-- | -- Module: Math.NumberTheory.Pell -- Copyright: (c) 2016 by Dr. Lars Brünjes -- Licence: MIT -- Maintainer: Dr. Lars Brünjes <brunjlar@gmail.com> -- Stability: Provisional -- Portability: portable -- -- This module provides a function to solve generalized Pell Equations, -- using the "LMM Algorithm" described by John P. Robertson in -- <http://www.jpr2718.org/pell.pdf>. -- A /generalized Pell Equation/ is a diophantine equation of the form -- @x^2 - dy^2 = n@, where @d@ is a positive integer which is not a square -- and where @n@ is a non-zero integer. -- We are looking for solutions @(x,y)@, where @x@ and @y@ are non-negative integers. module Math.NumberTheory.Pell ( Solution , solve ) where import Control.Arrow ((***)) import Data.List (sort, nub) import Data.Ratio ((%)) import Data.Set (toList) import Math.NumberTheory.Moduli.SquareRoots (sqrts) import Math.NumberTheory.Pell.PQa (PQa(..), period) import Math.NumberTheory.Powers.Squares (isSquare, integerSquareRoot) import Math.NumberTheory.ArithmeticFunctions (divisors) fmzs :: Integer -> Integer -> [(Integer, Integer, [Integer])] fmzs d n = map (\f -> let m = n `div` (f * f) in (f, m, zs m)) $ filter (\f -> (n `mod` (f * f)) == 0) $ toList $ divisors n where zs :: Integer -> [Integer] zs 1 = [0] zs (-1) = [0] zs m = nub $ sort $ map norm $ sqrts d am where am = abs m am2 = floor (am % 2) norm x = if x <= am2 then x else x - am getRS :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Maybe (Integer, Integer) getRS d m z = let (_, pqas) = period z (abs m) d qrs = zipWith (\x y -> (q x, g y, b y)) (tail pqas) pqas rss = map (\(_, r, s) -> (r, s)) $ filter (\(q', _, _) -> abs q' == 1) qrs in case rss of [] -> Nothing (rs : _) -> Just rs -- |Represents a solution to a generalized Pell Equation. -- The first component is the value of x, -- the second component that of y. type Solution = (Integer, Integer) solvePlusOne :: Integer -> Solution solvePlusOne d = case getRS d 1 0 of Just (r, s) | r * r - d * s * s == 1 -> (r, s) | otherwise -> (r * r + d * s * s, let rs = r * s in rs + rs) Nothing -> error "algorithm error" solveMinusOne :: Integer -> Maybe Solution solveMinusOne d = case getRS d 1 0 of Just (r, s) | r * r - d * s * s == (-1) -> Just (r, s) | otherwise -> Nothing Nothing -> error "algorithm error" getRep :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Solution -> Maybe Solution -> Maybe Solution getRep _ 1 _ _ _ x _ = Just x getRep _ (-1) _ _ _ _ y = y getRep d _ f m z _ y = case getRS d m z of Nothing -> Nothing Just (r, s) | r * r - d * s * s == m -> Just (f * r, f * s) | otherwise -> case y of Nothing -> Nothing Just (t, u) -> Just (f * (r * t + s * u * d), f * (r * u + s * t)) mul :: Integer -> Solution -> Solution -> Solution mul d (x, y) (r, s) = (x * r + y * s * d, x * s + y * r) getReps :: Integer -> Integer -> (Solution, [Solution]) getReps d n = ((r, s), reps) where (r, s) = solvePlusOne d minusOne = solveMinusOne d reps = do (f, m, zs) <- fmzs d n do z <- zs case getRep d n f m z (r, s) minusOne of Just (x, y) -> [if x >= 0 then (x, y) else mul d (r, s) (x, y)] Nothing -> [] getMinimalReps :: Integer -> Integer -> (Solution, [Solution]) getMinimalReps d n = ((r, s), map toMinimal reps) where ((r, s), reps) = getReps d n toMinimal (x, y) = minimum $ map (abs *** abs) $ filter (\(x', y') -> x' * y' >= 0) [(x, y), mul d (r, s) (x, y), mul d (r, -s) (x, y)] -- |@solve d n@ calculates all non-negative integer solutions of the generalized Pell Equation -- x^2 - @d@y^2 = @n@, -- where @d@ must be a positive integer which is not a square, -- and @n@ must be a non-zero integer. solve :: Integer -> Integer -> [Solution] solve d n | d <= 0 = error $ "D must be positive, but D == " ++ show d ++ "." | isSquare d = error $ "D must not be a square, but D == " ++ show (integerSquareRoot d) ++ "^2." | n == 0 = error "N must not be zero." | otherwise = case getMinimalReps d n of (_, []) -> [] ((r, s), xys) -> go xys where go xys' = normalize xys' ++ go (step xys') normalize = sort . nub step = map (mul d (r, s))