module Test.SqlMarshaller ( sqlMarshallerTests ) where import qualified Control.Monad.IO.Class as MIO import qualified Data.Bifunctor as Bifunctor import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8 import qualified Data.Either as Either import qualified Data.Int as Int import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.String as String import qualified Data.Text as T import Hedgehog ((===)) import qualified Hedgehog as HH import qualified Hedgehog.Gen as Gen import qualified Hedgehog.Range as Range import qualified Orville.PostgreSQL.ErrorDetailLevel as ErrorDetailLevel import qualified Orville.PostgreSQL.Execution.ExecutionResult as Result import qualified Orville.PostgreSQL.Marshall as Marshall import qualified Orville.PostgreSQL.Raw.SqlValue as SqlValue import Test.Expr.TestSchema (assertEqualSqlRows) import qualified Test.PgGen as PgGen import qualified Test.Property as Property sqlMarshallerTests :: Property.Group sqlMarshallerTests = "SqlMarshaller" [ property_returnPureValue , property_combineWithApplicative , property_marshellField_readSingleField , prop_marshallField_missingColumn , prop_marshallField_decodeValueFailure , prop_marshallResultFromSql_Foo , prop_marshallResultFromSql_Bar , prop_foldMarshallerFields , prop_passMaybeThrough , prop_partialMap ] property_returnPureValue :: Property.NamedProperty property_returnPureValue = Property.namedProperty "Can read a pure Int via SqlMarshaller" $ do someInt <- HH.forAll generateInt result <- marshallTestRowFromSql (pure someInt) (Result.mkFakeLibPQResult [] [[]]) Bifunctor.first show result === Right [someInt] property_combineWithApplicative :: Property.NamedProperty property_combineWithApplicative = Property.namedProperty "Can combine SqlMarshallers with <*>" $ do firstInt <- HH.forAll generateInt secondInt <- HH.forAll generateInt result <- marshallTestRowFromSql ((pure (+ firstInt)) <*> (pure secondInt)) (Result.mkFakeLibPQResult [] [[]]) Bifunctor.first show result === Right [firstInt + secondInt] property_marshellField_readSingleField :: Property.NamedProperty property_marshellField_readSingleField = Property.namedProperty "Read a single field from a result row using marshallField" $ do targetName <- HH.forAll generateName targetValue <- HH.forAll generateInt32 namesBefore <- HH.forAll (generateNamesOtherThan targetName) namesAfter <- HH.forAll (generateNamesOtherThan targetName) valuesBefore <- HH.forAll (generateAssociatedValues namesBefore generateInt32) valuesAfter <- HH.forAll (generateAssociatedValues namesAfter generateInt32) let fieldDef = Marshall.integerField targetName marshaller = Marshall.marshallField id fieldDef input = Result.mkFakeLibPQResult (map B8.pack (namesBefore ++ (targetName : namesAfter))) [map SqlValue.fromInt32 (valuesBefore ++ (targetValue : valuesAfter))] result <- marshallTestRowFromSql marshaller input Bifunctor.first show result === Right [targetValue] prop_marshallField_missingColumn :: Property.NamedProperty prop_marshallField_missingColumn = Property.namedProperty "marshallField fails gracefully when decoding a non-existent column" $ do targetName <- HH.forAll generateName otherNames <- HH.forAll (generateNamesOtherThan targetName) otherValues <- HH.forAll (generateAssociatedValues otherNames generateInt32) let fieldDef = Marshall.integerField targetName marshaller = Marshall.marshallField id fieldDef input = Result.mkFakeLibPQResult (map B8.pack otherNames) [map SqlValue.fromInt32 otherValues] expectedError = Marshall.MarshallError { Marshall.marshallErrorDetailLevel = ErrorDetailLevel.maximalErrorDetailLevel , Marshall.marshallErrorRowIdentifier = mempty , Marshall.marshallErrorDetails = Marshall.MissingColumnError $ Marshall.MissingColumnErrorDetails { Marshall.missingColumnName = B8.pack targetName , Marshall.actualColumnNames = Set.fromList $ fmap B8.pack otherNames } } result <- marshallTestRowFromSql marshaller input -- Use show on the error here so MarshallError and friends don't -- need an Eq instance Bifunctor.first show result === Left (show expectedError) prop_marshallField_decodeValueFailure :: Property.NamedProperty prop_marshallField_decodeValueFailure = Property.namedProperty "marshallField fails gracefully when failing to decode a value" $ do targetName <- HH.forAll generateName nonIntegerText <- HH.forAll (Gen.text (Range.linear 0 10) Gen.alpha) let fieldDef = Marshall.integerField targetName marshaller = Marshall.marshallField id fieldDef input = Result.mkFakeLibPQResult [B8.pack targetName] [[SqlValue.fromText nonIntegerText]] result <- marshallTestRowFromSql marshaller input case result of Right n -> do HH.annotateShow n HH.footnote "Expected decoding failure, but got success" HH.failure Left rowDecodeErr -> case Marshall.marshallErrorDetails rowDecodeErr of Marshall.DecodingError details -> map fst (Marshall.decodingErrorValues details) === [B8.pack targetName] err -> do HH.annotate $ Marshall.renderMarshallErrorDetails ErrorDetailLevel.maximalErrorDetailLevel err HH.footnote "Expected DecodingError error, but got another error instead." HH.failure prop_marshallResultFromSql_Foo :: Property.NamedProperty prop_marshallResultFromSql_Foo = Property.namedProperty "marshallResultFromSql decodes all rows in Foo result set" $ do foos <- HH.forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 10) generateFoo let mkRowValues foo = [ SqlValue.fromText (fooName foo) , SqlValue.fromInt32 (fooSize foo) , maybe SqlValue.sqlNull SqlValue.fromBool (fooOption foo) ] input = Result.mkFakeLibPQResult [B8.pack "name", B8.pack "size", B8.pack "option"] (map mkRowValues foos) result <- marshallTestRowFromSql fooMarshaller input Bifunctor.first show result === Right foos prop_marshallResultFromSql_Bar :: Property.NamedProperty prop_marshallResultFromSql_Bar = Property.namedProperty "marshallResultFromSql decodes all rows in Bar result set" $ do bars <- HH.forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 10) generateBar let mkRowValues bar = [ SqlValue.fromDouble (barNumber bar) , maybe SqlValue.sqlNull SqlValue.fromText (barComment bar) , maybe SqlValue.sqlNull SqlValue.fromText (barLabel bar) ] input = Result.mkFakeLibPQResult [B8.pack "number", B8.pack "comment", B8.pack "label"] (map mkRowValues bars) result <- marshallTestRowFromSql barMarshaller input Bifunctor.first show result === Right bars prop_foldMarshallerFields :: Property.NamedProperty prop_foldMarshallerFields = Property.namedProperty "foldMarshallerFields collects all fields as their sql values" $ do foo <- HH.forAll generateFoo let addField entry fields = case entry of Marshall.Natural fieldDef (Just getValue) -> (Marshall.fieldName fieldDef, Marshall.fieldValueToSqlValue fieldDef (getValue foo)) : fields Marshall.Natural _ Nothing -> fields Marshall.Synthetic _ -> fields actualFooRow = Marshall.foldMarshallerFields fooMarshaller [] addField expectedFooRow = [ (Marshall.stringToFieldName "name", SqlValue.fromText $ fooName foo) , (Marshall.stringToFieldName "size", SqlValue.fromInt32 $ fooSize foo) , (Marshall.stringToFieldName "option", maybe SqlValue.sqlNull SqlValue.fromBool $ fooOption foo) ] [actualFooRow] `assertEqualSqlRows` [expectedFooRow] prop_passMaybeThrough :: Property.NamedProperty prop_passMaybeThrough = Property.namedProperty "can pass a Maybe through SqlMarshaller" $ do someMaybeBool <- HH.forAll $ Gen.maybe Gen.bool result <- marshallTestRowFromSql (pure someMaybeBool) (Result.mkFakeLibPQResult [] [[]]) Bifunctor.first show result === Right [someMaybeBool] prop_partialMap :: Property.NamedProperty prop_partialMap = Property.namedProperty "can use marshallPartial to fail decoding with in a custom way" $ do texts <- HH.forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 10) (PgGen.pgText (Range.linear 0 10)) let validateText text = if T.length text > 8 then Left "Text too long" else Right text mkRowValues text = [ SqlValue.fromText text ] input = Result.mkFakeLibPQResult [B8.pack "text"] (map mkRowValues texts) marshaller = Marshall.marshallPartial $ validateText <$> Marshall.marshallField id (Marshall.unboundedTextField "text") mkExpected text = case validateText text of Right validText -> Right validText Left message -> Left $ -- Use show here to render the error so that MarshallError -- and friends don't need to have an Eq instance show $ Marshall.MarshallError { Marshall.marshallErrorDetailLevel = ErrorDetailLevel.maximalErrorDetailLevel , Marshall.marshallErrorRowIdentifier = mempty , Marshall.marshallErrorDetails = Marshall.DecodingError $ Marshall.DecodingErrorDetails { Marshall.decodingErrorValues = [(B8.pack "text", SqlValue.fromText text)] , Marshall.decodingErrorMessage = message } } expected = traverse mkExpected texts HH.cover 1 (String.fromString "With no errors") (Either.isRight expected) HH.cover 1 (String.fromString "With at least one error") (Either.isLeft expected) result <- marshallTestRowFromSql marshaller input Bifunctor.first show result === expected data Foo = Foo { fooName :: T.Text , fooSize :: Int.Int32 , fooOption :: Maybe Bool } deriving (Eq, Show) data Bar = Bar { barNumber :: Double , barComment :: Maybe T.Text , barLabel :: Maybe T.Text } deriving (Eq, Show) fooMarshaller :: Marshall.SqlMarshaller Foo Foo fooMarshaller = Foo <$> Marshall.marshallField fooName (Marshall.unboundedTextField "name") <*> Marshall.marshallField fooSize (Marshall.integerField "size") <*> Marshall.marshallField fooOption (Marshall.nullableField $ Marshall.booleanField "option") generateFoo :: HH.Gen Foo generateFoo = Foo <$> PgGen.pgText (Range.linear 0 16) <*> generateInt32 <*> Gen.maybe Gen.bool barMarshaller :: Marshall.SqlMarshaller Bar Bar barMarshaller = Bar <$> Marshall.marshallField barNumber (Marshall.doubleField "number") <*> Marshall.marshallField barComment (Marshall.nullableField $ Marshall.unboundedTextField "comment") <*> Marshall.marshallField barLabel (Marshall.nullableField $ Marshall.boundedTextField "label" 16) generateBar :: HH.Gen Bar generateBar = Bar <$> PgGen.pgDouble <*> Gen.maybe (PgGen.pgText $ Range.linear 0 32) <*> Gen.maybe (PgGen.pgText $ Range.linear 1 16) generateNamesOtherThan :: String -> HH.Gen [String] generateNamesOtherThan specialName = Gen.list (Range.linear 0 10) (generateNameOtherThan specialName) generateAssociatedValues :: [key] -> HH.Gen value -> HH.Gen [value] generateAssociatedValues keys genValue = traverse (const genValue) keys generateInt32 :: HH.Gen Int.Int32 generateInt32 = Gen.int32 (Range.exponentialFrom 0 minBound maxBound) generateNameOtherThan :: String -> HH.Gen String generateNameOtherThan specialName = Gen.filter (/= specialName) generateName generateName :: HH.Gen String generateName = Gen.string (Range.linear 1 256) Gen.alphaNum generateInt :: HH.MonadGen m => m Int generateInt = $ Range.exponential 1 1024 marshallTestRowFromSql :: ( HH.MonadTest m , MIO.MonadIO m , Result.ExecutionResult result ) => Marshall.SqlMarshaller writeEntity readEntity -> result -> m (Either Marshall.MarshallError [readEntity]) marshallTestRowFromSql marshaller input = HH.evalIO $ Marshall.marshallResultFromSqlUsingRowIdExtractor ErrorDetailLevel.maximalErrorDetailLevel (Marshall.mkRowIdentityExtractor [] input) marshaller input