{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {- | Module : Text.Pandoc.Lua.Module.Structure Copyright : © 2023 Albert Krewinkel License : GPL-2.0-or-later Maintainer : Albert Krewinkel Command line helpers -} module Text.Pandoc.Lua.Module.Structure ( documentedModule ) where import Control.Applicative ((<|>), optional) import Data.Default (Default (..)) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import HsLua ( DocumentedFunction, LuaError, Module (..), Peeker , (###), (<#>), (=#>), (#?) , defun, functionResult, getfield, isnil, lastly, liftLua , opt, liftPure, parameter , peekBool, peekIntegral , peekFieldRaw, peekText, pop, pushIntegral, top ) import Text.Pandoc.Chunks ( ChunkedDoc (..), PathTemplate (..) , tocToList, splitIntoChunks ) import Text.Pandoc.Definition (Pandoc (..), Block) import Text.Pandoc.Error (PandocError) import Text.Pandoc.Lua.PandocLua () import Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.AST ( peekBlocksFuzzy, peekPandoc , pushBlock, pushBlocks ) import Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.Chunks import Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.WriterOptions ( peekWriterOptions ) import Text.Pandoc.Options (WriterOptions (writerTOCDepth, writerNumberSections)) import Text.Pandoc.Slides (getSlideLevel, prepSlides) import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared (toTableOfContents) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Text.Pandoc.Shared as Shared -- | Push the pandoc.structure module on the Lua stack. documentedModule :: Module PandocError documentedModule = Module { moduleName = "pandoc.structure" , moduleDescription = "Access to the higher-level document structure, including" <> "hierarchical sections and the table of contents." , moduleFields = [] , moduleFunctions = [ make_sections , slide_level , split_into_chunks , table_of_contents ] , moduleOperations = [] } make_sections :: LuaError e => DocumentedFunction e make_sections = defun "make_sections" ### (\blks mopts -> let (numSects, baseLevel, mslideLevel) = fromMaybe (defNumSec, Nothing, Nothing) mopts blks' = case mslideLevel of Just l | l <= 0 -> prepSlides (getSlideLevel blks) blks Just sl -> prepSlides sl blks Nothing -> blks in pure $ Shared.makeSections numSects baseLevel blks') <#> parameter peekBodyBlocks "Blocks" "blocks" "document blocks to process" <#> opt (parameter peekOpts "table" "opts" "options") =#> functionResult pushBlocks "list of Blocks" "processed blocks" #? T.unlines [ "Puts [Blocks] into a hierarchical structure: a list of sections" , "(each a Div with class \"section\" and first element a Header)." , "" , "The optional `opts` argument can be a table; two settings are" , "recognized: If `number_sections` is true, a `number` attribute" , "containing the section number will be added to each `Header`. If" , "`base_level` is an integer, then `Header` levels will be" , "reorganized so that there are no gaps, with numbering levels" , "shifted by the given value. Finally, an integer `slide_level`" , "value triggers the creation of slides at that heading level." , "" , "Note that a [WriterOptions][] object can be passed as the opts" , "table; this will set the `number_section` and `slide_level` values" , "to those defined on the command line." ] where defNumSec = False peekOpts idx = do numberSections <- fromMaybe defNumSec <$> do liftLua $ getfield idx "number_sections" optional (peekBool top `lastly` pop 1) baseLevel <- do liftLua $ getfield idx "base_level" optional (peekIntegral top `lastly` pop 1) slideLevel <- do liftLua $ getfield idx "slide_level" optional (peekIntegral top `lastly` pop 1) return (numberSections, baseLevel, slideLevel) slide_level :: LuaError e => DocumentedFunction e slide_level = defun "slide_level" ### liftPure getSlideLevel <#> parameter peekBodyBlocks "Pandoc|Blocks" "blocks" "document body" =#> functionResult pushIntegral "integer" "slide level" #? T.unlines [ "Find level of header that starts slides (defined as the least" , "header level that occurs before a non-header/non-hrule in the" , "blocks)." ] -- | Split 'Pandoc' into 'Chunk's. split_into_chunks :: LuaError e => DocumentedFunction e split_into_chunks = defun "split_into_chunks" ### (\doc mopts -> pure $ let defOpts = (defPathTmpl, defNumSects, Nothing, defLvl) (pathTempl, numberSect, mbBaseLevel, chunkLevel) = fromMaybe defOpts mopts in splitIntoChunks pathTempl numberSect mbBaseLevel chunkLevel doc) <#> parameter peekPandoc "Pandoc" "doc" "document to split" <#> opt (parameter peekSplitOpts "table" "opts" optionsDescr) =#> functionResult pushChunkedDoc "ChunkedDoc" "" #? T.unlines [ "Converts a `Pandoc` document into a `ChunkedDoc`." ] where defPathTmpl = PathTemplate "chunk-%n" defNumSects = False defLvl = 1 peekSplitOpts idx = (,,,) <$> peekFieldRaw ((fmap PathTemplate . peekText) `orDefault` defPathTmpl) "path_template" idx <*> peekFieldRaw (peekBool `orDefault` defNumSects) "number_sections" idx <*> peekFieldRaw (optional . peekIntegral) "base_heading_level" idx <*> peekFieldRaw (peekIntegral `orDefault` defLvl) "chunk_level" idx orDefault p defaultValue idx' = liftLua (isnil idx') >>= \case True -> pure defaultValue False -> p idx' optionsDescr = T.unlines [ "The following options are supported:" , "" , " `path_template`" , " : template used to generate the chunks' filepaths" , " `%n` will be replaced with the chunk number (padded with" , " leading 0s to 3 digits), `%s` with the section number of" , " the heading, `%h` with the (stringified) heading text," , " `%i` with the section identifier. For example," , " `\"section-%s-%i.html\"` might be resolved to" , " `\"section-1.2-introduction.html\"`." , "" , " Default is `\"chunk-%n\"` (string)" , "" , " `number_sections`" , " : whether sections should be numbered; default is `false`" , " (boolean)" , "" , " `chunk_level`" , " : The heading level the document should be split into" , " chunks. The default is to split at the top-level, i.e.," , " `1`. (integer)" , "" , " `base_heading_level`" , " : The base level to be used for numbering. Default is `nil`" , " (integer|nil)" ] -- | Generate a table of contents. table_of_contents :: DocumentedFunction PandocError table_of_contents = defun "table_of_contents" ### (\tocSource mwriterOpts -> pure $ let writerOpts = fromMaybe def mwriterOpts in case tocSource of Left blks -> toTableOfContents writerOpts blks Right tree -> tocToList (writerNumberSections writerOpts) (writerTOCDepth writerOpts) tree ) <#> parameter peekTocSource "Blocks|Pandoc|ChunkedDoc" "toc_source" "list of command line arguments" <#> opt (parameter peekWriterOptions "WriterOptions" "opts" "options") =#> functionResult pushBlock "Block" "Table of contents as a BulletList object" #? T.unlines [ "Generates a table of contents for the given object." ] where peekTocSource idx = (Left <$> peekBodyBlocks idx) <|> (Right . chunkedTOC <$> peekChunkedDoc idx) -- | Retrieves the body blocks of a 'Pandoc' object or from a list of -- blocks. peekBodyBlocks :: LuaError e => Peeker e [Block] peekBodyBlocks idx = ((\(Pandoc _ blks) -> blks) <$> peekPandoc idx) <|> peekBlocksFuzzy idx