# \* First Section {#first-section label="*"} text ::: {#fig:fig1 .figure} ![A figure](image.png) ::: caption Figure α: A figure ::: ::: ## \*.A Subsection {#subsection} other text ::: {#fig:fig2 .figure} ![A figure with custom label](image.png){label="+"} ::: caption Figure +: A figure with custom label ::: ::: ### \*.A.A Subsubsection {#subsubsection} text text text # B Custom on other elements {#custom-on-other-elements} ::: {#fig:fig3 .figure} ![Figure](fig.png){label="F"} ::: caption Figure F: Figure ::: ::: ::: {#tbl:table label="T"} a b c --- --- --- 1 2 3 4 5 6 : Table T: Caption ::: [$$y = e^x\qquad{(E)}$$]{#eq:equation label="E"} fig. F tbl. T eq. E