Îõ³h&Æ·      Safe-Inferredž !" Safe-Inferred"e pandoc-symregSupported outputs. pandoc-symregSupported algorithms.# pandoc-symreg*Parser of a symbolic regression tree with $5 variable index and numerical values represented as %1. The numerical values type can be changed with &. pandoc-symregÆReturns the corresponding function from Data.SRTree.Print for a given . pandoc-symreg+Calls the corresponding parser for a given ' pandoc-symreg&Creates a parser for a binary operator( pandoc-symreg%Creates a parser for a unary function) pandoc-symregEnvelopes the parser in parens* pandoc-symreg=Parse an expression using a user-defined parser given by the +ã lists containing the name of the functions and operators of that SR algorithm, a list of parsers binFuns for binary functions a parser ,ª for variables, a boolean indicating whether to change floating point values to free parameters variables, and a list of variable names with their corresponding indexes.- pandoc-symregTries to parse as an $#, if it fails, parse as a Double.. pandoc-symreganalytic quotient/ pandoc-symregParser for binary functions0 pandoc-symreg/parser for Transformation-Interaction-Rational.1 pandoc-symregparser for Operon.2 pandoc-symregparser for HeuristicLab.3 pandoc-symregparser for Bingo4 pandoc-symregparser for GOMEA5 pandoc-symregparser for PySR   Safe-Inferredã­6      !"#$%&'()*()+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@AÂpandoc-symreg- Text.ParseSRText.ParseSR.IOPaths_pandoc_symregOutputPYTHONMATHTIKZLATEXSRAlgsTIRHLOPERONBINGOGOMEAPYSRSBPEPLEX showOutputparseSR $fShowOutput $fReadOutput $fEnumOutput$fBoundedOutput $fShowSRAlgs $fReadSRAlgs $fEnumSRAlgs$fBoundedSRAlgs withInput withOutputwithOutputDebugversiongetDataFileName getBinDir getLibDir getDynLibDir getDataDir getLibexecDir getSysconfDir ParseTreeghc-prim GHC.TypesIntDoublebaseGHC.Basefmapbinaryprefixparens parseExprØattoparsec-expr-Ïsrtree- intOrDoubleaqbinFunparseTIR parseOperonparseHL parseBingo parseGOMEA parsePySR