{-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} module Phoityne.VSCode.Core ( handleRequest , DebugContextData(..) , defaultDebugContextData , initializeRequestHandler ) where import qualified Phoityne.GHCi as G import Paths_phoityne_vscode (version) import Control.Concurrent import Control.Monad import Data.List.Split import Data.Char import Safe import System.IO import System.Exit import System.FilePath import System.Directory import System.Log.Logger import Text.Parsec import qualified Control.Exception as E import qualified Data.Aeson as J import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL import qualified Data.String.Utils as U import qualified Data.List as L import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified System.FSNotify as FSN import qualified System.Log.Logger as L import qualified System.Log.Formatter as L import qualified System.Log.Handler as LH import qualified System.Log.Handler.Simple as LHS import qualified Data.Version as V import Phoityne.VSCode.Constant import Phoityne.VSCode.Utility import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.BreakpointJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.CompletionsItemJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.CompletionsArgumentsJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.CompletionsResponseBodyJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.CompletionsRequestJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.CompletionsResponseJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.ConfigurationDoneRequestJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.ConfigurationDoneResponseJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.ContinueRequestJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.ContinueResponseJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.DisconnectRequestJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.DisconnectResponseJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.EvaluateArgumentsJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.EvaluateBodyJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.EvaluateRequestJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.EvaluateResponseJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.ExceptionBreakpointsFilterJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.InitializedEventJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.InitializeRequestJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.InitializeResponseCapabilitesJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.InitializeResponseJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.LaunchRequestArgumentsJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.LaunchRequestJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.LaunchResponseJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.NextRequestJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.NextResponseJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.OutputEventJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.OutputEventBodyJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.PauseRequestJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.PauseResponseJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.RequestJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.ScopesArgumentsJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.ScopesBodyJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.ScopesRequestJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.ScopesResponseJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.SetBreakpointsRequestArgumentsJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.SetBreakpointsRequestJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.SetBreakpointsResponseBodyJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.SetBreakpointsResponseJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.SetFunctionBreakpointsRequestArgumentsJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.SetFunctionBreakpointsRequestJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.SetFunctionBreakpointsResponseBodyJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.SetFunctionBreakpointsResponseJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.SetExceptionBreakpointsRequestArgumentsJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.SetExceptionBreakpointsRequestJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.SetExceptionBreakpointsResponseJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.SourceBreakpointJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.FunctionBreakpointJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.SourceJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.SourceRequestJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.SourceResponseJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.StackFrameJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.StackTraceBodyJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.StackTraceRequestJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.StackTraceResponseJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.StepInRequestJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.StepInResponseJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.StepOutRequestJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.StepOutResponseJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.StoppedEventJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.StoppedEventBodyJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.TerminatedEventJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.TerminatedEventBodyJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.ThreadsRequestJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.ThreadsResponseJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.VariableJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.VariablesArgumentsJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.VariablesBodyJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.VariablesRequestJSON as J import qualified Phoityne.VSCode.TH.VariablesResponseJSON as J -- | -- -- data DebugContextData = DebugContextData { resSeqDebugContextData :: Int , functionBreakPointDatasDebugContextData :: BreakPointDatas , breakPointDatasDebugContextData :: BreakPointDatas , workspaceDebugContextData :: FilePath , startupDebugContextData :: FilePath , startupFuncDebugContextData :: String , startupArgsDebugContextData :: String , startupModuleDebugContextData :: ModuleName , debugStartedDebugContextData :: Bool , debugStoppedPosDebugContextData :: Maybe G.SourcePosition , currentFrameIdDebugContextData :: Int , modifiedDebugContextData :: Bool , ghciProcessDebugContextData :: Maybe G.GHCiProcess , responseHandlerDebugContextData :: BSL.ByteString -> IO () , stopOnEntryDebugContextData :: Bool , hackagePackageVersionDebugContextData :: String , haskellDapEnabledDebugContextData :: Bool } -- | -- -- data BreakPointData = BreakPointData { nameBreakPointData :: String , srcPosBreakPointData :: G.SourcePosition , breakNoBreakPointData :: Maybe Int , conditionBreakPointData :: Maybe String , hitConditionBreakPointData :: Maybe String , hitCountBreakPointData :: Int } deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord) -- | -- -- type BreakPointDataKey = G.SourcePosition -- | -- -- type BreakPointDatas = M.Map BreakPointDataKey BreakPointData -- | -- _HASKELL_DAP_EXE :: String _HASKELL_DAP_EXE = "haskell-dap" -- | -- _GHCi_HISTORY_SIZE :: Int _GHCi_HISTORY_SIZE = 50 -- | -- -- getBreakPointKey :: BreakPointData -> BreakPointDataKey getBreakPointKey = srcPosBreakPointData -- | -- incrementBreakPointHitCount :: BreakPointData -> BreakPointData incrementBreakPointHitCount bp = bp{hitCountBreakPointData = 1 + hitCountBreakPointData bp} -- | -- -- _INITIAL_RESPONSE_SEQUENCE :: Int _INITIAL_RESPONSE_SEQUENCE = 0 -- | -- -- _SEP_WIN :: Char _SEP_WIN = '\\' -- | -- -- _SEP_UNIX :: Char _SEP_UNIX = '/' -- | -- -- _TASKS_JSON_FILE_CONTENTS :: BSL.ByteString _TASKS_JSON_FILE_CONTENTS = str2lbs $ U.join "\n" $ [ "{" , " // atuomatically created by phoityne-vscode" , " " , " \"version\": \"2.0.0\"," , " \"presentation\": {" , " \"reveal\": \"always\"," , " \"panel\": \"new\"" , " }," , " \"tasks\": [" , " {" , " \"group\": {" , " \"kind\": \"build\"," , " \"isDefault\": true" , " }," , " \"label\": \"stack build\"," , " \"type\": \"shell\"," , " \"command\": \"echo START_STACK_BUILD && cd ${workspaceRoot} && stack build && echo END_STACK_BUILD \"" , " }," , " { " , " \"group\": \"build\"," , " \"type\": \"shell\"," , " \"label\": \"stack clean & build\"," , " \"command\": \"echo START_STACK_CLEAN_AND_BUILD && cd ${workspaceRoot} && stack clean && stack build && echo END_STACK_CLEAN_AND_BUILD \"" , " }," , " { " , " \"group\": {" , " \"kind\": \"test\"," , " \"isDefault\": true" , " }," , " \"type\": \"shell\"," , " \"label\": \"stack test\"," , " \"command\": \"echo START_STACK_TEST && cd ${workspaceRoot} && stack test && echo END_STACK_TEST \"" , " }," , " { " , " \"isBackground\": true," , " \"type\": \"shell\"," , " \"label\": \"stack watch\"," , " \"command\": \"echo START_STACK_WATCH && cd ${workspaceRoot} && stack build --test --no-run-tests --file-watch && echo END_STACK_WATCH \"" , " }" , " ]" , "}" ] -- | -- -- _ERR_MSG_URL :: [String] _ERR_MSG_URL = [ "`stack update` and install new phoityen-vscode." , "Or check information on https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=phoityne.phoityne-vscode" ] -- | -- -- _DEBUG_START_MSG :: [String] _DEBUG_START_MSG = [ "" , " Now, ghci launched and configuration done." , " Press F5 to start debugging." , " Or modify source code. it will be loaded to ghci automatically." , " " ] -- | -- -- _NEW_VERSION_MSG :: [String] _NEW_VERSION_MSG = [ "" , " New hackage module has been released." , " `stack update` and `stack install phoityen-vscode`." , " " , " " ] -- | -- -- _NOT_PERMIT_REPL_COMMANDS :: [String] _NOT_PERMIT_REPL_COMMANDS = [ ":{" , ":abandon", ":back", ":break", ":continue", ":delete", ":force", ":forward" , ":history", ":list", ":print", ":sprint", ":step", ":steplocal", ":stepmodule", ":trace" ] -- | -- -- defaultDebugContextData :: DebugContextData defaultDebugContextData = DebugContextData { resSeqDebugContextData = _INITIAL_RESPONSE_SEQUENCE , functionBreakPointDatasDebugContextData = M.fromList [] , breakPointDatasDebugContextData = M.fromList [] , workspaceDebugContextData = "" , startupDebugContextData = "" , startupFuncDebugContextData = "" , startupArgsDebugContextData = "" , startupModuleDebugContextData = "" , debugStartedDebugContextData = False , debugStoppedPosDebugContextData = Nothing , currentFrameIdDebugContextData = 0 , modifiedDebugContextData = False , ghciProcessDebugContextData = Nothing , responseHandlerDebugContextData = BSL.putStr , stopOnEntryDebugContextData = False , hackagePackageVersionDebugContextData = "" , haskellDapEnabledDebugContextData = False } -- |===================================================================== -- Request / Response / Event -- -- | -- -- logRequest :: String -> IO () logRequest reqStr = infoM _LOG_NAME $ "[REQUEST] " ++ reqStr -- | -- isLoggingStarted :: MVar DebugContextData -> IO Bool isLoggingStarted mvarCtx = do ctx <- readMVar mvarCtx return . not . null $ workspaceDebugContextData ctx -- | -- sendResponse :: MVar DebugContextData -> BSL.ByteString -> IO () sendResponse mvarCtx str = do doLog <- isLoggingStarted mvarCtx when doLog $ infoM _LOG_NAME $ "[RESPONSE]" ++ lbs2str str ctx <- readMVar mvarCtx responseHandlerDebugContextData ctx str -- | -- -- sendConsoleEvent :: MVar DebugContextData -> String -> IO () sendConsoleEvent mvarCtx msg = sendOutputEventWithType mvarCtx msg "console" -- | -- -- sendStdoutEvent :: MVar DebugContextData -> String -> IO () sendStdoutEvent mvarCtx msg = sendOutputEventWithType mvarCtx msg "stdout" -- | -- -- sendErrorEvent :: MVar DebugContextData -> String -> IO () sendErrorEvent mvarCtx msg = do doLog <- isLoggingStarted mvarCtx when doLog $ errorM _LOG_NAME msg sendOutputEventWithType mvarCtx msg "stderr" -- | -- -- sendOutputEventWithType :: MVar DebugContextData -> String -> String -> IO () sendOutputEventWithType mvarCtx msg msgType= do resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx let outEvt = J.defaultOutputEvent resSeq outEvtStr = J.encode outEvt{J.bodyOutputEvent = J.OutputEventBody msgType msg Nothing } sendEvent mvarCtx outEvtStr -- | -- sendEvent :: MVar DebugContextData -> BSL.ByteString -> IO () sendEvent mvarCtx str = do doLog <- isLoggingStarted mvarCtx when doLog $ infoM _LOG_NAME $ "[EVENT]" ++ lbs2str str ctx <- readMVar mvarCtx responseHandlerDebugContextData ctx str -- | -- sendTerminateEvent :: MVar DebugContextData -> IO () sendTerminateEvent mvarDat = do resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarDat let terminatedEvt = J.defaultTerminatedEvent resSeq terminatedEvtStr = J.encode terminatedEvt sendEvent mvarDat terminatedEvtStr -- | -- sendRestartEvent :: MVar DebugContextData -> IO () sendRestartEvent mvarCtx = do resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx let terminatedEvt = J.defaultTerminatedEvent resSeq terminatedEvtStr = J.encode terminatedEvt{J.bodyTerminatedEvent = J.TerminatedEventBody True} sendEvent mvarCtx terminatedEvtStr -- |===================================================================== -- Handlers -- | -- -- handleRequest :: MVar DebugContextData -> BSL.ByteString -> BSL.ByteString -> IO () handleRequest mvarDat contLenStr jsonStr = do case J.eitherDecode jsonStr :: Either String J.Request of Right (J.Request cmd) -> handle cmd Left err -> sendParseErrorAndTerminate err "request" where sendParseErrorAndTerminate err typ = do let msg = L.intercalate "\n" $ [ "[CRITICAL]"++"<"++typ++">"++" request parce error." , lbs2str contLenStr , lbs2str jsonStr , show err, "" ] ++ _ERR_MSG_URL ++ ["", ""] sendErrorEvent mvarDat msg sendTerminateEvent mvarDat handle "initialize" = case J.eitherDecode jsonStr :: Either String J.InitializeRequest of Right req -> initializeRequestHandler mvarDat req Left err -> do let cont = L.intercalate " " $ map U.strip $ lines $ lbs2str contLenStr json = L.intercalate " " $ map U.strip $ lines $ lbs2str jsonStr er = L.intercalate " " $ map U.strip $ lines $ show err msg = L.intercalate " " $ ["[CRITICAL] request parce error.", cont, json, er] ++ _ERR_MSG_URL resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarDat sendResponse mvarDat $ J.encode $ J.parseErrorInitializeResponse resSeq msg sendParseErrorAndTerminate err "initialize" handle "launch" = case J.eitherDecode jsonStr :: Either String J.LaunchRequest of Right req -> launchRequestHandler mvarDat req Left err -> sendParseErrorAndTerminate err "launch" handle "configurationDone" = case J.eitherDecode jsonStr :: Either String J.ConfigurationDoneRequest of Right req -> configurationDoneRequestHandler mvarDat req Left err -> sendParseErrorAndTerminate err "configurationDone" handle "disconnect" = case J.eitherDecode jsonStr :: Either String J.DisconnectRequest of Right req -> disconnectRequestHandler mvarDat req Left err -> sendParseErrorAndTerminate err "disconnect" handle "setBreakpoints" = case J.eitherDecode jsonStr :: Either String J.SetBreakpointsRequest of Right req -> setBreakpointsRequestHandler mvarDat req Left err -> sendParseErrorAndTerminate err "setBreakpoints" handle "setFunctionBreakpoints" = case J.eitherDecode jsonStr :: Either String J.SetFunctionBreakpointsRequest of Right req -> setFunctionBreakpointsRequestHandler mvarDat req Left err -> sendParseErrorAndTerminate err "setFunctionBreakpoints" handle "setExceptionBreakpoints" = case J.eitherDecode jsonStr :: Either String J.SetExceptionBreakpointsRequest of Right req -> setExceptionBreakpointsRequestHandler mvarDat req Left err -> sendParseErrorAndTerminate err "setExceptionBreakpoints" handle "continue" = case J.eitherDecode jsonStr :: Either String J.ContinueRequest of Right req -> continueRequestHandler mvarDat req Left err -> sendParseErrorAndTerminate err "continue" handle "next" = case J.eitherDecode jsonStr :: Either String J.NextRequest of Right req -> nextRequestHandler mvarDat req Left err -> sendParseErrorAndTerminate err "next" handle "stepIn" = case J.eitherDecode jsonStr :: Either String J.StepInRequest of Right req -> stepInRequestHandler mvarDat req Left err -> sendParseErrorAndTerminate err "stepIn" handle "stackTrace" = case J.eitherDecode jsonStr :: Either String J.StackTraceRequest of Right req -> stackTraceRequestHandler mvarDat req Left err -> sendParseErrorAndTerminate err "stackTrace" handle "scopes" = case J.eitherDecode jsonStr :: Either String J.ScopesRequest of Right req -> haskellDapEnabledDebugContextData <$> (readMVar mvarDat) >>= \case True -> scopesRequestHandlerDAP mvarDat req False -> scopesRequestHandler mvarDat req Left err -> sendParseErrorAndTerminate err "scopes" handle "variables" = case J.eitherDecode jsonStr :: Either String J.VariablesRequest of Right req -> haskellDapEnabledDebugContextData <$> (readMVar mvarDat) >>= \case True -> variablesRequestHandlerDAP mvarDat req False -> variablesRequestHandler mvarDat req Left err -> sendParseErrorAndTerminate err "variables" handle "threads" = case J.eitherDecode jsonStr :: Either String J.ThreadsRequest of Right req -> threadsRequestHandler mvarDat req Left err -> sendParseErrorAndTerminate err "threads" handle "evaluate" = case J.eitherDecode jsonStr :: Either String J.EvaluateRequest of Right req -> evaluateRequestHandler mvarDat req Left err -> sendParseErrorAndTerminate err "evaluate" handle "completions" = case J.eitherDecode jsonStr :: Either String J.CompletionsRequest of Right req -> completionsRequestHandler mvarDat req Left err -> sendParseErrorAndTerminate err "completions" -- | -- not supported. -- handle "stepOut" = case J.eitherDecode jsonStr :: Either String J.StepOutRequest of Left err -> sendParseErrorAndTerminate err "stepOut" Right req -> do resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarDat let res = J.defaultStepOutResponse resSeq req resStr = J.encode $ res{J.successStepOutResponse = False, J.messageStepOutResponse = "unsupported command."} sendResponse mvarDat resStr sendErrorEvent mvarDat "[WARN] stepOut command is not supported. ignored." handle "pause" = case J.eitherDecode jsonStr :: Either String J.PauseRequest of Left err -> sendParseErrorAndTerminate err "pause" Right req -> do resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarDat let res = J.defaultPauseResponse resSeq req resStr = J.encode $ res{J.successPauseResponse = False, J.messagePauseResponse = "unsupported command."} sendResponse mvarDat resStr sendErrorEvent mvarDat "[WARN] pause command is not supported. ignored." handle "source" = case J.eitherDecode jsonStr :: Either String J.SourceRequest of Left err -> sendParseErrorAndTerminate err "source" Right req -> do resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarDat let res = J.defaultSourceResponse resSeq req resStr = J.encode $ res{J.successSourceResponse = False, J.messageSourceResponse = "unsupported command."} sendResponse mvarDat resStr sendErrorEvent mvarDat "[WARN] source command is not supported. ignored." handle cmd = do let msg = L.intercalate " " ["[WARN] unknown request command. ignored.", cmd, lbs2str contLenStr, lbs2str jsonStr] sendErrorEvent mvarDat msg -- | -- initializeRequestHandler :: MVar DebugContextData -> J.InitializeRequest -> IO () initializeRequestHandler mvarCtx req@(J.InitializeRequest seq _ _ _) = flip E.catches handlers $ do resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx let capa = J.InitializeResponseCapabilites { J.supportsConfigurationDoneRequestInitializeResponseCapabilites = True , J.supportsFunctionBreakpointsInitializeResponseCapabilites = True , J.supportsConditionalBreakpointsInitializeResponseCapabilites = True , J.supportsHitConditionalBreakpointsInitializeResponseCapabilites = True , J.supportsEvaluateForHoversInitializeResponseCapabilites = True , J.exceptionBreakpointFiltersInitializeResponseCapabilites = [ J.ExceptionBreakpointsFilter "break-on-error" "break-on-error" False , J.ExceptionBreakpointsFilter "break-on-exception" "break-on-exception" False ] , J.supportsStepBackInitializeResponseCapabilites = False , J.supportsSetVariableInitializeResponseCapabilites = False , J.supportsRestartFrameInitializeResponseCapabilites = False , J.supportsGotoTargetsRequestInitializeResponseCapabilites = False , J.supportsStepInTargetsRequestInitializeResponseCapabilites = False , J.supportsCompletionsRequestInitializeResponseCapabilites = True } res = J.InitializeResponse resSeq "response" seq True "initialize" "" capa sendResponse mvarCtx $ J.encode res where handlers = [ E.Handler someExcept ] someExcept (e :: E.SomeException) = do let msg = L.intercalate " " ["initialize request error.", show req, show e] resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx sendResponse mvarCtx $ J.encode $ J.errorInitializeResponse resSeq req msg sendErrorEvent mvarCtx msg -- | -- launchRequestHandler :: MVar DebugContextData -> J.LaunchRequest -> IO () launchRequestHandler mvarCtx req@(J.LaunchRequest _ _ _ args) = flip E.catches handlers $ do ctx <- takeMVar mvarCtx putMVar mvarCtx ctx { workspaceDebugContextData = J.workspaceLaunchRequestArguments args , startupDebugContextData = U.replace "\\" "/" (J.startupLaunchRequestArguments args) , startupFuncDebugContextData = maybe "" (\s->if null (U.strip s) then "" else (U.strip s)) (J.startupFuncLaunchRequestArguments args) , startupArgsDebugContextData = maybe "" (id) (J.startupArgsLaunchRequestArguments args) , stopOnEntryDebugContextData = J.stopOnEntryLaunchRequestArguments args , haskellDapEnabledDebugContextData = L.isInfixOf _HASKELL_DAP_EXE (J.ghciCmdLaunchRequestArguments args) } let logLevelStr = J.logLevelLaunchRequestArguments args logLevel <- case readMay logLevelStr of Just lv -> return lv Nothing -> do sendErrorEvent mvarCtx $ "log priority is invalid. WARNING set. [" ++ logLevelStr ++ "]\n" return WARNING setupLogger (J.logFileLaunchRequestArguments args) logLevel logRequest $ show req prepareTasksJsonFile let initPmt = maybe _GHCI_PROMPT id (J.ghciInitialPromptLaunchRequestArguments args) debugM _LOG_NAME $ "ghci initial prompt [" ++ initPmt ++ "]." runGHCi mvarCtx (J.ghciCmdLaunchRequestArguments args) initPmt (J.ghciPromptLaunchRequestArguments args) (J.ghciEnvLaunchRequestArguments args) >>= ghciLaunched where handlers = [ E.Handler someExcept ] someExcept (e :: E.SomeException) = do let msg = L.intercalate " " ["launch request error.", show req, show e] resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx sendResponse mvarCtx $ J.encode $ J.errorLaunchResponse resSeq req msg sendErrorEvent mvarCtx $ msg ++ "\n" -- | -- prepareTasksJsonFile = do ctx <- readMVar mvarCtx let jsonFile = workspaceDebugContextData ctx ".vscode" "tasks.json" doesFileExist jsonFile >>= \case True -> debugM _LOG_NAME $ "tasks.json file exists. " ++ jsonFile False -> do sendConsoleEvent mvarCtx $ "create tasks.json file. " ++ jsonFile ++ "\n" saveFileLBS jsonFile _TASKS_JSON_FILE_CONTENTS -- | -- ghciLaunched (Left err) = do let msg = L.intercalate " " ["ghci launch error.", err] resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx sendResponse mvarCtx $ J.encode $ J.errorLaunchResponse resSeq req msg sendErrorEvent mvarCtx $ msg ++ "\n" sendTerminateEvent mvarCtx ghciLaunched (Right ghciProc) = do ctx <- takeMVar mvarCtx putMVar mvarCtx ctx{ghciProcessDebugContextData = Just ghciProc} loadHsFile mvarCtx (startupDebugContextData ctx) >>= \case Left _ -> do let msg = L.intercalate " " ["startup load error.", startupDebugContextData ctx] sendErrorEvent mvarCtx $ msg ++ "\n" Right modName -> do ctx <- takeMVar mvarCtx putMVar mvarCtx ctx{startupModuleDebugContextData = modName} setMainArgs ghciProc (J.mainArgsLaunchRequestArguments args) >>= \case Right _ -> return () Left err -> do let msg = L.intercalate " " ["set args error.", err, show (J.mainArgsLaunchRequestArguments args)] sendErrorEvent mvarCtx $ msg ++ "\n" resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx sendResponse mvarCtx $ J.encode $ J.defaultLaunchResponse resSeq req resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx sendEvent mvarCtx $ J.encode $ J.defaultInitializedEvent resSeq watch mvarCtx setMainArgs _ Nothing = return . Right $ () setMainArgs ghciProc (Just argsStr) | null (U.strip argsStr) = return . Right $ () | otherwise = G.set ghciProc (sendStdoutEvent mvarCtx) ("args " ++ argsStr) -- | -- configurationDoneRequestHandler :: MVar DebugContextData -> J.ConfigurationDoneRequest -> IO () configurationDoneRequestHandler mvarCtx req = flip E.catches handlers $ do logRequest $ show req ghciProcessDebugContextData <$> (readMVar mvarCtx) >>= withProcess where handlers = [ E.Handler someExcept ] someExcept (e :: E.SomeException) = do let msg = L.intercalate " " ["configurationDone request error.", show req, show e] resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx sendResponse mvarCtx $ J.encode $ J.errorConfigurationDoneResponse resSeq req msg sendErrorEvent mvarCtx msg withProcess Nothing = sendErrorEvent mvarCtx "[withProcess] ghci not started." withProcess (Just ghciProc) = do sendConsoleEvent mvarCtx $ L.intercalate "\n" _DEBUG_START_MSG checkVersion sendStdoutEvent mvarCtx $ G.promptGHCiProcess ghciProc resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx sendResponse mvarCtx $ J.encode $ J.defaultConfigurationDoneResponse resSeq req stopOnEntryDebugContextData <$> (readMVar mvarCtx) >>= stopOnEntry stopOnEntry False = proceedDebug mvarCtx stopOnEntry True = do resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx let stopEvt = J.defaultStoppedEvent resSeq stopEvtStr = J.encode stopEvt sendEvent mvarCtx stopEvtStr checkVersion = do verStr <- hackagePackageVersionDebugContextData <$> (readMVar mvarCtx) verArg <- case getVersion verStr of Right v -> return v Left err -> do sendErrorEvent mvarCtx $ "[checkVersion] argument version parse error. " ++ err return version when (version < verArg) $ do sendErrorEvent mvarCtx $ L.intercalate "\n" _NEW_VERSION_MSG getVersion :: String -> Either String V.Version getVersion str = case parse getVersionParser "getVersionParser" str of Right v -> Right v Left e -> Left $ "can not parse hackage module version. " ++ show e getVersionParser = do v1 <- manyTill digit (char '.') v2 <- manyTill digit (char '.') v3 <- manyTill digit (char '.') v4 <- manyTill digit eof return $ V.makeVersion [read v1, read v2, read v3, read v4] -- | -- disconnectRequestHandler :: MVar DebugContextData -> J.DisconnectRequest -> IO () disconnectRequestHandler mvarCtx req = do logRequest $ show req ghciProcessDebugContextData <$> (readMVar mvarCtx) >>= withProcess exitSuccess where withProcess Nothing = do sendErrorEvent mvarCtx "[disconnectRequestHandler] ghci not started." resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx sendResponse mvarCtx $ J.encode $ J.defaultDisconnectResponse resSeq req withProcess (Just ghciProc) = G.quit ghciProc outHdl >>= withExitCode withExitCode (Left err) = do sendErrorEvent mvarCtx $ "[disconnectRequestHandler] ghci quit error. " ++ err resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx sendResponse mvarCtx $ J.encode $ J.defaultDisconnectResponse resSeq req withExitCode (Right code) = do sendStdoutEvent mvarCtx $ show code sendStdoutEvent mvarCtx "\n" sendStdoutEvent mvarCtx "\n" resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx sendResponse mvarCtx $ J.encode $ J.defaultDisconnectResponse resSeq req outHdl = sendStdoutEvent mvarCtx -- | -- setBreakpointsRequestHandler :: MVar DebugContextData -> J.SetBreakpointsRequest -> IO () setBreakpointsRequestHandler mvarCtx req = do ctx <- readMVar mvarCtx let cwd = workspaceDebugContextData ctx args = J.argumentsSetBreakpointsRequest req source = J.sourceSetBreakpointsRequestArguments args path = J.pathSource source if U.startswith cwd path then setBreakpointsInternal mvarCtx req else do let msg = L.intercalate " " ["setBreakpoints request ignored."] resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx sendResponse mvarCtx $ J.encode $ J.errorSetBreakpointsResponse resSeq req msg -- | -- setBreakpointsInternal :: MVar DebugContextData -> J.SetBreakpointsRequest -> IO () setBreakpointsInternal mvarCtx req = flip E.catches handlers $ do logRequest $ show req ctx <- readMVar mvarCtx let cwd = workspaceDebugContextData ctx args = J.argumentsSetBreakpointsRequest req source = J.sourceSetBreakpointsRequestArguments args path = J.pathSource source reqBps = J.breakpointsSetBreakpointsRequestArguments args startup = startupDebugContextData ctx stMod = startupModuleDebugContextData ctx bps = map (convBp cwd path startup stMod) reqBps delete path resBody <- insert bps resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx let res = J.defaultSetBreakpointsResponse resSeq req resStr = J.encode res{J.bodySetBreakpointsResponse = J.SetBreakpointsResponseBody resBody} sendResponse mvarCtx resStr where handlers = [ E.Handler someExcept ] someExcept (e :: E.SomeException) = do let msg = L.intercalate " " ["setBreakpoints request error.", show req, show e] resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx sendResponse mvarCtx $ J.encode $ J.errorSetBreakpointsResponse resSeq req msg sendErrorEvent mvarCtx msg convBp cwd path startup stMod (J.SourceBreakpoint lineNo colNo cond hitCond) = BreakPointData { nameBreakPointData = src2mod cwd path startup stMod , srcPosBreakPointData = G.SourcePosition path lineNo (maybe (-1) id colNo) (-1) (-1) , breakNoBreakPointData = Nothing , conditionBreakPointData = normalizeCond cond , hitConditionBreakPointData = hitCond , hitCountBreakPointData = 0 } normalizeCond Nothing = Nothing normalizeCond (Just c) | null (U.strip c) = Nothing | otherwise = Just c delete path = do ctx <- takeMVar mvarCtx let bps = breakPointDatasDebugContextData ctx newBps = M.filterWithKey (\(G.SourcePosition p _ _ _ _) _-> path /= p) bps delBps = M.elems $ M.filterWithKey (\(G.SourcePosition p _ _ _ _) _-> path == p) bps putMVar mvarCtx ctx{breakPointDatasDebugContextData = newBps} debugM _LOG_NAME $ "del bps:" ++ show delBps mapM_ (deleteBreakPointOnGHCi mvarCtx) delBps insert reqBps = do results <- mapM insertInternal reqBps let addBps = filter (\(_, (J.Breakpoint _ verified _ _ _ _ _ _)) -> verified) results resData = map snd results debugM _LOG_NAME $ "add bps:" ++ show addBps debugM _LOG_NAME $ "response bps:" ++ show resData ctx <- takeMVar mvarCtx let bps = breakPointDatasDebugContextData ctx newBps = foldr (\v@(BreakPointData _ s _ _ _ _)->M.insert s v) bps $ map fst results putMVar mvarCtx ctx{breakPointDatasDebugContextData = newBps} return resData insertInternal reqBp@(BreakPointData modName (G.SourcePosition filePath lineNo _ _ _) _ _ _ _) = addBreakPointOnGHCi mvarCtx reqBp >>= \case Right (no, srcPos@(G.SourcePosition path sl sc el ec)) -> return (reqBp{ breakNoBreakPointData = Just no , srcPosBreakPointData = srcPos }, J.Breakpoint (Just no) True "" (J.Source (Just modName) path Nothing Nothing) sl sc el ec) Left err -> return (reqBp, J.Breakpoint Nothing False err (J.Source (Just modName) filePath Nothing Nothing) lineNo (-1) lineNo (-1)) -- | -- setFunctionBreakpointsRequestHandler :: MVar DebugContextData -> J.SetFunctionBreakpointsRequest -> IO () setFunctionBreakpointsRequestHandler mvarCtx req = flip E.catches handlers $ do logRequest $ show req let args = J.argumentsSetFunctionBreakpointsRequest req reqBps = J.breakpointsSetFunctionBreakpointsRequestArguments args bps = map convBp reqBps delete resBody <- insert bps resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx let res = J.defaultSetFunctionBreakpointsResponse resSeq req resStr = J.encode res{J.bodySetFunctionBreakpointsResponse = J.SetFunctionBreakpointsResponseBody resBody} sendResponse mvarCtx resStr where handlers = [ E.Handler someExcept ] someExcept (e :: E.SomeException) = do let msg = L.intercalate " " ["setFunctionBreakpoints request error.", show req, show e] resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx sendResponse mvarCtx $ J.encode $ J.errorSetFunctionBreakpointsResponse resSeq req msg sendErrorEvent mvarCtx msg convBp (J.FunctionBreakpoint name cond hitCond) = BreakPointData { nameBreakPointData = name , srcPosBreakPointData = G.SourcePosition "" (-1) (-1) (-1) (-1) , breakNoBreakPointData = Nothing , conditionBreakPointData = normalizeCond cond , hitConditionBreakPointData = hitCond , hitCountBreakPointData = 0 } normalizeCond Nothing = Nothing normalizeCond (Just c) | null (U.strip c) = Nothing | otherwise = Just c delete = do ctx <- takeMVar mvarCtx let bps = functionBreakPointDatasDebugContextData ctx delBps = M.elems bps putMVar mvarCtx ctx{functionBreakPointDatasDebugContextData = M.fromList []} debugM _LOG_NAME $ "del bps:" ++ show delBps mapM_ (deleteBreakPointOnGHCi mvarCtx) delBps insert reqBps = do results <- mapM insertInternal reqBps let addBps = filter (\(_, (J.Breakpoint _ verified _ _ _ _ _ _)) -> verified) results resData = map snd results debugM _LOG_NAME $ "add funBPs:" ++ show addBps debugM _LOG_NAME $ "response funBPs:" ++ show resData ctx <- takeMVar mvarCtx let bps = functionBreakPointDatasDebugContextData ctx newBps = foldr (\v@(BreakPointData _ s _ _ _ _)->M.insert s v) bps $ map fst results putMVar mvarCtx ctx{functionBreakPointDatasDebugContextData = newBps} return resData insertInternal reqBp@(BreakPointData funcName _ _ _ _ _) = do addFunctionBreakPointOnGHCi mvarCtx reqBp >>= \case Right (no, srcPos@(G.SourcePosition path sl sc el ec)) -> do return ( reqBp{ breakNoBreakPointData = Just no , srcPosBreakPointData = srcPos } , J.Breakpoint (Just no) True "" (J.Source (Just funcName) path Nothing Nothing) sl sc el ec) Left err -> return (reqBp, J.Breakpoint Nothing False err (J.Source (Just funcName) "" Nothing Nothing) (-1) (-1) (-1) (-1)) -- | -- setExceptionBreakpointsRequestHandler :: MVar DebugContextData -> J.SetExceptionBreakpointsRequest -> IO () setExceptionBreakpointsRequestHandler mvarCtx req = flip E.catches handlers $ do logRequest $ show req let args = J.argumentsSetExceptionBreakpointsRequest req filters = J.filtersSetExceptionBreakpointsRequestArguments args ghciProcessDebugContextData <$> (readMVar mvarCtx) >>= withProcess filters where handlers = [ E.Handler someExcept ] someExcept (e :: E.SomeException) = do let msg = L.intercalate " " ["setExceptionBreakpoints request error.", show req, show e] resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx sendResponse mvarCtx $ J.encode $ J.errorSetExceptionBreakpointsResponse resSeq req msg sendErrorEvent mvarCtx msg withProcess _ Nothing = sendErrorEvent mvarCtx "[setExceptionBreakpointsRequestHandler] ghci not started." withProcess filters (Just ghciProc) | null filters = withCommands ghciProc ["-fno-break-on-exception", "-fno-break-on-error"] | filters == ["break-on-error"] = withCommands ghciProc ["-fno-break-on-exception", "-fbreak-on-error"] | filters == ["break-on-exception"] = withCommands ghciProc ["-fbreak-on-exception", "-fno-break-on-error"] | otherwise = withCommands ghciProc ["-fbreak-on-exception", "-fbreak-on-error" ] withCommands _ [] = do resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx let res = J.defaultSetExceptionBreakpointsResponse resSeq req resStr = J.encode res sendResponse mvarCtx resStr withCommands ghciProc (x:xs) = G.set ghciProc outHdl x >>= \case Right _ -> withCommands ghciProc xs Left err -> do let msg = L.intercalate " " ["setExceptionBreakpoints request error.", show req, show err] resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx sendResponse mvarCtx $ J.encode $ J.errorSetExceptionBreakpointsResponse resSeq req msg sendErrorEvent mvarCtx msg outHdl = sendStdoutEvent mvarCtx -- | -- -- continueRequestHandler :: MVar DebugContextData -> J.ContinueRequest -> IO () continueRequestHandler mvarCtx req = flip E.catches handlers $ do logRequest $ show req resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx let resStr = J.encode $ J.defaultContinueResponse resSeq req sendResponse mvarCtx resStr proceedDebug mvarCtx where handlers = [ E.Handler someExcept ] someExcept (e :: E.SomeException) = do let msg = L.intercalate " " ["continue request error.", show req, show e] resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx sendResponse mvarCtx $ J.encode $ J.errorContinueResponse resSeq req msg sendErrorEvent mvarCtx msg -- | -- -- nextRequestHandler :: MVar DebugContextData -> J.NextRequest -> IO () nextRequestHandler mvarCtx req = flip E.catches handlers $ do logRequest $ show req ctx <- readMVar mvarCtx case debugStoppedPosDebugContextData ctx of Nothing -> do resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx let res = J.defaultNextResponse resSeq req resStr = J.encode res{J.successNextResponse = False, J.messageNextResponse = "debug is initialized but not started yet. press F5(continue)."} sendResponse mvarCtx resStr Just _ -> next where handlers = [ E.Handler someExcept ] someExcept (e :: E.SomeException) = do let msg = L.intercalate " " ["stepOver request error.", show req, show e] resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx sendResponse mvarCtx $ J.encode $ J.errorNextResponse resSeq req msg sendErrorEvent mvarCtx msg next = ghciProcessDebugContextData <$> (readMVar mvarCtx) >>= withProcess withProcess Nothing = sendErrorEvent mvarCtx "[nextRequestHandler] ghci not started." withProcess (Just ghciProc) = G.stepLocal ghciProc outHdl >>= \case Left err -> do sendErrorEvent mvarCtx $ show err sendTerminateEvent mvarCtx Right Nothing -> do resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx let res = J.defaultNextResponse resSeq req resStr = J.encode res sendResponse mvarCtx resStr breakByException mvarCtx Right (Just pos) -> do ctx <- takeMVar mvarCtx putMVar mvarCtx ctx{debugStoppedPosDebugContextData = Just pos} resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx let res = J.defaultNextResponse resSeq req resStr = J.encode res sendResponse mvarCtx resStr resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx let stopEvt = J.defaultStoppedEvent resSeq stopEvtStr = J.encode stopEvt sendEvent mvarCtx stopEvtStr outHdl = sendStdoutEvent mvarCtx -- | -- -- stepInRequestHandler :: MVar DebugContextData -> J.StepInRequest -> IO () stepInRequestHandler mvarCtx req = flip E.catches handlers $ do logRequest $ show req ctx <- readMVar mvarCtx case debugStoppedPosDebugContextData ctx of Nothing -> do resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx let res = J.defaultStepInResponse resSeq req resStr = J.encode res{J.successStepInResponse = False, J.messageStepInResponse = "debug is initialized but not started yet. press F5(continue)."} sendResponse mvarCtx resStr Just _ -> stepIn where handlers = [ E.Handler someExcept ] someExcept (e :: E.SomeException) = do let msg = L.intercalate " " ["stepIn request error.", show req, show e] resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx sendResponse mvarCtx $ J.encode $ J.errorStepInResponse resSeq req msg sendErrorEvent mvarCtx msg stepIn = ghciProcessDebugContextData <$> (readMVar mvarCtx) >>= withProcess withProcess Nothing = sendErrorEvent mvarCtx "[stepInRequestHandler] ghci not started." withProcess (Just ghciProc) = G.step ghciProc outHdl >>= \case Left err -> do sendErrorEvent mvarCtx $ show err sendTerminateEvent mvarCtx Right Nothing -> do resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx let res = J.defaultStepInResponse resSeq req resStr = J.encode res sendResponse mvarCtx resStr breakByException mvarCtx Right (Just pos) -> do ctx <- takeMVar mvarCtx putMVar mvarCtx ctx{debugStoppedPosDebugContextData = Just pos} resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx let res = J.defaultStepInResponse resSeq req resStr = J.encode res sendResponse mvarCtx resStr resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx let stopEvt = J.defaultStoppedEvent resSeq stopEvtStr = J.encode stopEvt sendEvent mvarCtx stopEvtStr outHdl = sendStdoutEvent mvarCtx -- | -- -- stackTraceRequestHandler :: MVar DebugContextData -> J.StackTraceRequest -> IO () stackTraceRequestHandler mvarCtx req = flip E.catches handlers $ do logRequest $ show req ctx <- readMVar mvarCtx case debugStoppedPosDebugContextData ctx of Nothing -> do resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx let body = J.StackTraceBody [] 0 res = J.defaultStackTraceResponse resSeq req resStr = J.encode $ res{J.bodyStackTraceResponse = body} sendResponse mvarCtx resStr Just rangeData -> do frames <- createStackFrames rangeData debugM _LOG_NAME $ show frames resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx let body = J.StackTraceBody (reverse frames) (length frames) res = J.defaultStackTraceResponse resSeq req resStr = J.encode $ res{J.bodyStackTraceResponse = body} sendResponse mvarCtx resStr where handlers = [ E.Handler someExcept ] someExcept (e :: E.SomeException) = do let msg = L.intercalate " " ["stackTrace request error.", show req, show e] resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx sendResponse mvarCtx $ J.encode $ J.errorStackTraceResponse resSeq req msg sendErrorEvent mvarCtx msg createStackFrames pos = ghciProcessDebugContextData <$> (readMVar mvarCtx) >>= withProcess pos withProcess pos Nothing = do sendErrorEvent mvarCtx "[stackTraceRequestHandler] ghci not started." defaultFrame pos withProcess pos (Just ghciProc) = do isDAP <- haskellDapEnabledDebugContextData <$> (readMVar mvarCtx) when isDAP $ do _ <- G.historyDAP ghciProc outHdlDAP _GHCi_HISTORY_SIZE return () ctx <- takeMVar mvarCtx putMVar mvarCtx ctx{currentFrameIdDebugContextData = 0} G.history ghciProc outHdl _GHCi_HISTORY_SIZE >>= \case Left err -> do sendErrorEvent mvarCtx $ show err defaultFrame pos Right dats -> do cwd <- workspaceDebugContextData <$> readMVar mvarCtx cfs <- defaultFrame pos foldM (convTrace2Frame cwd) cfs dats convTrace2Frame cwd xs (G.StackFrame traceId funcName (G.SourcePosition file sl sc el ec)) = do ctx <- readMVar mvarCtx let startup = startupDebugContextData ctx stMod = startupModuleDebugContextData ctx return $ J.StackFrame traceId funcName (J.Source (Just (src2mod cwd file startup stMod)) file Nothing Nothing) sl sc el ec : xs defaultFrame (G.SourcePosition file sl sc el ec) = do ctx <- readMVar mvarCtx let startup = startupDebugContextData ctx stMod = startupModuleDebugContextData ctx cwd = workspaceDebugContextData ctx csf = J.StackFrame 0 "[BP]" (J.Source (Just (src2mod cwd file startup stMod)) file Nothing Nothing) sl sc el ec return [csf] outHdl = debugM _LOG_NAME outHdlDAP = sendStdoutEvent mvarCtx -- | -- -- scopesRequestHandler :: MVar DebugContextData -> J.ScopesRequest -> IO () scopesRequestHandler mvarCtx req = flip E.catches handlers $ do logRequest $ show req let args = J.argumentsScopesRequest req traceId = J.frameIdScopesArguments args moveFrame mvarCtx traceId resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx let resStr = J.encode $ J.defaultScopesResponse resSeq req sendResponse mvarCtx resStr where handlers = [ E.Handler someExcept ] someExcept (e :: E.SomeException) = do let msg = L.intercalate " " ["scopes request error.", show req, show e] resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx sendResponse mvarCtx $ J.encode $ J.errorScopesResponse resSeq req msg sendErrorEvent mvarCtx msg -- | -- -- scopesRequestHandlerDAP :: MVar DebugContextData -> J.ScopesRequest -> IO () scopesRequestHandlerDAP mvarCtx req = flip E.catches handlers $ do logRequest $ show req body <- ghciProcessDebugContextData <$> (readMVar mvarCtx) >>= withProcess resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx let res = J.defaultScopesResponse resSeq req resStr = J.encode res{J.bodyScopesResponse = body} sendResponse mvarCtx resStr where handlers = [ E.Handler someExcept ] someExcept (e :: E.SomeException) = do let msg = L.intercalate " " ["scopes request error.", show req, show e] resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx sendResponse mvarCtx $ J.encode $ J.errorScopesResponse resSeq req msg sendErrorEvent mvarCtx msg withProcess Nothing = do sendErrorEvent mvarCtx "[scopesRequestHandlerDAP] ghci not started." return J.ScopesBody {J.scopesScopesBody = []} withProcess (Just ghciProc) = do let args = J.argumentsScopesRequest req traceId = J.frameIdScopesArguments args G.scopesDAP ghciProc outHdl traceId >>= \case Left err -> do sendErrorEvent mvarCtx $ show err return J.ScopesBody {J.scopesScopesBody = []} Right dats -> case readMay dats of Just body -> do debugM _LOG_NAME $ "[scopesRequestHandlerDAP] read string: " ++ dats return body Nothing -> do sendErrorEvent mvarCtx $ "[scopesRequestHandlerDAP] can not read valriables. " ++ dats return J.ScopesBody {J.scopesScopesBody = []} -- outHdl = debugM _LOG_NAME outHdl = sendStdoutEvent mvarCtx -- | -- -- variablesRequestHandler :: MVar DebugContextData -> J.VariablesRequest -> IO () variablesRequestHandler mvarCtx req = flip E.catches handlers $ do logRequest $ show req vals <- currentBindings resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx let res = J.defaultVariablesResponse resSeq req resStr = J.encode $ res{J.bodyVariablesResponse = J.VariablesBody vals} sendResponse mvarCtx resStr where handlers = [ E.Handler someExcept ] someExcept (e :: E.SomeException) = do let msg = L.intercalate " " ["variables request error.", show req, show e] resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx sendResponse mvarCtx $ J.encode $ J.errorVariablesResponse resSeq req msg sendErrorEvent mvarCtx msg currentBindings = ghciProcessDebugContextData <$> (readMVar mvarCtx) >>= withProcess withProcess Nothing = do sendErrorEvent mvarCtx "[variablesRequestHandler] ghci not started." return [] withProcess (Just ghciProc) = G.bindings ghciProc outHdl >>= \case Left err -> do sendErrorEvent mvarCtx $ show err return [] Right dats -> return $ map convBind2Vals dats convBind2Vals (G.BindingData varName modName val) = J.Variable { J.nameVariable = varName , J.typeVariable = modName , J.valueVariable = val , J.evaluateNameVariable = (Just varName) , J.variablesReferenceVariable = 0 , J.presentationHintVariable = Nothing , J.namedVariablesVariable = Nothing , J.indexedVariablesVariable = Nothing } outHdl = debugM _LOG_NAME -- | -- -- variablesRequestHandlerDAP :: MVar DebugContextData -> J.VariablesRequest -> IO () variablesRequestHandlerDAP mvarCtx req = flip E.catches handlers $ do logRequest $ show req body <- ghciProcessDebugContextData <$> (readMVar mvarCtx) >>= withProcess resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx let res = J.defaultVariablesResponse resSeq req resStr = J.encode $ res{J.bodyVariablesResponse = body} sendResponse mvarCtx resStr where handlers = [ E.Handler someExcept ] someExcept (e :: E.SomeException) = do let msg = L.intercalate " " ["variables request error.", show req, show e] resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx sendResponse mvarCtx $ J.encode $ J.errorVariablesResponse resSeq req msg sendErrorEvent mvarCtx msg withProcess Nothing = do sendErrorEvent mvarCtx "[variablesRequestHandler] ghci not started." return J.defaultVariablesBody withProcess (Just ghciProc) = do let args = J.argumentsVariablesRequest req idx = J.variablesReferenceVariablesArguments args G.bindingsDAP ghciProc outHdl idx >>= \case Left err -> do sendErrorEvent mvarCtx $ show err return J.defaultVariablesBody Right dats -> case readMay dats of Just vals -> do debugM _LOG_NAME $ "[variablesRequestHandlerDAP] read string: " ++ dats return vals Nothing -> do sendErrorEvent mvarCtx $ "[variablesRequestHandler] can not read valriables. " ++ dats return J.defaultVariablesBody -- outHdl = debugM _LOG_NAME outHdl = sendStdoutEvent mvarCtx -- | -- -- threadsRequestHandler :: MVar DebugContextData -> J.ThreadsRequest -> IO () threadsRequestHandler mvarCtx req = flip E.catches handlers $ do logRequest $ show req resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx let resStr = J.encode $ J.defaultThreadsResponse resSeq req sendResponse mvarCtx resStr where handlers = [ E.Handler someExcept ] someExcept (e :: E.SomeException) = do let msg = L.intercalate " " ["threads request error.", show req, show e] resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx sendResponse mvarCtx $ J.encode $ J.errorThreadsResponse resSeq req msg sendErrorEvent mvarCtx msg -- | -- -- evaluateRequestHandler :: MVar DebugContextData -> J.EvaluateRequest -> IO () evaluateRequestHandler mvarCtx req = flip E.catches handlers $ do logRequest $ show req isDap <- haskellDapEnabledDebugContextData <$> (readMVar mvarCtx) let (J.EvaluateArguments exp _ ctx) = J.argumentsEvaluateRequest req ghciProcessDebugContextData <$> (readMVar mvarCtx) >>= withProcess ctx isDap exp where handlers = [ E.Handler someExcept ] someExcept (e :: E.SomeException) = do let msg = L.intercalate " " ["evaluate request error.", show req, show e] resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx sendResponse mvarCtx $ J.encode $ J.errorEvaluateResponse resSeq req msg sendErrorEvent mvarCtx msg withProcess _ _ _ Nothing = sendErrorEvent mvarCtx "[evaluateRequestHandler] ghci not started." withProcess "watch" False exp (Just ghciProc) = G.showType ghciProc outHdl exp >>= \case Left err -> do errorM _LOG_NAME $ show err evaluateResponse err "" Right typeStr -> case isFunction typeStr of True -> evaluateResponse ("function :: " ++ (getOnlyType typeStr)) (getOnlyType typeStr) False -> G.force ghciProc outHdl exp >>= \case Right valStr -> evaluateResponse (getOnlyValue valStr) (getOnlyType typeStr) Left _ -> evaluateResponse "" (getOnlyType typeStr) withProcess "watch" True exp (Just ghciProc) = G.forceDAP ghciProc outHdlDAP exp >>= \case Right dats -> case readMay dats of Just body -> do debugM _LOG_NAME $ "[evaluateRequestHandler] read string: " ++ dats resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx let res = J.defaultEvaluateResponse resSeq req resStr = J.encode res{J.bodyEvaluateResponse = body} sendResponse mvarCtx resStr Nothing -> do sendErrorEvent mvarCtx $ "[evaluateRequestHandler] can not read valriables. " ++ dats resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx let res = J.errorEvaluateResponse resSeq req $ "eval faild." sendResponse mvarCtx (J.encode res) Left e -> do resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx let res = J.errorEvaluateResponse resSeq req (show e) sendResponse mvarCtx (J.encode res) withProcess "hover" _ exp (Just ghciProc) = G.showType ghciProc outHdl exp >>= \case Left err -> do errorM _LOG_NAME $ show err evaluateResponse err "" Right typeStr -> evaluateResponse typeStr (getOnlyType typeStr) withProcess _ _ exp (Just ghciProc) | null (U.strip exp) = do evaluateResponse "" "" sendStdoutEvent mvarCtx (G.promptGHCiProcess ghciProc) | otherwise = replHandler ghciProc $ map U.rstrip (lines exp) replHandler _ [] = do errorM _LOG_NAME "[replHandler] invalid inputs." evaluateResponse "" "" replHandler ghciProc (exp:[]) | isPermitCmd (U.strip exp) = G.exec ghciProc outHdl exp >>= \case Left err -> do errorM _LOG_NAME $ show err evaluateResponse "" "" sendErrorEvent mvarCtx $ (G.promptGHCiProcess ghciProc) ++ exp ++ "\n" ++ show err sendStdoutEvent mvarCtx $ G.promptGHCiProcess ghciProc Right cmdStr -> do evaluateResponse "" "" sendStdoutEvent mvarCtx $ (G.promptGHCiProcess ghciProc) ++ exp ++ "\n" ++ cmdStr | otherwise = do evaluateResponse "" "" sendErrorEvent mvarCtx $ (G.promptGHCiProcess ghciProc) ++ exp ++ "\n can not use these commands.\n" ++ show _NOT_PERMIT_REPL_COMMANDS ++ "\n" sendStdoutEvent mvarCtx $ G.promptGHCiProcess ghciProc replHandler ghciProc exps = G.exec ghciProc outHdl ":{" >>= \case Left err -> do errorM _LOG_NAME $ show err evaluateResponse "" "" sendErrorEvent mvarCtx $ (G.promptGHCiProcess ghciProc) ++ ":{\n" ++ show err Right cmdStr -> replsHandler ghciProc (exps ++ [":}"]) $ (G.promptGHCiProcess ghciProc) ++ ":{\n" ++ cmdStr replsHandler _ [] acc = do evaluateResponse "" "" sendStdoutEvent mvarCtx acc replsHandler ghciProc (x:xs) acc | isPermitCmd (U.strip x) = G.exec ghciProc outHdl x >>= \case Left err -> do evaluateResponse "" "" sendErrorEvent mvarCtx $ acc ++ x ++ "\n" ++ show err sendStdoutEvent mvarCtx $ G.promptGHCiProcess ghciProc Right cmdStr -> replsHandler ghciProc xs $ acc ++ x ++ "\n" ++ cmdStr | otherwise = do evaluateResponse "" "" sendErrorEvent mvarCtx $ acc ++ x ++ "\n can not use these commands.\n" ++ show _NOT_PERMIT_REPL_COMMANDS ++ "\n" sendStdoutEvent mvarCtx $ G.promptGHCiProcess ghciProc isPermitCmd c = 0 == (length ( filter (flip U.startswith c) _NOT_PERMIT_REPL_COMMANDS)) outHdl = debugM _LOG_NAME outHdlDAP = sendStdoutEvent mvarCtx isFunction str = case parse isFunctionParser "isFunction" str of Right _ -> True Left _ -> False isFunctionParser = manyTill anyChar (string "->") evaluateResponse msg typeStr = do resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx let body = J.defaultEvaluateBody{J.resultEvaluateBody = msg, J.typeEvaluateBody = typeStr} res = J.defaultEvaluateResponse resSeq req resStr = J.encode res{J.bodyEvaluateResponse = body} sendResponse mvarCtx resStr -- | -- force result parser -- -- parser of -- Phoityne>>= :force x -- x = 8 -- Phoityne>>= -- getOnlyValue :: String -> String getOnlyValue str = case parse getOnlyValueParser "getOnlyValue" str of Right vals -> vals Left _ -> str where getOnlyValueParser = do _ <- manyTill anyChar (string " = ") manyTill anyChar eof -- | -- type result parser -- -- parser of -- Phoityne>>= :type x -- x :: Int -> Int -- Phoityne>>= -- getOnlyType :: String -> String getOnlyType str = case parse getOnlyTypeParser "getOnlyType" str of Right vals -> vals Left _ -> str where getOnlyTypeParser = do _ <- manyTill anyChar (string " :: ") manyTill anyChar eof -- | -- -- completionsRequestHandler :: MVar DebugContextData -> J.CompletionsRequest -> IO () completionsRequestHandler mvarCtx req = flip E.catches handlers $ do logRequest $ show req let (J.CompletionsArguments _ key _ _) = J.argumentsCompletionsRequest req ghciProcessDebugContextData <$> (readMVar mvarCtx) >>= withProcess key where handlers = [ E.Handler someExcept ] someExcept (e :: E.SomeException) = do let msg = L.intercalate " " ["completions request error.", show req, show e] resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx sendResponse mvarCtx $ J.encode $ J.errorCompletionsResponse resSeq req msg sendErrorEvent mvarCtx msg withProcess _ Nothing = sendErrorEvent mvarCtx "[completionsRequestHandler] ghci not started." withProcess key (Just ghciProc) = G.complete ghciProc outHdl key 50 >>= \case Left err -> do errorM _LOG_NAME $ show err resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx let resStr = J.encode $ J.errorCompletionsResponse resSeq req $ show err sendResponse mvarCtx resStr Right xs -> do resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx let bd = J.CompletionsResponseBody $ map createItem xs res = J.defaultCompletionsResponse resSeq req let resStr = J.encode $ res {J.bodyCompletionsResponse = bd} sendResponse mvarCtx resStr createItem (':':xs) = J.CompletionsItem xs createItem xs = J.CompletionsItem xs outHdl = debugM _LOG_NAME -- |===================================================================== -- -- Utility -- | -- -- src2mod :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> String -> String src2mod cwd src startup stMod | normalized == startup = stMod | otherwise = path2mod cwd src where normalized = U.replace "\\" "/" src -- | -- -- path2mod :: FilePath -> FilePath -> String path2mod cwd src | length cwd >= length src = "" | otherwise = L.intercalate "." $ map takeBaseName $ reverse $ takeWhile startUpperCase $ reverse $ splitOneOf [_SEP_WIN, _SEP_UNIX] $ drop (length cwd) src where startUpperCase modName | null modName = False | otherwise = isUpper $ head modName -- | -- -- getIncreasedResponseSequence :: MVar DebugContextData -> IO Int getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx = do ctx <- takeMVar mvarCtx let resSec = 1 + resSeqDebugContextData ctx putMVar mvarCtx ctx{resSeqDebugContextData = resSec} return resSec -- | -- -- runGHCi :: MVar DebugContextData -> String -> String -> String -> M.Map String String -> IO (Either G.ErrorData G.GHCiProcess) runGHCi mvarCtx cmdStr initPmt pmt envs = do ctx <- readMVar mvarCtx let cmdList = filter (not.null) $ U.split " " cmdStr cmd = head cmdList opts = tail cmdList cwd = workspaceDebugContextData ctx G.start outHdl cmd opts cwd initPmt pmt envs where outHdl = sendStdoutEvent mvarCtx -- | -- -- loadHsFile :: MVar DebugContextData -> FilePath -> IO (Either G.ErrorData ModuleName) loadHsFile mvarCtx path = ghciProcessDebugContextData <$> (readMVar mvarCtx) >>= \case Nothing -> do sendErrorEvent mvarCtx $ "load file fail.[" ++ path ++ "]" ++ " ghci not started." return $ Left "" Just ghciProc -> G.loadFile ghciProc outHdl path >>= withFileLoadResult ghciProc where outHdl msg = do sendStdoutEvent mvarCtx msg withFileLoadResult _ (Left err) = do sendErrorEvent mvarCtx $ "load file fail.[" ++ path ++ "]" ++ " " ++ err return $ Left "" withFileLoadResult _ (Right []) = do sendErrorEvent mvarCtx $ "load file fail.[" ++ path ++ "]" return $ Left "" withFileLoadResult ghciProc (Right mods) = G.loadModule ghciProc outHdl mods >>= \case Left err -> do sendErrorEvent mvarCtx $ "load module fail. " ++ show mods ++ " " ++ err return $ Left "" Right _ -> return . Right $ last mods -- | -- ブレークポイントをGHCi上でdeleteする -- deleteBreakPointOnGHCi :: MVar DebugContextData -> BreakPointData -> IO () deleteBreakPointOnGHCi mvarCtx bp@(BreakPointData _ _ (Just breakNo) _ _ _) = ghciProcessDebugContextData <$> (readMVar mvarCtx) >>= \case Nothing -> sendErrorEvent mvarCtx $ "[deleteBreakPointOnGHCi] ghci not started. " ++ show bp Just ghciProc -> G.delete ghciProc outHdl breakNo >>= withResult where outHdl = sendStdoutEvent mvarCtx withResult (Left err) = sendErrorEvent mvarCtx $ "[deleteBreakPointOnGHCi] " ++ err ++ " " ++ show bp withResult (Right _) = return () deleteBreakPointOnGHCi mvarCtx bp = sendErrorEvent mvarCtx $ "[deleteBreakPointOnGHCi] invalid delete break point. " ++ show bp -- | -- GHCi上でブレークポイントを追加する -- addBreakPointOnGHCi :: MVar DebugContextData -> BreakPointData -> IO (Either String (Int, G.SourcePosition)) addBreakPointOnGHCi mvarCtx bp@(BreakPointData modName (G.SourcePosition _ lineNo col _ _) _ _ _ _) = ghciProcessDebugContextData <$> (readMVar mvarCtx) >>= \case Nothing -> do errorM _LOG_NAME $ "[addBreakPointOnGHCi] ghci not started. " ++ show bp return $ Left $ "[addBreakPointOnGHCi] ghci not started. " ++ show bp Just ghciProc -> G.setBreak ghciProc outHdl modName lineNo col where outHdl = sendStdoutEvent mvarCtx -- | -- GHCi上で関数ブレークポイントを追加する -- addFunctionBreakPointOnGHCi :: MVar DebugContextData -> BreakPointData -> IO (Either String (Int, G.SourcePosition)) addFunctionBreakPointOnGHCi mvarCtx bp@(BreakPointData name _ _ _ _ _) = ghciProcessDebugContextData <$> (readMVar mvarCtx) >>= \case Nothing -> do errorM _LOG_NAME $ "[addFunctionBreakPointOnGHCi] ghci not started. " ++ show bp return $ Left $ "[addFunctionBreakPointOnGHCi] ghci not started. " ++ show bp Just ghciProc -> G.setFuncBreak ghciProc outHdl name where outHdl = sendStdoutEvent mvarCtx -- | -- Loggerのセットアップ -- setupLogger :: FilePath -> Priority -> IO () setupLogger logFile level = do logStream <- openFile logFile AppendMode hSetEncoding logStream utf8 logH <- LHS.streamHandler logStream level let logHandle = logH {LHS.closeFunc = hClose} logFormat = L.tfLogFormatter _LOG_FORMAT_DATE _LOG_FORMAT logHandler = LH.setFormatter logHandle logFormat L.updateGlobalLogger L.rootLoggerName $ L.setHandlers ([] :: [LHS.GenericHandler Handle]) L.updateGlobalLogger _LOG_NAME $ L.setHandlers [logHandler] L.updateGlobalLogger _LOG_NAME $ L.setLevel level -- | -- -- watch :: MVar DebugContextData -> IO () watch mvarCtx = do _ <- forkIO $ watchFiles mvarCtx return () watchFiles :: MVar DebugContextData -> IO () watchFiles mvarCtx = do FSN.withManagerConf FSN.defaultConfig{FSN.confDebounce = FSN.Debounce 1} $ \mgr -> do ctx <- readMVar mvarCtx let dir = workspaceDebugContextData ctx debugM _LOG_NAME $ "start watch files in [" ++ dir ++ "]" _ <- FSN.watchTree mgr dir hsFilter action forever $ threadDelay 1000000 return () where hsFilter event = U.endswith _HS_FILE_EXT $ FSN.eventPath event action event = do ctx <- readMVar mvarCtx withDebugStarted event $ debugStartedDebugContextData ctx withDebugStarted _ True = sendRestartEvent mvarCtx withDebugStarted event False = do ctx <- takeMVar mvarCtx putMVar mvarCtx ctx{modifiedDebugContextData = True} loadHsFile mvarCtx (FSN.eventPath event) >> return () -- | -- -- moveFrame :: MVar DebugContextData -> Int -> IO () moveFrame mvarCtx traceId = ghciProcessDebugContextData <$> (readMVar mvarCtx) >>= withProcess where withProcess Nothing = sendErrorEvent mvarCtx "[moveFrame] ghci not started." withProcess (Just ghciProc) = do ctx <- readMVar mvarCtx let curTraceId = currentFrameIdDebugContextData ctx moveCount = curTraceId - traceId traceCmd = if 0 > moveCount then G.back ghciProc outHdl else G.forward ghciProc outHdl -- _ <- traceCmd (abs moveCount) mapM_ traceCmd [1..(abs moveCount)] ctx <- takeMVar mvarCtx putMVar mvarCtx ctx{currentFrameIdDebugContextData = traceId} outHdl = sendStdoutEvent mvarCtx -- | -- -- breakByException :: MVar DebugContextData -> IO () breakByException mvarCtx = ghciProcessDebugContextData <$> (readMVar mvarCtx) >>= withProcess where withProcess Nothing = do sendErrorEvent mvarCtx "[breakByException] ghci not started." sendTerminateEvent mvarCtx withProcess (Just ghciProc) = do debugM _LOG_NAME $ "exception occured." G.exec ghciProc outHdl ":force _exception" >>= withExceptionMsg ghciProc withExceptionMsg _ (Left err) = do sendErrorEvent mvarCtx $ "[breakByException] can't get exception message. " ++ err sendTerminateEvent mvarCtx withExceptionMsg ghciProc (Right msg) = do isDAP <- haskellDapEnabledDebugContextData <$> (readMVar mvarCtx) when isDAP $ do _ <- G.historyDAP ghciProc outHdlDAP _GHCi_HISTORY_SIZE return () G.history ghciProc outHdl _GHCi_HISTORY_SIZE >>= \case Left err -> do sendErrorEvent mvarCtx $ show err sendTerminateEvent mvarCtx Right [] -> do sendErrorEvent mvarCtx "[breakByException] invalid exception history." sendTerminateEvent mvarCtx Right ((G.StackFrame _ _ pos):_) -> do ctx <- takeMVar mvarCtx putMVar mvarCtx ctx{debugStoppedPosDebugContextData = Just pos} resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx let stopEvt = J.defaultStoppedEvent resSeq stopEvtStr = J.encode stopEvt{J.bodyStoppedEvent = J.exceptionStoppedEventBody (unlines (init (lines msg)))} sendEvent mvarCtx stopEvtStr -- | -- outHdl = debugM _LOG_NAME outHdlDAP = sendStdoutEvent mvarCtx -- | -- -- proceedDebug :: MVar DebugContextData -> IO () proceedDebug mvarCtx = do ctx <- readMVar mvarCtx let started = debugStartedDebugContextData ctx proc = ghciProcessDebugContextData ctx proceed started proc where -- | -- proceed _ Nothing = sendErrorEvent mvarCtx "[proceedDebug] ghci not started." proceed True (Just ghciProc) = G.trace ghciProc outHdl >>= \case Left err -> do -- end of debugging successfully. debugM _LOG_NAME $ show err sendTerminateEvent mvarCtx Right (Just pos) -> breakOrContinue pos Right Nothing -> breakByException mvarCtx proceed False (Just ghciProc) = do ctx <- readMVar mvarCtx withModified (modifiedDebugContextData ctx) ghciProc -- | -- withModified True _ = sendRestartEvent mvarCtx withModified False ghciProc = do ctx <- readMVar mvarCtx if null (startupFuncDebugContextData ctx) then withFunc ghciProc "main" "" else withFunc ghciProc (startupFuncDebugContextData ctx) (startupArgsDebugContextData ctx) withFunc ghciProc func args = G.traceFunc ghciProc outHdl func args >>= \case Left err -> do -- end of debugging successfully. debugM _LOG_NAME $ show err sendTerminateEvent mvarCtx Right Nothing -> do ctx <- takeMVar mvarCtx putMVar mvarCtx ctx{currentFrameIdDebugContextData = 0, debugStartedDebugContextData = True} breakByException mvarCtx Right (Just pos) -> do ctx <- takeMVar mvarCtx putMVar mvarCtx ctx{currentFrameIdDebugContextData = 0, debugStartedDebugContextData = True} breakOrContinue pos breakOrContinue pos = findBreakPointType mvarCtx pos >>= \case UnknownBreakPoint -> do sendErrorEvent mvarCtx $ "[proceedDebug] invalid break point status. " ++ show pos sendTerminateEvent mvarCtx SourceBreakPoint bp -> do breakOrContinueSourceBreakPoint mvarCtx bp >>= \case DoBreak -> sendStopEvent pos DoContinue -> proceedDebug mvarCtx DoError m -> do sendErrorEvent mvarCtx m sendTerminateEvent mvarCtx FunctionBreakPoint bp -> do breakOrContinueFunctionBreakPoint mvarCtx bp >>= \case DoBreak -> sendStopEvent pos DoContinue -> proceedDebug mvarCtx DoError m -> do sendErrorEvent mvarCtx m sendTerminateEvent mvarCtx -- | -- outHdl = sendStdoutEvent mvarCtx -- | -- sendStopEvent pos = do debugM _LOG_NAME $ show pos ctx <- takeMVar mvarCtx putMVar mvarCtx ctx{debugStoppedPosDebugContextData = Just pos} resSeq <- getIncreasedResponseSequence mvarCtx let stopEvt = J.defaultStoppedEvent resSeq stopEvtStr = J.encode stopEvt sendEvent mvarCtx stopEvtStr -- | -- data BreakPointType = SourceBreakPoint BreakPointData | FunctionBreakPoint BreakPointData | UnknownBreakPoint deriving (Show, Read, Eq) -- | -- data BreakOrContinueType = DoBreak | DoContinue | DoError String deriving (Show, Read, Eq) -- | -- findBreakPointType :: MVar DebugContextData -> G.SourcePosition -> IO BreakPointType findBreakPointType mvarCtx pos = do ctx <- readMVar mvarCtx let bpMap = breakPointDatasDebugContextData ctx funcMap = functionBreakPointDatasDebugContextData ctx case M.lookup pos bpMap of Just bp -> return $ SourceBreakPoint bp Nothing -> case M.lookup pos funcMap of Just bp -> return $ FunctionBreakPoint bp Nothing -> return UnknownBreakPoint -- | -- breakOrContinueSourceBreakPoint :: MVar DebugContextData -> BreakPointData -> IO BreakOrContinueType breakOrContinueSourceBreakPoint mvarCtx bp = do ctx <- takeMVar mvarCtx let bpMap = breakPointDatasDebugContextData ctx newMap = M.adjust incrementBreakPointHitCount (getBreakPointKey bp) bpMap putMVar mvarCtx ctx{breakPointDatasDebugContextData = newMap} breakOrContinueByCondition mvarCtx $ incrementBreakPointHitCount bp -- | -- breakOrContinueFunctionBreakPoint :: MVar DebugContextData -> BreakPointData -> IO BreakOrContinueType breakOrContinueFunctionBreakPoint mvarCtx bp = do ctx <- takeMVar mvarCtx let bpMap = functionBreakPointDatasDebugContextData ctx newMap = M.adjust incrementBreakPointHitCount (getBreakPointKey bp) bpMap putMVar mvarCtx ctx{functionBreakPointDatasDebugContextData = newMap} breakOrContinueByCondition mvarCtx $ incrementBreakPointHitCount bp -- | -- breakOrContinueByCondition :: MVar DebugContextData -> BreakPointData -> IO BreakOrContinueType breakOrContinueByCondition _ (BreakPointData _ _ _ Nothing Nothing _) = return DoBreak breakOrContinueByCondition _ (BreakPointData _ _ _ Nothing (Just hitCond) hitCount) = breakOrContinueByHitCount hitCond hitCount breakOrContinueByCondition mvarCtx (BreakPointData _ _ _ (Just condStr) Nothing _) = breakOrContinueByOpCond mvarCtx condStr breakOrContinueByCondition mvarCtx (BreakPointData _ _ _ (Just condStr) (Just hitCond) hitCount) = breakOrContinueByHitCount hitCond hitCount >>= \case DoError m -> return $ DoError m DoContinue -> return DoContinue DoBreak -> breakOrContinueByOpCond mvarCtx condStr -- | -- breakOrContinueByOpCond :: MVar DebugContextData -> String -> IO BreakOrContinueType breakOrContinueByOpCond mvarCtx condStr = ghciProcessDebugContextData <$> (readMVar mvarCtx) >>= withProcess where -- | -- withProcess Nothing = return $ DoError "[breakOrContinueByOpCond] ghci not started." withProcess (Just ghciProc) = do forceBindings ghciProc outHdl G.execBool ghciProc outHdl condStr >>= \case Left err -> return . DoError $ "[breakOrContinueByCondition] " ++ err ++ ". '" ++ condStr ++ "'" Right False -> do debugM _LOG_NAME $ "continued because condition False. " ++ condStr return DoContinue Right True -> do debugM _LOG_NAME $ "stopped because condition not False. " ++ condStr return DoBreak -- | -- outHdl msg = do sendStdoutEvent mvarCtx msg debugM _LOG_NAME msg -- | -- forceBindings ghciProc outHdl = G.bindings ghciProc outHdl >>= \case Left err -> sendErrorEvent mvarCtx $ "[forceBindings] " ++ err Right bs -> mapM_ (forceBind ghciProc outHdl . G.nameBindingData) bs forceBind ghciProc outHdl name = G.force ghciProc outHdl name >>= \case Left err -> sendErrorEvent mvarCtx $ "[forceBindings] " ++ err Right _ -> return () -- | -- breakOrContinueByHitCount :: String -> Int -> IO BreakOrContinueType breakOrContinueByHitCount hitCondStr hitCount = case parse hitCondParser "Hit count condition parser" (U.strip hitCondStr) of Left msg -> return . DoError $ show msg ++ ". '" ++ hitCondStr ++ "'" Right func -> if func hitCount then do debugM _LOG_NAME $ "stopped because satisfy hit count. " ++ hitCondStr ++ ", " ++ show hitCount return DoBreak else do debugM _LOG_NAME $ "continued because not satisfy hit count. " ++ hitCondStr ++ ", " ++ show hitCount return DoContinue where -- | -- hitCondParser = try digitCondParser <|> opCondParser -- | -- digitCondParser = do valStr <- manyTill digit eof return $ (<=) (read valStr) -- | -- opCondParser = do op <- manyTill anyChar (space <|> lookAhead digit) many space valStr <- manyTill digit eof let val = read valStr case op of "==" -> return $ (==) val "/=" -> return $ (/=) val "<" -> return $ flip (<) val ">" -> return $ flip (>) val "<=" -> return $ flip (<=) val ">=" -> return $ flip (>=) val "%" -> return $ modInternal val "mod" -> return $ modInternal val other -> fail other -- | -- modInternal :: Int -> Int -> Bool modInternal a b = mod b a == 0