module Opentype.Fileformat.Cmap where import Opentype.Fileformat.Types import Data.Binary import Data.Binary.Put import Data.List (sort, mapAccumL, foldl') import Data.Either (either) import Control.Monad import Data.Traversable (for) import Data.Foldable (for_, traverse_) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as Lazy import qualified Data.ByteString as Strict import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.IntSet as IS import Data.Maybe import Data.Bits import Data.Int -- import Hexdump -- for debugging -- | This table defines the mapping of character codes to the glyph -- index values used in the font. It may contain more than one -- subtable, in order to support more than one character encoding -- scheme. Character codes that do not correspond to any glyph in the -- font should be mapped to glyph index 0. The glyph at this location -- must be a special glyph representing a missing character, commonly -- known as .notdef. -- -- The table header indicates the character encodings for which -- subtables are present. Each subtable is in one of seven possible -- formats and begins with a format code indicating the format -- used. -- -- The `platformID` and platform-specific `encodingID` in the header -- entry (and, in the case of the Macintosh platform, the `macLanguage` -- field in the subtable itself) are used to specify a particular -- cmap encoding. Each platform ID, platform-specific encoding ID, -- and subtable `macLanguage` combination may appear only once in the -- `CmapTable`. -- -- When `platformID` is `UnicodePlatform`, `encodingID` is interpreted as follows: -- -- * 0: Default semantics -- * 1: Version 1.1 semantics -- * 2: ISO 10646 1993 semantics (deprecated) -- * 3: Unicode 2.0 or later semantics (BMP only) -- * 4: Unicode 2.0 or later semantics (non-BMP characters allowed) -- * 5: Unicode Variation Sequences -- * 6: Full Unicode coverage (used with type 13.0 cmaps by OpenType) -- -- When `platformID` `MacintoshPlatform`, the `encodingID` is a QuickDraw script code. -- -- Note that the use of the Macintosh platformID is currently -- discouraged. Subtables with a Macintosh platformID are only -- required for backwards compatibility with QuickDraw and will be -- synthesized from Unicode-based subtables if ever needed. -- -- When `platformID` is `MicrosoftPlatform`, the `encodingID` is a is interpreted as follows: -- -- * 0: Symbol -- * 1: Unicode BMP-only (UCS-2) -- * 2: Shift-JIS -- * 3: PRC -- * 4: BigFive -- * 5: Johab -- * 10: Unicode UCS-4 data CmapTable = CmapTable [CMap] deriving Show data CMap = CMap { cmapPlatform :: PlatformID, cmapEncoding :: Word16, -- | used only in the Macintosh platformID (/DEPRECATED/) cmapLanguage :: Word16, -- | internal format of the map mapFormat :: MapFormat, -- | set contains high byte\/word if part of multibyte\/word -- character. multiByte :: IS.IntSet, -- | map from character code to glyph index glyphMap :: WordMap GlyphID } deriving Show instance Ord CMap where compare (CMap pfID encID lang _ _ _) (CMap pfID2 encID2 lang2 _ _ _) = compare (pfID, encID, lang) (pfID2, encID2, lang2) instance Eq CMap where (CMap pfID encID lang _ _ _) == (CMap pfID2 encID2 lang2 _ _ _) = (pfID, encID, lang) == (pfID2, encID2, lang2) data MapFormat = -- | 8 bit encoding, contiguous block of bytes. /LEGACY ONLY./ MapFormat0 | -- | mixed 8\/16 bit encoding with gaps. /LEGACY ONLY./ MapFormat2 | -- | 16 bit encoding with holes. This should contain the BMP for a -- unicode font. MapFormat4 | -- | 16 bit single contiguous block (trimmed). MapFormat6 | -- | mixed 16\/32 bit, for compatibility only, /DO NOT USE/ MapFormat8 | -- | 32 bit single contiguous block (trimmed), for compatibility -- only, /DO NOT USE/ MapFormat10 | -- | 32 bit segmented coverage. This should contain Unicode -- encodings with glyphs above 0xFFFF. It's recommended to save a -- subset to format 4, for backwards compatibility. MapFormat12 deriving Show putCmapTable :: CmapTable -> Put putCmapTable (CmapTable cmaps_) = do putWord16be 0 putWord16be $ fromIntegral $ length cmaps for_ (zip offsets cmaps) $ \(offset, CMap pfID encID _ _ _ _) -> do putPf pfID putWord16be encID putWord32be offset traverse_ putLazyByteString cmapsBs where cmaps = sort cmaps_ offsets :: [Word32] offsets = scanl (+) (fromIntegral $ 4 + 8 * length cmaps) $ map (fromIntegral . Lazy.length) cmapsBs cmapsBs = map (runPut.putCmap) cmaps readCmapTable :: Strict.ByteString -> Either String CmapTable readCmapTable bs = do version <- index16 bs 0 when (version /= 0) $ fail "unsupported cmap version." n <- index16 bs 1 entries <- for [0..n-1] $ \i -> do pfID <- toPf =<< (index16 bs $ 2 + i*4) encID <- index16 bs $ 2 + i*4 + 1 offset <- index32 bs $ 2 + fromIntegral i*2 return (offset, pfID, encID) cmaps <- for entries $ \(offset, pfID, encID) -> do cm <- readCmap $ Strict.drop (fromIntegral offset) bs Right $ cm {cmapPlatform = pfID, cmapEncoding = encID} return $ CmapTable cmaps putCmap :: CMap -> Put putCmap cmap = case mapFormat cmap of MapFormat0 -> putMap0 cmap MapFormat2 -> putMap2 cmap -- 16 bit encoding with holes MapFormat4 -> putMap4 cmap -- trimmed 16 bit mapping. MapFormat6 -> putMap6 cmap -- mixed 16/32 bit encoding (/DEPRECATED/) MapFormat8 -> putMap8 cmap MapFormat10 -> putMap10 cmap -- 32 bit segmented coverage MapFormat12 -> putMap12 cmap readCmap :: Strict.ByteString -> Either String CMap readCmap bs_ = do c <- index16 bs_ 0 let bs | (c >= 8 && c < 14) = Strict.drop 8 bs_ | otherwise = Strict.drop 4 bs_ either fail return $ case c of 0 -> getMap0 bs 2 -> getMap2 bs 4 -> getMap4 bs 6 -> getMap6 bs 8 -> getMap8 bs 10 -> getMap10 bs 12 -> getMap12 bs i -> fail $ "unsupported map encoding " ++ show i subIntMap :: Word32 -> Word32 -> WordMap GlyphID -> WordMap GlyphID subIntMap from to intMap = fst $ M.split (fromIntegral to+1) $ snd $ M.split (fromIntegral from-1) intMap asSubtypeFrom :: b -> [(a, b)] -> b asSubtypeFrom a _ = a -- Put codes in range, and use zero glyph when no code is found. putCodes :: Word32 -> Word32 -> [(Word32, GlyphID)] -> Put putCodes start end _ | start > end = return () putCodes start end [] = do putWord16be 0 putCodes (start+1) end [] putCodes start end l@((i, code):rest) | start < i = do putWord16be 0 putCodes (start+1) end l | otherwise = do putWord16be code putCodes (i+1) end rest -- write subcodes as range, with zero glyph for missing codes. subCodes :: WordMap GlyphID -> Word32 -> Word32 -> Put subCodes set start end = putCodes start end $ M.toList $ subIntMap start end set data SubTable2 = SubTable2 { highByte :: Word16, firstCode :: Word16, entryCount :: Word16, rangeOffset :: Word16, rangeBytes :: Put } putMap0 :: CMap -> PutM () putMap0 cmap = do putWord16be 0 putWord16be 262 putWord16be $ cmapLanguage cmap let gm = glyphMap cmap for_ [0..255] $ \c -> putWord8 $ fromIntegral $ fromMaybe 0 (M.lookup c gm) getMap0 :: Strict.ByteString -> Either String CMap getMap0 bs = if Strict.length bs < 258 then Left "invalid map format 0" else do lang <- index16 bs 0 let gmap = M.fromAscList $ filter ((/= 0).snd) $ (flip map) [0..255] $ \c -> (fromIntegral c, fromIntegral $ Strict.index bs (c+2)) Right $ CMap UnicodePlatform 0 lang MapFormat0 IS.empty gmap putMap2 :: CMap -> PutM () putMap2 cmap = do putWord16be 2 putWord16be size putWord16be (cmapLanguage cmap) putCodes 0 255 $ zip (map (fromIntegral.highByte) subTableCodes) [1::Word16 ..] for_ subTables $ \(SubTable2 _ fc ec ro _) -> do putWord16be fc putWord16be ec putWord16be 0 putWord16be ro for_ subTables rangeBytes where highBytes :: [Int] highBytes = IS.toList $ fst $ IS.split 255 (multiByte cmap) subTableCodes = filter ((/= 0) . entryCount) $ flip map highBytes $ \hb -> let subMap = subIntMap (fromIntegral hb `shift` 8) (fromIntegral hb `shift` 8 .|. 0xff) $ glyphMap cmap (fstCode, lstCode) | M.null subMap = (0, -1) | otherwise = (fst $ M.findMin subMap, fst $ M.findMax subMap) ec = lstCode - fstCode + 1 rb = subCodes subMap fstCode lstCode in SubTable2 (fromIntegral hb) (fromIntegral fstCode) (fromIntegral ec) 0 rb where subTables = scanl calcOffset firstTable subTableCodes firstTable = SubTable2 0 0 256 (fromIntegral $ length subTableCodes * 8 + 2) $ subCodes (glyphMap cmap) 0 255 size :: Word16 size = 518 + 8 * (fromIntegral $ length subTables) + 2 * sum (map entryCount subTables) calcOffset prev st = st { rangeOffset = rangeOffset prev - 8 + 2*entryCount prev } getMap2 :: Strict.ByteString -> Either String CMap getMap2 bs = do lang <- index16 bs 0 highBytes <- do l <- traverse (index16 bs) [1..256] Right $ map fst $ filter ((/=0).snd) $ zip [0::Int ..255] l l <- for [0::Word16 .. fromIntegral $ length highBytes] $ \i -> do fstCode <- index16 bs (fromIntegral $ 257 + i*4) cnt <- index16 bs (fromIntegral $ 257 + i*4 + 1) delta <- index16 bs (fromIntegral $ 257 + i*4 + 2) ro <- index16 bs (fromIntegral $ 257 + i*4 + 3) for [0 .. fromIntegral cnt-1] $ \entry -> do p <- index16 bs (fromIntegral $ 257 + i*4 + 3 + ro `quot` 2 + entry) Right (fromIntegral $ fstCode + entry, if p == 0 then 0 else p + delta) let im = M.fromAscList $ filter ((/= 0).snd) $ concat l is = IS.fromAscList $ map fromIntegral highBytes Right $ CMap UnicodePlatform 0 lang MapFormat2 is im data Segment4 = RangeSegment Word16 Word16 Word16 | CodeSegment Word16 Word16 [Word16] deriving Show findRange :: Word32 -> Int64 -> [(Word32, Word16)] -> (Word32, [(Word32, Word16)]) findRange nextI _ [] = (nextI-1, []) findRange nextI offset l@((i,c):r) | i == nextI && c == fromIntegral (fromIntegral nextI+offset) = findRange (nextI+1) offset r | otherwise = (nextI-1, l) findCodes :: Word32 -> [(Word32, Word16)] -> ([GlyphID], [(Word32, Word16)]) findCodes _ [] = ([], []) findCodes prevI l@((i,c):r) -- maximum gap is 4 | i - prevI > 4 = ([], l) | otherwise = (replicate (fromIntegral $ i-prevI-1) 0 ++ c:c2, r2) where (c2, r2) = findCodes i r getSegments :: [(Word32, Word16)] -> [Segment4] getSegments [] = [RangeSegment 0xffff 1 0] getSegments l@((start, c):_) | fromIntegral end - start >= 4 || lc <= end-start+1 = RangeSegment (fromIntegral start) (fromIntegral end-fromIntegral start+1) c : getSegments r | otherwise = CodeSegment (fromIntegral start) (fromIntegral lc) codes : getSegments r2 where lc = fromIntegral $ length codes (end, r) = findRange start (fromIntegral c - fromIntegral start) l (codes, r2) = findCodes (start-1) l data Segment4layout = Segment4layout { s4endCode :: Word16, s4startCode :: Word16, s4idDelta :: Word16, s4idRangeOffset :: Word16, s4glyphIndex :: [GlyphID] } deriving Show putMap4 :: CMap -> PutM () putMap4 cmap = do putWord16be 4 putWord16be size putWord16be (cmapLanguage cmap) putWord16be (segCount*2) putWord16be searchRange putWord16be entrySelector putWord16be $ 2*segCount - searchRange traverse_ (put.s4endCode) layout putWord16be 0 traverse_ (put.s4startCode) layout traverse_ (put.s4idDelta) layout traverse_ (put.s4idRangeOffset) layout traverse_ (traverse_ put.s4glyphIndex) layout where size, segCount, searchRange, entrySelector :: Word16 entrySelector = iLog2 segCount searchRange = 1 `shift` (fromIntegral $ entrySelector+1) segments = getSegments $ M.toList $ glyphMap cmap (codeSize, layout) = mapAccumL foldLayout (segCount*2) segments foldLayout offset (RangeSegment start len code) = (offset-2, Segment4layout (fromIntegral $ start+len-1) (fromIntegral start) (code-(fromIntegral start)) 0 []) foldLayout offset (CodeSegment start len codes) = (offset+fromIntegral len*2-2, Segment4layout (fromIntegral $ start+len-1) (fromIntegral start) 0 offset codes) size = 8*segCount + codeSize + 16 segCount = fromIntegral $ length segments getMap4 :: Strict.ByteString -> Either String CMap getMap4 bs = do lang <- index16 bs 0 segCount <- (`quot` 2) <$> index16 bs 1 gmap <- fmap (M.fromAscList . filter ((/= 0).snd) . concat ) $ for [0::Word16 .. segCount-2] $ \i -> do idDelta <- index16 bs (i + 6 + segCount*2) endCode <- index16 bs (i + 5) startCode <- index16 bs (i + 6 + segCount) idRangeOffset <- index16 bs (i + 6 + segCount*3) if idRangeOffset == 0 then Right [(fromIntegral c, c+idDelta) | c <- [startCode .. endCode]] else for [0..endCode-startCode] $ \j -> do glyph <- index16 bs (fromIntegral $ i + 6 + segCount*3 + idRangeOffset`div`2 + j) Right (fromIntegral $ startCode + j, glyph) Right $ CMap UnicodePlatform 0 lang MapFormat4 IS.empty gmap putMap6 :: CMap -> PutM () putMap6 cmap = do putWord16be 6 putWord16be size putWord16be (cmapLanguage cmap) putWord16be fCode putWord16be eCount subCodes (glyphMap cmap) (fromIntegral fCode) (fromIntegral lastCode) where size, eCount, fCode, lastCode :: Word16 size = eCount*2 + 10 eCount = lastCode - fCode + 1 fCode = fromIntegral $ min (fromIntegral (maxBound :: Word16)::Word32) $ fst $ M.findMin (glyphMap cmap) lastCode = fromIntegral $ min (fromIntegral (maxBound :: Word16)::Word32) $ fst $ M.findMax (glyphMap cmap) getMap6 :: Strict.ByteString -> Either String CMap getMap6 bs = do lang <- index16 bs 0 fCode <- index16 bs 1 eCount <- index16 bs 2 gmap <- fmap (M.fromAscList . filter ((/= 0).snd)) $ for [0..eCount-1] $ \i -> do g <- index16 bs (i+3) Right (fromIntegral $ i + fCode, g) Right $ CMap UnicodePlatform 0 lang MapFormat6 IS.empty gmap putPacked :: Int -> [Int] -> Put putPacked start highBytes | start >= 8192 = return () | otherwise = do putWord8 $ foldl' (.|.) 0 $ map ((shift 1) . (.&. 7)) bytes putPacked (start+1) rest where (bytes, rest) = span (\b -> b >= (start*8) && b < (start+1)*8) highBytes readPacked :: Strict.ByteString -> [Int] readPacked bs = [i .|. b `shift` 3 | (a, b) <- zip (Strict.unpack bs) [0..8191], i <- [0..7], a .&. (1 `shift` i) /= 0 ] findRanges :: [(Word32, GlyphID)] -> [(Word32, Word32, GlyphID)] findRanges [] = [] findRanges l@((i,c):_) = (i, i2, c) : findRanges next where (i2, next) = findRange i (fromIntegral c-fromIntegral i) l putMap8 :: CMap -> PutM () putMap8 cmap = do putWord16be 8 putWord16be 0 putWord32be $ fromIntegral size putWord32be (fromIntegral $ cmapLanguage cmap) putPacked 0 highBytes putWord32be $ fromIntegral nGroups for_ ranges $ \(start, end, code) -> do putWord32be $ fromIntegral start putWord32be $ fromIntegral end putWord32be $ fromIntegral code where size = nGroups * 12 + 8208 highBytes = IS.toList $ multiByte cmap ranges = findRanges $ M.toList $ glyphMap cmap nGroups = length ranges getMap8 :: Strict.ByteString -> Either String CMap getMap8 bs = do _ <- index16 bs 0 lang <- index16 bs 1 let is = IS.fromAscList $ readPacked (Strict.drop 4 bs) nGroups <- index32 bs 2049 gmap <- fmap (M.fromAscList . concat) $ for [0..nGroups-1] $ \i -> do start <- index32 bs (i*3 + 2050) end <- index32 bs (i*3 + 2051) glyph <- index32 bs (i*3 + 2052) return [(fromIntegral c, fromIntegral $ glyph+c-start) | c <- [start .. end]] Right $ CMap UnicodePlatform 0 lang MapFormat8 is gmap getMap10 :: Strict.ByteString -> Either String CMap getMap10 bs = do lang <- index32 bs 0 fCode <- index32 bs 1 eCount <- index32 bs 2 gmap <- fmap (M.fromAscList . filter ((/= 0).snd)) $ for [0..eCount-1] $ \i -> do g <- index16 bs (fromIntegral i+6) Right (fromIntegral $ i + fCode, g) Right $ CMap UnicodePlatform 0 (fromIntegral lang) MapFormat6 IS.empty gmap putMap10 :: CMap -> Put putMap10 cmap = do putWord16be 10 putWord16be 0 putWord32be size putWord32be $ fromIntegral $ cmapLanguage cmap putWord32be fCode putWord32be eCount subCodes (glyphMap cmap) (fromIntegral fCode) (fromIntegral lastCode) where size, eCount, fCode, lastCode :: Word32 size = eCount*2 + 20 eCount = lastCode - fCode + 1 fCode = fromIntegral $ fst $ M.findMin $ glyphMap cmap lastCode = fromIntegral $ fst $ M.findMax $ glyphMap cmap putMap12 :: CMap -> PutM () putMap12 cmap = do putWord16be 12 putWord16be 0 putWord32be $ fromIntegral size putWord32be (fromIntegral $ cmapLanguage cmap) putWord32be $ fromIntegral nGroups for_ ranges $ \(start, end, code) -> do putWord32be $ fromIntegral start putWord32be $ fromIntegral end putWord32be $ fromIntegral code where size = nGroups * 12 + 16 ranges = findRanges $ M.toList $ glyphMap cmap nGroups = length ranges getMap12 :: Strict.ByteString -> Either String CMap getMap12 bs = do _ <- index16 bs 0 lang <- index16 bs 1 nGroups <- index32 bs 1 gmap <- fmap (M.fromAscList . concat) $ for [0..nGroups-1] $ \i -> do start <- index32 bs (i*3 + 2) end <- index32 bs (i*3 + 3) glyph <- index32 bs (i*3 + 4) return [(fromIntegral c, fromIntegral $ glyph+c-start) | c <- [start .. end]] Right $ CMap UnicodePlatform 0 lang MapFormat8 IS.empty gmap