# Alt text on images ``` % pandoc -f latex -t native \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{graphicx} \begin{document} Sample text \begin{figure}[ht] \includegraphics[alt={Upside down painting},width=0.5\textwidth]{New_York_City_I.jpg} \caption{New York City by Piet Mondrian (Wikipedia)} \label{fig:Mondrian} \end{figure} \includegraphics[alt={Face of a mandrill}]{mandrill.jpg} \end{document} ^D [ Para [ Str "Sample" , Space , Str "text" ] , Figure ( "fig:Mondrian" , [] , [] ) (Caption Nothing [ Plain [ Str "New" , Space , Str "York" , Space , Str "City" , Space , Str "by" , Space , Str "Piet" , Space , Str "Mondrian" , Space , Str "(Wikipedia)" ] ]) [ Para [ Image ( "" , [] , [ ( "width" , "50%" ) ] ) [ Str "Upside down painting" ] ( "New_York_City_I.jpg" , "" ) ] ] , Para [ Image ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Face of a mandrill" ] ( "mandrill.jpg" , "" ) ] ] ```