[InstalledPackageInfo {installedPackageId = InstalledPackageId "pbkdf-", sourcePackageId = PackageIdentifier {pkgName = PackageName "pbkdf", pkgVersion = Version {versionBranch = [1,0,0,1], versionTags = []}}, license = BSD3, copyright = "(C) Chris Dornan", maintainer = "chris.dornan@irisconnect.com", author = "Chris Dornan", stability = "", homepage = "https://github.com/cdornan/pbkdf", pkgUrl = "", synopsis = "Haskell implementation of the PBKDF functions from RFC-2898.", description = "The Password Based Key Derivation Functions described in RFC-2898 with a test suite to verify that it works with the test vectors published in RFC6070.", category = "Cryptography", exposed = True, exposedModules = ["Crypto.PBKDF","Crypto.PBKDF.Core"], hiddenModules = [], trusted = False, importDirs = ["/home/chris/pbkdf/dist/build"], libraryDirs = ["/home/chris/pbkdf/dist/build"], hsLibraries = ["HSpbkdf-"], extraLibraries = [], extraGHCiLibraries = [], includeDirs = [], includes = [], depends = [InstalledPackageId "base-",InstalledPackageId "binary-",InstalledPackageId "byteable-0.1.1-30374cf98c5562bc19e9be0ac073ca12",InstalledPackageId "bytedump-1.0-dfecb65989c3eab17044868ad38ffd64",InstalledPackageId "bytestring-",InstalledPackageId "cryptohash-0.10.0-1344a0899c3b2c26c2165dc4f0e78f3a",InstalledPackageId "utf8-string-0.3.7-6b1dbe2244c34f14db95d88796c85902"], hugsOptions = [], ccOptions = [], ldOptions = [], frameworkDirs = [], frameworks = [], haddockInterfaces = ["/home/chris/pbkdf/dist/doc/html/pbkdf/pbkdf.haddock"], haddockHTMLs = ["/home/chris/pbkdf/dist/doc/html/pbkdf"]} ]