-- |Description: Handle Interpreters, Internal module Polysemy.Log.Handle where import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text import System.IO (BufferMode (LineBuffering), Handle, hSetBuffering) import Polysemy.Log.Data.DataLog (DataLog) import Polysemy.Log.Log (interpretDataLog) -- |Interpret 'DataLog' by printing to the given handle, converting messages to 'Text' with the supplied function. -- Sets the handle into 'LineBuffering' mode. interpretDataLogHandleWith :: Member (Embed IO) r => Handle -> (a -> Text) -> InterpreterFor (DataLog a) r interpretDataLogHandleWith handle fmt sem = do embed @IO (hSetBuffering handle LineBuffering) interpretDataLog (embed . Text.hPutStrLn handle . fmt) sem {-# inline interpretDataLogHandleWith #-}