{-# options_haddock prune #-} -- | Description: Full Polysemy runners for Servant servers module Polysemy.Account.Api.NativeContext where import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (ExceptT (ExceptT)) import Exon.Quote (exon) import Network.Wai (Application) import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as Warp import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp ( defaultSettings, setBeforeMainLoop, setGracefulShutdownTimeout, setHost, setInstallShutdownHandler, setPort, ) import qualified Network.Wai.Middleware.RequestLogger as Logger import Network.Wai.Middleware.RequestLogger (destination, mkRequestLogger) import qualified Polysemy.Conc.Effect.Interrupt as Interrupt import qualified Polysemy.Conc.Effect.Sync as Sync import Polysemy.Final (withWeavingToFinal) import qualified Polysemy.Log as Log import Servant ( Context, DefaultErrorFormatters, ErrorFormatters, Handler (Handler), HasContextEntry, HasServer, Server, ServerError, ServerT, err500, hoistServerWithContext, serveWithContext, type (.++), ) import System.Log.FastLogger (fromLogStr) import Polysemy.Account.Data.Port (Port (Port)) -- | A dummy value used to indicate that the server has fully started up, using 'Sync'. data ServerReady = ServerReady deriving stock (Eq, Show) logErrors :: Member Log r => Sem r (Either ServerError a) -> Sem r (Either ServerError a) logErrors ma = ma >>= \case Right a -> pure (Right a) Left err -> Left err <$ Log.error (show err) lowerServer :: ∀ (api :: Type) context r s . Functor s => Member Log r => HasServer api context => s () -> (∀ a . s (Sem r a) -> IO (s a)) -> (∀ x . s x -> Maybe x) -> ServerT api (Sem (Stop ServerError : r)) -> Server api lowerServer s lower ins srv = hoistServerWithContext (Proxy @api) (Proxy @context) handle srv where handleErrors = logErrors . runStop @ServerError cons = Handler . ExceptT handle :: ∀ x . Sem (Stop ServerError : r) x -> Handler x handle ma = cons (err <$> lower (handleErrors ma <$ s)) where err x = ins x & \case Just a -> a Nothing -> Left err500 -- | Run a Servant server using a callback in @'Final' 'IO'@, sending logs to 'Log'. runServerSem :: ∀ (api :: Type) context r a . HasServer api context => HasContextEntry (context .++ DefaultErrorFormatters) ErrorFormatters => Members [Log, Embed IO, Final IO] r => ServerT api (Sem (Stop ServerError : r)) -> Context context -> (Application -> IO a) -> Sem r a runServerSem srv context f = withWeavingToFinal \ s lower ins -> (<$ s) <$> f (serveWithContext (Proxy @api) context (lowerServer @api @context s lower ins srv)) toHandler :: IO (Maybe (Either ServerError a)) -> Handler a toHandler = Handler . ExceptT . fmap (fromMaybe (Left err500)) -- | Run a Servant server using Warp in @'Final' 'IO'@, sending logs to 'Log', registering the shutdown handler with -- 'Interrupt'. runServer :: ∀ (api :: Type) context r . HasServer api context => HasContextEntry (context .++ DefaultErrorFormatters) ErrorFormatters => Members [Sync ServerReady, Log, Interrupt, Final IO] r => ServerT api (Sem (Stop ServerError : r)) -> Context context -> Port -> Sem r () runServer srv context (Port port) = do Log.info [exon|server port: #{show port}|] withWeavingToFinal \ s wv ins -> do let app = serveWithContext (Proxy @api) context (hoistServerWithContext (Proxy @api) (Proxy @context) hoist srv) hoist :: Sem (Stop ServerError : r) a -> Handler a hoist = toHandler . fmap ins . wv . (<$ s) . logErrors . runStop @ServerError shut h = void (wv (Interrupt.register "api" h <$ s)) settings = setHost "*6" $ setPort (fromIntegral port) $ setBeforeMainLoop (void (wv (Sync.putBlock ServerReady <$ s))) $ setInstallShutdownHandler shut $ setGracefulShutdownTimeout (Just 0) $ defaultSettings log msg = void (wv ((Log.debug (decodeUtf8 (fromLogStr msg))) <$ s)) logger <- mkRequestLogger def { destination = Logger.Callback log } (<$ s) <$> Warp.runSettings settings (logger app)