local tasty = require 'tasty' local test = tasty.test_case local group = tasty.test_group local assert = tasty.assert return { group "Block" { group 'BlockQuote' { test('access content via property `content`', function () local elem = BlockQuote{'word'} assert.are_same(elem.content, {Plain 'word'}) assert.are_equal(type(elem.content), 'table') elem.content = { Para{Str 'one'}, Para{Str 'two'} } assert.are_equal( BlockQuote{ Para 'one', Para 'two' }, elem ) end), }, group 'BulletList' { test('access items via property `content`', function () local para = Para 'one' local blist = BulletList{{para}} assert.are_same({{para}}, blist.content) end), test('property `content` uses fuzzy marshalling', function () local old = Plain 'old' local new = Plain 'new' local blist = BulletList{{old}} blist.content = {{new}} assert.are_same({{new}}, blist:clone().content) blist.content = new assert.are_same({{new}}, blist:clone().content) end), }, group 'CodeBlock' { test('access code via property `text`', function () local cb = CodeBlock('return true') assert.are_equal(cb.text, 'return true') assert.are_equal(type(cb.text), 'string') cb.text = 'return nil' assert.are_equal(cb, CodeBlock('return nil')) end), test('access Attr via property `attr`', function () local cb = CodeBlock('true', {'my-code', {'lua'}}) assert.are_equal(cb.attr, Attr{'my-code', {'lua'}}) assert.are_equal(type(cb.attr), 'userdata') cb.attr = Attr{'my-other-code', {'java'}} assert.are_equal( CodeBlock('true', {'my-other-code', {'java'}}), cb ) end) }, group 'DefinitionList' { test('access items via property `content`', function () local deflist = DefinitionList{ {'apple', {{Plain 'fruit'}, {Plain 'company'}}}, {Str 'coffee', 'Best when hot.'} } assert.are_equal(#deflist.content, 2) assert.are_same(deflist.content[1][1], {Str 'apple'}) assert.are_same(deflist.content[1][2][2], {Plain{Str 'company'}}) assert.are_same(deflist.content[2][2], {{Plain{ Str 'Best', Space(), Str 'when', Space(), Str 'hot.'}}}) end), test('modify items via property `content`', function () local deflist = DefinitionList{ {'apple', {{{'fruit'}}, {{'company'}}}} } deflist.content[1][1] = Str 'orange' deflist.content[1][2][1] = {Plain 'tasty fruit'} local newlist = DefinitionList{ { {Str 'orange'}, {{Plain 'tasty fruit'}, {Plain 'company'}} } } assert.are_equal(deflist, newlist) end), }, group 'Div' { test('access content via property `content`', function () local elem = Div{BlockQuote{Plain 'word'}} assert.are_same(elem.content, {BlockQuote{'word'}}) assert.are_equal(type(elem.content), 'table') elem.content = { Para{Str 'one'}, Para{Str 'two'} } assert.are_equal( Div{ Para 'one', Para 'two' }, elem ) end), test('access Attr via property `attr`', function () local div = Div('word', {'my-div', {'sample'}}) assert.are_equal(div.attr, Attr{'my-div', {'sample'}}) assert.are_equal(type(div.attr), 'userdata') div.attr = Attr{'my-other-div', {'example'}} assert.are_equal( Div('word', {'my-other-div', {'example'}}), div ) end) }, group 'Figure' { test('access content via property `content`', function () local elem = Figure{BlockQuote{Plain 'word'}} assert.are_same(elem.content, {BlockQuote{'word'}}) assert.are_equal(type(elem.content), 'table') elem.content = { Para{Str 'one'}, Para{Str 'two'} } assert.are_equal( Figure{ Para 'one', Para 'two' }, elem ) end), test('access caption via property `caption`', function () local figure = Figure('word', {short='short', long='caption'}) assert.are_equal(figure.caption.long, Blocks 'caption') assert.are_equal(figure.caption.short, Inlines 'short') assert.are_equal(type(figure.caption), 'table') figure.caption = {long = 'One day I was...', short = 'My day'} assert.are_equal( Figure('word', {long = 'One day I was...', short = 'My day'}), figure ) end), test('access Attr via property `attr`', function () local figure = Figure('word', {long='caption'}, {'my-fig', {'sample'}}) assert.are_equal(figure.attr, Attr{'my-fig', {'sample'}}) assert.are_equal(type(figure.attr), 'userdata') figure.attr = Attr{'my-other-figure', {'example'}} assert.are_equal( Figure('word', {long='caption'}, {'my-other-figure', {'example'}}), figure ) end) }, group 'Header' { test('access inlines via property `content`', function () local header = Header(1, 'test') assert.are_same(header.content, {Str 'test'}) header.content = {'new text'} assert.are_equal(header, Header(1, {'new text'})) end), test('access Attr via property `attr`', function () local header = Header(1, 'test', {'my-test'}) assert.are_same(header.attr, Attr{'my-test'}) header.attr = 'second-test' assert.are_equal(header, Header(1, 'test', 'second-test')) end), test('access level via property `level`', function () local header = Header(3, 'test') assert.are_same(header.level, 3) header.level = 2 assert.are_equal(header, Header(2, 'test')) end), }, group 'LineBlock' { test('access lines via property `content`', function () local spc = Space() local lineblock = LineBlock{ {'200', spc, 'Main', spc, 'St.'}, {'Berkeley', spc, 'CA', spc, '94718'} } assert.are_equal(#lineblock.content, 2) -- has two lines assert.are_same(lineblock.content[2][1], Str 'Berkeley') end), test('modifying `content` alter the element', function () local spc = Space() local lineblock = LineBlock{ {'200', spc, 'Main', spc, 'St.'}, {'Berkeley', spc, 'CA', spc, '94718'} } lineblock.content[1][1] = '404' assert.are_same( lineblock:clone().content[1], {Str '404', spc, Str 'Main', spc, Str 'St.'} ) lineblock.content = {{'line1'}, {'line2'}} assert.are_same( lineblock:clone(), LineBlock{ {Str 'line1'}, {Str 'line2'} } ) end) }, group 'OrderedList' { test('access items via property `content`', function () local para = Plain 'one' local olist = OrderedList{{para}} assert.are_same({{para}}, olist.content) end), test('forgiving constructor', function () local plain = Plain 'old' local olist = OrderedList({plain}, {3, 'Example', 'Period'}) local listAttribs = ListAttributes(3, 'Example', 'Period') assert.are_same(olist.listAttributes, listAttribs) end), test('has list attribute aliases', function () local olist = OrderedList({}, {4, 'Decimal', 'OneParen'}) assert.are_equal(olist.start, 4) assert.are_equal(olist.style, 'Decimal') assert.are_equal(olist.delimiter, 'OneParen') end) }, group 'Para' { test('access inline via property `content`', function () local para = Para{'Moin, ', Space(), 'Sylt!'} assert.are_same( para.content, {Str 'Moin, ', Space(), Str 'Sylt!'} ) end), test('modifying `content` changes the element', function () local para = Para{'Moin, ', Space(), Str 'Sylt!'} para.content[3] = 'Hamburg!' assert.are_same( para:clone().content, {Str 'Moin, ', Space(), Str 'Hamburg!'} ) para.content = 'Huh' assert.are_same( para:clone().content, {Str 'Huh'} ) end), }, group 'RawBlock' { test('access raw content via property `text`', function () local raw = RawBlock('markdown', '- one') assert.are_equal(type(raw.text), 'string') assert.are_equal(raw.text, '- one') raw.text = '+ one' assert.are_equal(raw, RawBlock('markdown', '+ one')) end), test('access Format via property `format`', function () local raw = RawBlock('markdown', '* hi') assert.are_equal(type(raw.format), 'string') assert.are_equal(raw.format, 'markdown') raw.format = 'org' assert.are_equal(RawBlock('org', '* hi'), raw) end) }, group 'Table' { test('access Attr via property `attr`', function () local caption = {long = {Plain 'cap'}} local tbl = Table(caption, {}, TableHead(), {}, TableFoot(), {'my-tbl', {'a'}}) assert.are_equal(tbl.attr, Attr{'my-tbl', {'a'}}) tbl.attr = Attr{'my-other-tbl', {'b'}} assert.are_equal( Table(caption, {}, TableHead(), {}, TableFoot(), {'my-other-tbl', {'b'}}), tbl ) end), test('access caption via property `caption`', function () local caption = {long = {Plain 'cap'}} local tbl = Table(caption, {}, TableHead(), {}, TableFoot()) assert.are_same(tbl.caption, {long = {Plain 'cap'}}) tbl.caption.short = 'brief' tbl.caption.long = {Plain 'extended'} local new_caption = { short = 'brief', long = {Plain 'extended'} } assert.are_equal( Table(new_caption, {}, TableHead(), {}, TableFoot()), tbl ) end), test('access column specifiers via property `colspecs`', function () local colspecs = {{AlignCenter, 1}} local tbl = Table({long = {}}, colspecs, TableHead(), {}, TableFoot()) assert.are_same(tbl.colspecs, colspecs) tbl.colspecs[1][1] = AlignRight tbl.colspecs[1][2] = nil local new_colspecs = {{AlignRight}} assert.are_equal( Table({long = {}}, new_colspecs, TableHead(), {}, TableFoot()), tbl ) end), test('access table head via property `head`', function () local head = TableHead({Row{Cell'a'}}, Attr('tbl-head')) local tbl = Table({long = {}}, {}, head, {}, TableFoot()) assert.are_same(tbl.head, head) local new_head = head:clone() new_head.attr = Attr{'table-head'} new_head.rows = {Row{Cell{'test'}}} tbl.head = new_head assert.are_equal( Table({long = {}}, {}, new_head, {}, TableFoot()), tbl ) end), test('access table foot via property `foot`', function () local foot = TableFoot({Row{Cell{'test'}}}, {id = 'tbl-foot'}) local tbl = Table({long = {}}, {}, TableHead(), {}, foot) assert.are_same(tbl.foot, foot) local new_foot = foot:clone() new_foot.attr = Attr{'table-foot'} new_foot.rows = {Row{Cell{'test'}}} tbl.foot = new_foot assert.are_equal( Table({long = {}}, {}, TableHead(), {}, new_foot), tbl ) end), test('caption field accepts list of blocks', function () local caption = {long = {Plain 'cap'}} local tbl = Table(caption, {}, TableHead(), {}, TableFoot()) assert.are_same(tbl.caption, {long = {Plain 'cap'}}) tbl.caption = {Plain 'extended'} local new_caption = { short = nil, long = {Plain 'extended'} } assert.are_equal( Table(new_caption, {}, TableHead(), {}, TableFoot()), tbl ) end), }, }, group "Blocks" { group 'Constructor' { test('splits a string into words', function () assert.are_same( Blocks 'Absolute Giganten', {Plain {Str 'Absolute', Space(), Str 'Giganten'}} ) end), test('converts single Block into List', function () assert.are_same( Blocks(CodeBlock('return true')), {CodeBlock('return true')} ) end), test('converts elements in a list into Blocks', function () assert.are_same( Blocks{'Berlin', 'Berkeley', Plain 'Zürich'}, {Plain{Str 'Berlin'}, Plain{Str 'Berkeley'}, Plain{Str 'Zürich'}} ) end), test('can be mapped over', function () local words = Blocks{Header(1, 'Program'), CodeBlock 'pandoc'} assert.are_same( words:map(function (x) return x.t end), {'Header', 'CodeBlock'} ) end), test('gives sensible error message', function () assert.error_matches( function() Blocks(nil) end, 'Block, list of Blocks, or compatible element expected' ) end) }, group 'walk' { test('modifies Inline subelements', function () local blocks = Blocks{Para 'Hello, World!'} assert.are_same( Blocks{Para 'Hello, Jake!'}, blocks:walk{ Str = function (str) return str.text == 'World!' and Str('Jake!') or nil end } ) end), } }, group 'walk' { test('modifies Inline subelements', function () local para = Para 'Hello, World!' local expected = Para 'Hello, John!' assert.are_equal( expected, para:walk{ Str = function (str) return str.text == 'World!' and Str('John!') or nil end } ) end), test('modifies blocks in notes', function () local div = Div{Note{Para 'The proof is trivial.'}} assert.are_equal( Div{Note{Plain 'The proof is trivial.'}}, div:walk{ Para = function (para) return Plain(para.content) end } ) end), test('uses `Inlines` for lists of inlines', function () local para = Para{Emph 'Kid A'} assert.are_equal( Para{Emph 'Kid A+'}, para:walk{ Inlines = function (inlns) if Span(inlns) == Span 'Kid A' then return Span('Kid A+').content end end } ) end), test('handles inline elements before inline lists', function () local para = Para{Emph 'Red door'} assert.are_equal( Para{Emph 'Paint it Black'}, para:walk{ Inlines = function (inlns) if Span(inlns) == Span('Paint it') then return inlns .. {Space(), 'Black'} end end, Str = function (str) if str == Str 'Red' then return 'Paint' elseif str == Str 'door' then return 'it' end end } ) end), test('uses `Blocks` for lists of Blocks', function () local bl = BulletList{{'Overture'}, {'The Grid'}, {'The Son of Flynn'}} assert.are_equal( BulletList{ {'Overture', 'by Daft Punk'}, {'The Grid', 'by Daft Punk'}, {'The Son of Flynn', 'by Daft Punk'}, }, bl:walk{ Blocks = function (blocks) return blocks .. {Plain 'by Daft Punk'} end } ) end), test('uses order Inline -> Inlines -> Block -> Blocks', function () local names = List{} Div{Para 'Discovery', CodeBlock 'Homework'}:walk{ Blocks = function (_) names:insert('Blocks') end, Block = function (b) names:insert(b.t) end, Inline = function (i) names:insert(i.t) end, Inlines = function (_) names:insert('Inlines') end, } assert.are_same( {'Str', 'Inlines', 'Para', 'CodeBlock', 'Blocks'}, names ) end), test('topdown traversal works', function () local names = List{} local tbl = Table( {long = {}}, {{AlignCenter, 1}}, TableHead{Row({Cell{'test', Para{'foo', Emph{'bar'}}}}, 'foo')}, {}, TableFoot() ) tbl:walk{ traverse = 'topdown', Blocks = function (_) names:insert('Blocks') end, Block = function (b) names:insert(b.t) end, Inline = function (i) names:insert(i.t) end, Inlines = function (_) names:insert('Inlines') end, } assert.are_same( -- Caption Cell {'Blocks', 'Blocks', 'Plain', 'Inlines', 'Str', 'Para', 'Inlines', 'Str', 'Emph', 'Inlines', 'Str' }, names ) end), test('truncating topdown traversal works', function () local names = List{} local div = Div{ Para{Emph 'a'}, Plain{'b'}, CodeBlock('c') } local filter filter = { traverse = 'topdown', Block = function (b) names:insert(b.t) if b.t == 'Para' then return b, false end end, Inline = function (i) names:insert(i.t) return i:walk(filter), false -- continue 'manually' end, } div:walk(filter) assert.are_same( {'Para', -- Emph is skipped! 'Plain', 'Str', 'CodeBlock', }, names ) end), test('truncating topdown traversal works in inlines', function () local names = List{} local div = Div{ Para{Emph 'a'}, Plain{'b'}, } div:walk { traverse = 'topdown', Block = function (b) names:insert(b.t) if b.t == 'Plain' then return nil, false end end, Emph = function (i) names:insert(i.t) return nil, false end, } assert.are_same( {'Para', 'Emph', -- Str is skipped 'Plain', -- Str is skipped here, too }, names ) end), } }