{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans -fno-warn-unused-binds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances, OverlappingInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}

-- | A usable regular expressions library on top of pcre-light.
module Text.Regex.PCRE.Heavy (
  -- * Matching
, ()
, scan
, scanO
, scanRanges
, scanRangesO
  -- * Replacement
, sub
, subO
, gsub
, gsubO
  -- * Splitting
, split
, splitO
  -- * QuasiQuoter
, re
, mkRegexQQ
  -- * Types and stuff from pcre-light
, Regex
, PCREOption
, PCRE.compileM
  -- * Advanced raw stuff
, rawMatch
, rawSub
) where

import           Language.Haskell.TH hiding (match)
import           Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
import           Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import qualified Text.Regex.PCRE.Light as PCRE
import           Text.Regex.PCRE.Light.Base
import           Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import           Data.Maybe (isJust, fromMaybe)
import           Data.List (unfoldr, mapAccumL)
import           Data.Stringable
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as BS
import           System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import           Foreign

substr  BS.ByteString  (Int, Int)  BS.ByteString
substr s (f, t) = BS.take (t - f) . BS.drop f $ s

behead  [a]  (a, [a])
behead (h:t) = (h, t)
behead [] = error "no head to behead"

reMatch  Stringable a  Regex  a  Bool
reMatch r s = isJust $ PCRE.match r (toByteString s) []

-- | Checks whether a string matches a regex.
-- >>> :set -XQuasiQuotes
-- >>> "https://unrelenting.technology" =~ [re|^http.*|]
-- True
(=~)  Stringable a  a  Regex  Bool
(=~) = flip reMatch

-- | Same as =~.
()  Stringable a  a  Regex  Bool
() = (=~)

-- | Does raw PCRE matching (you probably shouldn't use this directly).
-- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
-- >>> rawMatch [re|\w{2}|] "a a ab abc ba" 0 []
-- Just [(4,6)]
-- >>> rawMatch [re|\w{2}|] "a a ab abc ba" 6 []
-- Just [(7,9)]
-- >>> rawMatch [re|(\w)(\w)|] "a a ab abc ba" 0 []
-- Just [(4,6),(4,5),(5,6)]
rawMatch  Regex  BS.ByteString  Int  [PCREExecOption]  Maybe [(Int, Int)]
rawMatch r@(Regex pcreFp _) s offset opts = unsafePerformIO $ do
  withForeignPtr pcreFp $ \pcrePtr  do
    let nCapt = PCRE.captureCount r
        ovecSize = (nCapt + 1) * 3
        ovecBytes = ovecSize * size_of_cint
    allocaBytes ovecBytes $ \ovec  do
      let (strFp, off, len) = BS.toForeignPtr s
      withForeignPtr strFp $ \strPtr  do
        results  c_pcre_exec pcrePtr nullPtr (strPtr `plusPtr` off) (fromIntegral len) (fromIntegral offset)
                               (combineExecOptions opts) ovec (fromIntegral ovecSize)
        if results < 0 then return Nothing
          let loop n o acc =
                if n == results then return $ Just $ reverse acc
                else do
                  i  peekElemOff ovec $! o
                  j  peekElemOff ovec (o + 1)
                  loop (n + 1) (o + 2) ((fromIntegral i, fromIntegral j) : acc)
          in loop 0 0 []

nextMatch  Regex  [PCREExecOption]  BS.ByteString  Int  Maybe ([(Int, Int)], Int)
nextMatch r opts str offset =
  case rawMatch r str offset opts of
    Nothing  Nothing
    Just []  Nothing
    Just ms  Just (ms, maximum $ map snd ms)

-- | Searches the string for all matches of a given regex.
-- >>> scan [re|\s*entry (\d+) (\w+)\s*&?|] " entry 1 hello  &entry 2 hi"
-- [(" entry 1 hello  &",["1","hello"]),("entry 2 hi",["2","hi"])]
-- It is lazy! If you only need the first match, just apply 'head' (or
-- 'headMay' from the "safe" library) -- no extra work will be performed!
-- >>> head $ scan [re|\s*entry (\d+) (\w+)\s*&?|] " entry 1 hello  &entry 2 hi"
-- (" entry 1 hello  &",["1","hello"])
scan  (Stringable a)  Regex  a  [(a, [a])]
scan r s = scanO r [] s

-- | Exactly like 'scan', but passes runtime options to PCRE.
scanO  (Stringable a)  Regex  [PCREExecOption]  a  [(a, [a])]
scanO r opts s = map behead $ map (fromByteString . substr str) <$> unfoldr (nextMatch r opts str) 0
  where str = toByteString s

-- | Searches the string for all matches of a given regex, like 'scan', but
-- returns positions inside of the string.
-- >>> scanRanges [re|\s*entry (\d+) (\w+)\s*&?|] " entry 1 hello  &entry 2 hi"
-- [((0,17),[(7,8),(9,14)]),((17,27),[(23,24),(25,27)])]
-- And just like 'scan', it's lazy.
scanRanges  (Stringable a)  Regex  a  [((Int, Int), [(Int, Int)])]
scanRanges r s = scanRangesO r [] s

-- | Exactly like 'scanRanges', but passes runtime options to PCRE.
scanRangesO  Stringable a  Regex  [PCREExecOption]  a  [((Int, Int), [(Int, Int)])]
scanRangesO r opts s = map behead $ unfoldr (nextMatch r opts str) 0
  where str = toByteString s

class RegexReplacement a where
  performReplacement  BS.ByteString  [BS.ByteString]  a  BS.ByteString

instance Stringable a  RegexReplacement a where
  performReplacement _ _ to = toByteString to

instance Stringable a  RegexReplacement (a  [a]  a) where
  performReplacement from groups replacer = toByteString $ replacer (fromByteString from) (map fromByteString groups)

instance Stringable a  RegexReplacement (a  a) where
  performReplacement from _ replacer = toByteString $ replacer (fromByteString from)

instance Stringable a  RegexReplacement ([a]  a) where
  performReplacement _ groups replacer = toByteString $ replacer (map fromByteString groups)

rawSub  RegexReplacement r  Regex  r  BS.ByteString  Int  [PCREExecOption]  Maybe (BS.ByteString, Int)
rawSub r t s offset opts =
  case rawMatch r s offset opts of
    Just ((begin, end):groups) 
      Just (BS.concat [ substr s (0, begin)
                      , performReplacement (substr s (begin, end)) (map (substr s) groups) t
                      , substr s (end, BS.length s)], end)
    _  Nothing

-- | Replaces the first occurence of a given regex.
-- >>> sub [re|thing|] "world" "Hello, thing thing" :: String
-- "Hello, world thing"
-- >>> sub [re|a|] "b" "c" :: String
-- "c"
-- You can use functions!
-- A function of Stringable gets the full match.
-- A function of [Stringable] gets the groups.
-- A function of Stringable → [Stringable] gets both.
-- >>> sub [re|%(\d+)(\w+)|] (\(d:w:_) -> "{" ++ d ++ " of " ++ w ++ "}" :: String) "Hello, %20thing" :: String
-- "Hello, {20 of thing}"
sub  (Stringable a, RegexReplacement r)  Regex  r  a  a
sub r t s = subO r [] t s

-- | Exactly like 'sub', but passes runtime options to PCRE.
subO  (Stringable a, RegexReplacement r)  Regex  [PCREExecOption]  r  a  a
subO r opts t s = fromMaybe s $ fromByteString <$> fst <$> rawSub r t (toByteString s) 0 opts

-- | Replaces all occurences of a given regex.
-- See 'sub' for more documentation.
-- >>> gsub [re|thing|] "world" "Hello, thing thing" :: String
-- "Hello, world world"
-- >>> gsub [re||] "" "Hello, world" :: String
-- "Hello, world"
gsub  (Stringable a, RegexReplacement r)  Regex  r  a  a
gsub r t s = gsubO r [] t s

-- | Exactly like 'gsub', but passes runtime options to PCRE.
gsubO  (Stringable a, RegexReplacement r)  Regex  [PCREExecOption]  r  a  a
gsubO r opts t s = fromByteString $ loop 0 str
  where str = toByteString s
        loop offset acc =
          case rawSub r t acc offset opts of
            Just (result, newOffset) 
              if newOffset == offset then acc else loop newOffset result
            _  acc

-- | Splits the string using the given regex.
-- Is lazy.
-- >>> split [re|%(begin|next|end)%|] "%begin%hello%next%world%end%"
-- ["","hello","world",""]
-- >>> split [re|%(begin|next|end)%|] ""
-- [""]
split  Stringable a  Regex  a  [a]
split r s = splitO r [] s

-- | Exactly like 'split', but passes runtime options to PCRE.
splitO  Stringable a  Regex  [PCREExecOption]  a  [a]
splitO r opts s = map fromByteString $ map' (substr str) partRanges
  where map' f = foldr ((:) . f) [f (lastL, BS.length str)] -- avoiding the snoc operation
        (lastL, partRanges) = mapAccumL invRange 0 ranges
        invRange acc (xl, xr) = (xr, (acc, xl))
        ranges = map fst $ scanRangesO r opts str
        str = toByteString s

instance Lift PCREOption where
  -- well, the constructor isn't exported, but at least it implements Read/Show :D
  lift o = let o' = show o in [| read o'  PCREOption |]

quoteExpRegex  [PCREOption]  String  ExpQ
quoteExpRegex opts txt = [| PCRE.compile (toByteString (txt  String)) opts |]
  where !_ = PCRE.compile (toByteString txt) opts -- check at compile time

-- | Returns a QuasiQuoter like 're', but with given PCRE options.
mkRegexQQ  [PCREOption]  QuasiQuoter
mkRegexQQ opts = QuasiQuoter
  { quoteExp  = quoteExpRegex opts
  , quotePat  = undefined
  , quoteType = undefined
  , quoteDec  = undefined }

-- | A QuasiQuoter for regular expressions that does a compile time check.
re  QuasiQuoter
re = mkRegexQQ [utf8]