module Penny.Brenner.Merge (mode) where

import Control.Applicative (pure)
import Control.Monad (guard)
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as St
import Data.List (find, sortBy, foldl')
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, isNothing, fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid (First(..), mconcat)
import qualified Data.Text as X
import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
import qualified System.Console.MultiArg as MA
import qualified Penny.Copper as C
import qualified Penny.Copper.Render as R
import qualified Penny.Lincoln as L
import qualified Penny.Lincoln.Transaction.Unverified as U
import qualified Penny.Lincoln.Queries as Q
import qualified Penny.Brenner.Types as Y
import qualified Penny.Brenner.Util as U

type NoAuto = Bool

data Arg
  = APos String
  | ANoAuto
  deriving (Eq, Show)

toPosArg :: Arg -> Maybe String
toPosArg a = case a of { APos s -> Just s; _ -> Nothing }

mode :: Maybe Y.FitAcct -> MA.Mode (IO ())
mode maybeC = MA.Mode
  { MA.mName = "merge"
  , MA.mIntersperse = MA.Intersperse
  , MA.mOpts = [MA.OptSpec ["no-auto"] "n" (MA.NoArg ANoAuto)]
  , MA.mPosArgs = APos
  , MA.mProcess = processor maybeC
  , MA.mHelp = help

processor :: Maybe Y.FitAcct -> [Arg] -> IO ()
processor maybeC as =
  doMerge maybeC (ANoAuto `elem` as) (mapMaybe toPosArg as)

doMerge :: Maybe Y.FitAcct -> NoAuto -> [String] -> IO ()
doMerge maybeAcct noAuto ss = do
  acct <- case maybeAcct of
    Nothing -> do
      fail $ "no financial"
        ++ " institution account provided on command line, and"
        ++ " no default account configured."
    Just ac -> return ac
  dbLs <- U.loadDb (Y.AllowNew False) (Y.dbLocation acct)
  l <- ss
  let dbWithEntry = fmap (pairWithEntry acct) . M.fromList $ dbLs
      (l', db') = changeItems acct
                  l (filterDb (Y.pennyAcct acct) dbWithEntry l)
      newTxns = createTransactions noAuto acct l dbLs db'
      final = C.Ledger (C.unLedger l' ++ newTxns)
  case R.ledger (Y.groupSpecs acct) final of
    Nothing -> fail "Could not render final ledger."
    Just x -> TIO.putStr x

help :: String -> String
help pn = unlines
  [ "usage: " ++ pn ++ " merge: merges new transactions from database"
  , "to ledger file."
  , "usage: penny-fit merge [options] FILE..."
  , "Results are printed to standard output. If no FILE, or if FILE is -,"
  , "read standard input."
  , ""
  , "Options:"
  , "  -h, --help - show help and exit"
  , "  -n, --no-auto - do not automatically assign payees and accounts"

-- | Removes all Brenner postings that already have a Penny posting
-- with the correct uNumber.
filterDb :: Y.PennyAcct -> DbWithEntry -> C.Ledger -> DbWithEntry
filterDb ax m l = M.difference m ml
    ml = M.fromList
       . flip zip (repeat ())
       . mapMaybe toUNum
       . filter inPennyAcct
       . concatMap L.postFam
       . mapMaybe toTxn
       . C.unLedger
       $ l
    toTxn t = case t of
      C.Transaction x -> Just x
      _ -> Nothing
    inPennyAcct p = Q.account p == (Y.unPennyAcct ax)
    toUNum p = getUNumberFromTags . Q.tags $ p

-- | Gets the first UNumber from a list of Tags.
getUNumberFromTags :: L.Tags -> Maybe Y.UNumber
getUNumberFromTags =
  . mconcat
  . map First
  . map getUNumberFromTag
  . L.unTags

-- | Examines a tag to see if it is a uNumber. If so, returns the
-- UNumber. Otherwise, returns Nothing.
getUNumberFromTag :: L.Tag -> Maybe Y.UNumber
getUNumberFromTag (L.Tag x) = do
  (f, r) <- X.uncons x
  guard (f == 'U')
  case reads . X.unpack $ r of
    (y, ""):[] -> return $ Y.UNumber y
    _ -> Nothing

-- | Changes a single Item.
  :: Y.FitAcct
  -> C.Item
  -> St.State DbWithEntry C.Item
changeItem acct =
  C.mapItemA pure pure (changeTransaction acct)

-- | Changes all postings that match an AmexTxn to assign them the
-- proper UNumber. Returns a list of changed items, and the DbMap of
-- still-unassigned AmexTxns.
  :: Y.FitAcct
  -> C.Ledger
  -> DbWithEntry
  -> (C.Ledger, DbWithEntry)
changeItems acct l =
  St.runState (C.mapLedgerA (changeItem acct) l)

  :: Y.FitAcct
  -> L.Transaction
  -> St.State DbWithEntry L.Transaction
changeTransaction acct txn = do
  let fam = L.unTransaction txn
      fam' = L.mapParent (const L.emptyTopLineChangeData) fam
  fam'' <- L.mapChildrenA (inspectAndChange acct txn) fam'
  return $ L.changeTransaction fam'' txn

-- | Inspects a posting to see if it is an Amex posting and, if so,
-- whether it matches one of the remaining AmexTxns. If so, then
-- changes the transaction's UNumber, and remove that UNumber from the
-- DbMap. If the posting alreay has a Number (UNumber or otherwise)
-- skips it.
  :: Y.FitAcct
  -> L.Transaction
  -> L.Posting
  -> St.State DbWithEntry L.PostingChangeData
inspectAndChange acct t p = do
  m <- St.get
  case findMatch acct t p m of
    Nothing -> return L.emptyPostingChangeData
    Just (n, m') ->
      let L.Tags oldTags = L.pTags p
          tags' = L.Tags (oldTags ++ [newLincolnUNumber n])
          pcd = L.emptyPostingChangeData
                  { L.pcTags = Just tags' }
      in St.put m' >> return pcd

newLincolnUNumber :: Y.UNumber -> L.Tag
newLincolnUNumber a =
  L.Tag ('U' `X.cons` (X.pack . show . Y.unUNumber $ a))

-- | Searches a DbMap for an AmexTxn that matches a given posting. If
-- a match is found, returns the matching UNumber and a new DbMap that
-- has the match removed.
  :: Y.FitAcct
  -> L.Transaction
  -> L.Posting
  -> DbWithEntry
  -> Maybe (Y.UNumber, DbWithEntry)
findMatch acct t p m = fmap toResult findResult
    findResult = find (pennyTxnMatches acct t p)
                 . M.toList $ m
    toResult (u, (_, _)) = (u, M.delete u m)

-- | Pairs each association in a DbMap with an Entry representing the
-- transaction's entry in the ledger.
pairWithEntry :: Y.FitAcct -> Y.Posting -> (Y.Posting, L.Entry)
pairWithEntry acct p = (p, en)
    en = L.Entry dc (L.Amount qty cty (Just (Y.side acct))
                                      (Just (Y.spaceBetween acct)))
    dc = Y.translate (Y.incDec p) (Y.translator acct)
    qty = U.parseQty (Y.amount p)
    cty = Y.unCurrency . Y.currency $ acct

type DbWithEntry = M.Map Y.UNumber (Y.Posting, L.Entry)

-- | Does the given Penny transaction match this posting? Makes sure
-- that the account, quantity, date, commodity, and DrCr match, and
-- that the posting does not have a number (it's OK if the transaction
-- has a number.)
  :: Y.FitAcct
  -> L.Transaction
  -> L.Posting
  -> (a, (Y.Posting, L.Entry))
  -> Bool
pennyTxnMatches acct t p (_, (a, e)) =
  mA && noFlag && mQ && mDC && mDate && mCmdty
    mA = L.pAccount p == (Y.unPennyAcct . Y.pennyAcct $ acct)
    mQ = L.equivalent (L.qty . L.amount . L.pEntry $ p)
                      (L.qty . L.amount $ e)
    mDC = (L.drCr e) == (L.drCr . L.pEntry $ p)
    (L.Family tl _ _ _) = L.unTransaction t
    mDate = ( . L.tDateTime $ tl) == (Y.unDate . $ a)
    noFlag = isNothing . L.pNumber $ p
    mCmdty = (L.commodity . L.amount $ e)
              == (Y.unCurrency . Y.currency $ acct)

-- | Creates a new transaction corresponding to a given AmexTxn. Uses
-- the Amex payee if that string is non empty; otherwise, uses the
-- Amex description for the payee.
  :: NoAuto
  -> Y.FitAcct
  -> UNumberLookupMap
  -> PyeLookupMap
  -> (Y.UNumber, (Y.Posting, L.Entry))
  -> L.Transaction
newTransaction noAuto acct mu mp (u, (a, e)) = L.rTransaction rt
    rt = L.RTransaction
      { L.rtCommodity = Y.unCurrency . Y.currency $ acct
      , L.rtSide = Just . Y.side $ acct
      , L.rtSpaceBetween = Just . Y.spaceBetween $ acct
      , L.rtDrCr = L.drCr e
      , L.rtTopLine = tl
      , L.rtPosting = p1
      , L.rtMorePostings = []
      , L.rtIPosting = p2
    tl = (U.emptyTopLine ( L.dateTimeMidnightUTC . Y.unDate
                           . $ a))
         { U.tPayee = Just pa }
    getPye = Y.toLincolnPayee acct
    (guessedPye, guessedAcct) = guessInfo getPye mu mp a
    dfltPye = getPye (Y.desc a) (Y.payee a)
    dfltAcct = Y.unDefaultAcct . Y.defaultAcct $ acct
    (pa, ac) =
      if noAuto
      then (dfltPye, dfltAcct)
      else ( fromMaybe dfltPye guessedPye,
             fromMaybe dfltAcct guessedAcct)
    pennyAcct = Y.unPennyAcct . Y.pennyAcct $ acct
    p1 = (U.emptyRPosting pennyAcct (L.qty . L.amount $ e))
          { U.rTags = L.Tags [newLincolnUNumber u] }
    p2 = U.emptyIPosting ac

-- | Creates new transactions for all the items remaining in the
-- DbMap. Appends a blank line after each one.
  :: NoAuto
  -> Y.FitAcct
  -> C.Ledger
  -> Y.DbList
  -> DbWithEntry
  -> [C.Item]
createTransactions noAuto acct led dbLs db =
  concatMap (\i -> [i, C.BlankLine])
  . map C.Transaction
  . map (newTransaction noAuto acct mu mp)
  . M.assocs
  $ db
    mu = makeUNumberLookup (Y.toLincolnPayee acct) dbLs
    mp = makePyeLookupMap (Y.pennyAcct acct) led

-- | Maps financial institution postings to UNumbers. The key is the
-- Lincoln Payee of the financial institution posting, which is
-- computed using the toLincolnPayee function in the FitAcct.  The
-- UNumbers are in a list, with UNumbers from most recent financial
-- institution postings first.
type UNumberLookupMap = M.Map L.Payee [Y.UNumber]

-- | Create a UNumberLookupMap from a DbWithEntry. Financial
-- institution postings with higher U-numbers will come first.
  :: (Y.Desc -> Y.Payee -> L.Payee)
  -> Y.DbList
  -> UNumberLookupMap
makeUNumberLookup toPye = foldl' ins M.empty . map f . sortBy g
    ins m (k, v) = M.alter alterer k m
      where alterer Nothing = Just [v]
            alterer (Just ls) = Just $ v:ls
    f (u, p) = (toPye (Y.desc p) (Y.payee p), u)
    g (_, p1) (_, p2) = compare ( p1) ( p2)

-- | Given a list of keys, find the first key that is in the
-- map. Returns Nothing if no key is in the map.
findFirstKey :: Ord k => M.Map k v -> [k] -> Maybe v
findFirstKey _ [] = Nothing
findFirstKey m (k:ks) = case M.lookup k m of
  Nothing -> findFirstKey m ks
  Just v -> Just v

-- | Maps UNumbers to payees and accounts from the ledger.
type PyeLookupMap = M.Map Y.UNumber (Maybe L.Payee, Maybe L.Account)

-- | Makes a payee lookup map. Puts those postings which match the
-- PennyAcct and have a UNumber into the map. (If two postings match
-- the PennyAcct and have the same UNumber, the one that appears later
-- in the ledger file will be in the map.)
makePyeLookupMap :: Y.PennyAcct -> C.Ledger -> PyeLookupMap
makePyeLookupMap a l
  = M.fromList . mapMaybe f . concatMap L.postFam . mapMaybe toPstg
    . C.unLedger $ l
    f pstg = do
      guard $ (Q.account pstg) == Y.unPennyAcct a
      u <- getUNumberFromTags . Q.tags $ pstg
      let (L.Child _ sib sibs _) = L.unPostFam pstg
          ac = if null sibs
               then Just (L.pAccount sib)
               else Nothing
      return (u, (Q.payee pstg, ac))
    toPstg i = case i of { C.Transaction t -> Just t; _ -> Nothing }

-- | Given a UNumber and the maps, looks up the payee and account
-- information from previous transactions if this information is
-- available.
  :: (Y.Desc -> Y.Payee -> L.Payee)
  -> UNumberLookupMap
  -> PyeLookupMap
  -> Y.Posting
  -> (Maybe L.Payee, Maybe L.Account)
guessInfo getPye mu mp p = fromMaybe (Nothing, Nothing) $ do
  let pstgPayee = getPye (Y.desc p) (Y.payee p)
  unums <- M.lookup pstgPayee mu
  findFirstKey mp unums