cabal-version: 2.2 name: peura version: 0.20191117 synopsis: Oleg's "prelude" category: Development description: A very opinionated library, used to power tools in cabal-extras suite. maintainer: Oleg Grenrus license: GPL-2.0-or-later AND BSD-3-Clause license-files: LICENSE LICENSE.GPLv2 LICENSE.GPLv3 tested-with: GHC ==8.2.2 || ==8.4.4 || ==8.6.5 || ==8.8.1 source-repository head type: git location: library default-language: Haskell2010 hs-source-dirs: src -- Main module exposed-modules: Peura -- These modules are re-exported -- cabal-fmt: expand src -Peura exposed-modules: Peura.ByteString Peura.Debug Peura.Exports Peura.Monad Peura.Orphans Peura.Paths Peura.Process Peura.Serialise -- GHC-boot dependencies build-depends: , base ^>= , bytestring ^>= , containers ^>= , deepseq ^>= , directory ^>= , filepath ^>= , mtl ^>=2.2.2 , parsec ^>= , pretty ^>= , process ^>= , text ^>= -- We use Cabal-3.0 build-depends: Cabal ^>=3.0 -- Extra dependencies build-depends: , ansi-terminal ^>=0.10.1 , clock ^>=0.8 , concurrent-output ^>=1.10.11 , exceptions ^>=0.10.3 , generic-lens ^>= , lens ^>=4.18.1 , paths ^>= , process-extras ^>=0.7.4 , serialise ^>= , unliftio-core ^>= default-extensions: NoImplicitPrelude BangPatterns DeriveAnyClass DeriveFunctor DeriveGeneric DerivingStrategies GADTs GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving MultiWayIf OverloadedLabels OverloadedStrings ScopedTypeVariables TypeApplications TypeFamilies