## 0.6.0 ### Enhancements * CABAL_DISABLE_DEPS env var to disable dependencies install by cabal. This can be useful when we have dependencies already installed e.g. in a nix shell. * Add support for github CI * Add packcheck-remote.sh, a wrapper over packcheck that allows you to run packcheck on a remote repository by cloning it locally and optionally merging a branch into another branch (e.g. merging a PR branch into master). * Several fixes to make distribution builds safer and with more checks * Do a sanity check for the existence of files in .packcheck.ignore and .hlint.ignore ### Breaking Changes * "packcheck cabal" now defaults to "packcheck cabal-v2" * Support for `cabal-v1` is removed * CI now fails if `cabal-v1` is used as a command * `CABAL_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS` is removed * `CABAL_NO_SANDBOX` is removed * `packcheck cleanall` does not remove `.cabal-sandbox/` and `.cabal.sandbox.config` anymore * Support for `cabal-new` is removed * CI now fails if `cabal-new` is used as a command * `CABAL_NEWBUILD_OPTIONS` is removed * `CABAL_NEWBUILD_TARGETS` is removed * A new command `hlint` is introduced. The `hlint` build is only triggered by using this command. * `ENABLE_INSTALL` option has been removed. ## 0.5.1 ### Bug Fixes * Fix breakage due to `DISABLE_SDIST_GIT_CHECK` option. Due to this bug, build was always failing by default and reported as success. ### Deprecations * `HLINT_COMMANDS` is deprecated and replaced by `HLINT_OPTIONS`/`HLINT_TARGETS` ### Enhancements * New `HLINT_OPTIONS`/`HLINT_TARGETS` env vars to specify hlint commands in a better way. ## 0.5.0 ### Bug Fixes * `packcheck.sh` script itself was missing from the package, added. ### Breaking Changes * CI now fails if `DISABLE_SDIST_BUILD` is not set and the contents of the source distribution tar ball do not match the git repository contents. Either add any exceptions to `.packcheck.ignore` file or use `DISABLE_SDIST_GIT_CHECK=y` to disable this feature. Currently this check is done only if `git` and `tar` commands are available in the `PATH`. ### Deprecations * `cabal-v1` command now shows a deprecation message and is removed from help. This command will be removed in future. * `ENABLE_INSTALL` option now does nothing. This change is because of the new behavior in cabal-3. This option will be removed in future. ### Enhancements * Added a feature to detect if any files in the git repo are missing from the source distribution tarball. * Add `CABAL_PROJECT` environment variable to support specifying a cabal project file. ## 0.4.2 ### Bug Fixes * When building from source distribution, it would not build again unless cleaned with `packcheck clean` if a file in the source has changed. ### Deprecations * Deprecate and replace the `cabal` command with `cabal-v1`, in future `cabal` will be used for `cabal-v2`. * Deprecate and replace the `cabal-new` command with `cabal-v2`. * Deprecate and rename `CABAL_NEWBUILD_OPTIONS` to `CABAL_BUILD_OPTIONS` * Deprecate and rename `CABAL_NEWBUILD_TARGETS` to `CABAL_BUILD_TARGETS` * Use STACK_BUILD_OPTIONS envvar in the dependency install phase as well * Remove stack yaml creation using stack init/solver ### Enhancements * Search for ghc among stack installed GHC binaries as well * Add GHCJS support. Use ENABLE_GHCJS=y option. * Add packcheck-safe.sh . The safe version does not trust or use any environment variables, all environment needs to be specified on the command line. It also catches any misspelled command line parameter names. * Allow boolean parameters to be specified with a lenient syntax allowing values y|Y|yes|Yes|YES|true|True|TRUE|on|On|ON|n|N|no|No|NO|false|False|FALSE|off|Off|OFF ## 0.4.1 * Disable hpc-coveralls by default ## 0.4.0 * Add support for circle CI * Add support for multi-package stack as well as cabal repos * Add a version command * Add CABAL_NEWBUILD_TARGETS envvar to build specific targets * Add GHC 8.6.1 in build matrices ## 0.3.1 * Add a new environment var option DISABLE_DIST_CHECKS to disable source distribution checks. This can be used as a workaround for a bug in stack causing "stack sdist" to fail. * For stack builds, use the same options (STACK_BUILD_OPTIONS) for install test as for build so that an extra rebuild does not occur during install. * Workaround to avoid depending on `cabal info` command; in certain cases this command crashes cabal. See issue #13. ## 0.3.0 ### Enhancements * Add cabal new-build support. Use `packcheck.sh cabal-new` to use it. * Add knobs to disable tests or doc builds (`DISABLE_TEST`, `DISABLE_DOCS`) * Now you can specify multiple versions of GHC in PATH and packcheck automatically finds the right one based on GHCVER envvar. * Add TOOLS_DIR option to specify hvr-ghc style installation of ghc and cabal. A correct version of GHC is automatically picked from this directory. * GHCVER and CABALVER variables are now optional in travis config if you specify the cabal and ghc PPAs under apt sources. * Run `autoreconf` if there is a `configure.ac` in the package dir ### Deprecations * TEST_INSTALL option is deprecated, use ENABLE_INSTALL instead ## 0.2.0 ### Breaking Changes * Make `STACK_BUILD_OPTIONS` and `CABAL_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS` append to the existing build/configure options instead of overriding them. * Do not enforce specific `stack` version in CI configs - this is done to avoid failures due to github API limits when upgrading or downgrading. ### Bug Fixes * Avoid build failures in cases when `cabal-install` has to be installed and its dependencies may conflict with the current project dependencies. ### Enhancements * Better documentation in travis and appveyor configs * Reduce the number of builds in default config from 11 to 6 ## 0.1.1 * _Enhancement_: Nix support; fix bash location to make it work on NixOS and potentially on other systems. ## 0.1.0 * Initial release