# Parochial Parochial is a tool for managing local haddocks and hoogle databases. I work in cafes and on the train plus I live in Australia where the internet speed is, err, somewhat variable. The other significant benefit I found when learning Haskell (and I'm _very_ much still in that category) is knowing that I was reading the actual documentation of the installed library. For example if I searched for a function on [Hoogle](hoogle.haskell.org/) I wasn't sure if it was the correct function. In fact I still find this really useful. The whole point behind Parochial is to group the documentation on a project by project basis. For the html documentation it simply builds a symlink farm to the installed documentation in `$HOME/.cabal/...` (you will need to set the `-haddock` ghc option or set it in `$HOME/.cabal/config` to ensure the documentation is built) to a directory named after the current project in `$XDG_DATA_DIR/parochial`. For the hoogle database it does much the same but instead of building a symlink farm it builds a hoogle database, again named after the project. # Benefits * Fast. * Works without an internet connection. * Per project documentation. * Indexes *all* project libraries (including transitive dependencies). Hoogle only indexes [Stackage](https://www.stackage.org/) which doesn't include everything on [Hackage](https://hackage.haskell.org). Of course the downside is that if you don't have the library in your cabal file you won't have any documentation for it. # Limitations This is still fairly raw and at an early stage of development but it's certainly usable and I will be adding to it over time. * Only works for Simple distributions. * Only tested with nix-style local builds. * Only works for projects that build a binary. You can work around this by specifying the state file with the `--state` option. * It's tied to a specific hoogle version so if the docs in `$HOME/.cabal/...` were built with a different version parochial will fail with a version mismatch error. * It's tied to a specific version of cabal. I _think_ [cabal-helpr](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/cabal-helper) should fix this but I need to look into it more. * If you want to access the hoogle database from a browser you will need to run `hoogle server` manually. This is probably fine if you mainly work on one project but would become annoying fairly quickly. The hoogle hrefs are `file:///` which most browsers will refuse to render. * I'm sure there are others as well! # Usage ## Building the Documentation ```parochial --help``` displays a help message. If the project contains a single binary the following will work: for haddock: ```bash parochial haddock ``` and hoogle: ```bash parochial hoogle ``` If the project containes a single library then you will need to provide the `--state` option: for haddock: ```bash parochial haddock --state $(find . -name setup-config) ``` and hoogle: ```bash parochial hoogle --state $(find . -name setup-config) ``` It there is more than one library you will need to build each one separately (I want to fix this in the future): for haddock: ```bash find . -name setup-config | xargs -n1 parochial haddock --state ``` and hoogle: ```bash find . -name setup-config | xargs -n1 parochial hoogle --state ``` ## Reading the Documentation ### Serving up the html I use caddy to serve up the target directory but you can choose whatever you like, it just needs to be able to serve up some files. The following `Caddyfile` should do the job: ``` localhost:80 { file_server browse } ``` Either change the port number to above 1024 or set the following capability on the `caddy` binary. As root run: ```bash setcap CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE=ep $(which caddy) ``` ### Command line hoogle You can specify the database on the command line, like so: ```bash hoogle --database=/$XDG_DATA_DIR/parochial/parochial.hoo Functor ``` or write a simple wrapper script that infers the name of the database from the CWD or some other clue. # TODO * Work out a better way of locating the `setup-config` parent directory. I basically recurse the dist directory searching for `setup-config` which works but is pretty simplistic. I would have thought `Cabal` would have a way of doing this but I can't find it. If anyone knows how to do this please do let me know. * Integrate the local hoogle database and the local haddocks. * If the project has multiple local packages merge the results so the documentation is in a single place for the entire project. * Make the index page less ugly.