local tasty = require 'tasty' local test = tasty.test_case local group = tasty.test_group local assert = tasty.assert function os_is_windows () return package.config:sub(1,1) == '\\' end -- Constructor behavior is tested in the hslua-pandoc-types module, so -- we just make sure the functions are present. return { group 'Constructors' { group 'Misc' { test('pandoc.Attr is a function', function () assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Attr), 'function') end), test('pandoc.AttributeList is a function', function () assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.AttributeList), 'function') end), test('pandoc.Blocks is a function', function () assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Blocks), 'function') end), test('pandoc.Citation is a function', function () assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Citation), 'function') end), test('pandoc.Inlines is a function', function () assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Inlines), 'function') end), test('pandoc.SimpleTable is a function', function () assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.SimpleTable), 'function') end), test('pandoc.Meta is a function', function () assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Meta), 'function') end), test('pandoc.Pandoc is a function', function () assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Pandoc), 'function') end), }, group "Inline elements" { test('pandoc.AttributeList is a function', function () assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Cite), 'function') end), test('pandoc.AttributeList is a function', function () assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Code), 'function') end), test('pandoc.Emph is a function', function () assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Emph), 'function') end), test('pandoc.Image is a function', function () assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Image), 'function') end), test('pandoc.Link is a function', function () assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Link), 'function') end), test('pandoc.Math is a function', function () assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Math), 'function') end), test('pandoc.Note is a function', function () assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Note), 'function') end), test('pandoc.Quoted is a function', function () assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Quoted), 'function') end), test('pandoc.SmallCaps is a function', function () assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.SmallCaps), 'function') end), test('pandoc.SoftBreak is a function', function () assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.SoftBreak), 'function') end), test('pandoc.Span is a function', function () assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Span), 'function') end), test('pandoc.Str is a function', function () assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Str), 'function') end), test('pandoc.Strikeout is a function', function () assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Strikeout), 'function') end), test('pandoc.Strong is a function', function () assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Strong), 'function') end), test('pandoc.Subscript is a function', function () assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Subscript), 'function') end), test('pandoc.Superscript is a function', function () assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Superscript), 'function') end), test('pandoc.Underline is a function', function () assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Underline), 'function') end), }, group "Block elements" { test('pandoc.BlockQuote is a function', function () assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.BlockQuote), 'function') end), test('pandoc.BulletList is a function', function () assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.BulletList), 'function') end), test('pandoc.CodeBlock is a function', function () assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.CodeBlock), 'function') end), test('pandoc.DefinitionList is a function', function () assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.DefinitionList), 'function') end), test('pandoc.Div is a function', function () assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Div), 'function') end), test('pandoc.Header is a function', function () assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Header), 'function') end), test('pandoc.LineBlock is a function', function () assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.LineBlock), 'function') end), test('pandoc.Figure is a function', function () assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Figure), 'function') end), test('pandoc.OrderedList is a function', function () assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.OrderedList), 'function') end), test('pandoc.Para is a function', function () assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Para), 'function') end), test('pandoc.Plain is a function', function () assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Plain), 'function') end), test('pandoc.RawBlock is a function', function () assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Plain), 'function') end), test('pandoc.Table is a function', function () assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Table), 'function') end), } }, group 'MetaValue elements' { test('MetaList elements behave like lists', function () local metalist = pandoc.MetaList{} assert.are_equal(type(metalist.insert), 'function') assert.are_equal(type(metalist.remove), 'function') end), test('`tag` is an alias for `t``', function () assert.are_equal((pandoc.MetaList{}).tag, (pandoc.MetaList{}).t) assert.are_equal((pandoc.MetaMap{}).tag, (pandoc.MetaMap{}).t) assert.are_equal((pandoc.MetaInlines{}).tag, (pandoc.MetaInlines{}).t) assert.are_equal((pandoc.MetaBlocks{}).tag, (pandoc.MetaBlocks{}).t) end), }, group 'Meta' { test('inline list is treated as MetaInlines', function () local meta = pandoc.Pandoc({}, {test = {pandoc.Emph 'check'}}).meta assert.are_same(meta.test, {pandoc.Emph{pandoc.Str 'check'}}) end), test('inline element is treated as MetaInlines singleton', function () local meta = pandoc.Pandoc({}, {test = pandoc.Emph 'check'}).meta assert.are_same(meta.test, {pandoc.Emph{pandoc.Str 'check'}}) end), test('block list is treated as MetaBlocks', function () local meta = pandoc.Pandoc({}, {test = {pandoc.Plain 'check'}}).meta assert.are_same(meta.test, {pandoc.Plain{pandoc.Str 'check'}}) end), test('block element is treated as MetaBlocks singleton', function () local meta = pandoc.Pandoc({}, {test = pandoc.Plain 'check'}).meta assert.are_same(meta.test, {pandoc.Plain{pandoc.Str 'check'}}) end), }, group 'Other types' { group 'ReaderOptions' { test('returns a userdata value', function () local opts = pandoc.ReaderOptions {} assert.are_equal(type(opts), 'userdata') end), test('can construct from table', function () local opts = pandoc.ReaderOptions {columns = 66} assert.are_equal(opts.columns, 66) end), test('can construct from other ReaderOptions value', function () local orig = pandoc.ReaderOptions{columns = 65} local copy = pandoc.ReaderOptions(orig) for k, v in pairs(orig) do assert.are_same(copy[k], v) end assert.are_equal(copy.columns, 65) end), }, }, group 'clone' { test('clones Attr', function () local attr = pandoc.Attr('test', {'my-class'}, {foo = 'bar'}) local cloned = attr:clone() attr.identifier = '' attr.classes = {} attr.attributes = {} assert.are_same(cloned.identifier, 'test') assert.are_same(cloned.classes, {'my-class'}) assert.are_same(cloned.attributes.foo, 'bar') end), test('clones ListAttributes', function () local la = pandoc.ListAttributes(2, pandoc.DefaultStyle, pandoc.Period) local cloned = la:clone() la.start = 9 assert.are_same(cloned.start, 2) end), test('clones Para', function () local para = pandoc.Para {pandoc.Str 'Hello'} local cloned = para:clone() para.content[1].text = 'bye' assert.are_same(cloned, pandoc.Para {pandoc.Str 'Hello'}) end), test('clones Str', function () local str = pandoc.Str 'Hello' local cloned = str:clone() str.text = 'bye' assert.are_same(cloned.text, 'Hello') end), test('clones Citation', function () local cite = pandoc.Citation('leibniz', pandoc.AuthorInText) local cloned = cite:clone() cite.id = 'newton' assert.are_same(cloned.id, 'leibniz') assert.are_same(cite.id, 'newton') assert.are_same(cite.mode, cloned.mode) end), }, group 'pipe' { test('external string processing', function () if os_is_windows() then local pipe_result = pandoc.pipe('find', {'hi'}, 'hi') assert.are_equal('hi', pipe_result:match '%a+') else local pipe_result = pandoc.pipe('tr', {'a', 'b'}, 'abc') assert.are_equal('bbc', pipe_result:match '%a+') end end), test('failing pipe', function () if os_is_windows() then local success, err = pcall(pandoc.pipe, 'find', {'/a'}, 'hi') assert.is_falsy(success) assert.are_equal('find', err.command) assert.is_truthy(err.error_code ~= 0) else local success, err = pcall(pandoc.pipe, 'false', {}, 'abc') assert.is_falsy(success) assert.are_equal('false', err.command) assert.are_equal(1, err.error_code) assert.are_equal('', err.output) end end) }, group 'read' { test('Markdown', function () local valid_markdown = '*Hello*, World!\n' local expected = pandoc.Pandoc({ pandoc.Para { pandoc.Emph { pandoc.Str 'Hello' }, pandoc.Str ',', pandoc.Space(), pandoc.Str 'World!' } }) assert.are_same(expected, pandoc.read(valid_markdown)) end), test('unsupported extension', function () assert.error_matches( function () pandoc.read('foo', 'gfm+empty_paragraphs') end, 'The extension empty_paragraphs is not supported for gfm' ) end), test('read with other indented code classes', function() local indented_code = ' return true' local expected = pandoc.Pandoc({ pandoc.CodeBlock('return true', {class='foo'}) }) assert.are_same( expected, pandoc.read(indented_code, 'markdown', {indented_code_classes={'foo'}}) ) end), test('can read epub', function () local epub = io.open('lua/module/tiny.epub', 'rb') local blocks = pandoc.read(epub:read'a', 'epub').blocks assert.are_equal( blocks[#blocks], pandoc.Para { pandoc.Emph 'EPUB' } ) end), test('failing read', function () assert.error_matches( function () pandoc.read('foo', 'nosuchreader') end, 'Unknown input format nosuchreader' ) end), group 'extensions' { test('string spec', function () local doc = pandoc.read('"vice versa"', 'markdown-smart') assert.are_equal(doc, pandoc.Pandoc{pandoc.Para '"vice versa"'}) end), test('unsupported extension', function () assert.error_matches( function () pandoc.read('foo', 'gfm+empty_paragraphs') end, 'The extension empty_paragraphs is not supported for gfm' ) end), test('unknown extension', function () local format_spec = { format = 'markdown', extensions = {'nope'}} assert.error_matches( function () pandoc.read('x', format_spec) end, 'The extension nope is not supported for markdown' ) end), test('fails on invalid extension', function () local format_spec = { format = 'markdown', extensions = {'nope'}} assert.error_matches( function () pandoc.read('nu-uh', format_spec) end, 'The extension nope is not supported for markdown' ) end), }, }, group 'walk_block' { test('block walking order', function () local acc = {} local nested_nums = pandoc.Div { pandoc.Para{pandoc.Str'1'}, pandoc.Div{ pandoc.Para{pandoc.Str'2'}, pandoc.Para{pandoc.Str'3'} }, pandoc.Para{pandoc.Str'4'} } pandoc.walk_block( nested_nums, {Para = function (p) table.insert(acc, p.content[1].text) end} ) assert.are_equal('1234', table.concat(acc)) end) }, group 'walk_inline' { test('inline walking order', function () local acc = {} local nested_nums = pandoc.Span { pandoc.Str'1', pandoc.Emph { pandoc.Str'2', pandoc.Str'3' }, pandoc.Str'4' } pandoc.walk_inline( nested_nums, {Str = function (s) table.insert(acc, s.text) end} ) assert.are_equal('1234', table.concat(acc)) end) }, group 'write' { test('string spec', function () local doc = pandoc.Pandoc{pandoc.Quoted('DoubleQuote', 'vice versa')} local plain = pandoc.write(doc, 'plain+smart') assert.are_equal(plain, '"vice versa"\n') end), test('table format spec with extensions list', function () local doc = pandoc.Pandoc{pandoc.Quoted('DoubleQuote', 'vice versa')} local format_spec = { format = 'plain', extensions = {'smart'}} local plain = pandoc.write(doc, format_spec) assert.are_equal(plain, '"vice versa"\n') end), test('table format spec with `enable`/`disable` diff', function () local diff = { enable = {'smart'} } local doc = pandoc.Pandoc{pandoc.Quoted('DoubleQuote', 'vice versa')} local format_spec = { format = 'plain', extensions = diff} local plain = pandoc.write(doc, format_spec) assert.are_equal(plain, '"vice versa"\n') end), test('table format spec with set-like diff', function () local diff = { smart = true, auto_identifiers = false } local doc = pandoc.Pandoc{pandoc.Quoted('DoubleQuote', 'vice versa')} local format_spec = { format = 'plain', extensions = diff} local plain = pandoc.write(doc, format_spec) assert.are_equal(plain, '"vice versa"\n') end), test('fails on invalid extension', function () local doc = pandoc.Pandoc{'nope'} local format_spec = { format = 'plain', extensions = {'nope'}} assert.error_matches( function () pandoc.write(doc, format_spec) end, 'The extension nope is not supported for plain' ) end), }, group 'Marshal' { group 'Inlines' { test('Strings are broken into words', function () assert.are_equal( pandoc.Emph 'Nice, init?', pandoc.Emph{pandoc.Str 'Nice,', pandoc.Space(), pandoc.Str 'init?'} ) end) }, group 'Blocks' { test('Strings are broken into words and wrapped in Plain', function () assert.are_equal( pandoc.Div{ pandoc.Plain{pandoc.Str 'Nice,', pandoc.Space(), pandoc.Str 'init?'} }, pandoc.Div{'Nice, init?'} ) end) } } }