{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {- | Copyright : Flipstone Technology Partners 2023 License : MIT Stability : Stable @since -} module Orville.PostgreSQL.Expr.ValueExpression ( ValueExpression , cast , ParameterName , columnReference , valueExpression , rowValueConstructor , functionCall , functionCallNamedParams ) where import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE import Orville.PostgreSQL.Expr.DataType (DataType) import Orville.PostgreSQL.Expr.Name (ColumnName, FunctionName) import qualified Orville.PostgreSQL.Raw.RawSql as RawSql import Orville.PostgreSQL.Raw.SqlValue (SqlValue) {- | Type to represent an arbitrary value in a SQL expression. This could be a constant value, a column reference or any arbitrary calculated expression. E.G. > (foo + bar) > 20 'ValueExpression' provides a 'RawSql.SqlExpression' instance. See 'RawSql.unsafeSqlExpression' for how to construct a value with your own custom SQL. @since -} newtype ValueExpression = ValueExpression RawSql.RawSql deriving (RawSql.SqlExpression) {- | Performs a SQL type cast to the specified type on the given 'ValueExpression'. E.G. > foo :: integer @since -} cast :: ValueExpression -> DataType -> ValueExpression cast value dataType = ValueExpression $ RawSql.toRawSql value <> RawSql.fromString "::" <> RawSql.toRawSql dataType {- | Uses a 'ColumnName' to reference a column as a 'ValueExpression'. This is the equivalent of simply writing the column name as the expression. E.G. > foo @since -} columnReference :: ColumnName -> ValueExpression columnReference = ValueExpression . RawSql.toRawSql {- | Uses the given 'SqlValue' as a constant expression. The value will be passed as a statement parameter, not as a literal expression, so there is not need to worry about escaping. However, there are a few places (usually in DDL) where PostgreSQL does not support values passed as parameters where this cannot be used. @since -} valueExpression :: SqlValue -> ValueExpression valueExpression = ValueExpression . RawSql.parameter {- | Constructs a PostgreSQL row value expression from the given list of expressions. E.G. > (foo, bar, now()) @since -} rowValueConstructor :: NE.NonEmpty ValueExpression -> ValueExpression rowValueConstructor elements = ValueExpression $ RawSql.leftParen <> RawSql.intercalate RawSql.comma elements <> RawSql.rightParen {- | Constructs a 'ValueExpression' that will call the specified PostgreSQL function with the given arguments passed as position parameters. E.G. > nextval(sequence_name) @since -} functionCall :: FunctionName -> [ValueExpression] -> ValueExpression functionCall functionName parameters = ValueExpression $ RawSql.toRawSql functionName <> RawSql.leftParen <> RawSql.intercalate RawSql.comma parameters <> RawSql.rightParen {- | Type to represent the name of a name parameter in a PostgreSQL function call. E.G. > foo in > some_func(foo => 1) 'ParameterName' provides a 'RawSql.SqlExpression' instance. See 'RawSql.unsafeSqlExpression' for how to construct a value with your own custom SQL. @since -} newtype ParameterName = ParameterName RawSql.RawSql deriving (RawSql.SqlExpression) {- | Constructs a 'ValueExpression' that will call the specified PostgreSQL function with the given arguments passed as named parameters. E.G. > make_interval(years => 1) @since -} functionCallNamedParams :: FunctionName -> [(ParameterName, ValueExpression)] -> ValueExpression functionCallNamedParams functionName parameters = ValueExpression $ RawSql.toRawSql functionName <> RawSql.leftParen <> RawSql.intercalate RawSql.comma (fmap (uncurry namedParameterArgument) parameters) <> RawSql.rightParen {- | Constructs a sql fragment that will pass the given named argument with the specified value. @since -} namedParameterArgument :: ParameterName -> ValueExpression -> RawSql.RawSql namedParameterArgument name value = RawSql.toRawSql name <> RawSql.space <> RawSql.fromString "=>" <> RawSql.space <> RawSql.toRawSql value