Changelog for phooey-2.0

% [Phooey]( changes == Version 1.4 == * Switched from DataDriven to reactive. * Exposed a few more functions * WinEvents: motion' and motionDiff' carry key modifiers (shift, control, etc) * Menu-related functions in WinEvents * wxHaskell attributes as Pair * Several tests for events & sources: t1, ... * Changed examples to track Event/Source changes, especially with accumulation. * Calculator now shows keys pressed as well as result * Optional debugging output for mouse events. ## Version 1.3 ## This version is mostly a simplification and sync'ing with changes to DataDriven (previously part of TypeCompose) and TV. + Several new examples in Examples.Monad, including the classic calculator. + Removed modules `TagT`,`LayoutT` and `Arrow` from `Graphics.UI.Phooey`. + Removed `Examples.Arrow`. + Simplified `Phooey.Monad`. + Removed `isliderDyn` & examples, for simplicity. I'd like to find more compelling examples of dynamic UIs and recursive UIs. + Replaced `title` functions with `title` method from `Title` class in [TypeCompose]. + Fixed [Examples.Applicative](src/Examples/Applicative.hs). + Added [WinEvents](src/Graphics/UI/Phooey/WinEvents.hs): with high-level interfaces to [wxHaskell] events. ## Version 1.2 ## + Renamed "Upd" to "Act" in Monad.hs + Added "commandNews" in Imperative.hs + Tweaked for compatibility with [TypeCompose] 0.1 ## Version 1.1 ## + Added [Examples.Applicative](src/Examples/Applicative.hs). I'd accidentally omitted it. + In [Imperative](src/Graphics/UI/Phooey/Imperative.hs): renamed "mkNews" to "commandNews" and added a more general function called "mkNews". ## Version 1.0 ## + Uses new TypeCompose package, which includes a simple implementation of data-driven computation. + New Applicative functor interface. + Eliminated the catch-all Phooey.hs module. Now import any one of Graphics.UI.Phooey.{Monad,Applicative,Arrow}. + renamed "textEntry" to "stringEntry" + added "isliderDisplay" + Phooey.Monad has two different styles of output widgets, made by owidget and owidget'. The latter is used to implement Phooey.Applicative. + Self- and mutually-recursive widgets now work again in Phooey.Monad. They still hang in Phooey.Arrow. ## Version 0.3.1 ## + Fixed dos-style line breaks in src/MonadExamples.hs + Fixed Functor UI def (broke the circularity) ## Version 0.3 ## + Finished renaming "CallbackT" to "CallBackT" (thanks to Michal Palka for catching the inconsistency). + Renamed AmA.hs to AFA.hs. AFA is more general in that it works with applicative functors instead of monads. + ArrowUI.title now defined in terms of ArrowMonad.title. + Added src/MonadExamples.hs + Changed type of MonadUI.runUI. Now takes a UI (Source ()) instead of UI (). The new type is more convenient for use. + Relaxed type of LayoutT.runL, to accommodate the new MonadUI.runUI type. + Makefile tweaks to fit cabal-make changes. ## Version 0.2.1 ## + Changed all files to *nix-style line endings. ## Version 0.2 ## + Finally fixed a long-standing stretching bug. When widgets are abutted horizontally, they now all stretch together. ## Version 0.1 ## + Web-located references to other libraries (base, mtl, arrows.) + Colorized source code links (thanks to hscolour). + "User Comments", for adding add comments and questions. + New home (wiki) page: + Switched from monadLib to mtl, for easier installation + Added this "CHANGES" file + Text input (textEntry) + Fixed all of the module intro comments + Boolean input/output (checkBoxEntry, checkBoxDisplay) + runNamedUI for explicit window title (rather "Phooey GUI") + Phooey is now used in TV: . [TypeCompose]: [wxHaskell]: