module Main (main) where import Test.HUnit import Test.QuickCheck import Plugin.Pl.Common import Plugin.Pl.Optimize import Plugin.Pl.Parser import Plugin.Pl.PrettyPrinter import Plugin.Pl.Transform import Data.Char (isSpace) import System.Environment (getArgs) import System.Exit (exitFailure) import System.IO (BufferMode (NoBuffering), hSetBuffering, stdout) instance Arbitrary Expr where arbitrary = sized $ \size -> frequency $ zipWith (,) [1,size,size] [arbVar, liftM2 Lambda arbitrary arbitrary, let se = resize (size `div` 2) arbitrary in liftM2 App se se ] shrink (Var _ _) = [] shrink (Lambda v e) = e : map (\v' -> Lambda v' e) (shrink v) ++ map (Lambda v) (shrink e) shrink (App e1 e2) = [e1, e2] ++ map (App e1) (shrink e2) ++ map (`App` e2) (shrink e1) -- Let isn't generated by arbitrary, so we can probably ignore it shrink (Let{}) = error "Expr.shrink: Let" instance Arbitrary Pattern where arbitrary = sized $ \size -> let spat = resize (size `div` 5) arbitrary in frequency $ zipWith (,) [1,size,size] [ (PVar . return) `fmap` choose ('a','z'), liftM2 PTuple spat spat, liftM2 PCons spat spat] shrink (PVar _) = [] shrink (PCons p q) = [p,q] ++ map (PCons p) (shrink q) ++ map (flip PCons q) (shrink p) shrink (PTuple p q) = [p,q] ++ map (PTuple p) (shrink q) ++ map (flip PTuple q) (shrink p) arbVar :: Gen Expr arbVar = oneof [(Var Pref . return) `fmap` choose ('a','z'), (Var Inf . return) `fmap` elements "!#$%^*./-+:?<>&"] propRoundTrip :: Expr -> Bool propRoundTrip e = Right (TLE e) == parsePF (prettyExpr e) propMonotonic1 :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr -> Bool propMonotonic1 e e1 e2 = App e e1 `compare` App e e2 == e1 `compare` e2 propMonotonic2 :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr -> Bool propMonotonic2 e e1 e2 = App e1 e `compare` App e2 e == e1 `compare` e2 qcTests :: IO () qcTests = do quickCheck propRoundTrip quickCheck propMonotonic1 quickCheck propMonotonic2 pf :: String -> IO () pf inp = case parsePF inp of Right d -> do putStrLn "Your expression:" print d putStrLn "Transformed to pointfree style:" let d' = mapTopLevel transform d print $ d' putStrLn "Optimized expression:" mapM_ print $ mapTopLevel' optimize d' Left err -> putStrLn $ err unitTest :: String -> [String] -> Test unitTest inp out = TestCase $ do d <- case parsePF inp of Right x -> return x Left err -> fail $ "Parse error on input " ++ inp ++ ": " ++ err let res = prettyTopLevel (mapTopLevel (last . optimize . transform) d) case out of [] -> error "Test case expected result missing!" [x] -> assertEqual (inp ++ " failed.") x res _ -> assertBool (concat [inp, " failed.", "\nexpected one of:\n", show out, "\n but got:\n", show res]) (res `elem` out) unitTests :: Test unitTests = TestList [ --unitTest "foldr (++) []" ["join"], --unitTest "flip flip [] . ((:) .)" ["(return .)"], unitTest "\\x -> x - 2" ["subtract 2"], --unitTest "\\(x,_) (y,_) -> x == y" ["(. fst) . (==) . fst"], unitTest "\\x y z -> return x >>= \\x' -> return y >>= \\y' -> return z >>= \\z' -> f x' y' z'" ["f"], --unitTest "let (x,y) = (1,2) in y" ["2"], unitTest "fix . const" ["id"], unitTest "\\(x, y) -> (f x, f y)" ["f *** f"], unitTest "\\f (x, y) -> (f x, f y)" ["join (***)"], unitTest "all f . map g" ["all (f . g)"], unitTest "any f . map g" ["any (f . g)"], unitTest "liftM2 ($)" ["ap"], unitTest "\\f -> f x" ["($ x)"], unitTest "flip (-)" ["subtract"], --unitTest "\\xs -> [f x | x <- xs, p x]" ["map f . filter p"], unitTest "all id" ["and"], unitTest "\\x y -> g (f x y) y" ["f >=> g"], unitTest "any id" ["or"], unitTest "flip (.)" ["(-.)"], unitTest "flip (<$)" ["($>)"], unitTest "fmap . const" ["(<$)"], unitTest "(.) . const" ["(<$)"], -- unitTest "\\x y -> h (f x) y" ["(argument %~ f) h"], -- unitTest "(mapped.argument %~ f) h x y" ["f -.* h"], -- unitTest "fmap (<> a)" ["mapping <>= a"], unitTest "and . map f" ["all f"], unitTest "(f =<<) . g" ["f <=< g"], unitTest "or . map f" ["any f"], unitTest "\\x y -> f (x == y)" ["f .* (==)"], unitTest "\\x y z -> f (predicate x y z)" ["f .** predicate"], unitTest "\\x y -> x == f y" [ "f -.* (==)" ], unitTest "\\x y z -> predicate x y (f z)" [ "f -.** predicate" ], unitTest "\\x f -> f $ x" [ "(&)" ], unitTest "return ()" ["return ()"], unitTest "f (fix f)" ["fix f"], unitTest "concat ([concat (map h (k a))])" ["h =<< k a"], unitTest "uncurry (const f)" ["f . snd"], unitTest "uncurry const" ["fst"], unitTest "uncurry (const . f)" ["f . fst"], unitTest "\\a b -> a >>= \\x -> b >>= \\y -> return (x,y)" ["liftM2 (,)"], unitTest "\\b a -> a >>= \\x -> b >>= \\y -> return (x,y)" ["flip liftM2 (,)"], unitTest "curry snd" ["const id"], unitTest "\\x -> return x y" ["const y"], unitTest "\\x -> f x x" ["join f"], unitTest "join (+) 1" ["2"], unitTest "fmap f g x" ["f (g x)"], unitTest "liftM2 (+) f g 0" ["f 0 + g 0", "g 0 + f 0"], unitTest "return 1 x" ["x"], unitTest "f =<< return x" ["f x"], unitTest "(=<<) id" ["join"], unitTest "zipWith (,)" ["zip"], unitTest "map fst . zip [1..]" ["zipWith const [1..]"], unitTest "curry . uncurry" ["id"], unitTest "uncurry . curry" ["id"], unitTest "curry fst" ["const"], unitTest "return x >> y" ["y"], -- What were they smoking when they decided >> should be infixl unitTest "a >>= \\_ -> b >>= \\_ -> return $ const (1 + 2) $ a + b" ["a >> (b >> return 3)"], unitTest "foo = m >>= \\x -> return 1" ["foo = m >> return 1"], unitTest "foo m = m >>= \\x -> return 1" ["foo = (>> return 1)"], unitTest "return (+) `ap` return 1 `ap` return 2" ["return 3"], unitTest "liftM2 (+) (return 1) (return 2)" ["return 3"], unitTest "(. ((return .) . (+))) . (>>=)" ["flip (fmap . (+))"], unitTest "\\a b -> a >>= \\x -> b >>= \\y -> return $ x + y" ["liftM2 (+)"], unitTest "ap (flip const . f)" ["id"], unitTest "uncurry (flip (const . flip (,) (snd t))) . ap (,) id" ["flip (,) (snd t)"], unitTest "foo = (1, fst foo)" ["foo = (1, 1)"], unitTest "foo = (snd foo, 1)" ["foo = (1, 1)"], unitTest "map (+1) [1,2,3]" ["[2, 3, 4]"], unitTest "snd . (,) (\\x -> x*x)" ["id"], unitTest "return x >>= f" ["f x"], unitTest "m >>= return" ["m"], unitTest "m >>= \\x -> f x >>= g" ["m >>= f >>= g", "g =<< f =<< m"], unitTest "\\x -> 1:2:3:4:x" ["([1, 2, 3, 4] ++)"], unitTest "\\(x:xs) -> x" ["head"], unitTest "\\(x:xs) -> xs" ["tail"], unitTest "\\(x,y) -> x" ["fst"], unitTest "\\(x,y) -> y" ["snd"], unitTest "\\x -> x" ["id"], unitTest "\\x y -> x" ["const"], unitTest "\\f g x -> f (g x)" ["(.)"], unitTest "\\f x y -> f y x" ["flip"], unitTest "t f g x = f x (g x)" ["t = ap"], unitTest "\\x y -> f x == f y" [ "on (==) f" ], unitTest "(+2).(+3).(+4)" ["(9 +)"], unitTest "head $ fix (x:)" ["x"], unitTest "head $ tail $ let xs = x:ys; ys = y:ys in xs" ["y"], unitTest "head $ tail $ let ys = y:ys in let xs = x:ys in xs" ["y"], unitTest "2+3*4-3*3" ["5"], unitTest "foldr (+) x [1,2,3,4]" ["10 + x", "x + 10"], unitTest "foldl (+) x [1,2,3,4]" ["10 + x", "x + 10"], unitTest "head $ fst (x:xs, y:ys)" ["x"], unitTest "snd $ (,) 2 3" ["3"], unitTest "\\id x -> id" ["const"], unitTest "\\y -> let f x = foo x; g = f in g y" ["foo"], unitTest "neq x y = not $ x == y" ["neq = (/=)"], unitTest "not (x /= y)" ["x == y"], unitTest "\\x x -> x" ["const id"], unitTest "\\(x, x) -> x" ["snd"], unitTest "not $ not 4" ["4"], unitTest "\\xs -> foldl (+) 0 (1:2:xs)" ["foldl (+) 3"], unitTest "\\x -> foldr (+) x [0,1,2,3]" ["(6 +)"], unitTest "foldr (+) 0 [x,y,z]" ["x + y + z"], unitTest "foldl (*) 0 [x,y,z]" ["0"], unitTest "length \"abcdefg\"" ["7"], unitTest "ap (f x . fst) snd" ["uncurry (f x)"], unitTest "sum [1,2,3,x]" ["6 + x", "x + 6"], unitTest "p x = product [1,2,3,x]" ["p = (6 *)"], unitTest "(concat .) . map" ["(=<<)"], unitTest "let f ((a,b),(c,d)) = a + b + c + d in f ((1,2),(3,4))" ["10"], unitTest "let x = const 3 y; y = const 4 x in x + y" ["7"], -- yay! unitTest "(\\n -> (return 0) ± (return $ sqrt n))" ["(return 0 ±) . return . sqrt"], unitTest "\\b -> (\\c -> ((Control.Monad.>>=) c) (\\g -> Control.Applicative.pure (b g)))" ["flip (Control.Monad.>>=) . (Control.Applicative.pure .)"], unitTest "\\(x, y) -> z" ["const z"], unitTest "\\(x, y) -> a" ["const a"] ] main :: IO () main = do hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering args <- getArgs case args of [] -> doTests ["repl"] -> pfloop xs -> mapM_ pf xs pfloop :: IO () pfloop = do line' <- Just `fmap` getLine case line' of Just line | all isSpace line -> pfloop | otherwise -> do pf line pfloop Nothing -> putStrLn "Bye." doTests :: IO () doTests = do Counts{ errors = es, failures = fs } <- runTestTT unitTests qcTests when (es > 0 || fs > 0) $ exitFailure return ()