-- | An 'OMap' behaves much like a 'Map', with all the same asymptotics, but
-- also remembers the order that keys were inserted.
module Data.Map.Ordered
	( OMap
	-- * Trivial maps
	, empty, singleton
	-- * Insertion
	-- | Conventions:
	-- * The open side of an angle bracket points to an 'OMap'
	-- * The pipe appears on the side whose indices take precedence if both sides contain the same key
	-- * The left argument's indices are lower than the right argument's indices
	-- * If both sides contain the same key, the tuple's value wins
	, (<|), (|<), (>|), (|>)
	-- * Deletion
	, delete, filter, (\\)
	-- * Query
	, null, size, member, notMember, lookup
	-- * Indexing
	, Index, findIndex, elemAt
	-- * List conversions
	, fromList, assocs, toAscList
	) where

import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Monad (guard)
import Data.Foldable (Foldable(foldl', foldMap))
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Map.Util (Index, Tag, maxTag, minTag, nextHigherTag, nextLowerTag, readsPrecList, showsPrecList)
import Prelude hiding (filter, lookup, null)
import qualified Data.Map as M

data OMap k v = OMap !(Map k (Tag, v)) !(Map Tag (k, v))

-- | Values are produced in insertion order, not key order.
instance Foldable (OMap k) where foldMap f (OMap _ kvs) = foldMap (f . snd) kvs
instance (       Eq   k, Eq   v) => Eq   (OMap k v) where (==)    = (==)    `on` assocs
instance (       Ord  k, Ord  v) => Ord  (OMap k v) where compare = compare `on` assocs
instance (       Show k, Show v) => Show (OMap k v) where showsPrec = showsPrecList assocs
instance (Ord k, Read k, Read v) => Read (OMap k v) where readsPrec = readsPrecList fromList

infixr 5 <|, |< -- copy :
infixl 5 >|, |>

(<|) , (|<) :: Ord k => (,)  k v -> OMap k v -> OMap k v
(>|) , (|>) :: Ord k => OMap k v -> (,)  k v -> OMap k v

(k, v) <| OMap tvs kvs = OMap (M.insert k (t, v) tvs) (M.insert t (k, v) kvs) where
	t = maybe (nextLowerTag kvs) fst (M.lookup k tvs)

(k, v) |< o = OMap (M.insert k (t, v) tvs) (M.insert t (k, v) kvs) where
	t = nextLowerTag kvs
	OMap tvs kvs = delete k o

o >| (k, v) = OMap (M.insert k (t, v) tvs) (M.insert t (k, v) kvs) where
	t = nextHigherTag kvs
	OMap tvs kvs = delete k o

OMap tvs kvs |> (k, v) = OMap (M.insert k (t, v) tvs) (M.insert t (k, v) kvs) where
	t = maybe (nextHigherTag kvs) fst (M.lookup k tvs)

-- | @m \\\\ n@ deletes all the keys that exist in @n@ from @m@
(\\) :: Ord k => OMap k v -> OMap k v' -> OMap k v
o@(OMap tvs kvs) \\ o'@(OMap tvs' kvs') = if size o < size o'
	then filter (const . (`notMember` o')) o
	else foldr delete o (fst <$> assocs o')

empty :: OMap k v
empty = OMap M.empty M.empty

singleton :: (k, v) -> OMap k v
singleton kv@(k, v) = OMap (M.singleton k (0, v)) (M.singleton 0 kv)

-- | If a key appears multiple times, the first occurrence is used for ordering
-- and the last occurrence is used for its value. The library author welcomes
-- comments on whether this default is sane.
fromList :: Ord k => [(k, v)] -> OMap k v
fromList = foldl' (|>) empty

null :: OMap k v -> Bool
null (OMap tvs _) = M.null tvs

size :: OMap k v -> Int
size (OMap tvs _) = M.size tvs

member, notMember :: Ord k => k -> OMap k v -> Bool
member    k (OMap tvs _) = M.member    k tvs
notMember k (OMap tvs _) = M.notMember k tvs

lookup :: Ord k => k -> OMap k v -> Maybe v
lookup k (OMap tvs _) = snd <$> M.lookup k tvs

-- | @filter f m@ contains exactly the key-value pairs of @m@ that satisfy @f@,
-- without changing the order they appear
filter :: (k -> v -> Bool) -> OMap k v -> OMap k v
filter f (OMap tvs kvs) = OMap (M.filterWithKey (\k (t, v) -> f k v) tvs)
                               (M.filterWithKey (\t (k, v) -> f k v) kvs)

delete :: Ord k => k -> OMap k v -> OMap k v
delete k o@(OMap tvs kvs) = case M.lookup k tvs of
	Nothing     -> o
	Just (t, _) -> OMap (M.delete k tvs) (M.delete t kvs)

findIndex :: Ord k => k -> OMap k v -> Maybe Index
findIndex k o@(OMap tvs kvs) = do
	(t, _) <- M.lookup k tvs
	M.lookupIndex t kvs

elemAt :: OMap k v -> Index -> Maybe (k, v)
elemAt o@(OMap tvs kvs) i = do
	guard (0 <= i && i < M.size kvs)
	return . snd $ M.elemAt i kvs

-- | Return key-value pairs in the order they were inserted.
assocs :: OMap k v -> [(k, v)]
assocs (OMap _ kvs) = map snd $ M.toAscList kvs

-- | Return key-value pairs in order of increasing key.
toAscList :: OMap k v -> [(k, v)]
toAscList (OMap tvs kvs) = map (\(k, (t, v)) -> (k, v)) $ M.toAscList tvs