.Scram , Network.Xmpp.Sasl.Types , Network.Xmpp.Session , Network.Xmpp.Stream , Network.Xmpp.TLS , Network.Xmpp.Types , Network.Xmpp.Xep.ServiceDiscovery Other-modules: Network.Xmpp.Jid , Network.Xmpp.Concurrent.Types , Network.Xmpp.Concurrent.IQ , Network.Xmpp.Concurrent.Threads , Network.Xmpp.Concurrent.Monad , Text.XML.Stream.Elements , Data.Conduit.BufferedSource , Data.Conduit.TLS , Network.Xmpp.Sasl.Common , Network.Xmpp.Sasl.StringPrep , Network.Xmpp.Errors GHC-Options: -Wall Executable pontarius-xmpp-echoclient hs-source-dirs: examples Main-Is: EchoClient.hs Source-Repository head Type: git Location: git:// Source-Repository this Type: git -- Module: Location: git:// Tag: -- Subdir: