{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass, DeriveGeneric, FlexibleContexts, OverloadedStrings #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Graphics.OpenEXR
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2017 Pavol Klacansky
-- License     :  GPL-3
-- Maintainer  :  pavol@klacansky.com
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- Library for writting OpenEXR images which support high dynamic range. These
-- images are common in computer graphics, especially ray tracing, and can be
-- used to delay quantization to the post-processing stage.
-- An example of writting 1x1 ZIP compressed image consisting of a red pixel.
-- > module Main where
-- >
-- > import qualified Data.Vector      as V
-- > import qualified Graphics.OpenEXR as EXR
-- >
-- >
-- > main :: IO ()
-- > main = do
-- >         let image = EXR.ImageRGBF 1 1 (V.fromList [EXR.PixelRGBF 1.0 0.0 0.0])
-- >         EXR.writeFile "image.exr" image EXR.ZipCompression

module Graphics.OpenEXR
        ( Image(..)
        , PixelRGBF(..)
        , CompressionType(..)
        , writeFile
        ) where 

import           Prelude                hiding (writeFile)

import           Codec.Compression.Zlib (compress)
import           Control.DeepSeq        (NFData)
import           Data.Binary            (Binary, get, put)
import           Data.Binary.IEEE754    (putFloat32le)
import           Data.Binary.Put        (Put, putLazyByteString, putWord8, putWord32le, putWord64le, runPut)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy   as BL
import           Data.List.Split        (chunksOf)
import qualified Data.Vector            as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Split      as V -- TODO: implement internally (trivial) to reduce dependency if we want this module as separate package
import           Data.Word              (Word8, Word32)
import           GHC.Generics           (Generic)

data Image = ImageRGBF
        { imageWidth  :: !Int
        , imageHeight :: !Int
        , imageData   :: V.Vector PixelRGBF  -- ^ Stored in row-major layout
        } deriving (Generic, NFData, Show)

data PixelRGBF = PixelRGBF !Float !Float !Float
        deriving (Generic, NFData, Show)

data CompressionType = NoCompression    -- ^ No compression applied
                     | ZipsCompression  -- ^ DEFLATE lossless compression applied per scanline
                     | ZipCompression   -- ^ DEFLATE lossless compression applied per 16 scanlines

data Attribute = Attribute BL.ByteString AttributeType

data AttributeType = Box2i (Word32, Word32, Word32, Word32)
                   | Chlist [Channel]
                   | Compression CompressionType
                   | Float Float
                   | LineOrder LineOrderType
                   | V2f (Float, Float)

data Channel = Channel
        { name      :: BL.ByteString
        , pixelType :: PixelType
        , pLinear   :: Word8
        , reserved  :: (Word8, Word8, Word8)
        , xSampling :: Word32
        , ySampling :: Word32

data PixelType = PixelUint | PixelHalf | PixelFloat
        deriving Enum

data LineOrderType = IncreasingY | DecreasingY | RandomY
        deriving Enum

instance Binary Attribute where
        get = undefined
        put (Attribute n t) = putLazyByteString (BL.snoc n 0) >> put t

instance Binary AttributeType where
        get = undefined
        put a@(Box2i (x, y, z, w)) = putLazyByteString "box2i\0" >> putWord32le (attrSize a) >> putWord32le x >> putWord32le y >> putWord32le z >> putWord32le w
        put a@(Chlist xs) = putLazyByteString "chlist\0" >> putWord32le (attrSize a) >> mapM_ put xs >> put '\0'
        put a@(Compression x) = putLazyByteString "compression\0" >> putWord32le (attrSize a) >> put x
        put a@(Float x) = putLazyByteString "float\0" >> putWord32le (attrSize a) >> putFloat32le x
        put a@(LineOrder x) = putLazyByteString "lineOrder\0" >> putWord32le (attrSize a) >> put x
        put a@(V2f (x, y)) = putLazyByteString "v2f\0" >> putWord32le (attrSize a) >> putFloat32le x >> putFloat32le y

instance Binary Channel where
        get = undefined
        put x = do
                putLazyByteString (BL.snoc (name x) 0)
                put (pixelType x)
                put (pLinear x)
                put (reserved x)
                putWord32le (xSampling x)
                putWord32le (ySampling x)

instance Binary PixelType where
        get = undefined
        put = putWord32le . fromIntegral . fromEnum

instance Enum CompressionType where
        fromEnum NoCompression   = 0
        fromEnum ZipsCompression = 2
        fromEnum ZipCompression  = 3
        toEnum _ = undefined

instance Binary CompressionType where
        get = undefined
        put = putWord8 . fromIntegral . fromEnum

instance Binary LineOrderType where
        get = undefined
        put = putWord8 . fromIntegral . fromEnum

-- | Write an 'Image' using a 'CompressionType' to an OpenEXR formatted file
writeFile :: FilePath -> Image -> CompressionType -> IO ()
writeFile filepath img compression = BL.writeFile filepath (header `BL.append` offTable `BL.append` (BL.concat cs))
        where header = runPut (magicNumber >> versionField >> mapM_ put attributes >> put '\0')
              offTable = runPut (offsetTable (fromIntegral $ BL.length header) ((fromIntegral . BL.length) <$> cs))
              cs = runPut <$> chunks img compression
              attributes = [ Attribute "channels" channels
                           , Attribute "compression" (Compression compression)
                           , Attribute "dataWindow" (Box2i (0, 0, w, h))
                           , Attribute "displayWindow" (Box2i (0, 0, w, h))
                           , Attribute "lineOrder" (LineOrder IncreasingY)
                           , Attribute "pixelAspectRatio" (Float 1)
                           , Attribute "screenWindowCenter" (V2f (0, 0))
                           , Attribute "screenWindowWidth" (Float 1)]
              channels = Chlist [ Channel "B" PixelFloat 0 (0, 0, 0) 1 1
                                , Channel "G" PixelFloat 0 (0, 0, 0) 1 1
                                , Channel "R" PixelFloat 0 (0, 0, 0) 1 1
              w = fromIntegral (imageWidth img) - 1
              h = fromIntegral (imageHeight img) - 1

attrSize :: AttributeType -> Word32
attrSize (Box2i _) = 16
attrSize (Chlist xs) = fromIntegral ((sum . map (\x -> (BL.length . name $ x) + 1 + 4 + 1 + 3 + 4 + 4) $ xs) + 1)
attrSize (Compression _) = 1
attrSize (Float _) = 4
attrSize (LineOrder _) = 1
attrSize (V2f _) = 8

magicNumber :: Put
magicNumber = mapM_ putWord8 [0x76, 0x2F, 0x31, 0x01]

versionField :: Put
versionField = mapM_ putWord8 [0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]

-- TODO: use some generic version of length
-- TODO: partial function (init)
offsetTable :: Integral a => a -> [a] -> Put
offsetTable offset chunksLengths = mapM_ (\x -> putWord64le (fromIntegral (offset + 8*nChunks + x))) . scanl (+) 0 . init $ chunksLengths
        where nChunks = fromIntegral $ length chunksLengths

scanlinesPerChunk :: Num a => CompressionType -> a
scanlinesPerChunk ZipCompression = 16
scanlinesPerChunk _ = 1

transform :: CompressionType -> (BL.ByteString -> BL.ByteString)
transform ZipsCompression = compress . preZip
transform ZipCompression = compress . preZip
transform _ = id

chunks :: Image -> CompressionType -> [Put]
chunks (ImageRGBF width height px) c = uncurry f <$> zip [0,yStride..] (chunksOf yStride cs)
        where cs = V.chunksOf width px
              yStride = scanlinesPerChunk c
              f y xs = do
                let d = runPut . mapM_ scanline $ xs
                    transformed = transform c d
                    result = if BL.length d <= BL.length transformed then d else transformed
                putWord32le (fromIntegral y)
                putWord32le (fromIntegral (BL.length result))
                putLazyByteString result

scanline :: V.Vector PixelRGBF -> Put
scanline xs = do
        mapM_ (\(PixelRGBF _ _ b) -> putFloat32le b) xs
        mapM_ (\(PixelRGBF _ g _) -> putFloat32le g) xs
        mapM_ (\(PixelRGBF r _ _) -> putFloat32le r) xs

-- TODO: potentially optimize by not creating the temporary copy and instead use strided access
-- TODO: converting to lists may be inefficient, but lazyness should take care of it
preZip :: BL.ByteString -> BL.ByteString
preZip d = BL.pack (x:zipWith predictor (x:xs ++ ys) (xs ++ ys))
        where (x:xs, ys) = deinterleave (BL.unpack d)
              predictor p x = fromIntegral x - fromIntegral p + (128 + 256)

deinterleave :: [a] -> ([a], [a])
deinterleave [x]      = ([x], [])
deinterleave [x,y]    = ([x], [y])
deinterleave (x:y:xs) = let (as, bs) = deinterleave xs in (x:as, y:bs)