module Main ( main ) where import Test.Framework ( defaultMain, Test ) import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 ( testProperty ) import Test.QuickCheck import qualified Data.Foldable as F import Data.Monoid import qualified Data.List as L import qualified Data.Traversable as T import Data.Vector.Persistent ( Vector ) import qualified Data.Vector.Persistent as V newtype InputList = InputList [Int] deriving (Show) instance Arbitrary InputList where arbitrary = sized inputList data IndexableList = IndexableList [Int] Int deriving (Show) instance Arbitrary IndexableList where arbitrary = sized indexableList data SliceList = SliceList [Int] Int Int deriving (Show) instance Arbitrary SliceList where arbitrary = sized sliceList sliceList :: Int -> Gen SliceList sliceList sz = do modifier <- choose (0, 100) l <- vector (1 + (sz * modifier)) start <- choose (0, length l - 1) len <- choose (0, 100) return $ SliceList l start len indexableList :: Int -> Gen IndexableList indexableList sz = do modifier <- choose (0, 100) l <- vector (1 + (sz * modifier)) ix <- choose (0, length l - 1) return $ IndexableList l ix inputList :: Int -> Gen InputList inputList sz = do modifier <- choose (0, 100) l <- vector (sz * modifier) return $ InputList l tests :: [Test] tests = [ testProperty "toListFromListIdent" prop_toListFromListIdentity , testProperty "fmap" prop_map , testProperty "foldrWorks" prop_foldrWorks , testProperty "foldlWorks" prop_foldlWorks , testProperty "updateWorks" prop_updateWorks , testProperty "indexingWorks" prop_indexingWorks , testProperty "take" prop_take , testProperty "drop" prop_drop , testProperty "splitAt" prop_splitAt , testProperty "slice" prop_slice , testProperty "slicedFoldl'" prop_slicedFoldl' , testProperty "slicedFoldr" prop_sliceFoldr , testProperty "mappendWorks" prop_mappendWorks , testProperty "shrink" prop_shrinkPreserves , testProperty "shrinkEq" prop_shrinkEquality ] main :: IO () main = defaultMain tests prop_toListFromListIdentity :: InputList -> Bool prop_toListFromListIdentity (InputList il) = il == F.toList (V.fromList il) prop_map :: InputList -> Bool prop_map (InputList il) = f il == F.toList (fmap f (V.fromList il)) where f = (+20) prop_foldrWorks :: InputList -> Bool prop_foldrWorks (InputList il) = F.foldr (+) 0 il == F.foldr (+) 0 (V.fromList il) prop_foldlWorks :: InputList -> Bool prop_foldlWorks (InputList il) = F.foldl' (flip (:)) [] il == V.foldl' (flip (:)) [] (V.fromList il) prop_updateWorks :: (InputList, Int, Int) -> Property prop_updateWorks (InputList il, ix, repl) = ix >= 0 ==> rlist == F.toList (v V.// [(ix, repl)]) where v = V.fromList il (keepHead, _:keepTail) = L.splitAt ix il rlist = case null il of True -> [] False -> case ix >= length il of True -> il False -> keepHead ++ (repl : keepTail) prop_indexingWorks :: IndexableList -> Bool prop_indexingWorks (IndexableList il ix) = (il !! ix) == (V.unsafeIndex (V.fromList il) ix) prop_take :: IndexableList -> Bool prop_take (IndexableList il ix) = L.take ix il == F.toList (V.take ix (V.fromList il)) prop_drop :: IndexableList -> Bool prop_drop (IndexableList il ix) = L.drop ix il == F.toList (V.drop ix (V.fromList il)) prop_splitAt :: IndexableList -> Bool prop_splitAt (IndexableList il ix) = let (v1, v2) = V.splitAt ix (V.fromList il) in L.splitAt ix il == (F.toList v1, F.toList v2) listSlice :: Int -> Int -> [a] -> [a] listSlice s n = L.take n . (L.drop s) prop_slice :: SliceList -> Bool prop_slice (SliceList il s n) = listSlice s n il == F.toList (V.slice s n (V.fromList il)) prop_sliceFoldr :: SliceList -> Bool prop_sliceFoldr (SliceList il s n) = L.foldr (:) [] (listSlice s n il) == V.foldr (:) [] (V.slice s n (V.fromList il)) prop_slicedFoldl' :: SliceList -> Bool prop_slicedFoldl' (SliceList il s n) = L.foldl' (flip (:)) [] (listSlice s n il) == V.foldl' (flip (:)) [] (V.slice s n (V.fromList il)) prop_mappendWorks :: (InputList, InputList) -> Bool prop_mappendWorks (InputList il1, InputList il2) = (il1 `mappend` il2) == F.toList (V.fromList il1 `mappend` V.fromList il2) prop_shrinkPreserves :: SliceList -> Bool prop_shrinkPreserves (SliceList il s n) = F.toList v0 == F.toList (V.shrink v0) where v0 = V.slice s n (V.fromList il) prop_shrinkEquality :: SliceList -> Bool prop_shrinkEquality (SliceList il s n) = v0 == V.shrink v0 where v0 = V.slice s n (V.fromList il)