@comment{excerpted from http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/biblatex/doc/examples/biblatex-examples.bib Note handling of Author = {Vázques{ de }Parga, Luis} } @book{vazques-de-parga, Annotation = {A multivolume book cited as a whole. This is a \texttt{book} entry with \texttt{volumes}, \texttt{note}, \texttt{sorttitle}, and \texttt{indextitle} fields}, Author = {Vázques{ de }Parga, Luis and Lacarra, José María and Uría Ríu, Juan}, Date = 1993, Hyphenation = {spanish}, Indextitle = {Peregrinaciones a Santiago de Compostela, Las}, Location = {Pamplona}, Note = {Ed. facs. de la realizada en 1948--49}, Publisher = {Iberdrola}, Shorttitle = {Peregrinaciones}, Sorttitle = {Peregrinaciones a Santiago de Compostela}, Title = {Las Peregrinaciones a Santiago de Compostela}, Volumes = 3} --- references: - title-short: Peregrinaciones annote: A multivolume book cited as a whole. This is a book entry with volumes, note, sorttitle, and indextitle fields note: "Ed. facs. de la realizada en 1948–49" title: Las Peregrinaciones a Santiago de Compostela id: vazques-de-parga issued: year: 1993 author: - given: - Luis family: "V\xE1zques de Parga" - given: - ! "Jos\xE9" - ! "Mar\xEDa" family: Lacarra - given: - Juan family: "Ur\xEDa R\xEDu" number-of-volumes: 3 publisher: Iberdrola type: book publisher-place: Pamplona language: es-ES ...