module Graphics.OscPacking.Packing (
) where
import Prelude (tail, head, (++), Maybe (..), zip, Int, Float, min, (/), (<=), foldr, fmap)
import Graphics.OscPacking.Geometry
import System.Random (mkStdGen, randomRs)
import Graphics.OscPacking.Boundary
fit :: Maybe Float
-> Point
-> [Circle]
-> Maybe Boundary
-> Maybe Circle
fit cap point srtCircles bound = fmap
(\distance -> Circle { position = point, radius = distance })
(foldr chooseCloser (Just (1/0)) srtCircles)
where chooseCloser _ Nothing = Nothing
chooseCloser circle (Just minval) =
let d = distToCircle point circle in
if d <= 0
then Nothing
else let upperlim = case cap of
Nothing -> 1 / 0
Just cap' -> cap' in
case bound of
Nothing -> Just (min upperlim (min d minval))
Just bound' -> case bound' point of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just bDist -> Just (min bDist (min upperlim (min d minval)))
data Packing = Packing {
boxWidth :: Float,
boxHeight :: Float,
capRadius :: Maybe Float,
boundary :: Maybe Boundary,
startingCircles :: [Circle],
seedX :: Int,
seedY :: Int
defaultPacking :: Packing
defaultPacking = Packing {
boxWidth = 800.0,
boxHeight = 600.0,
capRadius = Nothing,
boundary = Just (rectB (20, 20) 760 560),
startingCircles = [Circle { position = (400, 300), radius = 10 }],
seedX = 1,
seedY = 2
rndPoints :: Float
-> Float
-> Int
-> Int
-> [Point]
rndPoints width height xseed yseed = zip xvals yvals
where (xgen, ygen) = (mkStdGen xseed, mkStdGen yseed)
(xvals, yvals) = (randomRs (0, width) xgen, randomRs (0, height) ygen)
pack :: Packing
-> [Circle]
pack pkg = (startingCircles pkg) ++ build (startingCircles pkg) points
where points =
rndPoints (boxWidth pkg) (boxHeight pkg) (seedX pkg) (seedY pkg)
build accCircles remPoints =
case fit (capRadius pkg) (head remPoints) accCircles (boundary pkg) of
Nothing -> build accCircles (tail remPoints)
Just circle -> circle : build (circle : accCircles) (tail remPoints)