Module      : Graphics.OscPacking.Examples
Description : Examples to study
Copyright   : (c) Christopher Howard, 2016
License     : GPL-3
Maintainer  : ch.howard@zoho.com

Please be aware that breaking changes to example functions will not be
represented as such for purposes of package versioning. Do not link to
example functions from production code.

module Graphics.OscPacking.Examples where

import Graphics.Gloss.Data.Color (black)
import Graphics.OscPacking
import Prelude ((/), ($), Maybe(..), putStrLn, IO)

-- |Packs a rectangle with circles.
-- @
-- example1 :: IO()
-- example1 =
--   do putStrLn \"Packing. Please be patient.\"
--      displayWindow (800, 600) black $
--        buildPicture interpretation packing totalcircles
--   where packing = defaultPacking { boxWidth = 800.0,
--                                    boxHeight = 600.0,
--                                    seedX = 42,
--                                    seedY = 11,
--                                    boundary = Just (rectB (20, 20) 760 560),
--                                    startingCircles =
--                                      [Graphics.OscPacking.Circle
--                                        { position = (400, 300), radius = 10 }] }
--         totalcircles = 1500
--         interpretation = cycling 0.05 200
-- @
example1 :: IO()
example1 =
  do putStrLn "Packing. Please be patient."
     displayWindow (800, 600) black $
       buildPicture interpretation packing totalcircles
  where packing = defaultPacking { boxWidth = 800.0,
                                   boxHeight = 600.0,
                                   seedX = 42,
                                   seedY = 11,
                                   boundary = Just (rectB (20, 20) 760 560),
                                   startingCircles =
                                       { position = (400, 300), radius = 10 }] }
        totalcircles = 1500
        interpretation = cycling 0.05 200

-- |Packs a circle with circles.
-- @
-- example2 :: IO()
-- example2 =
--   do putStrLn \"Packing. Please be patient.\"
--      displayWindow (800, 600) black $
--        buildPicture interpretation packing totalcircles
--   where packing = defaultPacking { boxWidth = 600.0,
--                                    boxHeight = 600.0,
--                                    seedX = 331,
--                                    seedY = 2010,
--                                    boundary = Just (circleB
--                                                     (600.0 \/ 2, 600.0 \/ 2) 250),
--                                    startingCircles =
--                                      [Graphics.OscPacking.Circle
--                                        { position = (300, 300), radius = 10 }] }
--         totalcircles = 1500
--         interpretation = colorful 270
-- @
example2 :: IO()
example2 =
  do putStrLn "Packing. Please be patient."
     displayWindow (800, 600) black $
       buildPicture interpretation packing totalcircles
  where packing = defaultPacking { boxWidth = 600.0,
                                   boxHeight = 600.0,
                                   seedX = 331,
                                   seedY = 2010,
                                   boundary = Just (circleB
                                                    (600.0 / 2, 600.0 / 2) 250),
                                   startingCircles =
                                       { position = (300, 300), radius = 10 }] }
        totalcircles = 1500
        interpretation = colorful 270