import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Reader import Data.IORef import Prelude hiding ( div ) import Test.Hspec import Web.Framework.Plzwrk import Web.Framework.Plzwrk.MockJSVal import Data.HashMap.Strict import Web.Framework.Plzwrk.Tag ( p , br , txt , button , div'_ ) nodeChildNodesOrThrow :: Browserful jsval -> jsval -> IO [jsval] nodeChildNodesOrThrow b v = do _v <- (nodeChildNodes b v) maybe (error "Could not find child nodes") pure _v nodeTextContentOrThrow :: Browserful jsval -> jsval -> IO String nodeTextContentOrThrow b v = do _v <- (nodeTextContent b v) maybe (error "Could not find text content") pure _v elementTagNameOrThrow :: Browserful jsval -> jsval -> IO String elementTagNameOrThrow b v = do _v <- (elementTagName b v) maybe (error "Could not find tag name") pure _v data MyState = MyState { _name :: String , _ctr :: Int } main :: IO () main = hspec $ do describe "Element with basic state" $ do let domF = (\x y -> div'_ [ p (wStyle "position" "absolute") (take y $ repeat (txt (concat [x, show y]))) , button (wId "incr" <.> wClasses ["a b ccc"] <.> wOnClick (\_ s -> pure $ s { _ctr = y + 1 }) ) [txt "Increase counter"] , br ,button ( wId "decr" <.> wStyles [("position", "absolute"), ("margin", "10px")] <.> wOnClick (\_ s -> pure $ s { _ctr = y - 1 }) ) [txt "Decrease counter"] ] ) <$> _name <*> _ctr let state = MyState "Mike" 1 it "Creates the correct DOM from the state" $ do rf <- defaultInternalBrowser mock <- makeMockBrowserWithContext rf plzwrk' domF state mock parentNode <- documentBody mock childrenLevel0 <- (nodeChildNodesOrThrow mock) parentNode length childrenLevel0 `shouldBe` 1 divtag <- (elementTagNameOrThrow mock) (head childrenLevel0) divtag `shouldBe` "div" childrenLevel1 <- (nodeChildNodesOrThrow mock) (head childrenLevel0) length childrenLevel1 `shouldBe` 4 ptag <- (elementTagNameOrThrow mock) (head childrenLevel1) ptag `shouldBe` "p" childrenLevel2 <- (nodeChildNodesOrThrow mock) (head childrenLevel1) length childrenLevel2 `shouldBe` 1 -- increment 4 times (documentGetElementById mock) "incr" >>= maybe (error "Incr node does not exist") (htmlElemenetClick mock) (documentGetElementById mock) "incr" >>= maybe (error "Incr node does not exist") (htmlElemenetClick mock) (documentGetElementById mock) "incr" >>= maybe (error "Incr node does not exist") (htmlElemenetClick mock) (documentGetElementById mock) "incr" >>= maybe (error "Incr node does not exist") (htmlElemenetClick mock) parentNode' <- documentBody mock childrenLevel0' <- (nodeChildNodesOrThrow mock) parentNode' length childrenLevel0' `shouldBe` 1 divtag' <- (elementTagNameOrThrow mock) (head childrenLevel0') divtag' `shouldBe` "div" childrenLevel1' <- (nodeChildNodesOrThrow mock) (head childrenLevel0') length childrenLevel1' `shouldBe` 4 childrenLevel2' <- (nodeChildNodesOrThrow mock) (head childrenLevel1') length childrenLevel2' `shouldBe` 5 content' <- mapM (nodeTextContentOrThrow mock) childrenLevel2' content' `shouldBe` (take 5 $ repeat "Mike5") (documentGetElementById mock) "decr" >>= maybe (error "Incr node does not exist") (htmlElemenetClick mock) (documentGetElementById mock) "decr" >>= maybe (error "Incr node does not exist") (htmlElemenetClick mock) parentNode'' <- documentBody mock childrenLevel0'' <- (nodeChildNodesOrThrow mock) parentNode'' length childrenLevel0'' `shouldBe` 1 divtag'' <- (elementTagNameOrThrow mock) (head childrenLevel0'') divtag'' `shouldBe` "div" childrenLevel1'' <- (nodeChildNodesOrThrow mock) (head childrenLevel0'') length childrenLevel1'' `shouldBe` 4 childrenLevel2'' <- (nodeChildNodesOrThrow mock) (head childrenLevel1'') length childrenLevel2'' `shouldBe` 3 content'' <- mapM (nodeTextContentOrThrow mock) childrenLevel2'' content'' `shouldBe` (take 3 $ repeat "Mike3") toHTML domF state `shouldBe` "

