-- |Description: Internal module Polysemy.Log.Colog.Conc where import qualified Colog import Colog (LogAction) import Colog.Concurrent (convertToLogAction, defCapacity, forkBackgroundLogger, killBackgroundLogger) import Colog.Concurrent.Internal (Capacity) import qualified Colog.Polysemy as Colog import Colog.Polysemy (runLogAction) import Polysemy.Log.Data.LogEntry (LogEntry) import Polysemy.Log.Data.LogMessage (LogMessage) import Polysemy.Log.Format (formatLogEntry) -- |Interpret 'Colog.Log' using /co-log/'s concurrent logger with the provided 'LogAction'. interpretCologConcNativeWith :: ∀ msg r . Members [Resource, Embed IO] r => Capacity -> LogAction IO msg -> IO () -> InterpreterFor (Colog.Log msg) r interpretCologConcNativeWith capacity action flush sem = do bracket (embed (forkBackgroundLogger capacity action flush)) (embed . killBackgroundLogger) use where use worker = runLogAction (convertToLogAction @IO worker) sem {-# inline interpretCologConcNativeWith #-} -- |Interpret 'Colog.Log' using /co-log/'s concurrent logger with the default message and formatting. interpretCologConcNative :: Members [Resource, Embed IO] r => InterpreterFor (Colog.Log (LogEntry LogMessage)) r interpretCologConcNative = interpretCologConcNativeWith defCapacity (contramap formatLogEntry Colog.logTextStdout) unit {-# inline interpretCologConcNative #-}