-- | Creates the output Chunks for the Balance report for both -- multi-commodity reports. module Penny.Cabin.Balance.MultiCommodity.Chunker ( Row(..), rowsToChunks ) where import Control.Applicative (Applicative (pure), (<$>), (<*>)) import qualified Penny.Cabin.Meta as Meta import qualified Penny.Cabin.Row as R import qualified Penny.Cabin.Scheme as E import qualified Penny.Lincoln as L import qualified Data.Foldable as Fdbl import qualified Data.Text as X import qualified System.Console.Rainbow as Rb type IsEven = Bool data Columns a = Columns { acct :: a , drCr :: a , commodity :: a , quantity :: a } deriving Show instance Functor Columns where fmap f c = Columns { acct = f (acct c) , drCr = f (drCr c) , commodity = f (commodity c) , quantity = f (quantity c) } instance Applicative Columns where pure a = Columns a a a a fn <*> fa = Columns { acct = (acct fn) (acct fa) , drCr = (drCr fn) (drCr fa) , commodity = (commodity fn) (commodity fa) , quantity = (quantity fn) (quantity fa) } data PreSpec = PreSpec { _justification :: R.Justification , _padSpec :: (E.Label, E.EvenOdd) , bits :: [Rb.Chunk] } -- | When given a list of columns, determine the widest row in each -- column. maxWidths :: [Columns PreSpec] -> Columns R.Width maxWidths = Fdbl.foldl' maxWidthPerColumn (pure (R.Width 0)) -- | Applied to a Columns of PreSpec and a Colums of widths, return a -- Columns that has the wider of the two values. maxWidthPerColumn :: Columns R.Width -> Columns PreSpec -> Columns R.Width maxWidthPerColumn w p = f <$> w <*> p where f old new = max old ( safeMaximum (R.Width 0) . map (R.Width . X.length . Rb.chunkText) . bits $ new) safeMaximum d ls = if null ls then d else maximum ls -- | Changes a single set of Columns to a set of ColumnSpec of the -- given width. preSpecToSpec :: Columns R.Width -> Columns PreSpec -> Columns R.ColumnSpec preSpecToSpec ws p = f <$> ws <*> p where f width (PreSpec j ps bs) = R.ColumnSpec j width ps bs resizeColumnsInList :: [Columns PreSpec] -> [Columns R.ColumnSpec] resizeColumnsInList cs = map (preSpecToSpec w) cs where w = maxWidths cs -- Step 9 widthSpacerAcct :: Int widthSpacerAcct = 4 widthSpacerDrCr :: Int widthSpacerDrCr = 1 widthSpacerCommodity :: Int widthSpacerCommodity = 1 colsToBits :: E.Changers -> IsEven -> Columns R.ColumnSpec -> [Rb.Chunk] colsToBits chgrs isEven (Columns a dc c q) = let fillSpec = if isEven then (E.Other, E.Even) else (E.Other, E.Odd) spacer w = R.ColumnSpec j (R.Width w) fillSpec [] j = R.LeftJustify cs = a : spacer widthSpacerAcct : dc : spacer widthSpacerDrCr : c : spacer widthSpacerCommodity : q : [] in R.row chgrs cs colsListToBits :: E.Changers -> [Columns R.ColumnSpec] -> [[Rb.Chunk]] colsListToBits chgrs = zipWith f bools where f b c = colsToBits chgrs b c bools = iterate not True preSpecsToBits :: E.Changers -> [Columns PreSpec] -> [Rb.Chunk] preSpecsToBits chgrs = concat . colsListToBits chgrs . resizeColumnsInList -- | Displays a single account in a Balance report. In a -- single-commodity report, this account will only be one screen line -- long. In a multi-commodity report, it might be multiple lines long, -- with one screen line for each commodity. data Row = Row { indentation :: Int -- ^ Indent the account name by this many levels (not by this many -- spaces; this number is multiplied by another number in the -- Chunker source to arrive at the final indentation amount) , accountTxt :: X.Text -- ^ Text for the name of the account , balances :: [(L.Commodity, L.BottomLine)] -- ^ Commodity balances. If this list is empty, dashes are -- displayed for the DrCr, Commodity, and Qty. } rowsToChunks :: E.Changers -> (L.Commodity -> L.Qty -> X.Text) -- ^ How to format a balance to allow for digit grouping -> [Row] -> [Rb.Chunk] rowsToChunks chgrs fmt = preSpecsToBits chgrs . rowsToColumns chgrs fmt rowsToColumns :: E.Changers -> (L.Commodity -> L.Qty -> X.Text) -- ^ How to format a balance to allow for digit grouping -> [Row] -> [Columns PreSpec] rowsToColumns chgrs fmt = map (mkColumn chgrs fmt) . L.serialItems (\ser a -> (Meta.VisibleNum ser, a)) mkColumn :: E.Changers -> (L.Commodity -> L.Qty -> X.Text) -> (Meta.VisibleNum, Row) -> Columns PreSpec mkColumn chgrs fmt (vn, (Row i acctTxt bs)) = Columns ca cd cc cq where lbl = E.Other eo = E.fromVisibleNum vn applyFmt = E.getEvenOddLabelValue lbl eo chgrs ca = PreSpec R.LeftJustify (lbl, eo) [applyFmt $ Rb.plain txt] where txt = X.append indents acctTxt indents = X.replicate (indentAmount * max 0 i) (X.singleton ' ') cd = PreSpec R.LeftJustify (lbl, eo) cksDrCr cc = PreSpec R.RightJustify (lbl, eo) cksCmdty cq = PreSpec R.LeftJustify (lbl, eo) cksQty (cksDrCr, cksCmdty, cksQty) = if null bs then balanceChunksEmpty chgrs eo else let balChks = map (balanceChunks chgrs fmt eo) bs cDrCr = map (\(a, _, _) -> a) balChks cCmdty = map (\(_, a, _) -> a) balChks cQty = map (\(_, _, a) -> a) balChks in (cDrCr, cCmdty, cQty) balanceChunksEmpty :: E.Changers -> E.EvenOdd -> ([Rb.Chunk], [Rb.Chunk], [Rb.Chunk]) balanceChunksEmpty chgrs eo = (dash, dash, dash) where dash = [E.getEvenOddLabelValue E.Other eo chgrs $ Rb.plain (X.pack "--")] balanceChunks :: E.Changers -> (L.Commodity -> L.Qty -> X.Text) -> E.EvenOdd -> (L.Commodity, L.BottomLine) -> (Rb.Chunk, Rb.Chunk, Rb.Chunk) balanceChunks chgrs fmt eo (cty, bl) = (chkDc, chkCt, chkQt) where chkDc = E.bottomLineToDrCr bl eo chgrs chkCt = E.bottomLineToCmdty chgrs eo (cty, bl) chkQt = E.bottomLineToQty chgrs fmt eo (cty, bl) indentAmount :: Int indentAmount = 2