-- | -- Module : Properties.ShortByteString -- Copyright : (c) Andrew Lelechenko 2021 -- License : BSD-style {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-} -- We are happy to sacrifice optimizations in exchange for faster compilation, -- but need to test rewrite rules. As one can check using -ddump-rule-firings, -- rewrite rules do not fire in -O0 mode, so we use -O1, but disable almost all -- optimizations. It roughly halves compilation time. {-# OPTIONS_GHC -O1 -fenable-rewrite-rules -fmax-simplifier-iterations=1 -fsimplifier-phases=0 -fno-call-arity -fno-case-merge -fno-cmm-elim-common-blocks -fno-cmm-sink -fno-cpr-anal -fno-cse -fno-do-eta-reduction -fno-float-in -fno-full-laziness -fno-loopification -fno-specialise -fno-strictness -Wno-unused-imports -Wno-unused-top-binds #-} #ifdef OSWORD module Properties.OsString (tests) where import System.OsString.Internal.Types (OsString(..), OsChar(..), getOsChar) import qualified System.OsString as B import qualified System.OsString as BS import qualified System.OsString.Data.ByteString.Short.Internal as BSI (_nul, isSpace) #else #ifdef WORD16 #ifdef WIN module Properties.WindowsString (tests) where import qualified System.OsString.Windows as B import qualified System.OsString.Windows as BS #else module Properties.ShortByteString.Word16 (tests) where import System.OsString.Data.ByteString.Short.Internal (_nul, isSpace) import qualified System.OsString.Data.ByteString.Short.Word16 as B import qualified System.OsString.Data.ByteString.Short as BS #endif #else #ifdef POSIX module Properties.PosixString (tests) where import qualified System.OsString.Posix as B import qualified System.OsString.Posix as BS #else module Properties.ShortByteString (tests) where import qualified System.OsString.Data.ByteString.Short as B #endif #endif #endif import Data.ByteString.Short (ShortByteString) import qualified Data.Char as C import qualified System.OsString.Data.ByteString.Short.Word16 as B16 import qualified System.OsString.Data.ByteString.Short as B8 import Data.Word import Control.Arrow import Data.Foldable import Data.List as L import Data.Semigroup import Data.Tuple import Test.QuickCheck import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic ( monadicIO, run ) import Text.Show.Functions () import System.OsString.Internal.Types (WindowsString(..), WindowsChar(..), getWindowsChar, PosixChar(..), PosixString(..), getPosixChar, OsString(..), OsChar(..), getOsChar) import qualified System.OsString.Posix as PBS import qualified System.OsString.Windows as WBS import qualified System.OsString as OBS import qualified System.OsString.Data.ByteString.Short.Internal as BSI (_nul, isSpace) instance Arbitrary PosixString where arbitrary = do bs <- sized sizedByteString' n <- choose (0, 2) return (PBS.drop n bs) -- to give us some with non-0 offset where sizedByteString' :: Int -> Gen PosixString sizedByteString' n = do m <- choose(0, n) fmap (PosixString . B8.pack) $ vectorOf m arbitrary instance Arbitrary PosixChar where arbitrary = fmap PosixChar (arbitrary @Word8) instance CoArbitrary PosixChar where coarbitrary s = coarbitrary (PBS.toChar s) instance CoArbitrary PosixString where coarbitrary s = coarbitrary (PBS.unpack s) deriving instance Num PosixChar deriving instance Bounded PosixChar instance Arbitrary WindowsString where arbitrary = do bs <- sized sizedByteString' n <- choose (0, 2) return (WBS.drop n bs) -- to give us some with non-0 offset where sizedByteString' :: Int -> Gen WindowsString sizedByteString' n = do m <- choose(0, n) fmap (WindowsString . B16.pack) $ vectorOf m arbitrary instance Arbitrary WindowsChar where arbitrary = fmap WindowsChar (arbitrary @Word16) instance CoArbitrary WindowsChar where coarbitrary s = coarbitrary (WBS.toChar s) instance CoArbitrary WindowsString where coarbitrary s = coarbitrary (WBS.unpack s) deriving instance Num WindowsChar deriving instance Bounded WindowsChar isSpaceWin :: WindowsChar -> Bool isSpaceWin = BSI.isSpace . getWindowsChar numWordWin :: WindowsString -> Int numWordWin = B16.numWord16 . getWindowsString swapWWin :: WindowsChar -> WindowsChar swapWWin = WindowsChar . byteSwap16 . getWindowsChar isSpacePosix :: PosixChar -> Bool isSpacePosix = C.isSpace . word8ToChar . getPosixChar numWordPosix :: PosixString -> Int numWordPosix = B8.length . getPosixString swapWPosix :: PosixChar -> PosixChar swapWPosix = id #ifdef OSWORD isSpace :: OsChar -> Bool #if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) || defined(__MINGW32__) isSpace = isSpaceWin . getOsChar #else isSpace = isSpacePosix . getOsChar #endif numWord :: OsString -> Int #if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) || defined(__MINGW32__) numWord = numWordWin . getOsString #else numWord = numWordPosix . getOsString #endif toElem :: OsChar -> OsChar toElem = id swapW :: OsChar -> OsChar #if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) || defined(__MINGW32__) swapW = OsChar . swapWWin . getOsChar #else swapW = OsChar . swapWPosix . getOsChar #endif instance Arbitrary OsString where arbitrary = OsString <$> arbitrary instance Arbitrary OsChar where arbitrary = OsChar <$> arbitrary instance CoArbitrary OsChar where coarbitrary s = coarbitrary (OBS.toChar s) instance CoArbitrary OsString where coarbitrary s = coarbitrary (OBS.unpack s) deriving instance Num OsChar deriving instance Bounded OsChar instance Arbitrary ShortByteString where #if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) || defined(__MINGW32__) arbitrary = getWindowsString <$> arbitrary #else arbitrary = getPosixString <$> arbitrary #endif #else #ifdef WORD16 instance Arbitrary ShortByteString where arbitrary = do bs <- sized sizedByteString n <- choose (0, 2) return (B16.drop n bs) -- to give us some with non-0 offset where sizedByteString :: Int -> Gen ShortByteString sizedByteString n = do m <- choose(0, n) fmap B16.pack $ vectorOf m arbitrary instance CoArbitrary ShortByteString where coarbitrary s = coarbitrary (B16.unpack s) #ifdef WIN isSpace :: WindowsChar -> Bool isSpace = isSpaceWin numWord :: WindowsString -> Int numWord = numWordWin toElem :: WindowsChar -> WindowsChar toElem = id swapW :: WindowsChar -> WindowsChar swapW = swapWWin #else numWord :: ShortByteString -> Int numWord = B.numWord16 toElem :: Word16 -> Word16 toElem = id swapW :: Word16 -> Word16 swapW = byteSwap16 #endif #else #ifdef POSIX isSpace :: PosixChar -> Bool isSpace = isSpacePosix numWord :: PosixString -> Int numWord = numWordPosix toElem :: PosixChar -> PosixChar toElem = id swapW :: PosixChar -> PosixChar swapW = swapWPosix #else _nul :: Word8 _nul = 0x00 isSpace :: Word8 -> Bool isSpace = C.isSpace . word8ToChar numWord :: ShortByteString -> Int numWord = B8.length toElem :: Word8 -> Word8 toElem = id swapW :: Word8 -> Word8 swapW = id #endif instance Arbitrary ShortByteString where arbitrary = do bs <- sized sizedByteString' n <- choose (0, 2) return (B8.drop n bs) -- to give us some with non-0 offset where sizedByteString' :: Int -> Gen ShortByteString sizedByteString' n = do m <- choose(0, n) fmap B8.pack $ vectorOf m arbitrary shrink = map B8.pack . shrink . B8.unpack instance CoArbitrary ShortByteString where coarbitrary s = coarbitrary (B8.unpack s) #endif #endif tests :: [(String, Property)] tests = [ ("pack . unpack", property $ \x -> x === B.pack (B.unpack x)) , ("unpack . pack" , property $ \(map toElem -> xs) -> xs === B.unpack (B.pack xs)) , ("read . show" , property $ \x -> (x :: ShortByteString) === read (show x)) , ("==" , property $ \x y -> (x == y) === (B.unpack x == B.unpack y)) , ("== refl" , property $ \x -> (x :: ShortByteString) == x) , ("== symm", property $ \x y -> ((x :: ShortByteString) == y) === (y == x)) , ("== pack unpack", property $ \x -> x == B.pack (B.unpack x)) , ("compare", property $ \x y -> compare x y === compare (swapW <$> B.unpack x) (swapW <$> B.unpack y)) , ("compare EQ", property $ \x -> compare (x :: ShortByteString) x == EQ) , ("compare GT", property $ \x (toElem -> c) -> compare (B.snoc x c) x == GT) , ("compare LT", property $ \x (toElem -> c) -> compare x (B.snoc x c) == LT) , ("compare GT empty", property $ \x -> not (B.null x) ==> compare x B.empty == GT) , ("compare LT empty", property $ \x -> not (B.null x) ==> compare B.empty x == LT) , ("compare GT concat", property $ \x y -> not (B.null y) ==> compare (x `mappend` y) x == GT) , ("compare char" , property $ \(toElem -> c) (toElem -> d) -> compare (swapW c) (swapW d) == compare (B.singleton c) (B.singleton d)) , ("compare unsigned", once $ compare (B.singleton 255) (B.singleton 127) == GT) , ("null" , property $ \x -> B.null x === null (B.unpack x)) , ("empty 0" , once $ numWord B.empty === 0) , ("empty []", once $ B.unpack B.empty === []) , ("mempty 0", once $ numWord mempty === 0) , ("mempty []", once $ B.unpack mempty === []) #ifdef WORD16 #ifdef WIN , ("isInfixOf works correctly under UTF16", once $ let foo = WindowsString $ B8.pack [0xbb, 0x03] foo' = WindowsString $ B8.pack [0xd2, 0xbb] bar = WindowsString $ B8.pack [0xd2, 0xbb, 0x03, 0xad] bar' = WindowsString $ B8.pack [0xd2, 0xbb, 0x03, 0xad, 0xd2, 0xbb, 0x03, 0xad, 0xbb, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00] in [B.isInfixOf foo bar, B.isInfixOf foo' bar, B.isInfixOf foo bar'] === [False, True, True] ) #else , ("isInfixOf works correctly under UTF16", once $ let foo = BS.pack [0xbb, 0x03] foo' = BS.pack [0xd2, 0xbb] bar = BS.pack [0xd2, 0xbb, 0x03, 0xad] bar' = BS.pack [0xd2, 0xbb, 0x03, 0xad, 0xd2, 0xbb, 0x03, 0xad, 0xbb, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00] in [B.isInfixOf foo bar, B.isInfixOf foo' bar, B.isInfixOf foo bar'] === [False, True, True] ) #endif #endif , ("break breakSubstring", property $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.break (== c) x === B.breakSubstring (B.singleton c) x ) , ("breakSubstring", property $ \x y -> not (B.null x) ==> B.null (snd (B.breakSubstring x y)) === not (B.isInfixOf x y) ) , ("breakSubstring empty", property $ \x -> B.breakSubstring B.empty x === (B.empty, x) ) , ("isInfixOf", property $ \x y -> B.isInfixOf x y === L.isInfixOf (B.unpack x) (B.unpack y)) , ("mconcat" , property $ \xs -> B.unpack (mconcat xs) === mconcat (map B.unpack xs)) , ("mconcat [x,x]" , property $ \x -> B.unpack (mconcat [x, x]) === mconcat [B.unpack x, B.unpack x]) , ("mconcat [x,[]]" , property $ \x -> B.unpack (mconcat [x, B.empty]) === mconcat [B.unpack x, []]) , ("null" , property $ \x -> B.null x === null (B.unpack x)) , ("reverse" , property $ \x -> B.unpack (B.reverse x) === reverse (B.unpack x)) , ("all" , property $ \f x -> B.all f x === all f (B.unpack x)) , ("all ==" , property $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.all (== c) x === all (== c) (B.unpack x)) , ("any" , property $ \f x -> B.any f x === any f (B.unpack x)) , ("any ==" , property $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.any (== c) x === any (== c) (B.unpack x)) , ("mappend" , property $ \x y -> B.unpack (mappend x y) === B.unpack x `mappend` B.unpack y) , ("<>" , property $ \x y -> B.unpack (x `mappend` y) === B.unpack x `mappend` B.unpack y) , ("stimes" , property $ \(Positive n) x -> stimes (n :: Int) (x :: ShortByteString) === mtimesDefault n x) , ("break" , property $ \f x -> (B.unpack *** B.unpack) (B.break f x) === break f (B.unpack x)) , ("break ==" , property $ \(toElem -> c) x -> (B.unpack *** B.unpack) (B.break (== c) x) === break (== c) (B.unpack x)) , ("break /=" , property $ \(toElem -> c) x -> (B.unpack *** B.unpack) (B.break (/= c) x) === break (/= c) (B.unpack x)) , ("break span" , property $ \f x -> B.break f x === B.span (not . f) x) , ("breakEnd" , property $ \f x -> B.breakEnd f x === swap ((B.reverse *** B.reverse) (B.break f (B.reverse x)))) , ("breakEnd" , property $ \f x -> B.breakEnd f x === B.spanEnd (not . f) x) , ("break isSpace" , property $ \x -> (B.unpack *** B.unpack) (B.break isSpace x) === break isSpace (B.unpack x)) , ("singleton" , property $ \(toElem -> c) -> B.unpack (B.singleton c) === [c]) , ("cons" , property $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.unpack (B.cons c x) === c : B.unpack x) , ("cons []" , property $ \(toElem -> c) -> B.unpack (B.cons c B.empty) === [c]) , ("uncons" , property $ \x -> fmap (second B.unpack) (B.uncons x) === L.uncons (B.unpack x)) , ("snoc" , property $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.unpack (B.snoc x c) === B.unpack x ++ [c]) , ("snoc []" , property $ \(toElem -> c) -> B.unpack (B.snoc B.empty c) === [c]) , ("unsnoc" , property $ \x -> fmap (first B.unpack) (B.unsnoc x) === unsnoc (B.unpack x)) , ("drop" , property $ \n x -> B.unpack (B.drop n x) === drop (fromIntegral n) (B.unpack x)) , ("drop 10" , property $ \x -> B.unpack (B.drop 10 x) === drop 10 (B.unpack x)) , ("dropWhile" , property $ \f x -> B.unpack (B.dropWhile f x) === dropWhile f (B.unpack x)) , ("dropWhile ==" , property $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.unpack (B.dropWhile (== c) x) === dropWhile (== c) (B.unpack x)) , ("dropWhile /=" , property $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.unpack (B.dropWhile (/= c) x) === dropWhile (/= c) (B.unpack x)) , ("dropWhile isSpace" , property $ \x -> B.unpack (B.dropWhile isSpace x) === dropWhile isSpace (B.unpack x)) , ("take" , property $ \n x -> B.unpack (B.take n x) === take (fromIntegral n) (B.unpack x)) , ("take 10" , property $ \x -> B.unpack (B.take 10 x) === take 10 (B.unpack x)) , ("takeWhile" , property $ \f x -> B.unpack (B.takeWhile f x) === takeWhile f (B.unpack x)) , ("takeWhile ==" , property $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.unpack (B.takeWhile (== c) x) === takeWhile (== c) (B.unpack x)) , ("takeWhile /=" , property $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.unpack (B.takeWhile (/= c) x) === takeWhile (/= c) (B.unpack x)) , ("takeWhile isSpace" , property $ \x -> B.unpack (B.takeWhile isSpace x) === takeWhile isSpace (B.unpack x)) , ("dropEnd" , property $ \n x -> B.dropEnd n x === B.take (numWord x - n) x) , ("dropWhileEnd" , property $ \f x -> B.dropWhileEnd f x === B.reverse (B.dropWhile f (B.reverse x))) , ("takeEnd" , property $ \n x -> B.takeEnd n x === B.drop (numWord x - n) x) , ("takeWhileEnd" , property $ \f x -> B.takeWhileEnd f x === B.reverse (B.takeWhile f (B.reverse x))) , ("length" , property $ \x -> numWord x === fromIntegral (length (B.unpack x))) , ("count" , property $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.count c x === fromIntegral (length (elemIndices c (B.unpack x)))) , ("filter" , property $ \f x -> B.unpack (B.filter f x) === filter f (B.unpack x)) , ("filter compose" , property $ \f g x -> B.filter f (B.filter g x) === B.filter (\c -> f c && g c) x) , ("filter ==" , property $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.unpack (B.filter (== c) x) === filter (== c) (B.unpack x)) , ("filter /=" , property $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.unpack (B.filter (/= c) x) === filter (/= c) (B.unpack x)) , ("partition" , property $ \f x -> (B.unpack *** B.unpack) (B.partition f x) === partition f (B.unpack x)) , ("find" , property $ \f x -> B.find f x === find f (B.unpack x)) , ("findIndex" , property $ \f x -> B.findIndex f x === fmap fromIntegral (findIndex f (B.unpack x))) , ("findIndices" , property $ \f x -> B.findIndices f x === fmap fromIntegral (findIndices f (B.unpack x))) , ("findIndices ==" , property $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.findIndices (== c) x === fmap fromIntegral (findIndices (== c) (B.unpack x))) , ("elem" , property $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.elem c x === elem c (B.unpack x)) , ("not elem" , property $ \(toElem -> c) x -> not (B.elem c x) === notElem c (B.unpack x)) , ("elemIndex" , property $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.elemIndex c x === fmap fromIntegral (elemIndex c (B.unpack x))) , ("elemIndices" , property $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.elemIndices c x === fmap fromIntegral (elemIndices c (B.unpack x))) , ("map" , property $ \f x -> B.unpack (B.map (toElem . f) x) === map (toElem . f) (B.unpack x)) , ("map compose" , property $ \f g x -> B.map (toElem . f) (B.map (toElem . g) x) === B.map (toElem . f . toElem . g) x) , ("replicate" , property $ \n (toElem -> c) -> B.unpack (B.replicate (fromIntegral n) c) === replicate n c) , ("replicate 0" , property $ \(toElem -> c) -> B.unpack (B.replicate 0 c) === replicate 0 c) , ("span" , property $ \f x -> (B.unpack *** B.unpack) (B.span f x) === span f (B.unpack x)) , ("span ==" , property $ \(toElem -> c) x -> (B.unpack *** B.unpack) (B.span (== c) x) === span (== c) (B.unpack x)) , ("span /=" , property $ \(toElem -> c) x -> (B.unpack *** B.unpack) (B.span (/= c) x) === span (/= c) (B.unpack x)) , ("spanEnd" , property $ \f x -> B.spanEnd f x === swap ((B.reverse *** B.reverse) (B.span f (B.reverse x)))) , ("split" , property $ \(toElem -> c) x -> map B.unpack (B.split c x) === split c (B.unpack x)) , ("split empty" , property $ \(toElem -> c) -> B.split c B.empty === []) , ("splitWith" , property $ \f x -> map B.unpack (B.splitWith f x) === splitWith f (B.unpack x)) , ("splitWith split" , property $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.splitWith (== c) x === B.split c x) , ("splitWith empty" , property $ \f -> B.splitWith f B.empty === []) , ("splitWith length" , property $ \f x -> let splits = B.splitWith f x; l1 = fromIntegral (length splits); l2 = numWord (B.filter f x) in (l1 == l2 || l1 == l2 + 1) && sum (map numWord splits) + l2 == numWord x) , ("splitAt" , property $ \n x -> (B.unpack *** B.unpack) (B.splitAt n x) === splitAt (fromIntegral n) (B.unpack x)) , ("head" , property $ \x -> not (B.null x) ==> B.head x == head (B.unpack x)) , ("last" , property $ \x -> not (B.null x) ==> B.last x == last (B.unpack x)) , ("tail" , property $ \x -> not (B.null x) ==> B.unpack (B.tail x) == tail (B.unpack x)) , ("tail length" , property $ \x -> not (B.null x) ==> numWord x == 1 + numWord (B.tail x)) , ("init" , property $ \x -> not (B.null x) ==> B.unpack (B.init x) == init (B.unpack x)) , ("init length" , property $ \x -> not (B.null x) ==> numWord x == 1 + numWord (B.init x)) , ("foldl" , property $ \f (toElem -> c) x -> B.foldl ((toElem .) . f) c x === foldl ((toElem .) . f) c (B.unpack x)) , ("foldl'" , property $ \f (toElem -> c) x -> B.foldl' ((toElem .) . f) c x === foldl' ((toElem .) . f) c (B.unpack x)) , ("foldr" , property $ \f (toElem -> c) x -> B.foldr ((toElem .) . f) c x === foldr ((toElem .) . f) c (B.unpack x)) , ("foldr'" , property $ \f (toElem -> c) x -> B.foldr' ((toElem .) . f) c x === foldr' ((toElem .) . f) c (B.unpack x)) , ("foldl cons" , property $ \x -> B.foldl (flip B.cons) B.empty x === B.reverse x) , ("foldr cons" , property $ \x -> B.foldr B.cons B.empty x === x) , ("foldl special" , property $ \x (toElem -> c) -> B.unpack (B.foldl (\acc t -> if t == c then acc else B.cons t acc) B.empty x) === foldl (\acc t -> if t == c then acc else t : acc) [] (B.unpack x)) , ("foldr special" , property $ \x (toElem -> c) -> B.unpack (B.foldr (\t acc -> if t == c then acc else B.cons t acc) B.empty x) === foldr (\t acc -> if t == c then acc else t : acc) [] (B.unpack x)) , ("foldl1" , property $ \f x -> not (B.null x) ==> B.foldl1 ((toElem .) . f) x == foldl1 ((toElem .) . f) (B.unpack x)) , ("foldl1'" , property $ \f x -> not (B.null x) ==> B.foldl1' ((toElem .) . f) x == foldl1' ((toElem .) . f) (B.unpack x)) , ("foldr1" , property $ \f x -> not (B.null x) ==> B.foldr1 ((toElem .) . f) x == foldr1 ((toElem .) . f) (B.unpack x)) , ("foldr1'", -- there is not Data.List.foldr1' property $ \f x -> not (B.null x) ==> B.foldr1' ((toElem .) . f) x == foldr1 ((toElem .) . f) (B.unpack x)) , ("foldl1 const" , property $ \x -> not (B.null x) ==> B.foldl1 const x == B.head x) , ("foldl1 flip const" , property $ \x -> not (B.null x) ==> B.foldl1 (flip const) x == B.last x) , ("foldr1 const" , property $ \x -> not (B.null x) ==> B.foldr1 const x == B.head x) , ("foldr1 flip const" , property $ \x -> not (B.null x) ==> B.foldr1 (flip const) x == B.last x) , ("foldl1 max" , property $ \x -> not (B.null x) ==> B.foldl1 max x == B.foldl max minBound x) , ("foldr1 max" , property $ \x -> not (B.null x) ==> B.foldr1 max x == B.foldr max minBound x) , ("index" , property $ \(NonNegative n) x -> fromIntegral n < numWord x ==> B.index x (fromIntegral n) == B.unpack x !! n) , ("indexMaybe" , property $ \(NonNegative n) x -> fromIntegral n < numWord x ==> B.indexMaybe x (fromIntegral n) == Just (B.unpack x !! n)) , ("indexMaybe Nothing" , property $ \n x -> (n :: Int) < 0 || fromIntegral n >= numWord x ==> B.indexMaybe x (fromIntegral n) == Nothing) , ("!?" , property $ \n x -> B.indexMaybe x (fromIntegral (n :: Int)) === x B.!? (fromIntegral n)) , ("unfoldrN" , property $ \n f (toElem -> c) -> B.unpack (fst (B.unfoldrN n (fmap (first toElem) . f) c)) === take (fromIntegral n) (unfoldr (fmap (first toElem) . f) c)) , ("unfoldrN replicate" , property $ \n (toElem -> c) -> fst (B.unfoldrN n (\t -> Just (t, t)) c) === B.replicate n c) , ("unfoldr" , property $ \n a (toElem -> c) -> B.unpack (B.unfoldr (\x -> if x <= 100 * n then Just (c, x + 1 :: Int) else Nothing) a) === unfoldr (\x -> if x <= 100 * n then Just (c, x + 1) else Nothing) a) --, ("unfoldr" , -- property $ \n f (toElem -> a) -> B.unpack (B.take (fromIntegral n) (B.unfoldr (fmap (first toElem) . f) a)) === -- take n (unfoldr (fmap (first toElem) . f) a)) -- #if defined(WORD16) && !defined(WIN) && !defined(OSWORD) && !defined(POSIX) , ("useAsCWString str packCWString == str" , property $ \x -> not (B.any (== _nul) x) ==> monadicIO $ run (B.useAsCWString x B.packCWString >>= \x' -> pure (x == x'))) , ("useAsCWStringLen str packCWStringLen == str" , property $ \x -> not (B.any (== _nul) x) ==> monadicIO $ run (B.useAsCWStringLen x B.packCWStringLen >>= \x' -> pure (x == x'))) #endif #if !defined(WORD16) && !defined(WIN) && !defined(OSWORD) && !defined(POSIX) , ("useAsCString str packCString == str" , property $ \x -> not (B.any (== _nul) x) ==> monadicIO $ run (B.useAsCString x B.packCString >>= \x' -> pure (x == x'))) , ("useAsCStringLen str packCStringLen == str" , property $ \x -> not (B.any (== _nul) x) ==> monadicIO $ run (B.useAsCStringLen x B.packCStringLen >>= \x' -> pure (x == x'))) #endif ] split :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [[a]] split c = splitWith (== c) splitWith :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]] splitWith _ [] = [] splitWith f ys = go [] ys where go acc [] = [reverse acc] go acc (x : xs) | f x = reverse acc : go [] xs | otherwise = go (x : acc) xs #if !MIN_VERSION_base(4, 19, 0) unsnoc :: [a] -> Maybe ([a], a) unsnoc [] = Nothing unsnoc xs = Just (init xs, last xs) #endif -- | Total conversion to char. word8ToChar :: Word8 -> Char word8ToChar = C.chr . fromIntegral