{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans -fno-warn-type-defaults #-} module Data.POMap.Strictness where import Data.Function (on) import Data.Functor.Identity import qualified Data.List as List import Data.Ord (comparing) import Data.POMap.Arbitrary () import Data.POMap.Divisibility import qualified Data.POMap.Lazy as L import qualified Data.POMap.Strict as S import GHC.Exts (toList) import Test.ChasingBottoms.IsBottom import Test.Tasty.Hspec import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck type DivMap v = L.POMap Divisibility v instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Eq v => Eq (DivMap v) where (==) = (==) `on` List.sortOn (unDiv . fst) . toList shouldBeBottom :: a -> Expectation shouldBeBottom x = isBottom x `shouldBe` True shouldNotBeBottom :: a -> Expectation shouldNotBeBottom x = isBottom x `shouldBe` False spec :: Spec spec = describe "POMap" $ do describe "singleton" $ do it "strict" $ shouldBeBottom (S.singleton (Div 1) bottom) it "lazy" $ shouldNotBeBottom (L.singleton (Div 1) bottom) describe "member" $ it "strict in the key" $ shouldBeBottom (L.member (Div bottom) L.empty) describe "lookup" $ it "strict in the key" $ shouldBeBottom (L.lookup (Div bottom) L.empty) describe "lookupLT" $ it "strict in the key" $ shouldBeBottom (L.lookupLT (Div bottom) L.empty) describe "lookupLE" $ it "strict in the key" $ shouldBeBottom (L.lookupLE (Div bottom) L.empty) describe "lookupGT" $ it "strict in the key" $ shouldBeBottom (L.lookupGT (Div bottom) L.empty) describe "lookupGE" $ it "strict in the key" $ shouldBeBottom (L.lookupGE (Div bottom) L.empty) let insertTemplate l s = do it "strict in the key" $ property $ \(m :: DivMap Int) -> shouldBeBottom (l (Div bottom) 0 m) it "strict" $ property $ \(m :: DivMap Int) -> shouldBeBottom (s (Div 1) bottom m) it "lazy" $ property $ \(m :: DivMap Int) -> shouldNotBeBottom (l (Div 1) bottom m) describe "insert" $ insertTemplate L.insert S.insert describe "insertWithKey" $ insertTemplate (L.insertWithKey (\_ new _ -> new)) (S.insertWithKey (\_ new _ -> new)) describe "insertLookupWithKey" $ do let templ impl k v m = snd (impl (\_ new _ -> new) k v m) insertTemplate (templ L.insertLookupWithKey) (templ S.insertLookupWithKey) describe "delete" $ it "strict in the key" $ property $ \(m :: DivMap Int) -> shouldBeBottom (L.delete (Div bottom) m) describe "deleteLookup" $ it "strict in the key" $ property $ \(m :: DivMap Int) -> shouldBeBottom (L.deleteLookup (Div bottom) m) let adjustTemplate l s = do it "strict in the key" $ property $ \(m :: DivMap Int) -> shouldBeBottom (l (const 0) (Div bottom) m) it "strict" $ shouldBeBottom (s (const bottom) (Div 1) (L.singleton (Div 1) 1)) it "lazy" $ property $ \(m :: DivMap Int) -> shouldNotBeBottom (l (const bottom) (Div 1) m) let ignoreKey impl f = impl (const f) describe "adjust" $ adjustTemplate L.adjust S.adjust describe "adjustWithKey" $ adjustTemplate (ignoreKey L.adjustWithKey) (ignoreKey S.adjustWithKey) describe "adjustLookupWithKey" $ do let templ impl f k m = snd (ignoreKey impl f k m) adjustTemplate (templ L.adjustLookupWithKey) (templ S.adjustLookupWithKey) let updateTemplate l s = adjustTemplate (\f -> l (Just . f)) (\f -> s (Just . f)) describe "update" $ updateTemplate L.update S.update describe "updateWithKey" $ updateTemplate (ignoreKey L.updateWithKey) (ignoreKey S.updateWithKey) describe "updateLookupWithKey" $ do let templ impl f k m = snd (ignoreKey impl f k m) updateTemplate (templ L.updateLookupWithKey) (templ S.updateLookupWithKey) describe "alter" $ updateTemplate L.alter S.alter describe "alterWithKey" $ updateTemplate (ignoreKey L.alterWithKey) (ignoreKey S.alterWithKey) describe "alterLookupWithKey" $ do let templ impl f k m = snd (ignoreKey impl f k m) updateTemplate (templ L.alterLookupWithKey) (templ S.alterLookupWithKey) describe "alterF" $ do let insertAt impl k v = impl (const (Identity (Just v))) k insertTemplate (insertAt L.alterF) (insertAt S.alterF) let mapTemplate l s = do it "strict" $ property $ \(m :: DivMap Int) -> not (null m) ==> shouldBeBottom (s (const bottom) m) it "lazy" $ property $ \(m :: DivMap Int) -> shouldNotBeBottom (l (const bottom) m) describe "map" $ mapTemplate L.map S.map describe "mapWithKey" $ mapTemplate (ignoreKey L.mapWithKey) (ignoreKey S.mapWithKey) describe "mapAccum" $ do let templ impl f m = snd (impl (const f) undefined m) mapTemplate (templ L.mapAccum) (templ S.mapAccum) describe "mapAccumWithKey" $ do let templ impl f m = snd (impl (\_ _ -> f) undefined m) mapTemplate (templ L.mapAccumWithKey) (templ S.mapAccumWithKey) describe "mapKeysWith" $ do it "strict" $ property $ \(m :: DivMap Int) -> length m > 1 ==> shouldBeBottom (S.mapKeysWith (\_ _ -> bottom) (const (Div 1)) m) it "lazy" $ property $ \(m :: DivMap Int) -> shouldNotBeBottom (L.mapKeysWith (\_ _ -> bottom) (const (Div 1)) m) describe "mapMaybe" $ do let templ impl f = impl (Just . f) mapTemplate (templ L.mapMaybe) (templ S.mapMaybe) describe "mapMaybeWithKey" $ do let templ impl f = impl (\_ v -> Just (f v)) mapTemplate (templ L.mapMaybeWithKey) (templ S.mapMaybeWithKey) describe "mapEither" $ do let templ impl f = fst . impl (Left . f) mapTemplate (templ L.mapEither) (templ S.mapEither) describe "traverseWithKey" $ do let templ impl f = impl (\ _ v -> Identity (f v)) mapTemplate (templ L.traverseWithKey) (templ S.traverseWithKey) describe "traverseMaybeWithKey" $ do let templ impl f = impl (\ _ v -> Identity (Just (f v))) mapTemplate (templ L.traverseMaybeWithKey) (templ S.traverseMaybeWithKey) let fromListTemplate l s = do it "strict" $ property $ \(xs :: [(Divisibility, Int)]) -> not (null xs) ==> shouldBeBottom (s (fmap (\ (k, _) -> (k, bottom)) xs)) it "lazy" $ property $ \(xs :: [(Divisibility, Int)]) -> shouldNotBeBottom (l (fmap (\(k, _) -> (k, bottom)) xs)) describe "fromList" $ fromListTemplate L.fromList S.fromList describe "fromListWith" $ fromListTemplate (L.fromListWith const) (S.fromListWith const) describe "fromListWithKey" $ fromListTemplate (L.fromListWithKey (\_ _ v -> v)) (S.fromListWithKey (\_ _ v -> v)) describe "type class instances" $ do describe "Functor" $ do describe "fmap" $ it "always lazy" $ property $ \(m :: DivMap Int) -> shouldNotBeBottom (const bottom <$> m) describe "<$" $ it "always lazy" $ property $ \(m :: DivMap Int) -> shouldNotBeBottom (bottom <$ m) describe "Traversable" $ describe "traverse" $ it "always lazy" $ property $ \(m :: DivMap Int) -> shouldNotBeBottom (traverse (\_ -> Identity bottom) m)