# 0.4 * Remove `Pipes.Aeson.encode` in favour of `encodeObject` and `encodeArray`. * `decode` and `decodeL` now return `Nothing` on end of input, instead of failing with a `DecodingError`. This follows the approach taken by `pipes-attoparsec-0.5`. * Solved quadratic time complexity issue when decoding (#10). * Depend on `pipes-attoparsec-0.5.*`. * Raise upper bound for `transformers` to `0.4.*`. # 0.3.0 * API revamped to be compatible with `pipes-parse-3.0.*`. * Renamed `Pipes.Aeson.Unsafe` module to `Pipes.Aeson.Unchecked`. # 0.2.1 * Generalize `encode` from `Producer` to `Producer'`. * Depend on newer versions of `aeson`, `attoparsec`, `pipes-attoparsec`. # 0.2.0 * Version compatible with `pipes-4.0.0` and `pipes-parse-2.0.0`. * API radically changed. Removed `parseValue`, `fromValue` and `TopLevelValue`. Other things renamed. # * First version.