{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, QuasiQuotes, FlexibleContexts, CPP #-} import Text.Pandoc.Arbitrary () import Text.Pandoc.Definition import Text.Pandoc.Walk import Text.Pandoc.Builder (simpleTable, singleton) import Data.Generics import Data.List (tails) import Test.HUnit (Assertion, assertEqual, assertFailure) import Data.Char (toUpper) import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON, encode, decode) import Test.Framework import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 (testProperty) import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase) import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.String.QQ import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString) #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0) #else import Data.Monoid #endif import qualified Data.Monoid as Monoid p_walk :: (Typeable a, Walkable a Pandoc) => (a -> a) -> Pandoc -> Bool p_walk f d = everywhere (mkT f) d == walk f d p_walkList :: (Typeable a, Walkable [a] Pandoc) => ([a] -> [a]) -> Pandoc -> Bool p_walkList f d = everywhere (mkT f) d == walk (foldr g []) d where g x ys = f (x:ys) p_query :: (Eq a, Typeable a1, Monoid a, Walkable a1 Pandoc) => (a1 -> a) -> Pandoc -> Bool p_query f d = everything mappend (mempty `mkQ` f) d == query f d p_queryList :: (Eq a, Typeable a1, Monoid a, Walkable [a1] Pandoc) => ([a1] -> a) -> Pandoc -> Bool p_queryList f d = everything mappend (mempty `mkQ` f) d == query (mconcat . map f . tails) d inlineTrans :: Inline -> Inline inlineTrans (Str xs) = Str $ map toUpper xs inlineTrans (Emph xs) = Strong xs inlineTrans x = x inlinesTrans :: [Inline] -> [Inline] inlinesTrans ys | all whitespaceInline ys = [] where whitespaceInline Space = True whitespaceInline LineBreak = True whitespaceInline SoftBreak = True whitespaceInline (Str "") = True whitespaceInline _ = False inlinesTrans ys = ys blockTrans :: Block -> Block blockTrans (Plain xs) = Para xs blockTrans (BlockQuote xs) = Div ("",["special"],[]) xs blockTrans x = x blocksTrans :: [Block] -> [Block] blocksTrans [CodeBlock {}] = [] blocksTrans [BlockQuote xs] = xs blocksTrans [Div _ xs] = xs blocksTrans xs = xs inlineQuery :: Inline -> String inlineQuery (Str xs) = xs inlineQuery _ = "" inlinesQuery :: [Inline] -> Monoid.Sum Int inlinesQuery = Monoid.Sum . length blockQuery :: Block -> [Int] blockQuery (Header lev _ _) = [lev] blockQuery _ = [] blocksQuery :: [Block] -> Monoid.Sum Int blocksQuery = Monoid.Sum . length prop_roundtrip :: Pandoc -> Bool prop_roundtrip doc = case decode $ encode doc :: (Maybe Pandoc) of Just doc' -> doc == doc' _ -> False testEncode :: ToJSON a => (a, ByteString) -> Assertion testEncode (doc, j) = assertEqual "Encoding error" (encode doc) j testDecode' :: FromJSON a => (a, ByteString) -> Maybe a testDecode' (_, j) = decode j testDecode :: (Show a, Eq a, FromJSON a) => (a, ByteString) -> Assertion testDecode (doc, j) = case testDecode' (doc, j) of Just doc' -> assertEqual "Decoding error" doc' doc Nothing -> assertFailure "Decoding error" testEncodeDecode :: (Show a, Eq a, ToJSON a, FromJSON a) => String -> (a, ByteString) -> Test testEncodeDecode msg pair = testGroup msg [ testCase "Encoding" $ testEncode pair , testCase "Decoding" $ testDecode pair ] t_metamap :: (MetaValue, ByteString) t_metamap = ( MetaMap $ M.fromList [("foo", MetaBool True)] , [s|{"t":"MetaMap","c":{"foo":{"t":"MetaBool","c":true}}}|] ) t_metalist :: (MetaValue, ByteString) t_metalist = ( MetaList [MetaBool True, MetaString "baz"] , [s|{"t":"MetaList","c":[{"t":"MetaBool","c":true},{"t":"MetaString","c":"baz"}]}|] ) t_metabool :: (MetaValue, ByteString) t_metabool = ( MetaBool False, [s|{"t":"MetaBool","c":false}|] ) t_metastring :: (MetaValue, ByteString) t_metastring = ( MetaString "Hello", [s|{"t":"MetaString","c":"Hello"}|] ) t_metainlines :: (MetaValue, ByteString) t_metainlines = ( MetaInlines [Space, SoftBreak] , [s|{"t":"MetaInlines","c":[{"t":"Space"},{"t":"SoftBreak"}]}|] ) t_metablocks :: (MetaValue, ByteString) t_metablocks = ( MetaBlocks [Null,Null], [s|{"t":"MetaBlocks","c":[{"t":"Null"},{"t":"Null"}]}|]) t_singlequote :: (QuoteType, ByteString) t_singlequote = (SingleQuote, [s|{"t":"SingleQuote"}|]) t_doublequote :: (QuoteType, ByteString) t_doublequote = (DoubleQuote, [s|{"t":"DoubleQuote"}|]) t_authorintext :: (CitationMode, ByteString) t_authorintext = (AuthorInText, [s|{"t":"AuthorInText"}|]) t_suppressauthor :: (CitationMode, ByteString) t_suppressauthor = (SuppressAuthor, [s|{"t":"SuppressAuthor"}|]) t_normalcitation :: (CitationMode, ByteString) t_normalcitation = (NormalCitation, [s|{"t":"NormalCitation"}|]) t_citation :: (Citation, ByteString) t_citation = ( Citation { citationId = "jameson:unconscious", citationPrefix = [Str "cf"], citationSuffix = [Space,Str "123"], citationMode = NormalCitation, citationNoteNum = 0, citationHash = 0} , [s|{"citationSuffix":[{"t":"Space"},{"t":"Str","c":"123"}],"citationNoteNum":0,"citationMode":{"t":"NormalCitation"},"citationPrefix":[{"t":"Str","c":"cf"}],"citationId":"jameson:unconscious","citationHash":0}|] ) t_displaymath :: (MathType, ByteString) t_displaymath = ( DisplayMath, [s|{"t":"DisplayMath"}|]) t_inlinemath :: (MathType, ByteString) t_inlinemath = ( InlineMath, [s|{"t":"InlineMath"}|]) t_str :: (Inline, ByteString) t_str = ( Str "Hello" , [s|{"t":"Str","c":"Hello"}|] ) t_emph :: (Inline, ByteString) t_emph = ( Emph [Str "Hello"] , [s|{"t":"Emph","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"Hello"}]}|] ) t_strong :: (Inline, ByteString) t_strong = ( Strong [Str "Hello"] , [s|{"t":"Strong","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"Hello"}]}|] ) t_strikeout :: (Inline, ByteString) t_strikeout = ( Strikeout [Str "Hello"] , [s|{"t":"Strikeout","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"Hello"}]}|] ) t_superscript :: (Inline, ByteString) t_superscript = ( Superscript [Str "Hello"] , [s|{"t":"Superscript","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"Hello"}]}|] ) t_subscript :: (Inline, ByteString) t_subscript = ( Subscript [Str "Hello"] , [s|{"t":"Subscript","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"Hello"}]}|] ) t_smallcaps :: (Inline, ByteString) t_smallcaps = ( SmallCaps [Str "Hello"] , [s|{"t":"SmallCaps","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"Hello"}]}|] ) t_quoted :: (Inline, ByteString) t_quoted = ( Quoted SingleQuote [Str "Hello"] , [s|{"t":"Quoted","c":[{"t":"SingleQuote"},[{"t":"Str","c":"Hello"}]]}|] ) t_cite :: (Inline, ByteString) t_cite = ( Cite [Citation { citationId = "jameson:unconscious" , citationPrefix = [Str "cf"] , citationSuffix = [Space,Str "12"] , citationMode = NormalCitation , citationNoteNum = 0 , citationHash = 0}] [ Str "[cf" , Space , Str "@jameson:unconscious" , Space , Str "12]"] ,[s|{"t":"Cite","c":[[{"citationSuffix":[{"t":"Space"},{"t":"Str","c":"12"}],"citationNoteNum":0,"citationMode":{"t":"NormalCitation"},"citationPrefix":[{"t":"Str","c":"cf"}],"citationId":"jameson:unconscious","citationHash":0}],[{"t":"Str","c":"[cf"},{"t":"Space"},{"t":"Str","c":"@jameson:unconscious"},{"t":"Space"},{"t":"Str","c":"12]"}]]}|] ) t_code :: (Inline, ByteString) t_code = ( Code ("", [], [("language", "haskell")]) "foo bar" , [s|{"t":"Code","c":[["",[],[["language","haskell"]]],"foo bar"]}|] ) t_space :: (Inline, ByteString) t_space = ( Space, [s|{"t":"Space"}|] ) t_softbreak :: (Inline, ByteString) t_softbreak = ( SoftBreak, [s|{"t":"SoftBreak"}|] ) t_linebreak :: (Inline, ByteString) t_linebreak = ( LineBreak, [s|{"t":"LineBreak"}|] ) t_rawinline :: (Inline, ByteString) t_rawinline = ( RawInline (Format "tex") "\\foo{bar}" , [s|{"t":"RawInline","c":["tex","\\foo{bar}"]}|] ) t_link :: (Inline, ByteString) t_link = ( Link ("id",["kls"],[("k1", "v1"), ("k2", "v2")]) [ Str "a", Space, Str "famous", Space, Str "site"] ("https://www.google.com","google") , [s|{"t":"Link","c":[["id",["kls"],[["k1","v1"],["k2","v2"]]],[{"t":"Str","c":"a"},{"t":"Space"},{"t":"Str","c":"famous"},{"t":"Space"},{"t":"Str","c":"site"}],["https://www.google.com","google"]]}|] ) t_image :: (Inline, ByteString) t_image = ( Image ("id",["kls"],[("k1", "v1"), ("k2", "v2")]) [ Str "a", Space, Str "famous", Space, Str "image"] ("my_img.png","image") , [s|{"t":"Image","c":[["id",["kls"],[["k1","v1"],["k2","v2"]]],[{"t":"Str","c":"a"},{"t":"Space"},{"t":"Str","c":"famous"},{"t":"Space"},{"t":"Str","c":"image"}],["my_img.png","image"]]}|] ) t_note :: (Inline, ByteString) t_note = ( Note [Para [Str "Hello"]] , [s|{"t":"Note","c":[{"t":"Para","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"Hello"}]}]}|] ) t_span :: (Inline, ByteString) t_span = ( Span ("id", ["kls"], [("k1", "v1"), ("k2", "v2")]) [Str "Hello"] , [s|{"t":"Span","c":[["id",["kls"],[["k1","v1"],["k2","v2"]]],[{"t":"Str","c":"Hello"}]]}|] ) t_plain :: (Block, ByteString) t_plain = ( Plain [Str "Hello"] , [s|{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"Hello"}]}|] ) t_para :: (Block, ByteString) t_para = ( Para [Str "Hello"] , [s|{"t":"Para","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"Hello"}]}|] ) t_lineblock :: (Block, ByteString) t_lineblock = ( LineBlock [[Str "Hello"], [Str "Moin"]] , [s|{"t":"LineBlock","c":[[{"t":"Str","c":"Hello"}],[{"t":"Str","c":"Moin"}]]}|] ) t_codeblock :: (Block, ByteString) t_codeblock = ( CodeBlock ("id", ["kls"], [("k1", "v1"), ("k2", "v2")]) "Foo Bar" , [s|{"t":"CodeBlock","c":[["id",["kls"],[["k1","v1"],["k2","v2"]]],"Foo Bar"]}|] ) t_rawblock :: (Block, ByteString) t_rawblock = ( RawBlock (Format "tex") "\\foo{bar}" , [s|{"t":"RawBlock","c":["tex","\\foo{bar}"]}|] ) t_blockquote :: (Block, ByteString) t_blockquote = ( BlockQuote [Para [Str "Hello"]] , [s|{"t":"BlockQuote","c":[{"t":"Para","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"Hello"}]}]}|] ) t_orderedlist :: (Block, ByteString) t_orderedlist = (OrderedList (1,Decimal,Period) [[Para [Str "foo"]] ,[Para [Str "bar"]]] , [s|{"t":"OrderedList","c":[[1,{"t":"Decimal"},{"t":"Period"}],[[{"t":"Para","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"foo"}]}],[{"t":"Para","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"bar"}]}]]]}|] ) t_bulletlist :: (Block, ByteString) t_bulletlist = (BulletList [[Para [Str "foo"]] ,[Para [Str "bar"]]] , [s|{"t":"BulletList","c":[[{"t":"Para","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"foo"}]}],[{"t":"Para","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"bar"}]}]]}|] ) t_definitionlist :: (Block, ByteString) t_definitionlist = (DefinitionList [([Str "foo"], [[Para [Str "bar"]]]) ,([Str "fizz"], [[Para [Str "pop"]]])] , [s|{"t":"DefinitionList","c":[[[{"t":"Str","c":"foo"}],[[{"t":"Para","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"bar"}]}]]],[[{"t":"Str","c":"fizz"}],[[{"t":"Para","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"pop"}]}]]]]}|] ) t_header :: (Block, ByteString) t_header = ( Header 2 ("id", ["kls"], [("k1", "v1"), ("k2", "v2")]) [Str "Head"] , [s|{"t":"Header","c":[2,["id",["kls"],[["k1","v1"],["k2","v2"]]],[{"t":"Str","c":"Head"}]]}|] ) t_table :: (Block, ByteString) t_table = ( Table [Str "Demonstration" ,Space ,Str "of" ,Space ,Str "simple" ,Space ,Str "table" ,Space ,Str "syntax."] [AlignRight ,AlignLeft ,AlignCenter ,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0] [[Plain [Str "Right"]] ,[Plain [Str "Left"]] ,[Plain [Str "Center"]] ,[Plain [Str "Default"]]] [[[Plain [Str "12"]] ,[Plain [Str "12"]] ,[Plain [Str "12"]] ,[Plain [Str "12"]]] ,[[Plain [Str "123"]] ,[Plain [Str "123"]] ,[Plain [Str "123"]] ,[Plain [Str "123"]]] ,[[Plain [Str "1"]] ,[Plain [Str "1"]] ,[Plain [Str "1"]] ,[Plain [Str "1"]]]] , [s|{"t":"Table","c":[[{"t":"Str","c":"Demonstration"},{"t":"Space"},{"t":"Str","c":"of"},{"t":"Space"},{"t":"Str","c":"simple"},{"t":"Space"},{"t":"Str","c":"table"},{"t":"Space"},{"t":"Str","c":"syntax."}],[{"t":"AlignRight"},{"t":"AlignLeft"},{"t":"AlignCenter"},{"t":"AlignDefault"}],[0,0,0,0],[[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"Right"}]}],[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"Left"}]}],[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"Center"}]}],[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"Default"}]}]],[[[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"12"}]}],[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"12"}]}],[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"12"}]}],[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"12"}]}]],[[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"123"}]}],[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"123"}]}],[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"123"}]}],[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"123"}]}]],[[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"1"}]}],[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"1"}]}],[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"1"}]}],[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"1"}]}]]]]}|] ) t_div :: (Block, ByteString) t_div = ( Div ("id", ["kls"], [("k1", "v1"), ("k2", "v2")]) [Para [Str "Hello"]] , [s|{"t":"Div","c":[["id",["kls"],[["k1","v1"],["k2","v2"]]],[{"t":"Para","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"Hello"}]}]]}|] ) t_null :: (Block, ByteString) t_null = (Null, [s|{"t":"Null"}|]) -- headers and rows are truncated or padded to a consistent number of -- cells in order to avoid syntax errors after conversion, see -- jgm/pandoc#4059. this test uses `simpleTable` therefore it cannot -- test truncation t_tableSan :: Test t_tableSan = testCase "table sanitisation" $ assertion where assertion = assertEqual err expected generated err = "sanitisation error" headers = [singleton Null, singleton Null] generated = simpleTable headers [[mempty], []] expected = singleton (Table [] [AlignDefault, AlignDefault] [0.0, 0.0] [[Null], [Null]] [[[], []], [[], []]]) tests :: [Test] tests = [ testGroup "Walk" [ testProperty "p_walk inlineTrans" (p_walk inlineTrans) , testProperty "p_walk blockTrans" (p_walk blockTrans) , testProperty "p_query inlineQuery" (p_query inlineQuery) , testProperty "p_query blockQuery" (p_query blockQuery) , testProperty "p_walkList inlinesTrans" (p_walkList inlinesTrans) , testProperty "p_queryList inlinesQuery" (p_queryList inlinesQuery) , testProperty "p_walkList blocksTrans" (p_walkList blocksTrans) , testProperty "p_queryList blocksQuery" (p_queryList blocksQuery) ] , testGroup "JSON" [ testGroup "encoding/decoding properties" [ testProperty "round-trip" prop_roundtrip ] , testGroup "JSON encoding/decoding" [ testGroup "Meta" [ testEncodeDecode "MetaMap" t_metamap , testEncodeDecode "MetaList" t_metalist , testEncodeDecode "MetaBool" t_metabool , testEncodeDecode "MetaString" t_metastring , testEncodeDecode "MetaInlines" t_metainlines , testEncodeDecode "MetaBlocks" t_metablocks ] , testGroup "QuoteType" [ testEncodeDecode "SingleQuote" t_singlequote , testEncodeDecode "DoubleQuote" t_doublequote ] , testGroup "CitationType" [ testEncodeDecode "AuthorInText" t_authorintext , testEncodeDecode "SuppressAuthor" t_suppressauthor , testEncodeDecode "NormalCitation" t_normalcitation ] , testEncodeDecode "Citation" t_citation , testGroup "MathType" [ testEncodeDecode "DisplayMath" t_displaymath , testEncodeDecode "InlineMath" t_inlinemath ] , testGroup "Inline" [ testEncodeDecode "Str" t_str , testEncodeDecode "Emph" t_emph , testEncodeDecode "Strong" t_strong , testEncodeDecode "Strikeout" t_strikeout , testEncodeDecode "Superscript" t_superscript , testEncodeDecode "Subscript" t_subscript , testEncodeDecode "SmallCaps" t_smallcaps , testEncodeDecode "Quoted" t_quoted , testEncodeDecode "Cite" t_cite , testEncodeDecode "Code" t_code , testEncodeDecode "Space" t_space , testEncodeDecode "SoftBreak" t_softbreak , testEncodeDecode "LineBreak" t_linebreak , testEncodeDecode "RawInline" t_rawinline , testEncodeDecode "Link" t_link , testEncodeDecode "Image" t_image , testEncodeDecode "Note" t_note , testEncodeDecode "Span" t_span ] , testGroup "Block" [ testEncodeDecode "Plain" t_plain , testEncodeDecode "Para" t_para , testEncodeDecode "LineBlock" t_lineblock , testEncodeDecode "CodeBlock" t_codeblock , testEncodeDecode "RawBlock" t_rawblock , testEncodeDecode "BlockQuote" t_blockquote , testEncodeDecode "OrderedList" t_orderedlist , testEncodeDecode "BulletList" t_bulletlist , testEncodeDecode "DefinitionList" t_definitionlist , testEncodeDecode "Header" t_header , testEncodeDecode "Table" t_table , testEncodeDecode "Div" t_div , testEncodeDecode "Null" t_null ] ] ], t_tableSan ] main :: IO () main = defaultMain tests