{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, QuasiQuotes, FlexibleContexts, CPP #-} import Text.Pandoc.Arbitrary () import Text.Pandoc.Definition import Text.Pandoc.Walk import Text.Pandoc.Builder (singleton, plain, text, simpleTable, table, emptyCell, normalizeTableHead, normalizeTableBody, normalizeTableFoot, emptyCaption) import Data.Generics import Data.List (tails) import Test.HUnit (Assertion, assertEqual, assertFailure) import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON, encode, decode) import Test.Framework import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 (testProperty) import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase) import Test.QuickCheck (forAll, choose, Property, Arbitrary, Testable) import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.String.QQ import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString) import qualified Data.Monoid as Monoid p_walk :: (Typeable a, Walkable a Pandoc) => (a -> a) -> Pandoc -> Bool p_walk f d = everywhere (mkT f) d == walk f d p_walkList :: (Typeable a, Walkable [a] Pandoc) => ([a] -> [a]) -> Pandoc -> Bool p_walkList f d = everywhere (mkT f) d == walk (foldr g []) d where g x ys = f (x:ys) p_query :: (Eq a, Typeable a1, Monoid a, Walkable a1 Pandoc) => (a1 -> a) -> Pandoc -> Bool p_query f d = everything mappend (mempty `mkQ` f) d == query f d p_queryList :: (Eq a, Typeable a1, Monoid a, Walkable [a1] Pandoc) => ([a1] -> a) -> Pandoc -> Bool p_queryList f d = everything mappend (mempty `mkQ` f) d == query (mconcat . map f . tails) d inlineTrans :: Inline -> Inline inlineTrans (Str xs) = Str $ T.toUpper xs inlineTrans (Emph xs) = Strong xs inlineTrans x = x inlinesTrans :: [Inline] -> [Inline] inlinesTrans ys | all whitespaceInline ys = [] where whitespaceInline Space = True whitespaceInline LineBreak = True whitespaceInline SoftBreak = True whitespaceInline (Str "") = True whitespaceInline _ = False inlinesTrans ys = ys blockTrans :: Block -> Block blockTrans (Plain xs) = Para xs blockTrans (BlockQuote xs) = Div ("",["special"],[]) xs blockTrans x = x blocksTrans :: [Block] -> [Block] blocksTrans [CodeBlock {}] = [] blocksTrans [BlockQuote xs] = xs blocksTrans [Div _ xs] = xs blocksTrans xs = xs inlineQuery :: Inline -> Text inlineQuery (Str xs) = xs inlineQuery _ = "" inlinesQuery :: [Inline] -> Monoid.Sum Int inlinesQuery = Monoid.Sum . length blockQuery :: Block -> [Int] blockQuery (Header lev _ _) = [lev] blockQuery _ = [] blocksQuery :: [Block] -> Monoid.Sum Int blocksQuery = Monoid.Sum . length prop_roundtrip :: Pandoc -> Bool prop_roundtrip doc = case decode $ encode doc :: (Maybe Pandoc) of Just doc' -> doc == doc' _ -> False testEncode :: ToJSON a => (a, ByteString) -> Assertion testEncode (doc, j) = assertEqual "Encoding error" (encode doc) j testDecode' :: FromJSON a => (a, ByteString) -> Maybe a testDecode' (_, j) = decode j testDecode :: (Show a, Eq a, FromJSON a) => (a, ByteString) -> Assertion testDecode (doc, j) = case testDecode' (doc, j) of Just doc' -> assertEqual "Decoding error" doc' doc Nothing -> assertFailure "Decoding error" testEncodeDecode :: (Show a, Eq a, ToJSON a, FromJSON a) => String -> (a, ByteString) -> Test testEncodeDecode msg pair = testGroup msg [ testCase "Encoding" $ testEncode pair , testCase "Decoding" $ testDecode pair ] t_metamap :: (MetaValue, ByteString) t_metamap = ( MetaMap $ M.fromList [("foo", MetaBool True)] , [s|{"t":"MetaMap","c":{"foo":{"t":"MetaBool","c":true}}}|] ) t_metalist :: (MetaValue, ByteString) t_metalist = ( MetaList [MetaBool True, MetaString "baz"] , [s|{"t":"MetaList","c":[{"t":"MetaBool","c":true},{"t":"MetaString","c":"baz"}]}|] ) t_metabool :: (MetaValue, ByteString) t_metabool = ( MetaBool False, [s|{"t":"MetaBool","c":false}|] ) t_metastring :: (MetaValue, ByteString) t_metastring = ( MetaString "Hello", [s|{"t":"MetaString","c":"Hello"}|] ) t_metainlines :: (MetaValue, ByteString) t_metainlines = ( MetaInlines [Space, SoftBreak] , [s|{"t":"MetaInlines","c":[{"t":"Space"},{"t":"SoftBreak"}]}|] ) t_metablocks :: (MetaValue, ByteString) t_metablocks = ( MetaBlocks [Null,Null], [s|{"t":"MetaBlocks","c":[{"t":"Null"},{"t":"Null"}]}|]) t_singlequote :: (QuoteType, ByteString) t_singlequote = (SingleQuote, [s|{"t":"SingleQuote"}|]) t_doublequote :: (QuoteType, ByteString) t_doublequote = (DoubleQuote, [s|{"t":"DoubleQuote"}|]) t_authorintext :: (CitationMode, ByteString) t_authorintext = (AuthorInText, [s|{"t":"AuthorInText"}|]) t_suppressauthor :: (CitationMode, ByteString) t_suppressauthor = (SuppressAuthor, [s|{"t":"SuppressAuthor"}|]) t_normalcitation :: (CitationMode, ByteString) t_normalcitation = (NormalCitation, [s|{"t":"NormalCitation"}|]) t_citation :: (Citation, ByteString) t_citation = ( Citation { citationId = "jameson:unconscious", citationPrefix = [Str "cf"], citationSuffix = [Space,Str "123"], citationMode = NormalCitation, citationNoteNum = 0, citationHash = 0} , [s|{"citationSuffix":[{"t":"Space"},{"t":"Str","c":"123"}],"citationNoteNum":0,"citationMode":{"t":"NormalCitation"},"citationPrefix":[{"t":"Str","c":"cf"}],"citationId":"jameson:unconscious","citationHash":0}|] ) t_displaymath :: (MathType, ByteString) t_displaymath = ( DisplayMath, [s|{"t":"DisplayMath"}|]) t_inlinemath :: (MathType, ByteString) t_inlinemath = ( InlineMath, [s|{"t":"InlineMath"}|]) t_str :: (Inline, ByteString) t_str = ( Str "Hello" , [s|{"t":"Str","c":"Hello"}|] ) t_emph :: (Inline, ByteString) t_emph = ( Emph [Str "Hello"] , [s|{"t":"Emph","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"Hello"}]}|] ) t_underline :: (Inline, ByteString) t_underline = ( Underline [Str "Hello"] , [s|{"t":"Underline","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"Hello"}]}|] ) t_strong :: (Inline, ByteString) t_strong = ( Strong [Str "Hello"] , [s|{"t":"Strong","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"Hello"}]}|] ) t_strikeout :: (Inline, ByteString) t_strikeout = ( Strikeout [Str "Hello"] , [s|{"t":"Strikeout","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"Hello"}]}|] ) t_superscript :: (Inline, ByteString) t_superscript = ( Superscript [Str "Hello"] , [s|{"t":"Superscript","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"Hello"}]}|] ) t_subscript :: (Inline, ByteString) t_subscript = ( Subscript [Str "Hello"] , [s|{"t":"Subscript","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"Hello"}]}|] ) t_smallcaps :: (Inline, ByteString) t_smallcaps = ( SmallCaps [Str "Hello"] , [s|{"t":"SmallCaps","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"Hello"}]}|] ) t_quoted :: (Inline, ByteString) t_quoted = ( Quoted SingleQuote [Str "Hello"] , [s|{"t":"Quoted","c":[{"t":"SingleQuote"},[{"t":"Str","c":"Hello"}]]}|] ) t_cite :: (Inline, ByteString) t_cite = ( Cite [Citation { citationId = "jameson:unconscious" , citationPrefix = [Str "cf"] , citationSuffix = [Space,Str "12"] , citationMode = NormalCitation , citationNoteNum = 0 , citationHash = 0}] [ Str "[cf" , Space , Str "@jameson:unconscious" , Space , Str "12]"] ,[s|{"t":"Cite","c":[[{"citationSuffix":[{"t":"Space"},{"t":"Str","c":"12"}],"citationNoteNum":0,"citationMode":{"t":"NormalCitation"},"citationPrefix":[{"t":"Str","c":"cf"}],"citationId":"jameson:unconscious","citationHash":0}],[{"t":"Str","c":"[cf"},{"t":"Space"},{"t":"Str","c":"@jameson:unconscious"},{"t":"Space"},{"t":"Str","c":"12]"}]]}|] ) t_code :: (Inline, ByteString) t_code = ( Code ("", [], [("language", "haskell")]) "foo bar" , [s|{"t":"Code","c":[["",[],[["language","haskell"]]],"foo bar"]}|] ) t_space :: (Inline, ByteString) t_space = ( Space, [s|{"t":"Space"}|] ) t_softbreak :: (Inline, ByteString) t_softbreak = ( SoftBreak, [s|{"t":"SoftBreak"}|] ) t_linebreak :: (Inline, ByteString) t_linebreak = ( LineBreak, [s|{"t":"LineBreak"}|] ) t_rawinline :: (Inline, ByteString) t_rawinline = ( RawInline (Format "tex") "\\foo{bar}" , [s|{"t":"RawInline","c":["tex","\\foo{bar}"]}|] ) t_link :: (Inline, ByteString) t_link = ( Link ("id",["kls"],[("k1", "v1"), ("k2", "v2")]) [ Str "a", Space, Str "famous", Space, Str "site"] ("https://www.google.com","google") , [s|{"t":"Link","c":[["id",["kls"],[["k1","v1"],["k2","v2"]]],[{"t":"Str","c":"a"},{"t":"Space"},{"t":"Str","c":"famous"},{"t":"Space"},{"t":"Str","c":"site"}],["https://www.google.com","google"]]}|] ) t_image :: (Inline, ByteString) t_image = ( Image ("id",["kls"],[("k1", "v1"), ("k2", "v2")]) [ Str "a", Space, Str "famous", Space, Str "image"] ("my_img.png","image") , [s|{"t":"Image","c":[["id",["kls"],[["k1","v1"],["k2","v2"]]],[{"t":"Str","c":"a"},{"t":"Space"},{"t":"Str","c":"famous"},{"t":"Space"},{"t":"Str","c":"image"}],["my_img.png","image"]]}|] ) t_note :: (Inline, ByteString) t_note = ( Note [Para [Str "Hello"]] , [s|{"t":"Note","c":[{"t":"Para","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"Hello"}]}]}|] ) t_span :: (Inline, ByteString) t_span = ( Span ("id", ["kls"], [("k1", "v1"), ("k2", "v2")]) [Str "Hello"] , [s|{"t":"Span","c":[["id",["kls"],[["k1","v1"],["k2","v2"]]],[{"t":"Str","c":"Hello"}]]}|] ) t_plain :: (Block, ByteString) t_plain = ( Plain [Str "Hello"] , [s|{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"Hello"}]}|] ) t_para :: (Block, ByteString) t_para = ( Para [Str "Hello"] , [s|{"t":"Para","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"Hello"}]}|] ) t_lineblock :: (Block, ByteString) t_lineblock = ( LineBlock [[Str "Hello"], [Str "Moin"]] , [s|{"t":"LineBlock","c":[[{"t":"Str","c":"Hello"}],[{"t":"Str","c":"Moin"}]]}|] ) t_codeblock :: (Block, ByteString) t_codeblock = ( CodeBlock ("id", ["kls"], [("k1", "v1"), ("k2", "v2")]) "Foo Bar" , [s|{"t":"CodeBlock","c":[["id",["kls"],[["k1","v1"],["k2","v2"]]],"Foo Bar"]}|] ) t_rawblock :: (Block, ByteString) t_rawblock = ( RawBlock (Format "tex") "\\foo{bar}" , [s|{"t":"RawBlock","c":["tex","\\foo{bar}"]}|] ) t_blockquote :: (Block, ByteString) t_blockquote = ( BlockQuote [Para [Str "Hello"]] , [s|{"t":"BlockQuote","c":[{"t":"Para","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"Hello"}]}]}|] ) t_orderedlist :: (Block, ByteString) t_orderedlist = (OrderedList (1,Decimal,Period) [[Para [Str "foo"]] ,[Para [Str "bar"]]] , [s|{"t":"OrderedList","c":[[1,{"t":"Decimal"},{"t":"Period"}],[[{"t":"Para","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"foo"}]}],[{"t":"Para","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"bar"}]}]]]}|] ) t_bulletlist :: (Block, ByteString) t_bulletlist = (BulletList [[Para [Str "foo"]] ,[Para [Str "bar"]]] , [s|{"t":"BulletList","c":[[{"t":"Para","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"foo"}]}],[{"t":"Para","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"bar"}]}]]}|] ) t_definitionlist :: (Block, ByteString) t_definitionlist = (DefinitionList [([Str "foo"], [[Para [Str "bar"]]]) ,([Str "fizz"], [[Para [Str "pop"]]])] , [s|{"t":"DefinitionList","c":[[[{"t":"Str","c":"foo"}],[[{"t":"Para","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"bar"}]}]]],[[{"t":"Str","c":"fizz"}],[[{"t":"Para","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"pop"}]}]]]]}|] ) t_header :: (Block, ByteString) t_header = ( Header 2 ("id", ["kls"], [("k1", "v1"), ("k2", "v2")]) [Str "Head"] , [s|{"t":"Header","c":[2,["id",["kls"],[["k1","v1"],["k2","v2"]]],[{"t":"Str","c":"Head"}]]}|] ) t_table :: (Block, ByteString) t_table = ( Table ("id", ["kls"], [("k1", "v1"), ("k2", "v2")]) (Caption (Just [Str "short"]) [Para [Str "Demonstration" ,Space ,Str "of" ,Space ,Str "simple" ,Space ,Str "table" ,Space ,Str "syntax."]]) [(AlignDefault,ColWidthDefault) ,(AlignRight,ColWidthDefault) ,(AlignLeft,ColWidthDefault) ,(AlignCenter,ColWidthDefault) ,(AlignDefault,ColWidthDefault)] (TableHead ("idh", ["klsh"], [("k1h", "v1h"), ("k2h", "v2h")]) [tRow [tCell [Str "Head"] ,tCell [Str "Right"] ,tCell [Str "Left"] ,tCell [Str "Center"] ,tCell [Str "Default"]]]) [TableBody ("idb", ["klsb"], [("k1b", "v1b"), ("k2b", "v2b")]) 1 [tRow [tCell [Str "ihead12"] ,tCell [Str "i12"] ,tCell [Str "i12"] ,tCell [Str "i12"] ,tCell [Str "i12"]]] [tRow [tCell [Str "head12"] ,tCell' [Str "12"] ,tCell [Str "12"] ,tCell' [Str "12"] ,tCell [Str "12"]] ,tRow [tCell [Str "head123"] ,tCell [Str "123"] ,tCell [Str "123"] ,tCell [Str "123"] ,tCell [Str "123"]] ,tRow [tCell [Str "head1"] ,tCell [Str "1"] ,tCell [Str "1"] ,tCell [Str "1"] ,tCell [Str "1"]]]] (TableFoot ("idf", ["klsf"], [("k1f", "v1f"), ("k2f", "v2f")]) [tRow [tCell [Str "foot"] ,tCell [Str "footright"] ,tCell [Str "footleft"] ,tCell [Str "footcenter"] ,tCell [Str "footdefault"]]]) ,[s|{"t":"Table","c":[["id",["kls"],[["k1","v1"],["k2","v2"]]],{"t":"Caption","c":[[{"t":"Str","c":"short"}],[{"t":"Para","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"Demonstration"},{"t":"Space"},{"t":"Str","c":"of"},{"t":"Space"},{"t":"Str","c":"simple"},{"t":"Space"},{"t":"Str","c":"table"},{"t":"Space"},{"t":"Str","c":"syntax."}]}]]},[[{"t":"AlignDefault"},{"t":"ColWidthDefault"}],[{"t":"AlignRight"},{"t":"ColWidthDefault"}],[{"t":"AlignLeft"},{"t":"ColWidthDefault"}],[{"t":"AlignCenter"},{"t":"ColWidthDefault"}],[{"t":"AlignDefault"},{"t":"ColWidthDefault"}]],{"t":"TableHead","c":[["idh",["klsh"],[["k1h","v1h"],["k2h","v2h"]]],[{"t":"Row","c":[["id",["kls"],[["k1","v1"],["k2","v2"]]],[{"t":"Cell","c":[["a",["b"],[["c","d"],["e","f"]]],{"t":"AlignDefault"},{"t":"RowSpan","c":1},{"t":"ColSpan","c":1},[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"Head"}]}]]},{"t":"Cell","c":[["a",["b"],[["c","d"],["e","f"]]],{"t":"AlignDefault"},{"t":"RowSpan","c":1},{"t":"ColSpan","c":1},[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"Right"}]}]]},{"t":"Cell","c":[["a",["b"],[["c","d"],["e","f"]]],{"t":"AlignDefault"},{"t":"RowSpan","c":1},{"t":"ColSpan","c":1},[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"Left"}]}]]},{"t":"Cell","c":[["a",["b"],[["c","d"],["e","f"]]],{"t":"AlignDefault"},{"t":"RowSpan","c":1},{"t":"ColSpan","c":1},[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"Center"}]}]]},{"t":"Cell","c":[["a",["b"],[["c","d"],["e","f"]]],{"t":"AlignDefault"},{"t":"RowSpan","c":1},{"t":"ColSpan","c":1},[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"Default"}]}]]}]]}]]},[{"t":"TableBody","c":[["idb",["klsb"],[["k1b","v1b"],["k2b","v2b"]]],{"t":"RowHeadColumns","c":1},[{"t":"Row","c":[["id",["kls"],[["k1","v1"],["k2","v2"]]],[{"t":"Cell","c":[["a",["b"],[["c","d"],["e","f"]]],{"t":"AlignDefault"},{"t":"RowSpan","c":1},{"t":"ColSpan","c":1},[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"ihead12"}]}]]},{"t":"Cell","c":[["a",["b"],[["c","d"],["e","f"]]],{"t":"AlignDefault"},{"t":"RowSpan","c":1},{"t":"ColSpan","c":1},[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"i12"}]}]]},{"t":"Cell","c":[["a",["b"],[["c","d"],["e","f"]]],{"t":"AlignDefault"},{"t":"RowSpan","c":1},{"t":"ColSpan","c":1},[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"i12"}]}]]},{"t":"Cell","c":[["a",["b"],[["c","d"],["e","f"]]],{"t":"AlignDefault"},{"t":"RowSpan","c":1},{"t":"ColSpan","c":1},[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"i12"}]}]]},{"t":"Cell","c":[["a",["b"],[["c","d"],["e","f"]]],{"t":"AlignDefault"},{"t":"RowSpan","c":1},{"t":"ColSpan","c":1},[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"i12"}]}]]}]]}],[{"t":"Row","c":[["id",["kls"],[["k1","v1"],["k2","v2"]]],[{"t":"Cell","c":[["a",["b"],[["c","d"],["e","f"]]],{"t":"AlignDefault"},{"t":"RowSpan","c":1},{"t":"ColSpan","c":1},[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"head12"}]}]]},{"t":"Cell","c":[["id",["kls"],[["k1","v1"],["k2","v2"]]],{"t":"AlignDefault"},{"t":"RowSpan","c":1},{"t":"ColSpan","c":1},[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"12"}]}]]},{"t":"Cell","c":[["a",["b"],[["c","d"],["e","f"]]],{"t":"AlignDefault"},{"t":"RowSpan","c":1},{"t":"ColSpan","c":1},[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"12"}]}]]},{"t":"Cell","c":[["id",["kls"],[["k1","v1"],["k2","v2"]]],{"t":"AlignDefault"},{"t":"RowSpan","c":1},{"t":"ColSpan","c":1},[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"12"}]}]]},{"t":"Cell","c":[["a",["b"],[["c","d"],["e","f"]]],{"t":"AlignDefault"},{"t":"RowSpan","c":1},{"t":"ColSpan","c":1},[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"12"}]}]]}]]},{"t":"Row","c":[["id",["kls"],[["k1","v1"],["k2","v2"]]],[{"t":"Cell","c":[["a",["b"],[["c","d"],["e","f"]]],{"t":"AlignDefault"},{"t":"RowSpan","c":1},{"t":"ColSpan","c":1},[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"head123"}]}]]},{"t":"Cell","c":[["a",["b"],[["c","d"],["e","f"]]],{"t":"AlignDefault"},{"t":"RowSpan","c":1},{"t":"ColSpan","c":1},[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"123"}]}]]},{"t":"Cell","c":[["a",["b"],[["c","d"],["e","f"]]],{"t":"AlignDefault"},{"t":"RowSpan","c":1},{"t":"ColSpan","c":1},[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"123"}]}]]},{"t":"Cell","c":[["a",["b"],[["c","d"],["e","f"]]],{"t":"AlignDefault"},{"t":"RowSpan","c":1},{"t":"ColSpan","c":1},[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"123"}]}]]},{"t":"Cell","c":[["a",["b"],[["c","d"],["e","f"]]],{"t":"AlignDefault"},{"t":"RowSpan","c":1},{"t":"ColSpan","c":1},[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"123"}]}]]}]]},{"t":"Row","c":[["id",["kls"],[["k1","v1"],["k2","v2"]]],[{"t":"Cell","c":[["a",["b"],[["c","d"],["e","f"]]],{"t":"AlignDefault"},{"t":"RowSpan","c":1},{"t":"ColSpan","c":1},[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"head1"}]}]]},{"t":"Cell","c":[["a",["b"],[["c","d"],["e","f"]]],{"t":"AlignDefault"},{"t":"RowSpan","c":1},{"t":"ColSpan","c":1},[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"1"}]}]]},{"t":"Cell","c":[["a",["b"],[["c","d"],["e","f"]]],{"t":"AlignDefault"},{"t":"RowSpan","c":1},{"t":"ColSpan","c":1},[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"1"}]}]]},{"t":"Cell","c":[["a",["b"],[["c","d"],["e","f"]]],{"t":"AlignDefault"},{"t":"RowSpan","c":1},{"t":"ColSpan","c":1},[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"1"}]}]]},{"t":"Cell","c":[["a",["b"],[["c","d"],["e","f"]]],{"t":"AlignDefault"},{"t":"RowSpan","c":1},{"t":"ColSpan","c":1},[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"1"}]}]]}]]}]]}],{"t":"TableFoot","c":[["idf",["klsf"],[["k1f","v1f"],["k2f","v2f"]]],[{"t":"Row","c":[["id",["kls"],[["k1","v1"],["k2","v2"]]],[{"t":"Cell","c":[["a",["b"],[["c","d"],["e","f"]]],{"t":"AlignDefault"},{"t":"RowSpan","c":1},{"t":"ColSpan","c":1},[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"foot"}]}]]},{"t":"Cell","c":[["a",["b"],[["c","d"],["e","f"]]],{"t":"AlignDefault"},{"t":"RowSpan","c":1},{"t":"ColSpan","c":1},[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"footright"}]}]]},{"t":"Cell","c":[["a",["b"],[["c","d"],["e","f"]]],{"t":"AlignDefault"},{"t":"RowSpan","c":1},{"t":"ColSpan","c":1},[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"footleft"}]}]]},{"t":"Cell","c":[["a",["b"],[["c","d"],["e","f"]]],{"t":"AlignDefault"},{"t":"RowSpan","c":1},{"t":"ColSpan","c":1},[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"footcenter"}]}]]},{"t":"Cell","c":[["a",["b"],[["c","d"],["e","f"]]],{"t":"AlignDefault"},{"t":"RowSpan","c":1},{"t":"ColSpan","c":1},[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"footdefault"}]}]]}]]}]]}]}|] ) where tCell i = Cell ("a", ["b"], [("c", "d"), ("e", "f")]) AlignDefault 1 1 [Plain i] tCell' i = Cell ("id", ["kls"], [("k1", "v1"), ("k2", "v2")]) AlignDefault 1 1 [Plain i] tRow = Row ("id", ["kls"], [("k1", "v1"), ("k2", "v2")]) t_div :: (Block, ByteString) t_div = ( Div ("id", ["kls"], [("k1", "v1"), ("k2", "v2")]) [Para [Str "Hello"]] , [s|{"t":"Div","c":[["id",["kls"],[["k1","v1"],["k2","v2"]]],[{"t":"Para","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"Hello"}]}]]}|] ) t_null :: (Block, ByteString) t_null = (Null, [s|{"t":"Null"}|]) -- headers and rows are padded to a consistent number of -- cells in order to avoid syntax errors after conversion, see -- jgm/pandoc#4059. -- This may change as the table representation changes. t_tableSan :: Test t_tableSan = testCase "table sanitisation" assertion where assertion = assertEqual err expected generated err = "sanitisation error" generated = simpleTable [plain (text "foo"), plain (text "bar")] [[mempty] ,[]] tCell i = Cell nullAttr AlignDefault 1 1 [Plain [Str i]] emptyRow = Row nullAttr $ replicate 2 emptyCell expected = singleton (Table nullAttr (Caption Nothing []) [(AlignDefault,ColWidthDefault) ,(AlignDefault,ColWidthDefault)] (TableHead nullAttr [Row nullAttr [tCell "foo" ,tCell "bar"]]) [TableBody nullAttr 0 [] [emptyRow ,emptyRow]] (TableFoot nullAttr [])) withWidth :: Testable prop => (Int -> prop) -> Property withWidth = forAll $ choose (2 :: Int, 16) widthNormIsIdempotent :: (Arbitrary a, Show a, Eq a) => (Int -> a -> a) -> Property widthNormIsIdempotent f = withWidth $ \n a -> let a' = f n a in f n a' == a' p_tableNormHeadIdempotent :: Property p_tableNormHeadIdempotent = widthNormIsIdempotent normalizeTableHead p_tableNormBodyIdempotent :: Property p_tableNormBodyIdempotent = widthNormIsIdempotent normalizeTableBody p_tableNormFootIdempotent :: Property p_tableNormFootIdempotent = widthNormIsIdempotent normalizeTableFoot cellSubset :: Cell -> Cell -> Bool cellSubset (Cell attr1 align1 rs1 cs1 body1) (Cell attr2 align2 rs2 cs2 body2) = and [ attr1 == attr2 , align1 == align2 , dimValid rs1 rs2 , dimValid cs1 cs2 , body1 == body2 ] where dimValid x y = (y < 1 && x == 1) || (x >= 1 && x <= y) -- True when the first list is an initial segment of the second, -- modulo cell subsetting and the appending of padding cells onto the -- second. cellsSubsetPad :: [Cell] -> [Cell] -> Bool cellsSubsetPad (x:xs) (y:ys) = cellSubset x y && cellsSubsetPad xs ys cellsSubsetPad xs _ = all isPadCell xs where isPadCell = (== emptyCell) -- Only valid for the TableHead and TableFoot. See also -- p_tableNormBodyIsSubset. rowSubset :: Row -> Row -> Bool rowSubset (Row a1 x1) (Row a2 x2) = a1 == a2 && cellsSubsetPad x1 x2 normIsSubset :: (Arbitrary a, Show a, Eq a) => (Int -> a -> a) -> (a -> [Row]) -> Property normIsSubset f proj = withWidth $ \n a -> let a' = f n a in proj a' `rowsSubset` proj a where rowsSubset (x:xs) (y:ys) = rowSubset x y && rowsSubset xs ys rowsSubset [] _ = True rowsSubset (_:_) [] = False p_tableNormHeadIsSubset :: Property p_tableNormHeadIsSubset = normIsSubset normalizeTableHead thproj where thproj (TableHead _ r) = r -- Checking that each row is a subset of its unnormalized version is a -- little onerous in the TableBody (because of the row head/row body -- distinction), so we settle for testing it only for the first row. p_tableNormBodyIsSubset :: Property p_tableNormBodyIsSubset = withWidth $ \n tb -> checkBody n (normalizeTableBody n tb) tb where cellLength (Cell _ _ _ (ColSpan w) _) = w cellLengths = sum . map cellLength gatherLen n = gatherLen' n 0 gatherLen' n count (c:cs) | count < n = let (beg, end) = gatherLen' n (count + cellLength c) cs in (c : beg, end) gatherLen' _ _ cs = ([], cs) -- Gather as much of the head as we can from the new and old rows, -- then make sure the dimensions line up and the subsetting is -- correct. checkRow n rhc (Row _ r') (Row _ r) = let (rhead', rbody') = gatherLen rhc r' (rhead, rbody) = gatherLen rhc r in and [ cellLengths rhead' == rhc , rhc + cellLengths rbody' == n , cellsSubsetPad rhead' rhead , cellsSubsetPad rbody' rbody ] checkRows n rhc (r':_) (r:_) = checkRow n rhc r' r checkRows _ _ [] [] = True checkRows _ _ _ _ = False checkBody n (TableBody _ (RowHeadColumns rhc) th' tb') (TableBody _ _ th tb) = checkRows n rhc th' th && checkRows n rhc tb' tb p_tableNormFootIsSubset :: Property p_tableNormFootIsSubset = normIsSubset normalizeTableFoot tfproj where tfproj (TableFoot _ r) = r -- True when the first row in a section (table head, table foot, -- intermediate header, body of table body) has the correct -- width. Only with the first row is it easy to check. firstRowCorrectWidth :: Int -> [Row] -> [Row] -> Bool firstRowCorrectWidth n (Row _ cs:_) (_:_) = n == sum (map cellLength cs) where cellLength (Cell _ _ _ (ColSpan w) _) = w firstRowCorrectWidth _ [] [] = True firstRowCorrectWidth _ _ _ = False testRowCorrectWidth :: (Arbitrary a, Show a, Eq a) => (Int -> a -> a) -> (a -> [Row]) -> Property testRowCorrectWidth f proj = withWidth $ \n a -> let a' = f n a in firstRowCorrectWidth n (proj a') (proj a) p_tableNormHeadRowWidth :: Property p_tableNormHeadRowWidth = testRowCorrectWidth normalizeTableHead thproj where thproj (TableHead _ r) = r p_tableNormBodyRowWidth :: Property p_tableNormBodyRowWidth = withWidth $ \n tb -> compBody n tb $ normalizeTableBody n tb where compBody n (TableBody _ _ th tb) (TableBody _ _ th' tb') = firstRowCorrectWidth n th' th && firstRowCorrectWidth n tb' tb p_tableNormFootRowWidth :: Property p_tableNormFootRowWidth = testRowCorrectWidth normalizeTableFoot tfproj where tfproj (TableFoot _ r) = r t_tableNormExample :: Test t_tableNormExample = testCase "table normalization example" assertion where assertion = assertEqual "normalization error" expected generated cl a h w = Cell (a, [], []) AlignDefault h w [] rws = map $ Row nullAttr th = TableHead nullAttr . rws tb n x y = TableBody nullAttr n (rws x) (rws y) tf = TableFoot nullAttr . rws initialHeads = [[cl "a" 1 1,cl "b" 3 2] ,[cl "c" 2 2 ,cl "d" 1 1] ] finalHeads = [[cl "a" 1 1, cl "b" 2 2] ,[cl "c" 1 1] ] initialTB = tb 1 [[cl "e" 4 3,cl "f" 4 3] ,[] ,[emptyCell] ] [[] ,[cl "g" (-7) 0]] finalTB = tb 1 [[cl "e" 3 1,cl "f" 3 2] ,[] ,[] ] [[emptyCell,emptyCell,emptyCell] ,[cl "g" 1 1,emptyCell,emptyCell] ] spec = replicate 3 (AlignDefault, ColWidthDefault) expected = singleton $ Table nullAttr emptyCaption spec (th finalHeads) [finalTB] (tf finalHeads) generated = table emptyCaption spec (th initialHeads) [initialTB] (tf initialHeads) tests :: [Test] tests = [ testGroup "Walk" [ testProperty "p_walk inlineTrans" (p_walk inlineTrans) , testProperty "p_walk blockTrans" (p_walk blockTrans) , testProperty "p_query inlineQuery" (p_query inlineQuery) , testProperty "p_query blockQuery" (p_query blockQuery) , testProperty "p_walkList inlinesTrans" (p_walkList inlinesTrans) , testProperty "p_queryList inlinesQuery" (p_queryList inlinesQuery) , testProperty "p_walkList blocksTrans" (p_walkList blocksTrans) , testProperty "p_queryList blocksQuery" (p_queryList blocksQuery) ] , testGroup "JSON" [ testGroup "encoding/decoding properties" [ testProperty "round-trip" prop_roundtrip ] , testGroup "JSON encoding/decoding" [ testGroup "Meta" [ testEncodeDecode "MetaMap" t_metamap , testEncodeDecode "MetaList" t_metalist , testEncodeDecode "MetaBool" t_metabool , testEncodeDecode "MetaString" t_metastring , testEncodeDecode "MetaInlines" t_metainlines , testEncodeDecode "MetaBlocks" t_metablocks ] , testGroup "QuoteType" [ testEncodeDecode "SingleQuote" t_singlequote , testEncodeDecode "DoubleQuote" t_doublequote ] , testGroup "CitationType" [ testEncodeDecode "AuthorInText" t_authorintext , testEncodeDecode "SuppressAuthor" t_suppressauthor , testEncodeDecode "NormalCitation" t_normalcitation ] , testEncodeDecode "Citation" t_citation , testGroup "MathType" [ testEncodeDecode "DisplayMath" t_displaymath , testEncodeDecode "InlineMath" t_inlinemath ] , testGroup "Inline" [ testEncodeDecode "Str" t_str , testEncodeDecode "Emph" t_emph , testEncodeDecode "Underline" t_underline , testEncodeDecode "Strong" t_strong , testEncodeDecode "Strikeout" t_strikeout , testEncodeDecode "Superscript" t_superscript , testEncodeDecode "Subscript" t_subscript , testEncodeDecode "SmallCaps" t_smallcaps , testEncodeDecode "Quoted" t_quoted , testEncodeDecode "Cite" t_cite , testEncodeDecode "Code" t_code , testEncodeDecode "Space" t_space , testEncodeDecode "SoftBreak" t_softbreak , testEncodeDecode "LineBreak" t_linebreak , testEncodeDecode "RawInline" t_rawinline , testEncodeDecode "Link" t_link , testEncodeDecode "Image" t_image , testEncodeDecode "Note" t_note , testEncodeDecode "Span" t_span ] , testGroup "Block" [ testEncodeDecode "Plain" t_plain , testEncodeDecode "Para" t_para , testEncodeDecode "LineBlock" t_lineblock , testEncodeDecode "CodeBlock" t_codeblock , testEncodeDecode "RawBlock" t_rawblock , testEncodeDecode "BlockQuote" t_blockquote , testEncodeDecode "OrderedList" t_orderedlist , testEncodeDecode "BulletList" t_bulletlist , testEncodeDecode "DefinitionList" t_definitionlist , testEncodeDecode "Header" t_header , testEncodeDecode "Table" t_table , testEncodeDecode "Div" t_div , testEncodeDecode "Null" t_null ] ] ] , testGroup "Table normalization" [ testProperty "p_tableNormHeadIdempotent" p_tableNormHeadIdempotent , testProperty "p_tableNormBodyIdempotent" p_tableNormBodyIdempotent , testProperty "p_tableNormFootIdempotent" p_tableNormFootIdempotent , testProperty "p_tableNormHeadIsSubset" p_tableNormHeadIsSubset , testProperty "p_tableNormBodyIsSubset" p_tableNormBodyIsSubset , testProperty "p_tableNormFootIsSubset" p_tableNormFootIsSubset , testProperty "p_tableNormHeadRowWidth" p_tableNormHeadRowWidth , testProperty "p_tableNormBodyRowWidth" p_tableNormBodyRowWidth , testProperty "p_tableNormFootRowWidth" p_tableNormFootRowWidth ] , t_tableSan , t_tableNormExample ] main :: IO () main = defaultMain tests