{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Common import Control.Monad (forM_) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import Data.Text (Text, unpack) import qualified Data.Text as T import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import qualified Text.Pandoc.Builder as B import qualified Text.Pandoc.Definition as B import Text.Pandoc.Filter.Plot import Text.Pandoc.Filter.Plot.Internal import Text.Pandoc.JSON main :: IO () main = do available <- availableToolkits defaultTestConfig unavailable <- unavailableToolkits defaultTestConfig forM_ unavailable $ \tk -> do putStrLn $ show tk <> " is not available. Its tests will be skipped." defaultMain $ testGroup "All tests" [ testGroup "Configuration tests" [ testEmptyConfiguration, testExampleConfiguration, testConfigurationPathMeta ], testGroup "Parsing tests" [testCaptionReader], testGroup "HTML embedding tests" [ testHtmlBodyEmbedding, testHtmlEmbedding ], testGroup "Toolkit tests" (toolkitSuite <$> available) ] -- | Suite of tests that every renderer should pass toolkitSuite :: Toolkit -> TestTree toolkitSuite tk = testGroup (show tk) $ [ testFileCreation, testFileCreationPathWithSpaces, testNestedCodeBlocks, testFileInclusion, testSaveFormat, testSaveFormatIncompatibility, testWithSource, testSourceLabel, testOverrideConfiguration, testMarkdownFormattingCaption1, testMarkdownFormattingCaption2, testAttributesPreservedOnFigure, testCleanOutputDirs, testChecksFail ] <*> [tk] testEmptyConfiguration :: TestTree testEmptyConfiguration = testCase "empty configuration is correctly parsed to default values" $ do let config = defaultConfiguration parsedConfig <- configuration "tests/fixtures/.empty-config.yml" assertEqual "" config parsedConfig -- The example configuration is build by hand (to add comments) -- and it is embedded into the executable. Therefore, we must make sure it -- is correctly parsed (and is hence valid.) testExampleConfiguration :: TestTree testExampleConfiguration = testCase "example configuration is correctly parsed" $ do -- The example config reflects the Windows default -- Therefore, we need to test against the Windows default, -- even on other OSes let config = defaultConfiguration { matplotlibExe = "python", plotlyPythonExe = "python", bokehExe = "python", defaultDependencies = ["file1.txt", "file2.txt"] } parsedConfig <- configuration "example-config.yml" assertEqual "" config parsedConfig -- Test that the path to configuration in metadata is found correctly testConfigurationPathMeta :: TestTree testConfigurationPathMeta = testCase "Configuration path stored in metadata is correctly parsed" $ do let configPath = "tests/fixtures/.config-meta.yml" meta = B.Meta $ Map.fromList [("plot-configuration", B.MetaString configPath)] parsedConfig <- maybe (return defaultConfiguration) configuration $ configurationPathMeta (B.Pandoc meta mempty) expected <- configuration (unpack configPath) assertEqual "" expected parsedConfig testCaptionReader :: TestTree testCaptionReader = testCase "caption is parsed in the same way as input document format" $ do -- Note that this test is fragile, in the sense that the expected result must be carefully -- constructed let caption = "Here is a [link](https://www.google.com) in a caption." expected = Just [Str "Here", Space, Str "is", Space, Str "a", Space, Link ("", [], []) [Str "link"] ("https://www.google.com", ""), Space, Str "in", Space, Str "a", Space, Str "caption."] fmt = B.Format "markdown+tex_math_dollars" parsed = captionReader fmt caption assertEqual "" expected parsed testHtmlBodyEmbedding :: TestTree testHtmlBodyEmbedding = testCase "HTML body can be extracted from file" $ do let html = T.unlines [ "", "", "
", " ", "Hello
", " ", "" ] extracted = extractPlot html expected = "\nHello
" assertEqual "" expected extracted testHtmlEmbedding :: TestTree testHtmlEmbedding = testCase "HTML body and head scripts can be extracted from file" $ do let html = T.unlines [ "", "", " ", " ", "Hello
", " ", "" ] extracted = extractPlot html expected = "\nHello
" assertEqual "" expected extracted