{-| Module: OpenTracing.Propagation Types and functions for serializing and deserializing `SpanContext`s across process boundaries. One of the big motiviating use cases for propagation is for tracing distributed executions through RPC calls. -} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} module OpenTracing.Propagation ( TextMap , Headers -- , Binary , Propagation , HasPropagation(..) , Carrier(..) , HasCarrier , HasCarriers , carrier , inject , extract , otPropagation , b3Propagation , _OTTextMap , _OTHeaders , _B3TextMap , _B3Headers , _HeadersTextMap -- * Re-exports from 'Data.Vinyl' , Rec ((:&), RNil) , rappend, (<+>) , rcast ) where import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import Control.Lens import Data.Bool (bool) import Data.ByteString.Builder (toLazyByteString) import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap import Data.Maybe (catMaybes) import Data.Proxy import Data.Text (Text, isPrefixOf, toLower) import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8, encodeUtf8) import qualified Data.Text.Read as Text import Data.Vinyl import Data.Word import Network.HTTP.Types (Header) import OpenTracing.Span import OpenTracing.Types import URI.ByteString (urlDecodeQuery, urlEncodeQuery) type TextMap = HashMap Text Text type Headers = [Header] --type Binary = Lazy.ByteString -- | A `Propagation` contains the different ways that a `SpanContext` can be -- serialized and deserialized. For example @Propagation '[TextMap, Headers]@ indicates -- support for serializing to `Header` or to `TextMap`. -- -- @since type Propagation carriers = Rec Carrier carriers -- | A typeclass for application environments that contain a `Propagation`. -- -- @since class HasPropagation a p | a -> p where propagation :: Getting r a (Propagation p) instance HasPropagation (Propagation p) p where propagation = id -- | `Carrier a` is a way to convert a `SpanContext` into or from an `a`. -- -- @since newtype Carrier a = Carrier { fromCarrier :: Prism' a SpanContext } type HasCarrier c cs = c ∈ cs type HasCarriers cs ds = cs ⊆ ds -- | Retrieve a (de)serialization lens from the application context for -- format @c@. -- -- @since carrier :: ( HasCarrier c cs , HasPropagation r cs ) => proxy c -- ^ Proxy for the carrier type @c@. -> r -- ^ The application context -> Prism' c SpanContext carrier _c r = fromCarrier $ view (propagation . rlens) r -- | Serialize a `SpanContext` into the format `c` using a serializer from -- the application context. -- -- @since inject :: forall c r p. ( HasCarrier c p , HasPropagation r p ) => r -> SpanContext -> c inject r = review (carrier (Proxy @c) r) -- | Attempt to deserialize a `SpanContext` from the format @c@ using a deserializer -- from the application context -- -- @since extract :: forall c r p. ( HasCarrier c p , HasPropagation r p ) => r -> c -> Maybe SpanContext extract r = preview (carrier (Proxy @c) r) -- | A propagation using an "ot" prefix. -- No parent span id is propagated in OT. otPropagation :: Propagation '[TextMap, Headers] otPropagation = Carrier _OTTextMap :& Carrier _OTHeaders :& RNil -- | A propagation using an "x-b3" prefix for use with Zipkin. b3Propagation :: Propagation '[TextMap, Headers] b3Propagation = Carrier _B3TextMap :& Carrier _B3Headers :& RNil _OTTextMap :: Prism' TextMap SpanContext _OTTextMap = prism' fromCtx toCtx where fromCtx c@SpanContext{..} = HashMap.fromList $ ("ot-tracer-traceid", view hexText ctxTraceID) : ("ot-tracer-spanid" , view hexText ctxSpanID) : ("ot-tracer-sampled", view (ctxSampled . re _OTSampled) c) : map (over _1 ("ot-baggage-" <>)) (HashMap.toList _ctxBaggage) toCtx m = SpanContext <$> (HashMap.lookup "ot-tracer-traceid" m >>= preview _Hex . knownHex) <*> (HashMap.lookup "ot-tracer-spanid" m >>= preview _Hex . knownHex) <*> pure Nothing -- nb. parent is not propagated in OT <*> (HashMap.lookup "ot-tracer-sampled" m >>= preview _OTSampled) <*> pure (HashMap.filterWithKey (\k _ -> "ot-baggage-" `isPrefixOf` k) m) _OTHeaders :: Prism' Headers SpanContext _OTHeaders = _HeadersTextMap . _OTTextMap _OTSampled :: Prism' Text Sampled _OTSampled = prism' enc dec where enc = \case Sampled -> "1" _ -> "0" dec = either (const Nothing) id . fmap (\(x,_) -> Just $ if x == (1 :: Word8) then Sampled else NotSampled) . Text.decimal _B3TextMap :: Prism' TextMap SpanContext _B3TextMap = prism' fromCtx toCtx where fromCtx ctx@SpanContext{..} = HashMap.fromList . catMaybes $ Just ("x-b3-traceid", view hexText ctxTraceID) : Just ("x-b3-spanid" , view hexText ctxSpanID) : fmap (("x-b3-parentspanid",) . view hexText) ctxParentSpanID : Just ("x-b3-sampled", bool "false" "true" $ view (ctxSampled . re _IsSampled) ctx) : map (Just . over _1 ("ot-baggage-" <>)) (HashMap.toList _ctxBaggage) toCtx m = SpanContext <$> (HashMap.lookup "x-b3-traceid" m >>= preview _Hex . knownHex) <*> (HashMap.lookup "x-b3-spanid" m >>= preview _Hex . knownHex) <*> (Just $ HashMap.lookup "x-b3-parentspanid" m >>= preview _Hex . knownHex) <*> (b3Sampled m <|> b3Debug m <|> Just NotSampled) <*> pure (HashMap.filterWithKey (\k _ -> "ot-baggage-" `isPrefixOf` k) m) b3Sampled m = HashMap.lookup "x-b3-sampled" m >>= \case "true" -> Just Sampled _ -> Nothing b3Debug m = HashMap.lookup "x-b3-flags" m >>= \case "1" -> Just Sampled _ -> Nothing _B3Headers :: Prism' Headers SpanContext _B3Headers = _HeadersTextMap . _B3TextMap -- | Convert between a 'TextMap' and 'Headers' -- -- Header field values are URL-encoded when converting from 'TextMap' to -- 'Headers', and URL-decoded when converting the other way. -- -- Note: validity of header fields is not checked (RFC 7230, 3.2.4) _HeadersTextMap :: Iso' Headers TextMap _HeadersTextMap = iso toTextMap toHeaders where toHeaders = map (bimap (CI.mk . encodeUtf8) (view strict . toLazyByteString . urlEncodeQuery . encodeUtf8)) . HashMap.toList toTextMap = HashMap.fromList . map (bimap (toLower . decodeUtf8 . CI.original) (decodeUtf8 . urlDecodeQuery))