{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}
-- | A sqlite backend for persistent.
module Database.Persist.Sqlite
    ( SqliteReader
    , runSqlite
    , withSqlite
    , Connection
    , Pool
    , module Database.Persist
    ) where

import Database.Persist
import Database.Persist.Base
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (..))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (MonadTrans (..))
import Data.List (intercalate)
import "MonadCatchIO-transformers" Control.Monad.CatchIO
import Database.Sqlite
import qualified Database.Persist.GenericSql as G
import Control.Applicative (Applicative)
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Database.Persist.Pool

-- | A ReaderT monad transformer holding a sqlite database connection.
newtype SqliteReader m a = SqliteReader (ReaderT Connection m a)
    deriving (Monad, MonadIO, MonadTrans, MonadCatchIO, Functor,

-- | Handles opening and closing of the database connection automatically.
withSqlite :: MonadCatchIO m
           => String
           -> Int -- ^ number of connections to open
           -> (Pool Connection -> m a) -> m a
withSqlite s i f = createPool (open s) close i f

-- | Run a series of database actions within a single transaction. On any
-- exception, the transaction is rolled back.
runSqlite :: MonadCatchIO m => SqliteReader m a -> Pool Connection -> m a
runSqlite (SqliteReader r) pconn = withPool' pconn go
    go conn = do
        Done <- liftIO begin
        res <- onException (runReaderT r conn) $ liftIO rollback
        Done <- liftIO commit
        return res
        begin = bracket (prepare conn "BEGIN") finalize step
        commit = bracket (prepare conn "COMMIT") finalize step
        rollback = bracket (prepare conn "ROLLBACK") finalize step

withStmt :: MonadCatchIO m
         => String
         -> [PersistValue]
         -> (G.RowPopper (SqliteReader m) -> SqliteReader m a)
         -> SqliteReader m a
withStmt sql vals f = do
    conn <- SqliteReader ask
    bracket (liftIO $ prepare conn sql) (liftIO . finalize) $ \stmt -> do
        liftIO $ bind stmt vals
        f $ go stmt
    go stmt = liftIO $ do
        x <- step stmt
        case x of
            Done -> return Nothing
            Row -> do
                cols <- liftIO $ columns stmt
                return $ Just cols

execute :: MonadCatchIO m => String -> [PersistValue] -> SqliteReader m ()
execute sql vals = do
    conn <- SqliteReader ask
    bracket (liftIO $ prepare conn sql) (liftIO . finalize) $ \stmt -> do
        liftIO $ bind stmt vals
        Done <- liftIO $ step stmt
        return ()

insert' :: MonadCatchIO m
        => String -> [String] -> [PersistValue] -> SqliteReader m Int64
insert' t cols vals = do
    let sql = "INSERT INTO " ++ t ++
              "(" ++ intercalate "," cols ++ ") VALUES(" ++
              intercalate "," (map (const "?") cols) ++ ")"
    execute sql vals
    withStmt "SELECT last_insert_rowid()" [] $ \pop -> do
        Just [PersistInt64 i] <- pop
        return i

tableExists :: MonadCatchIO m => String -> SqliteReader m Bool
tableExists t = withStmt sql [PersistString t] $ \pop -> do
    Just [PersistInt64 i] <- pop
    return $ i == 1
    sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name=?"

genericSql :: MonadCatchIO m => G.GenericSql (SqliteReader m)
genericSql = G.GenericSql withStmt execute insert' tableExists
                          "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY" showSqlType

instance MonadCatchIO m => PersistBackend (SqliteReader m) where
    initialize = G.initialize genericSql
    insert = G.insert genericSql
    get = G.get genericSql
    replace = G.replace genericSql
    select = G.select genericSql
    deleteWhere = G.deleteWhere genericSql
    update = G.update genericSql
    updateWhere = G.updateWhere genericSql
    getBy = G.getBy genericSql
    delete = G.delete genericSql
    deleteBy = G.deleteBy genericSql

showSqlType :: SqlType -> String
showSqlType SqlString = "VARCHAR"
showSqlType SqlInteger = "INTEGER"
showSqlType SqlReal = "REAL"
showSqlType SqlDay = "DATE"
showSqlType SqlTime = "TIME"
showSqlType SqlDayTime = "TIMESTAMP"
showSqlType SqlBlob = "BLOB"
showSqlType SqlBool = "BOOLEAN"