{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-do-bind #-} import FetchHtml import PrsVid import NameAlgo import RealWorld import Chkcfg import Video import Log import GenStat import CrtInf import AskScene import UI import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Ord import Control.Applicative import Control.Concurrent import Control.Monad import System.Exit import Graphics.Vty import Graphics.Vty.Widgets.All main :: IO () main = do chkcfg -- check if there exists a configuration file, if not, then create one c <- newCollection tmpLst <- newList 3 -- the main list will display on screen diskV <- readVid -- read cache in the disk, if the cache do not exists, return "downloading" forM_ diskV $ \v -> addToList tmpLst v =<< plainText (beaut v) -- add disk videos to list tmpLfg <- newFocusGroup addToFocusGroup tmpLfg tmpLst statBar <- plainText waitingBar -- the state bar show in the bottom setNormalAttribute statBar (black `on` green) tmpUi <- centered =<< hFixed 80 =<< vBox tmpLst statBar -- ui consists of a list and a state bar addToCollection c tmpUi tmpLfg (dlg, dfcg) <- newAskScene dui <- centered =<< hFixed 50 (sceneWidget dlg) chgdl <- addToCollection c dui dfcg ifsfg <- newFocusGroup -- a focus group for information page -- this function will show the focused item's information to user tmpLfg `onKeyPressed` tryExit dfcg `onKeyPressed` tryExit ifsfg `onKeyPressed` tryExit -- colorDecide tmpLst -- let's download video from internet ! schedule $ do forkIO $ do vdlst <- prsHtm <$> fetchHtml -- prsHtm :: Text -> [Video (whether video or folder)] forkIO . writeVid $ vdlst -- write cache to the disk vlst <- vidsVList vdlst let lst = listW vlst -- move to the selected old item Just (_, (oldSeleItm, _)) <- getSelected tmpLst listFindFirst lst oldSeleItm >>= \case Just idx -> setSelected lst idx Nothing -> return () -- show new list lfg <- newFocusGroup lfg `onKeyPressed` tryExit addToFocusGroup lfg lst lui <- centered =<< hFixed 80 =<< vBox lst statBar chgls <- addToCollection c lui lfg chgls ew <- editWidget -- a widget to enter keyword kfg <- newFocusGroup addToFocusGroup kfg ew kui <- centered =<< hFixed 80 =<< vBox lst ew chgky <- addToCollection c kui kfg -- create a scene presents a input box colorDecide lst -- four button in ask scene's action onScePlay dlg $ \_ -> do Just (_, (itm, _)) <- getSelected lst justPlay itm chgls onSceDown dlg $ \_ -> do Just (_, (itm, _)) <- getSelected lst playVid itm chgls onSceQuit dlg $ const exitSuccess onSceRemv dlg $ \_ -> do Just (_, (itm, _)) <- getSelected lst removeVid itm chgls onSelectionChange lst $ \sle -> case sle of SelectionOn _ itm _ -> setText statBar =<< genStat itm -- refresh state bar after any scroll _ -> return () let chgInf = do Just (_, (vid, _)) <- getSelected lst inf <- centered =<< plainText (crtInfPg vid) addToFocusGroup ifsfg inf join $ addToCollection c inf ifsfg -- the information scene onKeyPressed ifsfg $ \_ key _ -> case key of KLeft -> do chgls -- return to the list return True KUp -> do scrollUp lst chgInf return True KDown -> do scrollDown lst chgInf return True _ -> return False onKeyPressed lst $ \_ key _ -> case key of KRight -> do chgInf return True _ -> return False onActivate ew $ \e -> do t <- getEditText e setEditText e "" filterVList vlst $ \v -> vidInfx v (T.words t) chgls -- return to the list let openFld lnk = do ctnt <- (map (attcLink lnk) . prsHtm) <$> fetchFld lnk -- attach folder link to the videos in the folder when (null ctnt) $ error "there is no video in the folder!" setVList vlst ctnt return () onKeyPressed lst $ \_ key _ -> case key of KEnter -> do -- User can choose a folder or a video ! Just (_, (itm, _)) <- getSelected lst case itm of Folder _ lnk _ -> openFld lnk v -> fex v >>= \case True -> chgdl False -> playVid itm return True KLeft -> do -- return to the old list backVList vlst return True KChar 's' -> do -- filter the videos by the focused video Just (_, (itm, _)) <- getSelected lst filterVList vlst (isAlike itm) return True KChar 'n' -> do -- sort videos by their name sortVList vlst (comparing getName) return True KChar '/' -> do chgky return True _ -> return False return () return () runUi c $ defaultContext { normalAttr = white `on` black , focusAttr = black `on` blue }