{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitForAll #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Pinchot.SyntaxTree.Instancer where

import qualified Data.Bifunctor as Bifunctor
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import qualified Data.Semigroup as Semigroup
import qualified Control.Lens as Lens
import Data.Foldable (foldlM, toList)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import Data.Sequence (Seq)
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as T

import Pinchot.Types
import Pinchot.Rules

-- | Creates an instance of 'Bifunctor.Bifunctor' for every 'Rule'
-- in the 'Seq' as well as their ancestors.
-- This function must be
-- spliced in the same module as the module in which the syntax tree
-- types are created.  This avoids problems with orphan instances.
-- Since ancestors are included, you can get the entire tree of
-- instances that you need by applying this function to a single
-- start symbol.
-- Example: "Pinchot.Examples.SyntaxTrees".

  :: Seq (Rule t)
  -> T.DecsQ
bifunctorInstances = traverse f . toList . families
    f rule@(Rule ruleName _ _) = T.instanceD (T.cxt [])
      [t| Bifunctor.Bifunctor $(T.conT (T.mkName ruleName)) |]
      [T.valD (T.varP 'Bifunctor.bimap)
              (T.normalB (bimapExpression "" rule)) []]

-- | Where possible, creates an instance of 'Semigroup.Semigroup'
-- for every 'Rule' in the 'Seq' as well as their ancestors.  Only
-- 'star' and 'plus' rules, as well as rules that through one or
-- more layers of 'wrap' ultimately wrap a 'star' or 'plus' rule,
-- get a 'Semigroup.Semigroup' instance.
-- This function must be
-- spliced in the same module as the module in which the syntax tree
-- types are created.  This avoids problems with orphan instances.
-- Since ancestors are included, you can get the entire tree of
-- instances that you need by applying this function to a single
-- start symbol.
-- Example: "Pinchot.Examples.SyntaxTrees".

  :: Seq (Rule t)
  -> T.DecsQ
semigroupInstances = fmap catMaybes . traverse f . toList . families
    nameT = T.varT $ T.mkName "t"
    nameA = T.varT $ T.mkName "a"
    f rule@(Rule ruleName _ _) = case semigroupExpression "" rule of
      Nothing -> return Nothing
      Just expn -> fmap Just
        $ T.instanceD (T.cxt [])
          [t| Semigroup.Semigroup
            ( $(T.conT (T.mkName ruleName)) $(nameT) $(nameA)) |]
          [T.valD (T.varP '(Semigroup.<>))
                  (T.normalB expn) []]

-- | Where possible, creates an instance of 'Monoid'
-- for every 'Rule' in the 'Seq' as well as their ancestors.  Only
-- 'star' rules, as well as rules that through one or
-- more layers of 'wrap' ultimately wrap a 'star' rule,
-- get a 'Monoid' instance.
-- This function must be
-- spliced in the same module as the module in which the syntax tree
-- types are created.  This avoids problems with orphan instances.
-- Since ancestors are included, you can get the entire tree of
-- instances that you need by applying this function to a single
-- start symbol.
-- Example: "Pinchot.Examples.SyntaxTrees".
  :: Seq (Rule t)
  -> T.DecsQ
monoidInstances = fmap catMaybes . traverse f . toList . families
    nameT = T.varT $ T.mkName "t"
    nameA = T.varT $ T.mkName "a"
    f rule@(Rule ruleName _ _)
      = case (semigroupExpression "" rule, memptyExpression "" rule) of
      (Just expAppend, Just expMempty) -> fmap Just
        $ T.instanceD (T.cxt [])
          [t| Monoid ( $( T.conT (T.mkName ruleName) ) $(nameT) $(nameA) ) |]
          [ T.valD (T.varP 'mappend)
                   (T.normalB expAppend) []
          , T.valD (T.varP 'mempty)
                   (T.normalB expMempty) [] ]
      _ -> return Nothing

-- Creates an expression of type
-- (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> RuleData a c -> RuleData b d
  :: Qualifier
  -> Rule t
  -> T.ExpQ
bimapExpression qual rule@(Rule ruleName _ _) = do
  fa <- T.newName "fa"
  fb <- T.newName "fb"
  val <- T.newName "val"
  lkpName <- nameMap rule
  letBinds <- bimapLetBinds qual fa fb lkpName rule
  let resultExpn =
        [| $(T.varE $ errLookup ruleName lkpName) $(T.varE val) |]
  T.lamE [T.varP fa, T.varP fb, T.varP val]
    (T.letE letBinds resultExpn)

  :: Qualifier
  -> T.Name
  -- ^ @(a -> b)@
  -> T.Name
  -- ^ @(c -> d)@
  -> Map RuleName T.Name
  -- ^ Looks up names for other let binds
  -> Rule t
  -> T.Q [T.DecQ]
bimapLetBinds qual fa fb lkp rule
  = traverse (bimapLetBind qual fa fb lkp) . toList . family $ rule

  :: Qualifier
  -> T.Name
  -- ^ @(a -> b)@
  -> T.Name
  -- ^ @(c -> d)@
  -> Map RuleName T.Name
  -> Rule t
  -> T.Q T.DecQ
bimapLetBind qual fa fb lkp (Rule name _ ty) = case ty of
  Terminal _ -> terminalBimapLetBind qual fa fb lkp name
  NonTerminal b1 bs -> return $ nonTerminalBimapLetBind qual lkp name
    (b1 : toList bs)
  Wrap (Rule inner _ _) -> wrapBimapLetBind qual lkp name inner
  Record sq -> recordBimapLetBind qual lkp name sq
  Opt (Rule inner _ _) -> optBimapLetBind qual lkp name inner
  Star (Rule inner _ _) -> starBimapLetBind qual lkp name inner
  Plus (Rule inner _ _) -> plusBimapLetBind qual lkp name inner

  :: Qualifier
  -> T.Name
  -> T.Name
  -> Map RuleName T.Name
  -> RuleName
  -> T.Q T.DecQ
terminalBimapLetBind qual fa fb lkp name = do
  val <- T.newName $ "terminalBimapLetBind" ++ name
  let body = T.lamE [T.conP (quald qual name) [T.varP val]]
        [| $(T.conE (quald qual name))
              ( $(T.varE fa) . fst $ $(T.varE val)
              , $(T.varE fb) . snd $ $(T.varE val)
  return $ T.valD (T.varP (errLookup name lkp)) (T.normalB body) []

  :: Qualifier
  -> Map RuleName T.Name
  -> RuleName
  -> [Branch a]
  -> T.DecQ
nonTerminalBimapLetBind qual lkp name branches =
  let mkClause (Branch branchName branches)
        = recordBimapClause qual lkp branchName branches
      clauses = fmap mkClause branches
  in T.funD (errLookup name lkp) clauses

  :: Qualifier
  -> Map RuleName T.Name
  -> RuleName
  -> RuleName
  -> T.Q T.DecQ
wrapBimapLetBind qual lkp name inner = do
  val <- T.newName "wrapLetBind"
  let expn = T.lamE [T.conP (quald qual name) [T.varP val]]
        [| $(T.conE (quald qual name))
            ( $(T.varE (errLookup inner lkp)) $(T.varE val) ) |]
  return $ T.valD (T.varP (errLookup name lkp)) (T.normalB expn) []

  :: Qualifier
  -> Map RuleName T.Name
  -> RuleName
  -> Seq (Rule t)
  -> T.Q T.DecQ
recordBimapLetBind qual lkp name sq = do
  let clause = recordBimapClause qual lkp name sq
  return $ T.funD (errLookup name lkp) [clause]

  :: Qualifier
  -> Map RuleName T.Name
  -> RuleName
  -> Seq (Rule t)
  -> T.ClauseQ
recordBimapClause qual lkp name sq = do
  pairs <- traverse (recordBimapLetBindField lkp) . toList $ sq
  let body = foldl f (T.conE (quald qual name)) . fmap snd $ pairs
          f acc expn = [| $(acc) $(expn) |]
  let pats = fmap fst pairs
  T.clause [T.conP (quald qual name) pats] (T.normalB body) []

  :: Map RuleName T.Name
  -> Rule t
  -> T.Q (T.PatQ, T.ExpQ)
recordBimapLetBindField lkp (Rule name _ _) = do
  tName <- T.newName $ "recordField" ++ name
  let expn = [| $(T.varE (errLookup name lkp)) $(T.varE tName) |]
  return (T.varP tName, expn)

  :: Qualifier
  -> Map RuleName T.Name
  -> RuleName
  -- ^ Name of this rule
  -> RuleName
  -- ^ Name of inner rule
  -> T.Q T.DecQ
optBimapLetBind qual lkp name inner = do
  val <- T.newName $ "optBimapLetBind" ++ name
  let body = [| $(T.conE (quald qual name)) $ case $(T.varE val) of
                  Nothing -> Nothing
                  Just v -> Just $ $(T.varE (errLookup inner lkp)) v
  let clause = T.clause [T.conP (quald qual name) [T.varP val]]
        (T.normalB body) []
  return $ T.funD (errLookup name lkp) [clause]

  :: Qualifier
  -> Map RuleName T.Name
  -> RuleName
  -- ^ Name of this rule
  -> RuleName
  -- ^ Name of inner rule
  -> T.Q T.DecQ
starBimapLetBind qual lkp name inner = do
  val <- T.newName $ "starBimapLetBind" ++ name
  let body = [| $(T.conE (quald qual name))
                $ fmap $(T.varE (errLookup inner lkp)) $(T.varE val) |]
  let clause = T.clause [T.conP (quald qual name) [T.varP val]]
        (T.normalB body) []
  return $ T.funD (errLookup name lkp) [clause]

  :: Qualifier
  -> Map RuleName T.Name
  -> RuleName
  -- ^ Name of this rule
  -> RuleName
  -- ^ Name of inner rule
  -> T.Q T.DecQ
plusBimapLetBind qual lkp name inner = do
  val <- T.newName $ "plusBimapLetBind" ++ name
  let body = [| $(T.conE (quald qual name))
                $ fmap $(T.varE (errLookup inner lkp)) $(T.varE val) |]
  let clause = T.clause [T.conP (quald qual name) [T.varP val]]
        (T.normalB body) []
  return $ T.funD (errLookup name lkp) [clause]

  :: (Ord a, Show a)
  => a
  -> Map a b
  -> b
errLookup k m = case Map.lookup k m of
  Nothing -> error $ "lookup: key not found: " ++ show k
  Just v -> v

-- | Creates a map of all ancestor rule names and a corresponding TH
-- name.
  :: Rule t
  -> T.Q (Map RuleName T.Name)
nameMap = foldlM f Map.empty . family
    f acc (Rule ruleName _ _) = do
      thName <- T.newName $ "bindName" ++ ruleName
      return $ Map.insert ruleName thName acc

-- | If possible, creates an expression of type
-- RuleData
-- which is a Monoid 'mempty'.
  :: Qualifier
  -> Rule t
  -> Maybe T.ExpQ
memptyExpression qual rule = do
  ctors <- monoidCtors rule
  return $ wrappedMemptyExpression qual ctors

  :: Qualifier
  -> Seq RuleName
  -> T.ExpQ
wrappedMemptyExpression qual rules = foldr f [| mempty |] rules
    f name acc = [| $(T.conE (quald qual name)) $(acc) |]

-- | If possible, creates an expression of type
-- RuleData -> RuleData -> RuleData
-- which is a Monoid 'mappend'.
  :: Qualifier
  -> Rule t
  -> Maybe T.ExpQ
mappendExpression qual rule = do
  ctors <- monoidCtors rule
  return $ wrappedSemigroupExpression 'mappend qual ctors

  :: Rule t
  -> Maybe (Seq RuleName)
monoidCtors (Rule ruleName _ ty) = case ty of
  Wrap r -> do
    rest <- monoidCtors r
    return $ ruleName `Lens.cons` rest
  Star _ -> Just (Seq.singleton ruleName)
  _ -> Nothing

-- | If possible, creates an expression of type
-- RuleData -> RuleData -> RuleData
-- which is a Semigroup '<>'.

  :: Qualifier
  -> Rule t
  -> Maybe T.ExpQ
semigroupExpression qual rule = do
  ctors <- semigroupCtors rule
  return $ wrappedSemigroupExpression '(<>) qual ctors

  :: Rule t
  -> Maybe (Seq RuleName)
semigroupCtors (Rule ruleName _ ty) = case ty of
  Wrap r -> do
    rest <- semigroupCtors r
    return $ ruleName `Lens.cons` rest
  Plus _ -> Just (Seq.singleton ruleName)
  Star _ -> Just (Seq.singleton ruleName)
  _ -> Nothing

  :: T.Name
  -- ^ mappend operator
  -> Qualifier
  -> Seq RuleName
  -- ^ Rule names, with the outermost name on the left side of the
  -- 'Seq'.
  -> T.ExpQ
  -- ^ An expression of type
  -- RuleData -> RuleData -> RuleData
  -- It unwraps the two argument types, uses the Semigroup @<>@
  -- operator to combine them, and rewraps the result.
wrappedSemigroupExpression append qual rules = names >>= makeExp
    names = (,) <$> T.newName "x1" <*> T.newName "x2"
    makeExp (x1, x2) = [| \ $(mkPat x1) $(mkPat x2) -> $(mkRes) |]
        mkPat name = foldr f (T.varP name) rules
            f rule acc = T.conP (quald qual rule) [acc]
        mkRes = foldr f
          [| $(T.varE append) $(T.varE x1) $(T.varE x2) |] rules
            f rule acc = T.appE (T.conE (quald qual rule)) acc