- Add support for different camera filename formats, check with the Olympus. - First, I think I'd like to see the PARENTDIR argument become a named switch (-d --parent-dir), to better differentiate it from the list of files to be processed. - Second, I'd like to start using a config file (~/.photoname) that will contain things like default parent dir: parent-dir=/foo/bar/baz This would be used in the event that none was specified. Other switches could be specified here perhaps. This config file behavior will require a config file API, I can try to use the one I started a few months ago. - I'm wondering if it would be possible to have a post-command switch that could specify something to be done after other processing is done. This came up when i was thinking about rolling jhead -autorot rotation behavior into this program. But I'm reluctant to make this program have direct knowledge of such tools and procedures. An example: --post-cmd='jhead -autorot %f' What syntax to use for variables in such strings? - Allow user to specify permissions for newly-created dirs and files. Bonus points for parsing the octal codes everyone knows and loves. - Add a --force switch to disregard existing links. - Deal gracefully with unknown dates. This means not just putting pictures into the 0000/0000-00-00 directory, but making sure that the _### serial number part is incremented from the highest one in there. - Allow additional switch for part of filenames for initials of photographer: _xyz Call this the suffix? (-s --suffix)