{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- | Unicode CMap defines mapping from glyphs to text

module Pdf.Toolbox.Content.UnicodeCMap

import Data.Monoid
import Data.Functor
import Data.Char
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as Base16
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 (Parser, parseOnly)
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 as P
import Control.Monad

-- | Unicode character map
-- Font dictionary can contain \"ToUnicode\" key -- reference
-- to a stream with unicode CMap
data UnicodeCMap = UnicodeCMap {
  unicodeCMapCodeRanges :: [(ByteString, ByteString)],
  unicodeCMapChars :: Map Int Text,
  unicodeCMapRanges :: [(Int, Int, Char)]
  deriving (Show)

-- | Parse content of unicode CMap
parseUnicodeCMap :: ByteString -> Either String UnicodeCMap
parseUnicodeCMap cmap =
  case (codeRanges, chars, ranges) of
    (Right cr, Right cs, Right (rs, crs)) -> Right $ UnicodeCMap {
      unicodeCMapCodeRanges = cr,
      unicodeCMapChars = cs <> crs,
      unicodeCMapRanges = rs
    (Left err, _, _) -> Left $ "CMap code ranges: " ++ err
    (_, Left err, _) -> Left $ "CMap chars: " ++ err
    (_, _, Left err) -> Left $ "CMap ranges: " ++ err
  codeRanges = parseOnly codeRangesParser cmap
  chars = parseOnly charsParser cmap
  ranges = parseOnly rangesParser cmap

-- | Take the next glyph code from string, also returns the rest of the string
unicodeCMapNextGlyph :: UnicodeCMap -> ByteString -> Maybe (Int, ByteString)
unicodeCMapNextGlyph cmap = go 1
  go 5 _ = Nothing
  go n str =
    let glyph = BS.take n str in
    if BS.length glyph /= n
      then Nothing
      else if any (inRange glyph) (unicodeCMapCodeRanges cmap)
             then Just (toCode glyph, BS.drop n str)
             else go (n + 1) str
  inRange glyph (start, end) = glyph >= start && glyph <= end

toCode :: ByteString -> Int
toCode bs = fst $ BS.foldr (\b (sm, i) ->
                    (sm + fromIntegral b * i, i * 255)) (0, 1) bs

-- | Convert glyph to text
-- Note: one glyph can represent more then one char, e.g. for ligatures
unicodeCMapDecodeGlyph :: UnicodeCMap -> Int -> Maybe Text
unicodeCMapDecodeGlyph cmap glyph =
  case Map.lookup glyph (unicodeCMapChars cmap) of
    Just txt -> Just txt
    Nothing ->
      case filter inRange (unicodeCMapRanges cmap) of
        [(start, _, char)] -> Just (Text.singleton $ toEnum
                                    $ (fromEnum char) + (glyph - start))
        _ -> Nothing
  inRange (start, end, _) = glyph >= start && glyph <= end

charsParser :: Parser (Map Int Text)
charsParser = do
  n <- P.option 0 $ skipTillParser $ do
    n <- P.decimal
    _ <- P.string "beginbfchar"
    return n

  chars <- replicateM n $ do
    i <- parseHex
    j <- parseHex
    return (toCode i, Text.decodeUtf16BE j)

  return $ Map.fromList chars

-- | It returns regular ranges and char map
-- Array ranges are converted to char map
rangesParser :: Parser ([(Int, Int, Char)], Map Int Text)
rangesParser = do
  n <- P.option (0 :: Int) $ skipTillParser $ do
    n <- P.decimal
    void $ P.string "beginbfrange"
    return n

  let go 0 rs cs = return (rs, cs)
      go count rs cs = do
        i <- toCode <$> parseHex
        j <- toCode <$> parseHex
        k <- P.eitherP parseHex parseHexArray
        case k of
          Left h -> do
            c <- case Text.uncons $ Text.decodeUtf16BE h of
                   Nothing -> fail "Can't decode range"
                   Just (v, _) -> return v
            go (pred count) ((i, j, c) : rs) cs
          Right hs -> do
            let cs' = zip [i..j] . map Text.decodeUtf16BE $ hs
            go (pred count) rs (cs <> Map.fromList cs')

  go n mempty mempty

codeRangesParser :: Parser [(ByteString, ByteString)]
codeRangesParser = do
  n <- skipTillParser $ do
    n <- P.decimal
    void $ P.string "begincodespacerange"
    return n

  replicateM n $ do
    i <- parseHex
    j <- parseHex
    return (i, j)

parseHex :: Parser ByteString
parseHex = do
  void $ P.char '<'
  res <- P.takeTill (== '>') >>= fromHex
  void $ P.char '>'
  return res

parseHexArray :: Parser [ByteString]
parseHexArray = do
  void $ P.char '['
  res <- P.many' $ do
  void $ P.char ']'
  return res

-- XXX: wtf?!
fromHex :: Monad m => ByteString -> m ByteString
fromHex hex = do
  let (str, rest) = Base16.decode $ bsToLower hex
  unless (BS.null rest) $
    fail $ "Can't decode hex" ++ show rest
  return str
  bsToLower = BS.map $ fromIntegral
                     . fromEnum
                     . toLower
                     . toEnum
                     . fromIntegral

skipTillParser :: Parser a -> Parser a
skipTillParser p = P.choice [
  P.anyChar >> skipTillParser p