{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-} {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} module UpsertWhere where import PgInit import Database.Persist.Postgresql share [mkPersist sqlSettings, mkMigrate "upsertWhereMigrate"] [persistLowerCase| Item name Text sqltype=varchar(80) description Text price Double Maybe quantity Int Maybe UniqueName name deriving Eq Show Ord |] wipe :: IO () wipe = runConnAssert $ do deleteWhere ([] :: [Filter Item]) itDb :: String -> SqlPersistT (LoggingT (ResourceT IO)) a -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())) itDb msg action = it msg $ runConnAssert $ void action specs :: Spec specs = describe "UpsertWhere" $ do let item1 = Item "item1" "" (Just 3) Nothing item2 = Item "item2" "hello world" Nothing (Just 2) items = [item1, item2] describe "upsertWhere" $ before_ wipe $ do itDb "inserts appropriately" $ do upsertWhere item1 [ItemDescription =. "i am item 1"] [] Just item <- fmap entityVal <$> getBy (UniqueName "item1") item `shouldBe` item1 itDb "performs only updates given if record already exists" $ do let newDescription = "I am a new description" insert_ item1 upsertWhere (Item "item1" "i am an inserted description" (Just 1) (Just 2)) [ItemDescription =. newDescription] [] Just item <- fmap entityVal <$> getBy (UniqueName "item1") item `shouldBe` item1 { itemDescription = newDescription } describe "upsertManyWhere" $ do itDb "inserts fresh records" $ do insertMany_ items let newItem = Item "item3" "fresh" Nothing Nothing upsertManyWhere (newItem : items) [copyField ItemDescription] [] [] dbItems <- map entityVal <$> selectList [] [] dbItems `shouldMatchList` (newItem : items) itDb "updates existing records" $ do let postUpdate = map (\i -> i { itemQuantity = fmap (+1) (itemQuantity i) }) items insertMany_ items upsertManyWhere items [] [ItemQuantity +=. Just 1] [] dbItems <- fmap entityVal <$> selectList [] [] dbItems `shouldMatchList` postUpdate itDb "only copies passing values" $ do insertMany_ items let newItems = map (\i -> i { itemQuantity = Just 0, itemPrice = fmap (*2) (itemPrice i) }) items postUpdate = map (\i -> i { itemPrice = fmap (*2) (itemPrice i) }) items upsertManyWhere newItems [ copyUnlessEq ItemQuantity (Just 0) , copyField ItemPrice ] [] [] dbItems <- fmap entityVal <$> selectList [] [] dbItems `shouldMatchList` postUpdate itDb "inserts without modifying existing records if no updates specified" $ do let newItem = Item "item3" "hi friends!" Nothing Nothing insertMany_ items upsertManyWhere (newItem : items) [] [] [] dbItems <- fmap entityVal <$> selectList [] [] dbItems `shouldMatchList` (newItem : items) itDb "inserts without modifying existing records if no updates specified and there's a filter with True condition" $ do let newItem = Item "item3" "hi friends!" Nothing Nothing insertMany_ items upsertManyWhere (newItem : items) [] [] [ItemDescription ==. "hi friends!"] dbItems <- fmap entityVal <$> selectList [] [] dbItems `shouldMatchList` (newItem : items) itDb "inserts without updating existing records if there are updates specified but there's a filter with a False condition" $ do let newItem = Item "item3" "hi friends!" Nothing Nothing insertMany_ items upsertManyWhere (newItem : items) [] [ItemQuantity +=. Just 1] [ItemDescription ==. "hi friends!"] dbItems <- fmap entityVal <$> selectList [] [] dbItems `shouldMatchList` (newItem : items) itDb "inserts new records but does not update existing records if there are updates specified but the modification condition is False" $ do let newItem = Item "item3" "hi friends!" Nothing Nothing insertMany_ items upsertManyWhere (newItem : items) [] [ItemQuantity +=. Just 1] [excludeNotEqualToOriginal ItemDescription] dbItems <- fmap entityVal <$> selectList [] [] dbItems `shouldMatchList` (newItem : items) itDb "inserts new records and updates existing records if there are updates specified and the modification condition is True (because it's empty)" $ do let newItem = Item "item3" "hello world" Nothing Nothing postUpdate = map (\i -> i {itemQuantity = fmap (+ 1) (itemQuantity i)}) items insertMany_ items upsertManyWhere (newItem : items) [] [ItemQuantity +=. Just 1] [] dbItems <- fmap entityVal <$> selectList [] [] dbItems `shouldMatchList` (newItem : postUpdate) itDb "inserts new records and updates existing records if there are updates specified and the modification filter condition is triggered" $ do let newItem = Item "item3" "hi friends!" Nothing Nothing postUpdate = map (\i -> i {itemQuantity = fmap (+1) (itemQuantity i)}) items insertMany_ items upsertManyWhere (newItem : items) [ copyUnlessEq ItemDescription "hi friends!" , copyField ItemPrice ] [ItemQuantity +=. Just 1] [ItemDescription !=. "bye friends!"] dbItems <- fmap entityVal <$> selectList [] [] dbItems `shouldMatchList` (newItem : postUpdate) itDb "inserts an item and doesn't apply the update if the filter condition is triggered" $ do let newItem = Item "item3" "hello world" Nothing Nothing insertMany_ items upsertManyWhere (newItem : items) [] [ItemQuantity +=. Just 1] [excludeNotEqualToOriginal ItemDescription] dbItems <- fmap entityVal <$> selectList [] [] dbItems `shouldMatchList` (newItem : items)