module Polysemy.Time.Loop where import Polysemy.Time.Data.Time (Time) import Polysemy.Time.Data.TimeUnit (TimeUnit) import qualified Polysemy.Time.Data.Time as Time -- |Repeatedly run the @action@, sleeping for @interval@ between executions. -- Stops when @action@ returns @False@. while :: ∀ t d u r . Member (Time t d) r => TimeUnit u => u -> Sem r Bool -> Sem r () while interval action = spin where spin = whenM action (Time.sleep @t @d interval *> spin) -- |Repeatedly run the @action@, sleeping for @interval@ between executions. -- The result of @action@ is passed back to it for the next run, starting with @initial@. loop :: ∀ t d u a r . Member (Time t d) r => TimeUnit u => u -> a -> (a -> Sem r a) -> Sem r () loop interval initial action = forever (spin initial) where spin a = do new <- action a Time.sleep @t @d interval spin new -- |Repeatedly run the @action@, sleeping for @interval@ between executions. loop_ :: ∀ t d u r . Member (Time t d) r => TimeUnit u => u -> Sem r () -> Sem r () loop_ interval action = forever (action *> Time.sleep @t @d interval)