# Piyo🐤 Haskell game engine like fantasy console. Inspired by PICO-8. ![](pictures/piyo.png) NOTE: UNDER DEVELOPMENT ## Feature - minimum but simple api - pure update funciton - japanease bitmap font support It supports PICO-8 like drawing api. ## Assuming Specification For now below. - display: 192x192 - sprite size: 12x12 - map size: 16x16 ## Requirements SDL2 needed. ### For OS X Install middle wares with homebrew. ``` brew install sdl2 sdl2_gfx sdl2_image sdl2_mixer sdl2_ttf ``` ### For others It may work ..! ## Minimal code ```haskell import Piyo instance Game () where draw _ = [ cls Yellow , txt Black "Hello, World!" 48 48 ] main :: IO () main = piyo () Nothing ``` ![](pictures/demo.png) ## Data Flow Schematic Functions are called in order update, draw, sound every frame. ![](pictures/flow.svg) ## Indexing Index number starts with 0. Not 1. ## Examples Sample working code at [Examples](examples) ## Development in the future - Redesign assets format - Enrich sound api - Add useful state update functions - FPS management - Support ore key action - Sprite and map editor - Export function for distribution - etc...