{-| Module: Database.Persist.Monad.SqlQueryRep Defines the 'SqlQueryRep' data type that contains a constructor corresponding to a @persistent@ function. This file is autogenerated, to keep it in sync with @Database.Persist.Monad.Shim@. -} {- THIS FILE IS AUTOGENERATED AND SHOULD NOT BE EDITED MANUALLY -} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} module Database.Persist.Monad.SqlQueryRep ( SqlQueryRep(..) , runSqlQueryRep ) where import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO) import Control.Monad.IO.Unlift (MonadUnliftIO) import Data.Acquire (Acquire) import Data.Conduit (ConduitM) import Data.Int (Int64) import Data.Map (Map) import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..)) import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Typeable (Typeable, eqT, typeRep, (:~:)(..)) import Data.Void (Void) import Database.Persist.Sql as Persist hiding (pattern Update) import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack) {-# ANN module "HLint: ignore" #-} -- | The data type containing a constructor for each persistent function we'd -- like to lift into 'Database.Persist.Monad.MonadSqlQuery'. -- -- The @record@ type parameter contains the 'PersistEntity' types used in a -- given function. -- -- We're using a free-monads-like technique here to allow us to introspect -- persistent functions in 'Database.Persist.Monad.MonadSqlQuery', e.g. to -- mock out persistent calls in tests. data SqlQueryRep record a where -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.get' Get :: (PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend) => Key record -> SqlQueryRep record (Maybe record) -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.getMany' GetMany :: (PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend) => [Key record] -> SqlQueryRep record (Map (Key record) record) -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.getJust' GetJust :: (PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend) => Key record -> SqlQueryRep record record -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.getJustEntity' GetJustEntity :: (PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend) => Key record -> SqlQueryRep record (Entity record) -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.getEntity' GetEntity :: (PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend) => Key record -> SqlQueryRep record (Maybe (Entity record)) -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.belongsTo' BelongsTo :: (PersistEntity record1, PersistRecordBackend record2 SqlBackend) => (record1 -> Maybe (Key record2)) -> record1 -> SqlQueryRep (record1, record2) (Maybe record2) -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.belongsToJust' BelongsToJust :: (PersistEntity record1, PersistRecordBackend record2 SqlBackend) => (record1 -> Key record2) -> record1 -> SqlQueryRep (record1, record2) record2 -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.insert' Insert :: (PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend) => record -> SqlQueryRep record (Key record) -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.insert_' Insert_ :: (PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend) => record -> SqlQueryRep record () -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.insertMany' InsertMany :: (PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend) => [record] -> SqlQueryRep record [Key record] -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.insertMany_' InsertMany_ :: (PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend) => [record] -> SqlQueryRep record () -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.insertEntityMany' InsertEntityMany :: (PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend) => [Entity record] -> SqlQueryRep record () -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.insertKey' InsertKey :: (PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend) => Key record -> record -> SqlQueryRep record () -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.repsert' Repsert :: (PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend) => Key record -> record -> SqlQueryRep record () -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.repsertMany' RepsertMany :: (PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend) => [(Key record, record)] -> SqlQueryRep record () -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.replace' Replace :: (PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend) => Key record -> record -> SqlQueryRep record () -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.delete' Delete :: (PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend) => Key record -> SqlQueryRep record () -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.update' Update :: (PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend) => Key record -> [Update record] -> SqlQueryRep record () -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.updateGet' UpdateGet :: (PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend) => Key record -> [Update record] -> SqlQueryRep record record -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.insertEntity' InsertEntity :: (PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend) => record -> SqlQueryRep record (Entity record) -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.insertRecord' InsertRecord :: (PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend) => record -> SqlQueryRep record record -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.getBy' GetBy :: (PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend) => Unique record -> SqlQueryRep record (Maybe (Entity record)) #if MIN_VERSION_persistent(2,10,0) -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.getByValue' GetByValue :: (PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend, AtLeastOneUniqueKey record) => record -> SqlQueryRep record (Maybe (Entity record)) #endif #if !MIN_VERSION_persistent(2,10,0) -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.getByValue' GetByValue :: (PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend) => record -> SqlQueryRep record (Maybe (Entity record)) #endif -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.checkUnique' CheckUnique :: (PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend) => record -> SqlQueryRep record (Maybe (Unique record)) #if MIN_VERSION_persistent(2,11,0) -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.checkUniqueUpdateable' CheckUniqueUpdateable :: (PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend) => Entity record -> SqlQueryRep record (Maybe (Unique record)) #endif -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.deleteBy' DeleteBy :: (PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend) => Unique record -> SqlQueryRep record () -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.insertUnique' InsertUnique :: (PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend) => record -> SqlQueryRep record (Maybe (Key record)) #if MIN_VERSION_persistent(2,10,0) -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.upsert' Upsert :: (PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend, OnlyOneUniqueKey record) => record -> [Update record] -> SqlQueryRep record (Entity record) #endif #if !MIN_VERSION_persistent(2,10,0) -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.upsert' Upsert :: (PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend) => record -> [Update record] -> SqlQueryRep record (Entity record) #endif -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.upsertBy' UpsertBy :: (PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend) => Unique record -> record -> [Update record] -> SqlQueryRep record (Entity record) -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.putMany' PutMany :: (PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend) => [record] -> SqlQueryRep record () #if MIN_VERSION_persistent(2,10,0) -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.insertBy' InsertBy :: (PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend, AtLeastOneUniqueKey record) => record -> SqlQueryRep record (Either (Entity record) (Key record)) #endif #if !MIN_VERSION_persistent(2,10,0) -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.insertBy' InsertBy :: (PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend) => record -> SqlQueryRep record (Either (Entity record) (Key record)) #endif -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.insertUniqueEntity' InsertUniqueEntity :: (PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend) => record -> SqlQueryRep record (Maybe (Entity record)) -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.replaceUnique' ReplaceUnique :: (PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend, Eq (Unique record), Eq record) => Key record -> record -> SqlQueryRep record (Maybe (Unique record)) #if MIN_VERSION_persistent(2,10,0) -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.onlyUnique' OnlyUnique :: (PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend, OnlyOneUniqueKey record) => record -> SqlQueryRep record (Unique record) #endif #if !MIN_VERSION_persistent(2,10,0) -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.onlyUnique' OnlyUnique :: (PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend) => record -> SqlQueryRep record (Unique record) #endif -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.selectSourceRes' SelectSourceRes :: (MonadIO m2, PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend) => [Filter record] -> [SelectOpt record] -> SqlQueryRep record (Acquire (ConduitM () (Entity record) m2 ())) -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.selectFirst' SelectFirst :: (PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend) => [Filter record] -> [SelectOpt record] -> SqlQueryRep record (Maybe (Entity record)) -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.selectKeysRes' SelectKeysRes :: (MonadIO m2, PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend) => [Filter record] -> [SelectOpt record] -> SqlQueryRep record (Acquire (ConduitM () (Key record) m2 ())) -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.count' Count :: (PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend) => [Filter record] -> SqlQueryRep record Int #if MIN_VERSION_persistent(2,11,0) -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.exists' Exists :: (PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend) => [Filter record] -> SqlQueryRep record Bool #endif -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.selectList' SelectList :: (PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend) => [Filter record] -> [SelectOpt record] -> SqlQueryRep record [Entity record] -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.selectKeysList' SelectKeysList :: (PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend) => [Filter record] -> [SelectOpt record] -> SqlQueryRep record [Key record] -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.updateWhere' UpdateWhere :: (PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend) => [Filter record] -> [Update record] -> SqlQueryRep record () -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.deleteWhere' DeleteWhere :: (PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend) => [Filter record] -> SqlQueryRep record () -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.deleteWhereCount' DeleteWhereCount :: (PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend) => [Filter record] -> SqlQueryRep record Int64 -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.updateWhereCount' UpdateWhereCount :: (PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend) => [Filter record] -> [Update record] -> SqlQueryRep record Int64 -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.deleteCascade' DeleteCascade :: (DeleteCascade record SqlBackend) => Key record -> SqlQueryRep record () -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.deleteCascadeWhere' DeleteCascadeWhere :: (DeleteCascade record SqlBackend) => [Filter record] -> SqlQueryRep record () -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.parseMigration' ParseMigration :: (HasCallStack) => Migration -> SqlQueryRep Void (Either [Text] CautiousMigration) -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.parseMigration'' ParseMigration' :: (HasCallStack) => Migration -> SqlQueryRep Void CautiousMigration -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.printMigration' PrintMigration :: (HasCallStack) => Migration -> SqlQueryRep Void () -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.showMigration' ShowMigration :: (HasCallStack) => Migration -> SqlQueryRep Void [Text] -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.getMigration' GetMigration :: (HasCallStack) => Migration -> SqlQueryRep Void [Sql] -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.runMigration' RunMigration :: () => Migration -> SqlQueryRep Void () #if MIN_VERSION_persistent(2,10,2) -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.runMigrationQuiet' RunMigrationQuiet :: () => Migration -> SqlQueryRep Void [Text] #endif -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.runMigrationSilent' RunMigrationSilent :: () => Migration -> SqlQueryRep Void [Text] -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.runMigrationUnsafe' RunMigrationUnsafe :: () => Migration -> SqlQueryRep Void () #if MIN_VERSION_persistent(2,10,2) -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.runMigrationUnsafeQuiet' RunMigrationUnsafeQuiet :: (HasCallStack) => Migration -> SqlQueryRep Void [Text] #endif -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.getFieldName' GetFieldName :: (PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend) => EntityField record typ -> SqlQueryRep record Text -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.getTableName' GetTableName :: (PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend) => record -> SqlQueryRep record Text -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.withRawQuery' WithRawQuery :: () => Text -> [PersistValue] -> ConduitM [PersistValue] Void IO a -> SqlQueryRep Void a -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.rawQueryRes' RawQueryRes :: (MonadIO m2) => Text -> [PersistValue] -> SqlQueryRep Void (Acquire (ConduitM () [PersistValue] m2 ())) -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.rawExecute' RawExecute :: () => Text -> [PersistValue] -> SqlQueryRep Void () -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.rawExecuteCount' RawExecuteCount :: () => Text -> [PersistValue] -> SqlQueryRep Void Int64 -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.rawSql' RawSql :: (RawSql a) => Text -> [PersistValue] -> SqlQueryRep Void [a] -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.transactionSave' TransactionSave :: () => SqlQueryRep Void () #if MIN_VERSION_persistent(2,9,0) -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.transactionSaveWithIsolation' TransactionSaveWithIsolation :: () => IsolationLevel -> SqlQueryRep Void () #endif -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.transactionUndo' TransactionUndo :: () => SqlQueryRep Void () #if MIN_VERSION_persistent(2,9,0) -- | Constructor corresponding to 'Persist.transactionUndoWithIsolation' TransactionUndoWithIsolation :: () => IsolationLevel -> SqlQueryRep Void () #endif instance Typeable record => Show (SqlQueryRep record a) where show = \case Get{} -> "Get{..}" ++ record GetMany{} -> "GetMany{..}" ++ record GetJust{} -> "GetJust{..}" ++ record GetJustEntity{} -> "GetJustEntity{..}" ++ record GetEntity{} -> "GetEntity{..}" ++ record BelongsTo{} -> "BelongsTo{..}" ++ record BelongsToJust{} -> "BelongsToJust{..}" ++ record Insert{} -> "Insert{..}" ++ record Insert_{} -> "Insert_{..}" ++ record InsertMany{} -> "InsertMany{..}" ++ record InsertMany_{} -> "InsertMany_{..}" ++ record InsertEntityMany{} -> "InsertEntityMany{..}" ++ record InsertKey{} -> "InsertKey{..}" ++ record Repsert{} -> "Repsert{..}" ++ record RepsertMany{} -> "RepsertMany{..}" ++ record Replace{} -> "Replace{..}" ++ record Delete{} -> "Delete{..}" ++ record Update{} -> "Update{..}" ++ record UpdateGet{} -> "UpdateGet{..}" ++ record InsertEntity{} -> "InsertEntity{..}" ++ record InsertRecord{} -> "InsertRecord{..}" ++ record GetBy{} -> "GetBy{..}" ++ record #if MIN_VERSION_persistent(2,10,0) GetByValue{} -> "GetByValue{..}" ++ record #endif #if !MIN_VERSION_persistent(2,10,0) GetByValue{} -> "GetByValue{..}" ++ record #endif CheckUnique{} -> "CheckUnique{..}" ++ record #if MIN_VERSION_persistent(2,11,0) CheckUniqueUpdateable{} -> "CheckUniqueUpdateable{..}" ++ record #endif DeleteBy{} -> "DeleteBy{..}" ++ record InsertUnique{} -> "InsertUnique{..}" ++ record #if MIN_VERSION_persistent(2,10,0) Upsert{} -> "Upsert{..}" ++ record #endif #if !MIN_VERSION_persistent(2,10,0) Upsert{} -> "Upsert{..}" ++ record #endif UpsertBy{} -> "UpsertBy{..}" ++ record PutMany{} -> "PutMany{..}" ++ record #if MIN_VERSION_persistent(2,10,0) InsertBy{} -> "InsertBy{..}" ++ record #endif #if !MIN_VERSION_persistent(2,10,0) InsertBy{} -> "InsertBy{..}" ++ record #endif InsertUniqueEntity{} -> "InsertUniqueEntity{..}" ++ record ReplaceUnique{} -> "ReplaceUnique{..}" ++ record #if MIN_VERSION_persistent(2,10,0) OnlyUnique{} -> "OnlyUnique{..}" ++ record #endif #if !MIN_VERSION_persistent(2,10,0) OnlyUnique{} -> "OnlyUnique{..}" ++ record #endif SelectSourceRes{} -> "SelectSourceRes{..}" ++ record SelectFirst{} -> "SelectFirst{..}" ++ record SelectKeysRes{} -> "SelectKeysRes{..}" ++ record Count{} -> "Count{..}" ++ record #if MIN_VERSION_persistent(2,11,0) Exists{} -> "Exists{..}" ++ record #endif SelectList{} -> "SelectList{..}" ++ record SelectKeysList{} -> "SelectKeysList{..}" ++ record UpdateWhere{} -> "UpdateWhere{..}" ++ record DeleteWhere{} -> "DeleteWhere{..}" ++ record DeleteWhereCount{} -> "DeleteWhereCount{..}" ++ record UpdateWhereCount{} -> "UpdateWhereCount{..}" ++ record DeleteCascade{} -> "DeleteCascade{..}" ++ record DeleteCascadeWhere{} -> "DeleteCascadeWhere{..}" ++ record ParseMigration{} -> "ParseMigration{..}" ++ record ParseMigration'{} -> "ParseMigration'{..}" ++ record PrintMigration{} -> "PrintMigration{..}" ++ record ShowMigration{} -> "ShowMigration{..}" ++ record GetMigration{} -> "GetMigration{..}" ++ record RunMigration{} -> "RunMigration{..}" ++ record #if MIN_VERSION_persistent(2,10,2) RunMigrationQuiet{} -> "RunMigrationQuiet{..}" ++ record #endif RunMigrationSilent{} -> "RunMigrationSilent{..}" ++ record RunMigrationUnsafe{} -> "RunMigrationUnsafe{..}" ++ record #if MIN_VERSION_persistent(2,10,2) RunMigrationUnsafeQuiet{} -> "RunMigrationUnsafeQuiet{..}" ++ record #endif GetFieldName{} -> "GetFieldName{..}" ++ record GetTableName{} -> "GetTableName{..}" ++ record WithRawQuery{} -> "WithRawQuery{..}" ++ record RawQueryRes{} -> "RawQueryRes{..}" ++ record RawExecute{} -> "RawExecute{..}" ++ record RawExecuteCount{} -> "RawExecuteCount{..}" ++ record RawSql{} -> "RawSql{..}" ++ record TransactionSave{} -> "TransactionSave{..}" ++ record #if MIN_VERSION_persistent(2,9,0) TransactionSaveWithIsolation{} -> "TransactionSaveWithIsolation{..}" ++ record #endif TransactionUndo{} -> "TransactionUndo{..}" ++ record #if MIN_VERSION_persistent(2,9,0) TransactionUndoWithIsolation{} -> "TransactionUndoWithIsolation{..}" ++ record #endif where record = case recordTypeRep of Just recordType -> "<" ++ show recordType ++ ">" Nothing -> "" recordTypeRep = case eqT @record @Void of Just Refl -> Nothing Nothing -> Just $ typeRep $ Proxy @record -- | A helper to execute the actual @persistent@ function corresponding to -- each 'SqlQueryRep' data constructor. runSqlQueryRep :: MonadUnliftIO m => SqlQueryRep record a -> Persist.SqlPersistT m a runSqlQueryRep = \case Get a1 -> Persist.get a1 GetMany a1 -> Persist.getMany a1 GetJust a1 -> Persist.getJust a1 GetJustEntity a1 -> Persist.getJustEntity a1 GetEntity a1 -> Persist.getEntity a1 BelongsTo a1 a2 -> Persist.belongsTo a1 a2 BelongsToJust a1 a2 -> Persist.belongsToJust a1 a2 Insert a1 -> Persist.insert a1 Insert_ a1 -> Persist.insert_ a1 InsertMany a1 -> Persist.insertMany a1 InsertMany_ a1 -> Persist.insertMany_ a1 InsertEntityMany a1 -> Persist.insertEntityMany a1 InsertKey a1 a2 -> Persist.insertKey a1 a2 Repsert a1 a2 -> Persist.repsert a1 a2 RepsertMany a1 -> Persist.repsertMany a1 Replace a1 a2 -> Persist.replace a1 a2 Delete a1 -> Persist.delete a1 Update a1 a2 -> Persist.update a1 a2 UpdateGet a1 a2 -> Persist.updateGet a1 a2 InsertEntity a1 -> Persist.insertEntity a1 InsertRecord a1 -> Persist.insertRecord a1 GetBy a1 -> Persist.getBy a1 #if MIN_VERSION_persistent(2,10,0) GetByValue a1 -> Persist.getByValue a1 #endif #if !MIN_VERSION_persistent(2,10,0) GetByValue a1 -> Persist.getByValue a1 #endif CheckUnique a1 -> Persist.checkUnique a1 #if MIN_VERSION_persistent(2,11,0) CheckUniqueUpdateable a1 -> Persist.checkUniqueUpdateable a1 #endif DeleteBy a1 -> Persist.deleteBy a1 InsertUnique a1 -> Persist.insertUnique a1 #if MIN_VERSION_persistent(2,10,0) Upsert a1 a2 -> Persist.upsert a1 a2 #endif #if !MIN_VERSION_persistent(2,10,0) Upsert a1 a2 -> Persist.upsert a1 a2 #endif UpsertBy a1 a2 a3 -> Persist.upsertBy a1 a2 a3 PutMany a1 -> Persist.putMany a1 #if MIN_VERSION_persistent(2,10,0) InsertBy a1 -> Persist.insertBy a1 #endif #if !MIN_VERSION_persistent(2,10,0) InsertBy a1 -> Persist.insertBy a1 #endif InsertUniqueEntity a1 -> Persist.insertUniqueEntity a1 ReplaceUnique a1 a2 -> Persist.replaceUnique a1 a2 #if MIN_VERSION_persistent(2,10,0) OnlyUnique a1 -> Persist.onlyUnique a1 #endif #if !MIN_VERSION_persistent(2,10,0) OnlyUnique a1 -> Persist.onlyUnique a1 #endif SelectSourceRes a1 a2 -> Persist.selectSourceRes a1 a2 SelectFirst a1 a2 -> Persist.selectFirst a1 a2 SelectKeysRes a1 a2 -> Persist.selectKeysRes a1 a2 Count a1 -> Persist.count a1 #if MIN_VERSION_persistent(2,11,0) Exists a1 -> Persist.exists a1 #endif SelectList a1 a2 -> Persist.selectList a1 a2 SelectKeysList a1 a2 -> Persist.selectKeysList a1 a2 UpdateWhere a1 a2 -> Persist.updateWhere a1 a2 DeleteWhere a1 -> Persist.deleteWhere a1 DeleteWhereCount a1 -> Persist.deleteWhereCount a1 UpdateWhereCount a1 a2 -> Persist.updateWhereCount a1 a2 DeleteCascade a1 -> Persist.deleteCascade a1 DeleteCascadeWhere a1 -> Persist.deleteCascadeWhere a1 ParseMigration a1 -> Persist.parseMigration a1 ParseMigration' a1 -> Persist.parseMigration' a1 PrintMigration a1 -> Persist.printMigration a1 ShowMigration a1 -> Persist.showMigration a1 GetMigration a1 -> Persist.getMigration a1 RunMigration a1 -> Persist.runMigration a1 #if MIN_VERSION_persistent(2,10,2) RunMigrationQuiet a1 -> Persist.runMigrationQuiet a1 #endif RunMigrationSilent a1 -> Persist.runMigrationSilent a1 RunMigrationUnsafe a1 -> Persist.runMigrationUnsafe a1 #if MIN_VERSION_persistent(2,10,2) RunMigrationUnsafeQuiet a1 -> Persist.runMigrationUnsafeQuiet a1 #endif GetFieldName a1 -> Persist.getFieldName a1 GetTableName a1 -> Persist.getTableName a1 WithRawQuery a1 a2 a3 -> Persist.withRawQuery a1 a2 a3 RawQueryRes a1 a2 -> Persist.rawQueryRes a1 a2 RawExecute a1 a2 -> Persist.rawExecute a1 a2 RawExecuteCount a1 a2 -> Persist.rawExecuteCount a1 a2 RawSql a1 a2 -> Persist.rawSql a1 a2 TransactionSave -> Persist.transactionSave #if MIN_VERSION_persistent(2,9,0) TransactionSaveWithIsolation a1 -> Persist.transactionSaveWithIsolation a1 #endif TransactionUndo -> Persist.transactionUndo #if MIN_VERSION_persistent(2,9,0) TransactionUndoWithIsolation a1 -> Persist.transactionUndoWithIsolation a1 #endif