{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types, MultiWayIf #-} module Text.Pandoc.CrossRef.References.Blocks ( replaceAll ) where import Text.Pandoc.Definition import Text.Pandoc.Builder (text, toList) import Text.Pandoc.Shared (stringify, normalizeSpaces) import Control.Monad.State hiding (get, modify) import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Data.Monoid import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Accessor import Data.Accessor.Monad.Trans.State import Text.Pandoc.CrossRef.References.Types import Text.Pandoc.CrossRef.Util.Util import Text.Pandoc.CrossRef.Util.Options import Text.Pandoc.CrossRef.Util.Template import Control.Applicative import Prelude import Data.Default replaceAll :: Data a => Options -> a -> WS a replaceAll opts = everywhereMBut' (mkQ False isSubfig `extQ` isSubfig') (mkM (replaceBlocks opts) `extM` replaceInlines opts) . everywhere' (mkT divBlocks `extT` spanInlines) where isSubfig (Div (label,cls,_) _) | "fig:" `isPrefixOf` label = True | "crossref-stop" `elem` cls = True isSubfig _ = False isSubfig' (Span (_,cls,_) _) | "crossref-stop" `elem` cls = True isSubfig' _ = False replaceBlocks :: Options -> Block -> WS Block replaceBlocks opts (Header n (label, cls, attrs) text') = do let label' = if autoSectionLabels opts && not ("sec:" `isPrefixOf` label) then "sec:"++label else label unless ("unnumbered" `elem` cls) $ do modify curChap $ \cc -> let ln = length cc cl = lookup "label" attrs inc l = init l ++ [(fst (last l) + 1, cl)] cc' | ln > n = inc $ take n cc | ln == n = inc cc | otherwise = cc ++ take (n-ln-1) (zip [1,1..] $ repeat Nothing) ++ [(1,cl)] in cc' when ("sec:" `isPrefixOf` label') $ replaceAttrSec label' text' secRefs return $ Header n (label', cls, attrs) text' -- subfigures replaceBlocks opts (Div (label,cls,attrs) images) | "fig:" `isPrefixOf` label , Para caption <- last images = do idxStr <- replaceAttr opts label (lookup "label" attrs) caption imgRefs let (cont, st) = runState (replaceAll opts' $ init images) (subFig ^= True $ def) collectedCaptions = intercalate (ccsDelim opts) $ map snd $ M.toList $ M.map collectCaps $ imgRefs_ st collectCaps v = applyTemplate (chapPrefix (chapDelim opts) (refIndex v)) (refTitle v) (ccsTemplate opts) vars = M.fromDistinctAscList [ ("ccs", collectedCaptions) , ("i", idxStr) , ("t", caption) ] capt = applyTemplate' vars $ subfigureTemplate opts lastRef <- fromJust . M.lookup label <$> get imgRefs modify imgRefs $ \old -> M.union old (M.map (\v -> v{refIndex = refIndex lastRef, refSubfigure = Just $ refIndex v}) $ imgRefs_ st) case outFormat opts of f | isFormat "latex" f -> return $ Div stopAttr $ [ RawBlock (Format "tex") "\\begin{figure}" ] ++ cont ++ [ Para [RawInline (Format "tex") "\\caption" , Span stopAttr caption] , RawBlock (Format "tex") $ "\\label{"++label++"}" , RawBlock (Format "tex") "\\end{figure}"] _ -> return $ Div (label, "subfigures":cls, attrs) $ cont ++ [Para capt] where opts' = opts { figureTemplate = subfigureChildTemplate opts , customLabel = \r i -> customLabel opts ("sub"++r) i } replaceBlocks opts (Div (label,_,attrs) [Table title align widths header cells]) | not $ null title , "tbl:" `isPrefixOf` label = do idxStr <- replaceAttr opts label (lookup "label" attrs) title tblRefs let title' = case outFormat opts of f | isFormat "latex" f -> RawInline (Format "tex") ("\\label{"++label++"}") : title _ -> applyTemplate idxStr title $ tableTemplate opts return $ Table title' align widths header cells replaceBlocks opts cb@(CodeBlock (label, classes, attrs) code) | not $ null label , "lst:" `isPrefixOf` label , Just caption <- lookup "caption" attrs = case outFormat opts of f --if used with listings package,nothing shoud be done | isFormat "latex" f, listings opts -> return cb --if not using listings, however, wrap it in a codelisting environment | isFormat "latex" f -> return $ Div stopAttr [ RawBlock (Format "tex") $ "\\begin{codelisting}\n\\caption{"++caption++"}" , cb , RawBlock (Format "tex") "\\end{codelisting}" ] _ -> do let cap = toList $ text caption idxStr <- replaceAttr opts label (lookup "label" attrs) cap lstRefs let caption' = applyTemplate idxStr cap $ listingTemplate opts return $ Div (label, "listing":classes, []) [ Para caption' , CodeBlock ([], classes, attrs \\ [("caption", caption)]) code ] replaceBlocks opts (Div (label,"listing":_, []) [Para caption, CodeBlock ([],classes,attrs) code]) | not $ null label , "lst:" `isPrefixOf` label = case outFormat opts of f --if used with listings package, return code block with caption | isFormat "latex" f, listings opts -> return $ CodeBlock (label,classes,("caption",stringify caption):attrs) code --if not using listings, however, wrap it in a codelisting environment | isFormat "latex" f -> return $ Div stopAttr [ RawBlock (Format "tex") "\\begin{codelisting}" , Para [ RawInline (Format "tex") "\\caption" , Span stopAttr caption ] , CodeBlock (label,classes,attrs) code , RawBlock (Format "tex") "\\end{codelisting}" ] _ -> do idxStr <- replaceAttr opts label (lookup "label" attrs) caption lstRefs let caption' = applyTemplate idxStr caption $ listingTemplate opts return $ Div (label, "listing":classes, []) [ Para caption' , CodeBlock ([], classes, attrs) code ] replaceBlocks opts (Para [Span (label, _, attrs) [Math DisplayMath eq]]) | not $ isFormat "latex" (outFormat opts) , tableEqns opts = do idxStr <- replaceAttr opts label (lookup "label" attrs) [] eqnRefs return $ Table [] [AlignCenter, AlignRight] [0.9, 0.1] [] [[[Plain [Math DisplayMath eq]], [Plain [Math DisplayMath $ "(" ++ stringify idxStr ++ ")"]]]] replaceBlocks _ x = return x replaceInlines :: Options -> Inline -> WS Inline replaceInlines opts (Span (label,_,attrs) [Math DisplayMath eq]) | "eq:" `isPrefixOf` label = case outFormat opts of f | isFormat "latex" f -> let eqn = "\\begin{equation}"++eq++"\\label{"++label++"}\\end{equation}" in return $ RawInline (Format "tex") eqn _ -> do idxStr <- replaceAttr opts label (lookup "label" attrs) [] eqnRefs let eq' = eq++"\\qquad("++stringify idxStr++")" return $ Math DisplayMath eq' replaceInlines opts x@(Image attr@(label,cls,attrs) alt img@(src, tit)) | "fig:" `isPrefixOf` snd img = do sf <- get subFig if | sf -> do let label' | "fig:" `isPrefixOf` label = label | otherwise = "fig:" ++ label idxStr <- replaceAttr opts label' (lookup "label" attrs) alt imgRefs case outFormat opts of f | isFormat "latex" f -> return $ latexSubFigure x label _ -> let alt' = applyTemplate idxStr alt $ figureTemplate opts tit' | "nocaption" `elem` cls = fromMaybe tit $ stripPrefix "fig:" tit | otherwise = tit in return $ Image (label, cls, attrs) alt' (src, tit') | "fig:" `isPrefixOf` label -> do idxStr <- replaceAttr opts label (lookup "label" attrs) alt imgRefs let alt' = case outFormat opts of f | isFormat "latex" f -> RawInline (Format "tex") ("\\label{"++label++"}") : alt _ -> applyTemplate idxStr alt $ figureTemplate opts return $ Image attr alt' img | otherwise -> return x replaceInlines _ x = return x divBlocks :: Block -> Block divBlocks (Table title align widths header cells) | not $ null title , Just label <- getRefLabel "tbl" [last title] = Div (label,[],[]) [Table (init title) align widths header cells] divBlocks x = x spanInlines :: [Inline] -> [Inline] spanInlines (math@(Math DisplayMath _eq):ils) | c:ils' <- dropWhile (==Space) ils , Just label <- getRefLabel "eq" [c] = Span (label,[],[]) [math]:ils' spanInlines x = x getRefLabel :: String -> [Inline] -> Maybe String getRefLabel _ [] = Nothing getRefLabel tag ils | Str attr <- last ils , all (==Space) (init ils) , "}" `isSuffixOf` attr , ("{#"++tag++":") `isPrefixOf` attr = init `fmap` stripPrefix "{#" attr getRefLabel _ _ = Nothing replaceAttr :: Options -> String -> Maybe String -> [Inline] -> Accessor References RefMap -> WS [Inline] replaceAttr o label refLabel title prop = do chap <- take (chaptersDepth o) `fmap` get curChap i <- (1+) `fmap` (M.size . M.filter (ap ((&&) . (chap ==) . init . refIndex) (isNothing . refSubfigure)) <$> get prop) let index = chap ++ [(i, refLabel <> customLabel o label i)] modify prop $ M.insert label RefRec { refIndex= index , refTitle=normalizeSpaces title , refSubfigure = Nothing } return $ chapPrefix (chapDelim o) index replaceAttrSec :: String -> [Inline] -> Accessor References RefMap -> WS () replaceAttrSec label title prop = do index <- get curChap modify prop $ M.insert label RefRec { refIndex=index , refTitle=normalizeSpaces title , refSubfigure = Nothing } return () latexSubFigure :: Inline -> String -> Inline latexSubFigure (Image (_, cls, attrs) alt (src, title)) label = let title' = fromMaybe title $ stripPrefix "fig:" title texlabel | null label = [] | otherwise = "\\label{" ++ label ++ "}" texalt | "nocaption" `elem` cls = [] | otherwise = [ RawInline (Format "tex") "["] ++ alt ++ [ RawInline (Format "tex") "]"] img = Image (label, cls, attrs) alt (src, title') in Span stopAttr $ [ RawInline (Format "tex") "\\subfloat" ] ++ texalt ++ [ RawInline (Format "tex") "{" ] ++ [img] ++ [ RawInline (Format "tex") $ texlabel ++ "}"] latexSubFigure x _ = x stopAttr :: Attr stopAttr = ([], ["crossref-stop"], [])