@comment{excerpt from http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/biblatex/doc/examples/biblatex-examples.bib \mkbibquote{} should be replaced by a matching set of quotation marks that can be used by citeproc for quote substitution and flipflopping. English smart double quotation marks seem best, as they cannot be confused with apostrophes. \enquote{}, \enquote*{} should be replaced by a matching set of quotation marks, too: “foo”, ‘bar’. } @string{pup = {Princeton University Press}} @book{nussbaum, Annotation = {A \texttt{book} entry. Note the \texttt{sorttitle} and \texttt{indexsorttitle} fields and the markup of the quotes in the database file}, Author = {Nussbaum, Martha}, Date = 1978, Hyphenation = {american}, Indexsorttitle = {Aristotle's De Motu Animalium}, Keywords = {secondary}, Location = {Princeton}, Publisher = pup, Sorttitle = {Aristotle's De Motu Animalium}, Title = {Aristotle's \mkbibquote{De Motu Animalium}}} --- references: - annote: A book entry. Note the sorttitle and indexsorttitle fields and the markup of the quotes in the database file keyword: secondary title: "Aristotle’s “De Motu Animalium”" id: nussbaum issued: year: 1978 author: given: - Martha family: Nussbaum publisher: Princeton University Press type: book publisher-place: Princeton language: en-US ...