cabal-version: 2.0 author: Mitchell Rosen build-type: Simple category: Prelude description: Planet Mitchell. . This package provides a curated, highly unstable collection of reorganized re-exports. Mostly for personal use at the moment, me but please poke around and see for a bit more information ;) license-file: LICENSE license: BSD3 maintainer: Mitchell Rosen name: planet-mitchell synopsis: Planet Mitchell tested-with: GHC == 8.4.3 version: 0.0.0 homepage: bug-reports: copyright: (c) 2018, Mitchell Rosen extra-source-files: .travis.yml source-repository head type: git location: git:// library hs-source-dirs: src ghc-options: -Weverything -fno-warn-safe -fno-warn-unsafe -- TODO re-enable -fno-warn-missing-import-lists default-extensions: NoImplicitPrelude default-language: Haskell2010 build-depends: aeson ^>= 1.3.1 || ^>= 1.4.0 , base ^>= 4.10 || ^>= 4.11 , base-orphans ^>= 0.8 , aeson-pretty ^>= 0.8.7 , aeson-qq ^>= 0.8.2 , ansi-terminal ^>= 0.8.0 , approximate ^>= 0.3.1 , array ^>= 0.5.2 , async ^>= 2.2.1 , atomic-primops ^>= 0.8 , base16-bytestring ^>= 0.1.1 , bits ^>= 0.5.0 , bytestring ^>= 0.10.8 , bytestring-lexing ^>= 0.5.0 , case-insensitive ^>= 1.2.0 , cborg ^>= 0.2.0 , comonad ^>= 5.0 , compact ^>= 0.1.0 , constraints ^>= 0.10 , containers ^>= 0.5.11 , contravariant ^>= 1.4.1 , contravariant-extras ^>= 0.3.4 , deepseq ^>= 1.4.3 , distributive ^>= 0.5.3 , dlist ^>= 0.8.0 , double-conversion ^>= , Earley ^>= 0.12.0 , envparse ^>= 0.4 , erf ^>= 2.0.0 , exceptions ^>= 0.10.0 , extra ^>= 1.6.9 || ^>= 1.6.10 || ^>= 1.6.11 , fgl ^>= 5.6.0 , filepath ^>= 1.4.2 , foldl ^>= 1.4.0 , free ^>= 5.1 , gauge ^>= 0.2.1 , generic-aeson ^>= , half ^>= 0.3 , hashable ^>= 1.2.7 , heaps ^>= 0.3.0 , hedgehog ^>= 0.5.3 || ^>= 0.6 , integer-logarithms ^>= 1.0.2 , lens ^>= 4.16.1 , lens-aeson ^>= 1.0.2 , list-transformer ^>= 1.0.4 , logict ^>= 0.6.0 , managed ^>= 1.0.6 , megaparsec ^>= 6.5.0 , mmorph ^>= 1.1.2 , monad-ste ^>= 0.1.0 , mtl ^>= 2.2.2 , multiset ^>= 0.3.4 , mwc-random ^>= 0.13.6 , network ^>= 2.7.0 , network-info ^>= 0.2.0 , network-uri ^>= 2.6.1 , nf ^>= 1.0.1 , optparse-applicative ^>= 0.14.2 , parallel ^>= 3.2.1 , parser-combinators ^>= 1.0.0 , pointed ^>= 5.0.1 , prettyprinter ^>= 1.2.0 , prettyprinter-ansi-terminal ^>= 1.1.1 , primitive ^>= 0.6.4 , profunctors ^>= 5.2 || ^>= 5.3 , psqueues ^>= 0.2.7 , reactive-banana ^>= 1.2.0 , reflection ^>= 2.1 , regex-applicative ^>= 0.3.3 , scientific ^>= 0.3.6 , semigroupoids ^>= 5.3.1 , semigroups ^>= 0.18.4 , semilattices ^>= 0.0.0 , serialise ^>= 0.2.0 , split ^>= , stm ^>= 2.4.5 , stm-chans ^>= 3.0.0 , stm-containers ^>= 0.2.16 , tagged ^>= 0.8.5 , text ^>= 1.2.3 , text-short ^>= 0.1.2 , time ^>= 1.8 || ^>= 1.9.1 , transformers ^>= 0.5.5 , transformers-base ^>= 0.4.5 , transformers-compat ^>= 0.6.2 , typed-process ^>= 0.2.2 , unagi-chan ^>= 0.4.1 , unix ^>= 2.7.2 , unliftio ^>= , unordered-containers ^>= 0.2.9 , utf8-string ^>= , uuid ^>= 1.3.13 , uuid-types ^>= 1.0.3 , vault ^>= 0.3.1 , vector ^>= 0.12.0 , vector-builder ^>= 0.3.6 , weigh ^>= 0.0.12 , writer-cps-mtl ^>= 0.1.1 exposed-modules: Ala.Compose Ala.Const Ala.Identity Ala.Product Ala.Sum Applicative Array Array.Partial Benchmark Bifoldable Bifoldable.Partial Bifunctor Bitraversable Bits Bool Bounded ByteString ByteString.Base16 ByteString.Latin1 ByteString.Latin1.Partial ByteString.Lazy ByteString.Lazy.Base16 ByteString.Lazy.Latin1 ByteString.Lazy.Utf8 ByteString.Partial ByteString.Short ByteString.Short.Partial ByteString.Utf8 CaseInsensitive Category Char Char.Partial Clock Coerce Coerce.Unsafe Comonad CompactRegion Concurrency Concurrency.Chan Concurrency.Counter Concurrency.IORef Concurrency.MVar Concurrency.QSem Concurrency.TBChan Concurrency.TBMChan Concurrency.TBMQueue Concurrency.TBQueue Concurrency.TBimap Concurrency.TChan Concurrency.TMChan Concurrency.TMQueue Concurrency.TMVar Concurrency.TMap Concurrency.TMultimap Concurrency.TSem Concurrency.TSet Concurrency.TVar Constraint Cont Contravariant Copointed Data Debug Decidable Distributive Divisible Dynamic Either Enum Environment Equality Error Eval Except Exception FRP Field File File.Binary File.Text Foldable Foldable.Partial Foldl Function Functor Generic Graph.Adjacency Graph.Inductive Groupoid Hashable Heap IO IO.Unsafe Ix Json Json.Decode Json.Encode Label List List.Builder List.Builder.Partial List.Partial List1 List1.Partial ListT Logic Managed Map Map.Hash Map.Int Map.Int.Lazy Map.Lazy Maybe Maybe.Partial MaybeT Mitchell.Prelude Monad Monad.Base Monad.Fail Monad.Fix Monad.Plus Monad.Trans Monad.Zip Monoid MultiSet MultiSet.Int Numeric.Approximate Numeric.Complex Numeric.Double Numeric.Erf Numeric.Fast Numeric.Float Numeric.Floating Numeric.Fractional Numeric.Half Numeric.Int Numeric.Integer Numeric.Integral Numeric.InvErf Numeric.Nat Numeric.Natural Numeric.Num Numeric.Product Numeric.Ratio Numeric.Real Numeric.RealFloat Numeric.RealFrac Numeric.Scientific Numeric.Sum Numeric.Word Optic.Fold Optic.Getter Optic.Getting Optic.Iso Optic.Iso.Reversing Optic.Iso.Strict Optic.Lens Optic.Lens.At Optic.Lens.Contains Optic.Prism Optic.Prism.Cons Optic.Prism.Empty Optic.Prism.Snoc Optic.Review Optic.Setter Optic.Traversal Optic.Traversal.Each Optic.Traversal.Ixed Ord Parallelism Parser.Binary Parser.Cli Parser.Earley Parser.Env Parser.Text Pointed Posix Predicate Pretty Prim Printf Process Profunctor Proxy Ptr Ptr.Foreign Ptr.Fun Ptr.Stable Ptr.Static Ptr.Weak Queue.Prio.Hash Queue.Prio.Int Queue.Prio.Ord Random Read Read.Partial Reader Reflection Regex RuntimeSystem ST Semigroup Semigroupoid Semilattice Sequence Serialise Set Set.Hash Set.Int Show Socket StableName State Storable Symbol System Tagged Terminal Test Test.Gen Test.Range Text Text.Lazy Text.Lazy.Builder Text.Partial Text.Short Text.Short.Partial Text.Short.Unsafe Time Traversable Tree Tuple Type Typeable URI UUID Unique Vault Vault.Lazy Vector Vector.Builder Vector.Generic Vector.Generic.Mutable Vector.Mutable Vector.Primitive Vector.Storable Vector.Unboxed Void Weigh Writer -- benchmark semaphore -- hs-source-dirs: bench -- main-is: Semaphore.hs -- ghc-options: -Wall -- type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 -- ghc-options: -O -rtsopts -threaded "-with-rtsopts=-N4 -qg" -- build-depends: planet-mitchell -- default-language: Haskell2010